
The Sony PS5 May Repeat a Mistake That Hurt the PS3 in 2006

Sony’s upcoming PlayStation 5 is anticipated to be the mother of all consoles. A recent batch of leaks confirmed previous rumors about the gaming system’s graphical capabilities, and added a few more details to what Sony has already confirmed will come with the PS5. A recent analyst report predicts that the PS5 could repeat a detrimental mistake that held back the PS3 when it launched in 2006.

StormLegend1900d ago

If both the Xbox console is 500 and the PS5 is also 500 then no mistake will be made. I highly doubt either can be 399 or less with that kind of power. And finally many people didn't know what the PS3 was capable of such as HDMI out the box, bluray, rechargeable controllers, better disc slot, free Online and exclusives.

Ceaser98573611899d ago


Xbox Will be 599$ and the PS5 will be 499$ and winning next gen.

KickSpinFilter1899d ago (Edited 1899d ago )

You are just so wrong.
Not a penny more than $499.99 USD
Xbox on the other hand...

lipton1011899d ago

Ray tracing graphics cards are $2K. I’d pay $599 for a console with that capability

1899d ago
StormSnooper1899d ago (Edited 1899d ago )

But the PS3 was 599.99 not 499.99. I would actually be very happy with 499.99 because I want both of them to make their next gen consoles a bit stronger out the gate than what we got with the PS3/xb1

blackblades1899d ago

He just trolled all ya, obviously it wont be $599.

rainslacker1899d ago (Edited 1899d ago )


There was a $499 option for the PS3 at launch. The only difference between that and the $599 version was 20GB hard drive, versus a 60GB hard drive. In the long run, the 20GB would have been a good savings, since hard drive prices plummeted not too long after releases, and you could get a 500GB for less than $100.

I can't recall, but I also think the 20GB version lacked a few of the media ports, but my memory is fuzzy on that.

AnthonyDavis1899d ago

It will be $600.

“PS5 will be notably more expensive”

They wouldn’t say that if it’s only $100 because of inflation. We expect it to be $500 anyway by default. But since the specs look to be relatively greater than PS4 for its time, it will be $600.

And I’m buying it Day 1, and then I’m gonna say haha told you so.

DarXyde1899d ago

Stating things factually without any justification or evidence.

What a time to be alive.

1899d ago
+ Show (11) more repliesLast reply 1898d ago
kneon1899d ago (Edited 1899d ago )

If all games are forwards and backwards compatible then they can continue to sell the ps4 as the budget model, though I expect it would be the pro with the base ps4 being dropped when the ps5 launches.

KickSpinFilter1899d ago

PS5 will play PS4 and PS5 games
PS4 will play PS4 games

kneon1899d ago

it doesn't have to be that way. Games could be required to support the PS4 for the first few years. That would allow them to carry over their 100 million+ customers into the next generation. It would lead to lower initial PS5 sales, but higher profits overall since games and services are where the money is, not in hardware.

VenomCarnage891899d ago (Edited 1899d ago )

You are probably right about forward compatibility. What does anyone think the point of the PS4 Pro was? It was to get the devs used to developing for a wider range of specs. PS5 will be no different, from a coding perspective there will simply be 3 different strength PlayStations. Pop your disc into one and the graphics settings will be determined from there. I think next gen we will see a stop from the perspective of "PS5 games" and "PS4 games," there will probably just be "PlayStation games" from here on out. With the weakest system eventually getting phased out over time

1899d ago
rob-GP1899d ago

This is so backwards, it's the kind of mindset Xbox wants you to have. If a game comes out and it has to work on the PS4, pro and ps5 then either the PS4 side will run/look like crap or the ps5 side won't use the full system capabilities.

I don't see why the generation this time around are obsessed with not wanting to progress and experience new things.

Sont will want people on the ps5, so apart from a few cross gen titles In the first 6months, the library will be separated. If xbox decide to allow all games to work on the s and x, why would anyone buy the more expensive upgrade? Especially if they've just got the x

Christopher1899d ago

You mean the PS4 Pro as the budget model.

nitus101899d ago (Edited 1899d ago )

With PC gaming, you can purchase the latest game that will work across a range of different specifications. Of course, if you have a lower spec PC that is supported by a particular game you won't be able to display all the games assets such as 4K/8K and a higher frame rate.

