
Sony is Going in a Surprising New Direction With the PlayStation 5

Sony is describing the PlayStation 5 as a niche product for hardcrore gamers, which is both an evolution of the PlayStation brand and a shift in messaging for the console manufacturer.

ApocalypseShadow1849d ago

It's not a shift in messaging. Sony is doubling down on core gamers that got them where they are now. Instead of chasing casuals like their competitors seem to care about again and again because they are looking for more profits from blind spenders that don't read the fine print.

Sticking with what they have done best and those who support that every generation is Sony's focus. Doesn't mean they won't prepare just in case the core consumers change their habits. But PlayStation sales each generation tells Sony that there is a base that care about a variety of quality games, fairly priced consoles for what you get and the value over time without paying extra cost.

Others are trying to change things to fit their agendas and using influencers to get there. Sony would rather be dragged as long as they can by digging their heels in the dirt. Hopefully they can hold out for as long as they can.

chiefJohn1171849d ago (Edited 1849d ago )

PS has always been a goto Console for casuals just as much if not more than core gamers in fact more casuals are on PS than Xbox. You have it very backwards. Core gamers have 0 problem buying dlc, special editions, subscriptions. Casuals not so much, there's a difference between core and hardcore btw and hardcore did not make ps what it is today anyone will tell you it was casuals and core not hardcore as like the article said very niche. They usually go the PC route nowadays anyway. I'm sure many like you preached about your MEGA PC a few times around here lol

Shikoku1849d ago

You seem to be confused and using terms in ways the industry doesn't.

ApocalypseShadow1849d ago

Sorry. I don't have a mega PC. Unless you count playing open bor fan made games, AM2R and old school emulators like MAME on PC, powerhouse games needing some expensive, super graphics card that I could use that money towards console games and VR.

You are so far from being right It's hilarious. Thanks for playing.

1848d ago
Army_of_Darkness1848d ago

There are casual gamers on both platforms, but it's the core PlayStation gamers that buy their consoles on a consistent basis... When the core ps gamers such as myself is happy with it, I'll recommend a Sony console to my non gaming friends and even gfs. That's how casuals usually end up buying a ps console. Word of mouth. If you think casuals purchase consoles more than the core gamers, then you are very mistaken because the ps4 would be selling Waaaaay more than what it is now 😉😁

1848d ago
fei-hung1848d ago

Playstation built its empire during the PS1 by bringing the most popular arcade games into the home. Games like Tekken, Street Fighter, Ridge Racer, Time Crisis, Soul Calibur and others.

These people were not casuals. Playing in the arcade was as hardcore as it can get. Playstation brought this home and made it easier to access for everyone.

The Wood1848d ago

Microsoft spent billions on minecraft bro . . . .they were begging for that casual revenue. . . .sea of thieves. . . . . Yeah. . . So for the hard core gamer

bouzebbal1848d ago

I think they are preparing something big. Reveal cost them nothing, but hype has been building up since. I think this is new ceo vision, savings and investing in the product itself.
Let's see how the press reveal will be, and how the marketing campaign is thought..

leejohnson2221848d ago

I think it maybe you who is backwards

sampsonon1848d ago

the value of having the hardcore gamers on board s that most casual gamers ask the hardcore gamer what console they should uy/ then the ball rolls and even more casuals buy the console because it's selling well and it's the centre of any gaming discussion.

when you have the hardcore gamer you own the market. and i am surprised MS doesn't understand that/

kingfortoday1848d ago

No youre spinning it. They have both MORE hardcore than xbox while having even more casuals. As in, huge ocean

jwillj2k41848d ago (Edited 1848d ago )

Only a casual would think halo/gears/forza/cod/madden/ price is right isn’t casual.

Realms1848d ago (Edited 1848d ago )

The Wii is the definition of a casual audience people that never played video games in their life bought one. Why do I bring this up because that isn't the same audience that the PS attracts. True the PS4 may have more casuals by the simple fact that they have more people but that doesn't mean their core audience is casual. Otherwise how is it that Bloodborne, Nioh, Persona 5, Yakuza do well on the platform. I don't know where you get the idea that the PS is the go to for casuals being that Nintendo released the ultimate casual console.

CoinOrc1848d ago

He is definitely confused. He has been confused throughout the whole generation. He can’t handle reality so he tries to substitute reality with his own deluded fantasy.

+ Show (11) more repliesLast reply 1848d ago
Yi-Long1849d ago

The good thing about Sony, is that they'll have stuff for the 'casual' market, but it's optional: You want VR? Cool, but it's optional. You want motion controllers? Cool, but it's optional.

