
God Eater 3 Getting Beautiful Claire Victorious Figure by Plum

The God Eater series has always been quite popular among figure manufacturers, and God Eater 3 will soon(ish) receive its own scale figure.

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drizzom1846d ago

Claire is quite lovely. Not as good as Ciel but still lovely.


Playasia Deals: Dragon Marked for Death, The Persistence, Subnautica, and more

Playasia has a number of physical games on sale this week.

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First Studio Is Giving Former NieR and The Last Story Devs a Comeback

Cavia, Feelplus, and Artoon members are now part of Marvelous’ First Studio and worked on Monster Hunter Stories, Daemon X Machina, and God Eater 3.

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Tencent Becomes Majority Owner of Marvelous Inc and Xseed Games

Tencent will own 20% of the game studio behind God Eater 3, Daemon X Machina, Story of Seasons (formerly Harvest Moon), and Senran Kagura.

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Sonyslave31483d ago

Damn China not freaking playing idk if this good or bad.

LOGICWINS1483d ago

Can you explain for the laymen (me) why this is bad?

LightofDarkness1483d ago

Chinese censorship laws forbid a great deal of content and subject matter that western and Japanese markets are accustomed to.

1483d ago
yellowgerbil1483d ago

No amount of money is worth selling out to the Chinese in an industry where they censor things so badly that there is only like 10 games available on the Chinese Playstation store.

Rangerman12081483d ago

That reminds me of the time they banned Devotion from Steam just for a winnie the pooh easter egg.

TheColbertinator1483d ago

It turns out the world's most powerful Communist autocrat is just a snowflake.

rainslacker1482d ago

Tencent owns so much of the industry now, and they don't censor games outside of China beyond what is done because of these crazy standards which localization companies, or console makers, or publishers themselves would do otherwise.

It's also not like Marvelous and Xseed haven't been criticized heavily for censoring their games outside Japan for quite some time now anyways.

yellowgerbil1482d ago

What you said amounts to one of those crazy women trying to marry a serial killer behind bars, "I know he hurt other women, but he hasn't hurt me so I love him".

rainslacker1482d ago

And how has Tencent hurt you, or what have they done that has you concerned?

Seems that might be worth mentioning, because otherwise, what you said originally amounts to, "I have no reason to hate them except they're Chinese, and I'm irrational." I mean, unless you are talking about that extremely exaggerated example you gave, which isn't true, and the censorship has more to do with local requirements more than it does Tencent doing it.

I know there are things out there you could cite, because I'm well aware of who Tencent is, and what they've done, but most of that is within China itself.

yellowgerbil1482d ago

let me ask you this. Would you support Microsoft or Sony if they had ties to the kkk? Would you support Nintendo if they had ties to Isis? Would you support Rockstar if it had ties to Scientology?
Probably not, same goes for a company owned by the Chinese government. Have nothing against Chinese people, but their government and by extension the companies within its borders, yeah.

RazzerRedux1482d ago


lol....Microsoft and Sony already have a ton of ties to the Chinese government.

rainslacker1482d ago

Probably not, but realistically, I'm sure you can find investors in any major company that have ties to some screwed up organization. Tencent is a privately held company in China. They tow the communist china line because they have to, and may have a vested interest in doing so. I dunno.

But, my philosophical ideals against blatant hatred or offensive groups is a lot different than my views on companies that operate within political regimes that I dont agree with.

I dont have anything against the companies within china. If you can show something that supports that they are directly linked to the chinese government, either completely controlled by, or they control the government, then by all means, I'm willing to hear it.

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BlackIceJoe1483d ago

This is disappointing news, because I try to stay away from Tencent.

Cmv381483d ago

at this rate it'll be easier to stay away from oxygen

Double_O_Revan1483d ago

Sorry to say, but they bought that too.

ifrit_caress1483d ago

Any breathing human being should stay away from Tencent.

Rangerman12081483d ago

At this point, the entire gaming industry is just gonna be a battle of Tencent and NetEase on "who can own the most studios".

1483d ago Replies(1)
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