It is possible that the base PS4 will be able to play some PS5 games (obviously this needs to be confirmed) but as with PC's the better-specced PS5 and also the PS4pro will be able to display more assets.

Note: All PS4's support HDR (High Dynamic Range) and providing the game supports HDR (there are quite a few - http://www.pushsquare.com/n... ) then if you have an HDR 4K Monitor/TV even though the base PS4 will only output 1080p you can still see the effect of HDR. Obviously, if the PS4 can't detect that you are using an HDR 4K TV then the fault is with your TV.

badz1491898d ago

Forward compatibility? As good as that sounds, business-wise it doesn't make sense. Few people will flock to buy the PS5 if the games can be played on PS4 even if it's only the Pro. That was why the Pro is not selling ad much as the Slim PS4. Although, BC makes total sense and will push sales.

BenRC011898d ago

Utter disaster and what holds PC gaming back. If you have to make games that can run on last gen hardware you cant push the system as hard. If they adopted that model I'm out and will be buying a pc instead.

kneon1898d ago (Edited 1898d ago )


actually it makes good business sense. As I said, the money isn't in the hardware. So if you can release games into a customer base of 100+ million from day 1 then you will sell more and make more money. Plus you aren't starting over, you keep your customer base instead if starting from zero every gen.


what holds Pc gaming back from achieving it's maximum potential is that the fastest configuration is unknown at the time of development and always changing. That would not be the case here.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 1898d ago
seanpitt231899d ago (Edited 1899d ago )

Well the pro and x are still around $399 it would make no sense for the ps5 and next xbox to be the same, next gen consoles will be $499 if Microsoft are going to try and beat Sony in power then it will cost $599

thexmanone1899d ago

Microsoft will Beat Sony in power

KwietStorm_BLM1899d ago


So you've already said PS5 will be $599. You're also claiming Xbox will be more powerful. So Xbox will be $699? Good luck if that's the case.

1899d ago
Jigga691899d ago


If that's the case, Xbox will be more expensive.

MS will fail again : Europe is pro-Sony, Japan hate Xbox, USA is neutral. Plus there are no exclusive games anymore on Xbox.

rainslacker1899d ago

X1X will probably drop in price before the PS5 launches. But, if Sony comes in at $399, then they're going to sell just like the PS4 did. MS doesn't seem willing to let the hardware go cheaper, and feels that their premium product should sell for a premium price. If they have equivalent features in the X2, then they'll either have to match Sony, or they'll still think they should sell at a higher price. Either way, if they don't want to take a loss on hardware, it's going to be tough if Sony comes in cheap. Sony has a bit of an advantage when it comes to sourcing parts, as they can manufacture a lot of the parts themselves. To my knowledge, MS doesn't have any major parts manufacturing facilities or businesses.

thexmanone1899d ago (Edited 1899d ago )


It cost me 2 grand to build my pc, i`m not worried if Xbox 2 is $700, I will get one anyways

1898d ago
northpaws1898d ago


Did you just say "there have been rumors" and then "it's a real thing"?

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 1898d ago
rainslacker1899d ago (Edited 1899d ago )

I think the only real big cost thing is the SSD integration. Since there are new technologies out there, and the prices are decreasing, by the time it releases, it may not be much more than a standard drive, and could make a huge difference in performance, so it might be worth it without causing undue hardship on the manufactuer to retain a profit. Plus, we don't know the nature of the SSD yet, so it's possible it's not even the primary storage, but more like a cache of very high speed SSD memory components.

This isn't the same scenario as the CELL process or Blu-Ray Drive....both of which were very costly to manufacture on their own at the release of the PS3. The Blu-Ray itself was still in it's early phases, and the reliability of the laser diodes was not that high, so the QA of bad units raised the price significantly, and they weren't even ready for the planned launch of the PS3, so they ended up delaying the system altogether because of it. Something that benefited MS greatly.

