
Jedi: Fallen Order Hands-On: Finally, a Solid EA Star Wars Game⁠ — Is That Enough? | Ars Technica

Sam Machkovech from Ars Technica writes: "We go hands-on with solid third-person combat, chat with Respawn's dev team."

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Jin_Sakai1818d ago (Edited 1818d ago )

I have to disagree. It just didn’t look that appealing to me. Combat was slower than I’d like and I didn’t really get a Star Wars vibe from the setting.

sampsonon1818d ago

really the only difference between the both of your opinions is THEY PLAYED THE F ING GAME!!! LOL


PhantomS421817d ago

A small vertical slice, remember when journalists were saying Battlefront 2 was also great? Getting to play a demo means nothing.

sampsonon1817d ago

@PhantomS42 it means more than not playing it at all. lol
fuk what's wrong with people?

RpgSama1818d ago

I don't even care how good the game will be, it can be the best game ever made in the history of videogames and I will still not buy it, I'm sorry for Respawn but I will never buy another EA game anymore after the "Surprise Mechanics" fiasco.

DaDrunkenJester1817d ago (Edited 1817d ago )

But this game wont have any surprise mechanics...

So all you're doing is showing EA that even if they do a SP only game with no Lootboxes that they still cant earn your purchase. So they may as well not bother making them, right?

RpgSama1817d ago (Edited 1817d ago )


In a way you are correct, I was of the same way of thought as you before, buying the SW game as a way of me saying that this is what I want out of EA, games with no Loot Boxes, but after the Surprise Mechanics remarks and how they think they're "Quite Ethical and quite fun" for me EA it's dead, it's not even an issue about a specific game having loot boxes and others not having them, it's about the company as a whole, I will not give my money again to EA as a company.

sampsonon1817d ago

i wish you would add not writing in EA articles to your list as well.
i mean why stop at not playing anything EA when you can avoid everything EA by not clicking?

RpgSama1817d ago


I'm making my opinion known without insulting anyone's else, if you want to buy this and every other EA game, be my guest, it's your money and you can definitely do whatever you want with it.

DaDrunkenJester1817d ago

I can respect that Haha I dont blame anyone for calling it quits in total for EA

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1817d ago
Jin_Sakai1817d ago (Edited 1817d ago )

Good for them. It still doesn’t change how it looks.

CrimsonWing691818d ago

It’s a start. This was actually one of my favorite showings at E3 and I hope all those bigoted games’ urinalists out there, who wrote articles bashing the main character because he was white, will eat their words.

sampsonon1818d ago

someone bashed the character because he is a white male? can you link me more than one opinion from a repeatable site?

i thought people didn't like that he is a ginger.

sampsonon1818d ago

ok, i see where you're getting this from. so a few people on twitter said they would like either a none white male or customization for the character so t represents them.

First thing is, why not make a game that one can customize the character?
also, people complaining on twitter are allowed to have opinions that are based on their life experience. not yours.
I agree with the sentiment that moves, games ect . should have room for diversity because these games are now worldwide and why not, from time to time, have some diversity?

now there s the other side which i understand as well. when a people have grown up mostly only seeing themselves represented it's understandable that change or a call for change will be threatening to them.
so i respect your feeling attacked by society, if you're a white male, because like coal mines white male representation is 70-30% instead of yesteryear's 95%.

i made a video about this, well a few, but this one will give you a different perspective perhaps. https://www.youtube.com/wat...


CrimsonWing691817d ago

Oh right, my bad, game media editors on Twitter makes it fine to publicly bash the character because of his skin color.

sampsonon1816d ago (Edited 1816d ago )

@CrimsonWing69: and what do you think women and people of colour have been putting up with all the time when people say things like " the media is shoving coloured people and women down our throats" this is what we've been putting up with for years.

lol the irony.

i mean, don't you get it? star wars having a female lead and a black first order trooper almost ended the world.
anytime a none white person gets a lead in a game or movie the hordes come out and bash the movie or game. captain marvel, rey, fin. it's funny when the shoe is on the other foot the same people that cry about not beng represented cry because others feel the same way when it's the other way around. at least the people of colour and women have a real grip because of how badly the lack of representation was and still is.

what's your excuse? 90% of everything isn't enough?

name 5 none white protagonist in AAA games in the last 2 yrs? ill wait.

yomfweeee1818d ago


1) Having character customization takes resources and maybe they didnt want to spend on those. Most single player driven games don't offer that.
2) The game is canon. It makes sense for the main character to not be customizable.

I won't get into your other SJW bull.

sampsonon1817d ago (Edited 1817d ago )

the only people that talk about SJW's are people that want the world to be white males all the fuking time.

jesus christ.
I personally could care less. but when all i hear is " they are shoving diversity down our throats" it makes me ashamed to be a part of this community.

95% of all media is geared towards white males and i lived with that my whole life. i only start giving a fuk when the people that dominate the media (white males) recently started crying because a character is not like them. whether it be a woman or a person of colour. and get this, they say they can't relate to a none white male character.

the fuking irony

yomfweeee1817d ago

Uh no, I'm talking about them because I'm responding to you, who is acting like one.

AnubisG1818d ago

I just hope that it will not have surprise mechanics.

Lon3wolf1817d ago

Nope no surprise mechanics, now we have cash cubes.

