
ABC Not to Air Apex Legends Coverage on ESPN2 Due to Mass Shootings in CA, Texas and Ohio

Famose247.com: ABC has delayed its ESPN2 coverage to one of the most popular video games known as Apex Legends because of the most recent mass shootings in California.

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1781d ago Replies(1)
Jin_Sakai1781d ago (Edited 1781d ago )

What’s wrong with these people? It’s just a video game. It’s fake and you’re killing digital characters.

People that kill others in real life are mentally ill.

End of story.

CaptainObvious8781781d ago

Ignorant, out of touch boomers in charge of the abc apparently.

Sono4211781d ago

How much you want to bet there will be countless TV stations and countless movie theaters all playing movies and shows with countless "killing" of actors.

bradfh1781d ago (Edited 1781d ago )

If video game was the problem more people will be killed in the world. Only USA has a problem with mentally ill people getting guns. Every State have different rules and weak federal laws that needs to change for better background checks.

Eidolon1781d ago (Edited 1781d ago )

:facepalm:. shootings and killings are happening all over the world

The idea they want to get across is that violent video games spark violence in adolescence, which can culminate into something like a shooting or other forms of violence(bombings, etc) later on.

It's complete bullshit, but don't assume it's only loose gun laws that are allowing shootings to happen.

KwietStorm_BLM1781d ago

I don't know what you classify as "mentally ill", but you don't have to have a mental problem to kill someone. Some are just bad people, some are in the military, some carry badges, and there's a lot of blurred lines in-between.

LostinthePANIC1781d ago

Agreed, if I'm not mistaken there have been quite a few studies that show that a lot of mass-shooters aren't actually mentally ill (even though some definitely are). Most are angry and uneducated, and Trump has created an presence and uses his platform that lets that fester and grow into something as horrible as these shootings. Then proceeds to blame entertainment media and video games. It's absolutely ridiculous.

StormLegend1781d ago

WTH this is so stupid, it's like taking down overwatch and borderlands. Like come on why would that provoke anyone to do a mass shooting?

Salooh1781d ago (Edited 1781d ago )

"Guns don't kill people"

"Games kill people"

Hypocrisy. If you use a gun you get a unique rush and unique feeling. A sick person will use that feeling to kill. Some would argue same with video games except video games only cause feelings, you can't use video games to shoot people.

Why don't they ban airing any president that support guns? Or if they insist on this premise that video games is triggering sick people, why don't these channels try to be consistent and try to ban both guns and games and stop polluting us with this flawed logic ?. 🧐

Salooh1781d ago

I'm gonna be a bit off topic , but related in my opinion.

You see, sometimes I don't understand, the goverments of the west claim to be the best nations but sometimes they don't seem to use logic, it is like when america government is blaming immigrants for the awful financial living of Americans, that is just stupid, most of america wealth go to these external wars that only benefit the 1% and the leaders. So all the extracted wealth is hidden and Americans are being milked just like how Saudi are being milked. So instead of facing this main issue, Americans decided to build a wall , Wth, where is logic ? You treated like slaves just like middle east because you stopped using logic..

CorndogBurglar1781d ago (Edited 1781d ago )

Maybe I'm not paying close enough attention but when have immigrants been blamed for "awful financial living of Americans"? I'm not even sure what that means. America doesn't have "awful financial living"....again, I'm not sure what that even means. Every city has a "bad" part of town I suppose, but that's not caused by immigrants lol. I would love to know where you are from that you think I America has awful living situations...

No one is blaming immigrants for anything. People are blaming ILLEGAL immigrants for crimes committed against actual citizens, among some other things. But the biggest reasoning is that people come over illegally and then commit crimes.

DaDrunkenJester1781d ago

This is where media has skewed a lot of people's perception of immigration. Americans have nothing against immigration if done legally and they go through the process. It's illegal immigration that we are trying to stop because these folks come across, leech off of our government programs, dont register for any sort of work Visa, they use fake Social Security Cards to get jobs and then dont pay taxes either.

Yes, I do agree we need to stop spending so much money policing the rest of the world and focus more on fixing our own corrupt institutions. We need to reinvest in the American people, which means our homeless brothers and sisters, veterans, and improving our terrible crimes ridden cities like Detroit, Baltimore, St. Louis etc.

Legal immigration = good
Illegal immigration = bad

We have been fighting this issue long before Trump was in office as well by the way.

Salooh1780d ago (Edited 1780d ago )

Here is an example of what i am saying. From what i see, the ban is not just about security.


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