Plus, Sony threw in a lot of extra stuff which was expensive at the time. Like WiFi. While some other things weren't particularly expensive on their own, all of them together adds up to a decent amount. Like the plethora of USB ports, the card reader ports, the PS2 emotion engine, etc.

I think Sony learned a hard lesson with the PS3. While they had good intentions with the product they made, I think they overestimated the appeal of a lot of those things on the PS3. While eventually a lot of the media capabilities of the PS3 became standard fare in other devices, Sony was just ahead of the curve, and being ahead of the curve means paying more. For a game console, that isn't ideal, because the gaming consumer mostly just cares about games.

Sony made the PS4 with keeping it profitable to manufacture from the start. I assume that doesn't include the R&D costs involved, but the actual build costs. I can't see why they'd break from that, and given that Cerny is still the lead architect, he probably went in with the same idea. The SSD could be nothing more than how they felt it would have a significant gain for the next gen, so they decided to invest in it for the long term gain. Much like they did with adding the extra 4GB of memory into the PS4 this gen.

Hardiman1899d ago

Good points especially about Sony manufacturing parts because that's what the did with the HDMI ports on PS4's. So they were ready for HDR and instead of having to create a whole new system, they just implemented HDR with an update.

These things will help them in creating the PS5.

nitus101899d ago

The price of SSD's has dropped significantly over the last year and we still have over a year to go before the PS5 hits the market. I think 1TB is the sweet spot for the basic PS5 although 2TB or higher providing the price does not blow out would be preferable. Obviously, upgradability and expandability (external storage) are also important and if the SSD is something like an M2 SSD card then it is easily replaceable.

Note: M2 SSD cards normally connect to the motherboards and are very much smaller than SATA SSD's.


The PS4 only has one HDMI port and you are quite correct in that all PS4's support HDR even though the base PS4 outputs 1080p. My PS4 detects my 32" HDR 4K monitor and if the game I am playing supports HDR then it displays 1080p and HDR where my monitor upscales that 1080p to 4K with HDR. Obviously, some games don't support HDR but my monitor will still upscale.

BTW. I use an HDMI 2.1 cable (they are cheap) to connect my PS4 to my monitor.

kneon1898d ago

the ssd can be added for next to nothing. There is no need to use an ssd for primary storage, so it can be much smaller, like around 100gb or so. The system will use it as a cache and prefetch data before it's needed.

rainslacker1898d ago

For the speeds they're talking about, it'd be newer SSD tech. So, while the slower type SSD's are dropping in price quite a bit, the newer stuff will probably still be up there. However, since we don't know the nature of the SSD yet, any speculation is just based on assumptions of possibilities. I don't think Sony makes any of the chips used for SSD drives. However, one consideration is that if the chips are integrated onto the motherboard, it would reduce the cost over having a separate controller chip, interface mechanisms, casings, or various other parts that go into making a PC type drive. Then the controller could just be on the northbridge chip itself. My only hope in that scenario is that they either allow for external secondary drives, or a way to insert a 2nd hard drive.

Anyhow, exciting times ahead. I think Sony will try to keep the price at a consumer friendly point. Value for the money is great and all, but there are a lot of people who just want cheap.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1898d ago
bmf73641899d ago

$499 is a less bitter pill to swallow 7 years later for a console.

Benjaminkno1899d ago

People also forget that ps3 lost Sony billions of dollars.

GameCube and WiiU were more successful from a business standpoint.

So there’s that

3-4-51899d ago

* Expect at least $500 and maybe even $600 for the Xbox as there will be two xboxs......Prices of everything have gone up.....consoles can't stay at $400 and be powerful....want power? ok cool it's going to cost you

bluebenjamin1898d ago

U left so much else out dllna multi channel support, bc with ps2 some of them,bc with Ps one all of them,psp system link, array of audio choices av support hdmi optical support, ds4 support,ds3 support , linux operating sytem support the list goes on see why u left some out lol

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 1898d ago
Hardiman1900d ago

Yet it went on to sell more than the competition and also ushered in amazing new SP IP's like the Uncharted series, the Infamous series, the Resistance series, Demon Souls(which led to s new sub genre) and TLOU to name a few.

I imagine the PS5 will be priced competitively.