Nobody is forcing you to buy any of that stuff. If it seems cool to you, say Wonderbook on PS3, or Astrobot in VR (PS4), you'll buy the xtra stuff and you'll enjoy it.

What Nintendo is doing, and what Microsoft was trying to do, was basically shoving it down your throat.

"Don't want motion-controls? Well, tough luck, but the console only comes with joycons and we've implemented those controls into these great games!"

Now, I don't mind motion controls when A; they're optional, and B: they actually ADD to the experience, but with some of Nintendo's best games, we've seen them implementing motion controls (or other gimmicks, like the 2nd screen), and they actually DETRACT from the experience. In more games more than others, and obviously every gamer reacts differently to these things, but many gamers expressed disappointment at games like Zelda Skyward Swords having awkward motion controls, an no way to play with just regular controls.

Microsoft was trying to shove the whole Kinect thing down everyone's throat, saying it was mandatory, XBO wouldn't be able to work properly without it, etc etc. Luckily, gamers clapped back in a massive way so Microsoft had to rethink that approach, but when you sacrifice core gaming needs in favor of forcing casual and gimmicky stuff down gamers' throat, it usually results on those gamers quickly turning their backs on you and your product.

Luckily, Microsoft is back on the right track again these past 2 years orso.

Sony have always just kept all that stuff optional. It's absolutely there if you feel you need it, but they don't force it on you, like Microsoft did, and Nintendo still does ...

WeAreLegion1849d ago

I agree with most of what you're saying, but VR isn't just for casual gamers. It's a pretty devoted and hardcore fanbase, so far. Well, outside of mobile.

Also, I still have the Wonderbook...

chiefJohn1171849d ago

Right as long as things are optional you can't do much harm. MS got back on track to what made Xbox and cut out the gimmicks.

Yi-Long1849d ago (Edited 1849d ago )


VR does really have that casual APPEAL though, which is kinda what we're talking about here.
Yes, of course there will be VR-games that will demand core-skills, and won't be suitable for casuals, but it's also something that brings in a new group of gamers, who are into 'gimmicks' and just the latest cool tech, and they might not be into Bloodborne and Gran Turismo, but they like swinging at neon blocks with a virtual sword. Games like Guitar Hero very much had a casual appeal, but obviously also appealed to core gamers when it actually came to the more difficult levels.

Personally, I see a whole lot of potential for VR, cause I feel it certainly ads to certain games/genres, and offers new possibilities, but I decided to sit it out this gen, but will jump in next-gen, when we have a bit more powerful hardware and probably improved VR-gear.

DillyDilly1849d ago

Some games do force motion controls with no options to turn them off such as Beyond Two Souls etc

PapaBop1848d ago

I think most importantly here is that not only is VR optional, unlike say Kinect, Sony aren't taking resources away from their core gaming stuff. Microsoft trying to force Kinect on people aside, the real kick in the teeth is that they were creating Kinect stuff at the expense of their core gamers. They wanted a slice of that Nintendo Wii pie and thought they were trading up in their fanbase.. fortunately the only pie they got from that endeavour was humble pie.

Imalwaysright1848d ago

Casual appeal? Putting a "helmet" on your head is not for the casual gamer. Getting used to the sickness VR may cause is not for the casual gamer. VR sales of all devices available show that VR is far from having casual appeal.

nitus101848d ago

The PS4 dual shock controller has motion control as well as a touchpad a speaker and if you wish you can plug in a stereo headphone with a microphone. All PS4's come with a mono headphone plus microphone which allows for voice recognition.

Granted the voice recognition for the PS4 was not as good as what the XBox1 Kinect could but it made for a console that was US$100 cheaper. Personally, I found that I could select a game so much faster from the menu rather than use voice (yes I have tried it). As an example, for me to select my last played game once the PS4 menu pops up is "Right", "Down", "X" and I can do that faster than I can speak the name of the game.

1848d ago
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1849d ago
DarXyde1848d ago

I disagree to a point. I think a big reason behind Playstation's success is that there's enough content for everyone from all strokes, including casual gamers. While we're talking about this, I would still like for someone to define hardcore gamer and casual gamer.

