
ONM: Trauma Center: New Blood Review

ONM writes: "Anger. Frustration. Arguments. These are three of the occurrences that took place in the ONM office while Trauma Center: New Blood was gracing our Wii with its presence. It should have come as no surprise, of course. Anyone who's played one of the previous Trauma Center games on the Wii or DS should know that frustration is so common that it should be listed on the back of the box as a gameplay feature. But this... this really takes the cake.

In case you're not familiar with the Trauma Center games allow us to fill you in. You take on the role of a doctor and are asked to perform various operations on patients. While these operations start off as fairly straightforward routines - remove glass from a wound, extract tumours, reattach broken bones and the like - they eventually get ridiculous. Some, for example, see you removing biological virus insect things by zapping them with a laser as they swim around in the patient's bloodstream, opening up cuts in their vital organs. Hmm. We must have missed that episode of Holby City."

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8 Wii Motion Control Games that Deserve Another Shot on Switch

With the Switch bringing interest back into the realm of motion controls, it seems as good a time as any to dip back into the backlog and retrieve some lucrative nuggets from the one that launched the phenomenon in the first place: the Nintendo Wii.

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ApocalypseShadow1976d ago

Bring Red Steel 2 to VR please.


Top 10 Weird Occupations In Video Games

GB: "No, I don’t mean top ten jobs where you actually make games. We’re focusing solely on the jobs that have appeared in gaming over the years. There are a hell of a lot of them out there, with some being more appealing than others. Join us for a summary of the best jobs to go for if you ever get sucked into a game Tron-style."

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Adventures in Video Game Advertising: Busy Scissors

No Chorus took a long, hard look at how Busy Scissors is being promoted. Then wrote a snappy hilarious one and put that online instead.

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