TekoIie1899d ago (Edited 1899d ago )

"Yet it went on to sell more than the competition and also ushered in amazing new SP IP's like the Uncharted series"

It outsold one of it's competitors. The Wii outsold the PS3 and the Soulja console was just a desire in our hearts at the time but it ultimately won the sales war purely because it allowed us to dream of a brighter future. We all wanted one but we had to settle for less ;)

"also ushered in amazing new SP IP's like the Uncharted series, the Infamous series, the Resistance series, Demon Souls(which led to s new sub genre) and TLOU to name a few."

No one said those were mistakes... It's possible to acknowledge Sony's missteps without having to remind everyone of the positive things they made especially when it's not entirely relevant to the topic. Maybe Resistance is slightly because it was a launch title but the rest not really.

As for the price I'm completely on board with an expensive console at launch assuming the hardware is respectable for the price. The PS4 and Xbox One were definitely weaker than they should've been and we could tell from day 1 where the specs lined up with a mid end PC and then had a mid-gen reboot which also under-performed in power.

Next-gen I want a strong start. If it's too expensive for some people that's fine because it usually takes a couple years at most for the consoles to settle into their place and get developers all on board and by then there'll have been a price drop.

xX-oldboy-Xx1899d ago

Tekolie - It wasn't a misstep for the consumer, Fat 60gig PS3 was a beast. The price was completely justified. The BluRay drive also helped Sony and their partners to win the format war.

The Wii sold more, yep - my step mum got one ffs! Much like RROD inflated 360 numbers - the Wii's numbers were inflated by nursing homes.

I agree with a higher price as well, I want a decent leap over what we are playing now - GOW, HZD, DGand soon to TLOU2 all look STUNNING in HDR. I'll probably be paying $750 or $800 in Aus for a PS5. Day 1.

TekoIie1899d ago (Edited 1899d ago )

"It wasn't a misstep for the consumer, Fat 60gig PS3 was a beast. The price was completely justified. The BluRay drive also helped Sony and their partners to win the format war."

Nah it wasn't. Remember how we all shat on the Xbox One for costing more than the PS4 but running pretty much every multiplat worse? It was a pretty similar situation with the PS3 at launch and for a while afterwards. Late into the gen things became more even but it's never good if the more expensive system is performing worse than a much cheaper competitor when your system is supposed to be more powerful. Also Blu-Ray won the format war? Quite the victory when digital media and streaming has gained huge popularity.

The PS3 was a great system, but it was not without it's struggles. It surprises me that we like to pretend Sony didn't have it rough at the beginning of last gen because that struggle is what compelled them to make such good decisions for the PS4.

"The Wii sold more - my step mum got one ffs!"

Yes it did so why are you crying over it?

sampsonon1899d ago (Edited 1899d ago )

i look at ps4 exclusives and "weak" is not a word that comes to mind.

TopherMan1899d ago

"The PS4 and Xbox One were definitely weaker than they should've been"

Maybe on the CPU side, but PS4 was capable enough for a 1080p console which, at the time, was the dominant TV resolution. Xbox One not so much. The common denominator across this gen for all consoles, however, has been the weak CPU. Hopefully MS and Sony do not repeat that mistake.

sampsonon1899d ago

#xX-oldboy-Xx: "I agree with a higher price as well, I want a decent leap over what we are playing now - GOW, HZD, DGand soon to TLOU2 all look STUNNING in HDR. I'll probably be paying $750 or $800 in Aus for a PS5. Day 1."

so basically you're letting them know that you are almost willing to pay anything for a ps5. smart.
interesting, i remember when the consumer wanted to get the best price possible instead of letting companies to just go ahead charge what they want without afterthought.

Sony, sell the bloody thing for $399 and win the next gen already.
we will purchase all the accessories, and you will make a ton of money.


TekoIie1899d ago (Edited 1899d ago )


"i look at ps4 exclusives and "weak" is not a word that comes to mind."

A weak system can have good games. This is basic logic mate I shouldn't have to spell it out to you. Not to mention I haven't said anything negative about the PS4's games so you're being deliberately obtuse with that interpretation of my comment. I didn't even pass a judgment on the PS4's games so you're really reaching real hard with that statement of yours.