That aside, I err on the side of caution with all of this talk about "niche" and "hardcore". The last time Sony made it clear that a Playstation isn't going to be for everyone, they (Kutaragi) said people who really want one would be willing to work 2 jobs to afford it and it came out costing $499/$599 USD. I can live with $500 and expect it, but $600 is a bit much. I didn't get a PS3 until it was $400, actually and that was me waiting for it to be the cost of a traditional launch console. I should also add that this generation coming is looking like the future-proofing thing they did during gen 7: powerful hardware that is expected to last longer than a traditional generation and a mostly more powerful successor.

Difficult to know how to interpret all of the things being said, so I'll wait for an announcement and price.

RangerWalk2671848d ago

I think gaming in general is on the right track. I don't compare companies or pieces of plastic. I just play games. If I owned stock for one of the companies or worked there...maybe then I would care. But I'm not in the fanboy cult.

sprinterboy1848d ago

Yep Sony knows gamers will buy playstation for hzd, tlou, uncharted, death stranding, spiderman, gow games.
There must plays imo, I'd be a casual gamer if it wasn't for playstation exclusives.

FanboysKiller1848d ago

It's forbes ,what do you expect.

Christopher1848d ago (Edited 1848d ago )

***Instead of chasing casuals like their competitors***

With the number of consoles they've sold this generation, I think they catered to the casuals, which the majority of PS4 owners are, just like the so-called competition.

Your response to this makes absolutely no sense to me. Do we care about market reach (consoles sold like the PS4) or just power (like the Xbox One X is right now)? Are we saying Sony only selling 20m consoles with their niche machine is better than 90m with the PS4? Will you be okay when XBO Scarlett sells twice as much as the PS5? Or are we just prepping for excuses?

IMHO, the best approach is to do what they did this generation and put out a reasonably priced but still, for its period of release, technical advancement over the current generation of consoles.

***You seem to be confused and using terms in ways the industry doesn't.***

Seems to me like there's a lot of people in this thread trying to rewrite what terms mean to suit some sort of open-ended future potential for a console provider.

chiefJohn1171848d ago (Edited 1848d ago )

I know cause statistics and my personal experience with family friends and acquaintances. Btw I hope you know you can't hide your history lol.

@Army If you say so, maybe we have two different definitions of casual.
@ solid by percent how many games do gamers by for each consoles? You don't even have to take my word for it, go find out yourself
@kohox lol thats funny considering cod and madden sale more on ps Especially Madden it's not even close per install based % 😆 you proved my point more lol. Ignorance is bliss I'm done thanks.

You people getting so defensive like it's a bad thing to have a market for casuals. Both consoles do AND SHOULD Sony and MS would be idiots not to get them to buy. For some reason this make y'all upset? Fanboys are the worst

Lol dude talking bout ps1 like I never had it 😂 you people are hilarious. You can't even mention ps unless it pure praise without people getting mad, you're comment don't even have to be negative, smh. Geez all I did was correct the arguably the most wrong user on n4g and enlighten him that IT'S A FACT MORE CASUALS ON PS (THIS IS NOT A NEGATIVE THING AND DOESN'T MEAN CORE PLAYER ARE A SMALL % OR SOMETHING) AND SONY IN FACT GOES AFTER THE CASUALS MARKET LIKE EVERYONE ELSE. hopefully caps help get it thru.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 1848d ago
Neonridr1849d ago

I mean hard to classify your product as "niche" when you are selling the most of it. The PS5 will be marketed exactly the same as the PS4 was. A place to play great games.

LOGICWINS1849d ago

It's niche considering that most people game on phones and tablets. Also it'll be $499 this time, putting it out of reach for casuals.

Neonridr1849d ago

fair enough, but those in the gaming scene that are happy with Sony aren't suddenly going to be like "I'll just play Candy Crush on my phone instead". Niche maybe to the entire market if we are including casual gaming platforms, etc. I don't see even a Switch as something you would market as casual, at least not to the same degree that casuals embraced the Wii.

TacoTaco1849d ago

Niche relative to what standard? The casuals gaming on their $999 iPhone X?

Things have gotten more expensive since 2013, where PS4 carried the 2005 360's $399 price forward and the One carried forward the 2006 base PS3's price. Consumers are clearly accepting that $300 is still an acceptable MSRP for a product launched nearly 6 years ago.

Shikoku1849d ago (Edited 1849d ago )

No they don't and no it won't. The 62 yr old dude at work playing candy crush during his 15min break isn't a gamer neither is my wife who plays it while she has any downtime so you're absolutely wrong there.

nucky641849d ago

ps3 launched at $599 and still sold 85-87 million.........ps4 is currently pushing towards 100 million sales.
do you REALLY believe ps5 is going to have trouble selling?

