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IRetrouk (2) - 1896d ago Cancel
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Heroes of Handheld 261: New Nintendo Switch Models & Wizard’s Unite Community Day

Colin and Chris talk about the week’s big handheld news.

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Community1896d ago

What to do in Harry Potter: Wizards Unite before it shuts down

Niantic announced that the enchanted passageway to Diagon alley will lose its powers on January 31. However, there is still some time before that happens and fans can still enjoy the upcoming events.

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Community1056d ago

Dr. Mario World Shutting Down in November

Dr. Mario World, one of Nintendo's online mobile games, is officially shutting down on November 1st of this year, just over two years since its release.

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Community1155d ago
FallenAngel19841155d ago

No more malpractice by baby doctors


2moda5gamer1155d ago

Looks like those vaccines have had some unintended side effects.

cammers19951155d ago

The only nintendo mobile game that is worth anything is Pokemon Go. The rest should just shut down.

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Community1548d ago
Zodiac1548d ago

They’re being dumb about it, that’s why. They really just need to dump the top ten best sellers on the GBA, upscale the resolution (or not, honestly) and they’d make a lot of money without really having to spend a whole lot themselves.

I’m sure it wouldn’t be impossible to rework some DS games to work as well. Rework Pokemon SS/HG for phones, sell it for 5-10 bucks and call it a day.

badz1491548d ago

5-10 bucks?? are you INSANE?? Nintendo will sell it at the very least, for 40 bucks.

knowing Nintendo.

King_Noctis1548d ago (Edited 1548d ago )

So why did they sell Super Mario Run for $10 on mobile? Or the Pokemon Crystal, Gold, and Silver which cost $10 individually on the 3DS?

ABizzel11548d ago

Aren't they releasing a Pokemon MOBA in just a bit. Does this mean Nintendo is not making the games, but allowing 3rd parties to use their IP's to make mobile games

kneon1548d ago (Edited 1548d ago )

Pokemon is a separate company, only partly owned by Nintendo.

And are you referring to Pokemon Quest? That's already out, I've tried it and it's even more lame than Pokemon Go, though I expect it will be a hit with the 6 year olds as it requires no skill at all, even less than Pokemon Go, and that's a pretty low bar.

Name Last Name1548d ago

He’s talking about the newly announced Pokemon Unite.

ABizzel11548d ago

@Name Last Name

Thank you, Pokemon Unite is what I was talking about they just had a Nintendo Direct about it, and it is coming to Switch and Mobile.

glennhkboy1548d ago

Nintendo is a hardware company thru & thru. The hardware game machines are their bread & butter, unlike Sony & MS. Going mobile means losing their control on hardware profit.

Acecalibur1548d ago

Good because they suck at it. That mario kart was a disgrace.

fsfsxii1548d ago

Mobile competition is stiff, they cant rely on their rip off tactics and profit on a platform they dont own. Stick to selling outdated hardware for premium.

CptDville1548d ago

Thats a good thing. Their mobile endeavour were quite bad.

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