Also I assume you want a weaker system at launch based on your second comment? Seeing as you want to misinterpret my comment can I ask why you want weaker hardware and to hold gaming back?


"Maybe on the CPU side, but PS4 was capable enough for a 1080p console which, at the time, was the dominant TV resolution."

Okay and 1080p is still the dominat resolution of TV's/monitors out there so should the PS5 only aim for 1080p? I expect atleast some level of future proofing in the hardware so telling me that it hits standards that ended up being dramatically raised within 1 or 2 years of it's launch is not a good sell.

It was not just the CPU that was under-powered because GPU was comparable to a mid-end machine at the time. Most gaming PC's completely out performed the PS4 at launch and did so with a better frame-rate and higher resolution. I'm not saying the PS5 needs to be absolutely cutting edge but it should be damn powerful even if it's at a premium price point.

xX-oldboy-Xx1899d ago

PS3 used The Cell chip and propriety hardware, 360 was off the shelf parts in a box with bad ventilation. Not saying they didn't have struggles, just don't dwell on the negative - glass half full sort of bloke.

We shat on the xbox one and continue to - and for good reason. ms do the absolute minimum when it comes to delivering games. Remember they've been making consoles for a long time. Remember ms studios have been around longer than that.

That's right! It was BluRay, HDDVD and Netflix, is that how you remember it? Hahaha - you're taking the piss mate.

No one is crying over anything - happy for the Wii's success and the continued success Nintendo enjoyed with the WiiU. Oh I forgot the consumer woke up.

xX-oldboy-Xx1899d ago

sampsonon - I can't even buy a PS4 for $399 in Australia unless there's a sale hahaha.

I paid $999 for a PS3 on launch night, we get smashed over here on hardware.

A $399 PS5 won't be that appealing to the people that actually line up for a system. Mum & Dad buying for little Johnny want to pay $399.

TopherMan1899d ago (Edited 1899d ago )

"Okay and 1080p is still the dominat resolution of TV's/monitors out there so should the PS5 only aim for 1080p? I expect atleast some level of future proofing in the hardware so telling me that it hits standards that ended up being dramatically raised within 1 or 2 years of it's launch is not a good sell. "

Then you should buy a gaming PC. The console market has never been about putting up the high end components. The mid-grade PC is what you are going to get. And the point of the resolution for PS4 is that there was no demand for 4K as the price of 4K TVs were extremely high and there were no broadcasters or services that delivered 4K content at all. So why would Sony or MS entertain the idea of jacking up the price for anything more than a 1080p console? It would have made no sense at all.

"It was not just the CPU that was under-powered because GPU was comparable to a mid-end machine at the time. Most gaming PC's completely out performed the PS4 at launch and did so with a better frame-rate and higher resolution. I'm not saying the PS5 needs to be absolutely cutting edge but it should be damn powerful even if it's at a premium price point."

The GPU in the PS4 was capable enough to deliver 1080p gaming. Frame rate suffered due to the under-powered CPU. You keep wanting to compare PC gaming to consoles. Most consumers are not looking for the capabilities of a high end PC in a console. They simply are not willing to pay. If next gen consoles launch at more than $500 then you can expect a lower adoption rate as folks will simply continue gaming on current gen hardware until prices come down. You outlook is not typical for console gamers. Like I said, you would be better off gaming on PC.

TekoIie1899d ago


"just don't dwell on the negative - glass half full sort of bloke.

Take that advice when you overreact to hearing the Wii outselling the PS3 next time ;)

"We shat on the xbox one and continue to - and for good reason."

Then you can shit on Sony for when they've done similar can't you? If not then I suggest you re-evaluate your standards and stop being a fanboy.

"That's right! It was BluRay, HDDVD and Netflix, is that how you remember it? Hahaha - you're taking the piss mate."

This is what winning the format war looks like: https://www.techspot.com/ne...

Blu-ray sales in the US: 5.3%
DVD sales in the US: 57.9%


Razzer1899d ago


"4K Blu-ray sales in the US: 5.3%
DVD sales in the US: 57.9% "

I see no mention of non-4K bluray but one would assume it would be in the 30% range.