Mr_Writer851848d ago (Edited 1848d ago )


The industry counts them as gamers, so your opinion means diddly squat.

"ps3 launched at $599 and still sold 85-87 million.."

Not at $599 it didn't, it wasn't until price cuts galore and the slim launched that things picked up.

IRetrouk1848d ago (Edited 1848d ago )

Mr writer, the ps3 outsold the 360 from launch, it didnt need a price cut or slim to start selling, it done that straight out the gates.

Mr_Writer851848d ago


So why cut it? You don't cut the price of a console selling well.

LOGICWINS1848d ago

"do you REALLY believe ps5 is going to have trouble selling?"

......Where do you see that in my initial comment?

Zenbaby3691848d ago

A good example of being able to use a word that can be used to describe nearly any product ever. "niche". A specific brand of soap. A specific brand of deodorant. If you break it down from "gaming devices" to "consoles" to "sony" sure now it's niche. But you can do that for just about any product. "Water", "Bottled water", "16.9oz bottled water", "absopure 16.9oz bottled water" The market for water is not "niche". The same as the market for consoles is not niche. Phones and consoles don't even compete, these are two different markets. They both just happen to have applications people refer to as "games".

IRetrouk1848d ago

All you have to do is a bit of research to find those sales numbers, yeah they lowered the price, also changed the models to make them cheaper, as every console maker does...

Mr_Writer851848d ago

And yet it's the worst selling PlayStation home console.

IRetrouk1848d ago (Edited 1848d ago )

And that's relevant how? You stated something, got corrected, now you are just spitting out random soundbites lol, but I'll play.
Worst selling sony console yes, hows that a bad thing though? It still sold over 87 mill and is still in the top 5 most home consoles sold of all time....
Aso during a gen when all 3 sold well and not just one, which is also rare, plenty of reasons why the ps3 didnt reach other playstation numbers, I dont see how that's bad though, 87 mill is amazing numbers for a home console.
There is also the fact that Sony is the only console maker to have every home console hit over 87 mill. Not so bad now is it?

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 1848d ago
Tross1849d ago

Maybe it will just be a really big niche. Like, a niche of tens of millions pushing 100 million. It's all semantics really.

nucky641849d ago

agreed. anyone can call it what they want - ps5 is going to be a BIG seller.

Neonridr1848d ago

lol, fair enough. It's the nichest of the niche XD

1848d ago
1849d ago Replies(2)
PhoenixUp1849d ago

How do you describe the most successful platform in an industry as a niche device? At that point the term niche just loses all meaning

kneon1849d ago

Well if you take the overall gaming market as your basis, then anything other than phones is niche. If you want to get even more specific, anything other than Android devices is niche.

Zenbaby3691848d ago

Different market. Different games. "almost completely"

Tross1849d ago (Edited 1849d ago )

When suits who are trying to eliminate used-game sales try to shove their ideas down our throats and talk them up like they're the in trend and everything else is out of style, you get words like "niche' used to describe a product by a company who doesn't share the same mindset, or worse yet, to get into the head of said company and have them start using words like that. Sales figures show just how out of touch with reality those suits are, mind you, so they can keep trying.

NXFather1849d ago

Because even though they are the undisputed market sales leader on consoles; the profit they bring in is not enough for them to reach their ambitious company goals. Sure we think it is great but, investors would rather have huge shares in those top tech companies as far as return goes.

sushimama1849d ago

Sony made more last than Xbox and Nintendo combined last year. WTF are you talking about?


NXFather1849d ago



NXFather1849d ago

It would help at least a little if people started buying their top games more than roughly 10 percent or less. Unfortunately the playstation nation does not seemed to be as interested as the people on sites like n4g.

sushimama1849d ago

It's ridiculously crazy just how wrong and way off you really are. Maybe you're just a jaded fanboy that's become delusional and bitter over the generations.

FGHFGHFGH1848d ago

Well compared to console that it used to compete with, it sells great. LIke 3-4 more software.

1848d ago
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Mithan1849d ago

It wont make a difference, but Forbes needs an article to write and will try and sell this as a bad thing or something.

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that merch tho.

ridiculous the numbers they pull in, which makes it even worse when i think about the low budget broken games they make. or have made recently

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We’re never getting an amazing mainline Pokémon game again are we

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Of course not. That's why I have tem tem because even if it's not the greatest I at least know the indie dev was trying

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Great plug for Tem Tem right there. It's not the greatest but at least they tried.... 🤣


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