AnubisG1817d ago

Too agressive and to the point.
Let's see....🤔

How about, Wonder Cubes? Or to be a bit more Euro; Wönder Cubes.😁

1818d ago
1817d ago
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Darth Vader's Scariest Depiction Is in a Video Game

There have been plenty of depictions of Darth Vader in various media forms, but his appearance in Jedi: Fallen Order is by far the most fearsome.

Sciurus_vulgaris454d ago

I strongly disagree. Vader was more intimidating in Rogue One and the Obi-Wan series.

mkis007453d ago

I know what your saying but fallen order was scarier for me. Dont know shy.

myfathersbastard453d ago (Edited 453d ago )

Yeah his rogue one scene and his first encounter with Obi Wan in Obi Wan were pure monster movie type stuff.
Although he had the same vibes in Fallen Order.
Really this just shows how much good Vader we’ve gotten in recent years. That’s how Vader works best imo. As an unstoppable nightmare.


Jedi: Fallen Order is the Most Important Star Wars Game

Jedi: Fallen Order represents canon content in a Star Wars game alongside a thrilling narrative and balanced gameplay mechanics.

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CrimsonWing691275d ago

Best Star Wars game, in my opinion.

PrimeVinister1275d ago

I would agree. There have been some amazing games (but mostly terrible) but JFO beats all.

And I respect how good the first Battlefront for GC was. This isn't a recency bias.

ChristianReggieWait1275d ago

OG Battlefront was amazing, and quite easy to run on PC when it released if i remember correctly!

ChristianReggieWait1275d ago

Yep. Honourary mentioned goes to Jedi Knight 2 and Jedi Academy though ♥️

SegaGamer1274d ago

Those two are still my favourite Star Wars games.

CorndogBurglar1274d ago

TIE Fighter is by far the best Star Wars game ever made.

glennhkboy1274d ago

I must say The Knight of the Old Republic is the BEST SW game ever!!!! TIE Fighter is the 2nd best. :)

Rocketisleague1274d ago (Edited 1274d ago )

8 out of 10 for me. Great game. The games it took mechanics from did them better, sekiro did the combat better and other cinematic games handled that aspect better. Story was pretty great too.

Looking forward to the next respawn star wars game

One.of.my fav devs atm. With Titanfall, apex legends and star wars. Such a random genre to pick after working in mainly shooters and a great attempt, they have the experience for the nalext game now

Rocketisleague1274d ago (Edited 1274d ago )

To me this is clear cut, kotor is the best star wars game, they was bioware in their prime, one if the best rpgs ever msde abf the best star wars story out if movies/series/games

Characters. Hk47 anyone?

Ratchet751274d ago

You clearly haven't played knights of the old republic.

brando0081274d ago

Exactly what I was thinking lol. JFO is a fantastic game, but it's still not on KOTOR's level imo

Notellin1274d ago

I'm still going with Knights of the Old Republic. Jedi Knight 2, Pandemic's Battlefront 2 (the irony), and Jedi Fallen Order are all good enough I can't decide a runner up.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 1274d ago
darthv721274d ago

Force Unleashed used to be my top but now this has taken that place. Such a good game / story.

ChristianReggieWait1274d ago

It's a culmination of Jedi Knight/Jedi Academy/Force Unleashed for me. It really Is a cracker!

1274d ago Replies(1)
ChristianReggieWait1274d ago

It's an absolute belter, but it's no longer considered canon. It's a tragedy but it looks like the upcoming High Republic push is going to address Revan etc

CorndogBurglar1274d ago

I don't know how. The High Republic era is long after the Old Republic era. I realize KOTOR is no longer canon, but shoving Revan into High Republic seems stupid, if thats true.

Bladesfist1274d ago

It's still my favourite game of all time

lex-10201274d ago

I agree Kotor is the best, but Fallen Order might have been the most important. It's officially Cannon and its success was hopefully a massive signal to EA that a high quality Single Play game without MicroTransactions still sells, and sells well.

SamPao1274d ago

Personally, I have great memories of of jedy academy, jedi outcast, kotor and The Force Unleashed.

Aaaand Bounty Hunter :)

ChristianReggieWait1274d ago

Same here, well bar Bounty Hunter. But in terms of canon content and overall experience, Fallen Order is up there ♥️

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EA Says It Will "Double Down" On Star Wars Games Going Forward

After the gigantic success of Star Wars: Battlefront, Jedi Fallen Order, and Galaxy of Heroes, EA is looking to ramp up.

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morganfell1450d ago

So....twice the mediocrity for your money.

Smitty20201450d ago

I really enjoyed Jedi fallen order, more like this plz and don’t fak it up.

Thunder_G0d_Bane1450d ago

Just give me KOTOR remake or remaster and we good EA.

CrimsonWing691450d ago

Why do I have a baaaaad feeling about this?

Godmars2901450d ago

No, its "I have a bad feeling about this..."

CrimsonWing691450d ago

Yeesss Tropic Thunder, I’m so glad you referenced it!

jjb19811450d ago

Only because the House of Mouse will whoop dat ass if they don't.

Godmars2901450d ago

Unless EA can make them as much as a movie, unless they mess up again on a scale of Battle Front 2 again, the House of Mouse could care less.

That's where their scale is.

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