TekoIie1899d ago


"I see no mention of non-4K bluray but one would assume it would be in the 30% range."

I'm sure it's higher and I should've specified in my comment the 5% was for 4k so thank you for the correction. However, my overall point still stands that Blu-ray attained a victory in a shrinking market but that overall it's inclusion in the PS3 does not in anyway change the fact that it had issues early in it's lifespan. If anything I'd argue it's removal would've made things easier because it would've been cheaper.

At the end of the day Netflix and digital is taking over with TV and movies. Blu-ray fought a battle and it's barely won it and it's potential market is shrinking further.

Hardiman1899d ago (Edited 1899d ago )

@Tekolie I was an Xbox fan from day one and bought an Xbox day one and a 360 day one. Now I didn't just wake up one day and say "today's the day I start hating on M$!" But I shat on the one because of the terrible policies M$ tried to roll out! That's a misstepand it got shit for price because it was a $100 more than the PS4 which was more powerful. Context is very important and those bad policies weren't the first issue for me, hell they weren't the fifth but after going through 4 RRD's one brick and their exclusives not being what they used to be, those terrible policies were the nail for a lot of fans.

rainslacker1899d ago

When he says "weak doesn't come to mind", he means that the exclusives show that the system itself wasn't underpowered. It was under utilized by many devs, particularly early in the gen, because they were all enamored with the higher level and more traditional DirectX that MS had which allowed for easier porting of PC games at the time. But, as time went on, and devs got their heads out of their asses and learned the new tech like they had done for every generation prior where technologies were usually different, the system was just as comparable as the 360, or better in the cases of games where devs took the time to properly optimize. Since devs had to learn how to use SPE style programming for GPU compute anyways, all that fuss was really over nothing, and it was a lame excuse to be lazy on PS3 ports, because it was easier to blame Sony than take responsibility. A notion that was also supported in the console war through the whole generation, despite not being relevant after the 2nd year.

Wolffenblitz1899d ago

Are you having a stroke? Because it bloody seems like it.

+ Show (12) more repliesLast reply 1899d ago
sampsonon1899d ago

they had to drop the price of the ps3.

1899d ago
DillyDilly1899d ago

The PS3 did not start selling until Sony was forced to LOWER THE PRICE

Moe-Gunz1899d ago

You’re wrong. America does not equal the world.

JackBNimble1899d ago

Bullshit, the ps3 was out selling the 360 pretty much every single month , and that's exactly how the ps3 caught the 360's 8million lead .

rainslacker1899d ago (Edited 1899d ago )

PS3 was usually sold out pretty damn quick for the first 6 months. Before the price drops. Sourcing issues. yet, it still outsold the 360 if you look at the launches on a month by month bases. It wasn't easy to find a PS3 the first couple months, and the next 3-4 you could find them, but they would often not be there very long.

There was a supply shortage, but given that they made more units to be able to outsell, I wonder why you feel they had to lower the price to make it sell? They redesigned the system before they lowered the price, in order to increase profit....or rather reduce the loss on each unit sold. They reduced the price because people wouldn't stop badgering them and saying that apparently all they had was a $600 unit, even though they also had a $500 unit, which was still more feature rich than the $400 360 at the time....which itself launched at $500. The price reduction was only on the existing units, and they did away with the $600 unit altogether and made it into a single SKU, which eventually got two SKU's with no PS2 BC(instead of limited), removal of the media ports, and then a slightly larger hard drive.

I know it's been a while, but all these facts are available, so I wonder why revisionist history of these facts is still so common place today. I mean....so many things that are patently false still get talked about as if they happened despite countless times they've been clarified. Like the statement about the 2nd job. It's like people are willing to allow themselves to appear like complete idiots unable to learn or comprehend anything new, just for the sake of the console war.

v_eno_m1899d ago (Edited 1899d ago )

articles like these and the argument that the price was what failed the ps3 doesn't understand the situation at the time.

Simply put, the PS3's price range was set because of the Blu-Ray disc drive. It was the cheapest BD player during launch. you're alternative was a $800+ standalone unit. The PS3 not only play BD discs, but also played games. The 360 only had DVD drives

I've got my money's worth by using the PS3 as my media player that played games. No regrets.

TheTony3161898d ago

Maybe in the US. The ps3 was selling at a faster rate in europe and surpassed 360 sales by mid 2008. Mind you the ps3 launched in march 2007 here and was ~200€ more expensive.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1898d ago
sprinterboy1899d ago

Agree, tbh I can see a £429 option if Sony don't mind making a small loss on each one or if they want to make a small profit it will be £449 or £479.
Depends on what xbox does tbh, if xbox goes with taking a small loss on each console Sony will be forced to follow suit.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1898d ago
I_am_Batman1899d ago (Edited 1899d ago )

Releasing a $500 console in 2020 isn't even comparable to releasing a $600 console in 2006/2007. Adjusted for inflation the PS3 would cost $750/720€ today. Not to mention that it was a combination of different factors that lead to Sony losing market share in the 7th gen including: The high price, releasing 1 year late, difficulty in developing and optimising games for the PS3 and the inferior network & implementation of network features compared to the Xbox 360 especially early on in the gen.

Shawn Layden recently adressed those points and called them Sony's "Icarus Moment". Sony are clearly aware of the mistakes they've made during that time so I doubt that they'll repeat any of them with the PS5. They also seem to understand that what helped the PS3 to come back despite these setbacks was a strong lineup of exclusive games. If mistakes will be made, they are more likely to happen around the relatively new markets like VR and game-streaming.

Thundercat771899d ago

You should have wrote that article. Clearly you took more time to research the facts than the writer which clearly know very little about the matter.

WickedLester1899d ago (Edited 1899d ago )

You're actually a little low in your calculation. 699.99 in 2006 would be about 875.00 in today's dollars (USD).

Nitrowolf21899d ago (Edited 1899d ago )

But it was 600 msrp not 700

Maybe a bundle out there was, but the original entry point was $599

WickedLester1899d ago


You're right! PS3 was 599.99. I'm not sure how I came up with that 699.99 price.

thexmanone1899d ago

That's why the PS5 will be $599. How people keep coming up with $499 is beyond me.

I_am_Batman1899d ago

If you did the research and calculations based on expected pricetrends for the known components and speculated a bit (within a reasonable range) on APU die-sizes, yields and amount of RAM it wouldn't be beyond you anymore. $499 is not only possible but it's by far the most reasonable educated guess one can make at the moment.

Razzer1899d ago

If true then you can expect the next Xbox to clock in around $699 if Spencer still plans to ensure Xbox is more powerful. Either way, the question is what are the cost of the components, not how much PS3 would cost if released today. Based on your logic, Xbox One X shouldn't have released at $499 in 2017 and yet it was a MS made a small profit on each one sold.

rainslacker1899d ago

If that's why the PS5 will be $599, wouldnt that have applied to the PS4 as well?

In any case, we don't know the full specs yet. Plus, Sony has invested in a lot of manufacturing facilities which can make a lot of the parts, so they can source cheaper than MS does, which doesn't have the same luxury.

Plus, it's at least a year away, and I'd imagine Sony would have a price point in mind, and know what they could achieve at that price point when the time comes to actually source these materials. Those kinds of trends are pretty easy to predict with established technologies, with some variances in things like memory that can fluctuate wildly due to many factors.

Cobra9511899d ago

Inflation doesn't matter. What the market will bear does. Most people have less disposable income now than they did 12 years ago. Price a console at $700, or games at $100, because inflation, and see what happens.

I_am_Batman1899d ago (Edited 1899d ago )

I'd really like to read an in-depth explanation of your revolutionary economic theory where inflation somehow doesn't effect console prices, because it clearly effects prices everywhere else. I also never suggested that they should release a $700 console but if you expect console prices to stay at a stable $400 til the end of time you'd have to get used to less and less impressive tech being included from gen to gen because TSMC, AMD, Samsung and Co. aren't going to cut their margins just out of altruism for the people that have less disposable income.

Razzer1899d ago


Technology prices fluctuate. In 2006, 1GB of DDR2 RAM would cost you $150. Today, you can get 32GB DDR4 for the same amount. Dell computer used to sell their standard PCs for over $2000. Today you can buy standard PCs for well under $1000. It is all about how much it costs to produce the components that make up the technology. In three years time, Sony released the PS4 Pro at the same launch price of PS4. So you can't use inflation to predict what the cost of items will be in the future.

Rhythmattic1899d ago

" releasing 1 year late"
It did, In the US, UK and Japan 1 year after the 360, But was still another 4 months after that until it was available in sonys strongest territories.
Thats pretty impressive that from a launch date , with 3 territories it was out selling the 360 from its launch date.

But Numbers ,Smumbers.....

I vote Kevin Butler for the worlds gaming president !

rainslacker1899d ago (Edited 1899d ago )

While true, $600 has a different psychological effect on the consumer when they see the price. It's why many things are priced at $x.99. People see the X, and don't associate it with X+1. Nice round numbers would be great, and some automatically add in the penny or whatever, but when you really think about it, $399, or $499, feels more like a bargain, because it's not on the other side of rounding up to a whole grand.

It's still a lot of money either way, even if you make decent money. It's not really a price which is a casual purchase, but at $399, it can be something that will get more impulse buys....like in those months where people get three pay checks and feel they have all that extra money.

Generally though, the costs of consumer products is affected by inflation, but actual price focus testing isn't considered by the consumer. The consumer doesn't think....well that's cheaper than it was 20 years ago when you adjust for inflation. They just know they're spending a set sum, based on an amount they have to spend. Plus, I think you'd be hard pressed to find people who know what inflations rates have been in that time frame, or know what the differences in the cost of living are from back then.

I don't personally complain too much either way. I manage my money wisely and buy what I want. And I was an early adopter into CD based systems back in the day, and the original TurboCD was a $499 peripheral attachment, and the SegaCD was a $399 peripheral attachment.:) Got one as a gift, brought the other. Loved it, and now gaming is cheaper, and I have more money, so it works out well for me.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 1899d ago
Soybetaboy1899d ago

Game over Sony if you do this, xbox your time is now!

jaycptza1899d ago

The Next XB is suppose to be more powerful than PS5 so there is no way in hell it will cost less

PowerOfTheCloud1899d ago

This + xbox will have a hard time gaining back trust from former xbox fans, who jumped ship during the mess that is xbox1.
Not to mention how difficult it will be to catch the interest of those who were never interested in xbox to begin with. Thanks to microsofts fk ups during this gen, sony should be sailing in calm waters next gen.

TacoTaco1898d ago

The next Xbox will be interesting when unveiled because MS has hinted at and rumors consistently point to two SKUs right out the gate with one being especially powerful.

RizBiz1898d ago

@TacoTaco Knowing M$, the two skus will be a normal model, and secondary disc-less model for $50 more.

sampsonon1899d ago (Edited 1899d ago )

If the next box is as powerful and is cheaper i will buy it instead of the ps5.
i have a perfectly fine ps4 for their exclusives and i will wait for the ps5 to drop in price or buy a used one after a few yrs.

1899d ago
supes_241899d ago

Lmao!!!!! Nope, not from me. I’ve owned every Xbox per generation and I will no longer support them. I will not buy the next x box. Imo, Xbox doesn’t make games good enough for me to buy one of their consoles. Stinky on the other hand is constantly pushing out new IPs and support the already stellar exclusives they have now. Yea, I see no reason at all to buy an Xbox

Silly gameAr1899d ago

Stinky. I don't know why that made me laugh so hard.

Hardiman1899d ago

Yeah I get tired of the "fanboy" label because I just love good games and once upon a time I was a big Xbox fan. Hell I brought a few coworkers to Xbox because they only new PS2. I loved my PS2 but M$ had some amazing exclusives and it was easy.

Now the 360 started great! But my first RRD hit within that first year and after three more and s brick and games like Alan Wake becoming few and far between I checked out and I stopped supporting M$.

The One was their opportunity to win me back and that was a cluster. It wasn't the price but the terrible policies and that's when I knew I was done until something drastic happens. They've only proven my decision this gen with the decisions they've made.

supes_241899d ago

I was pretty much exactly as you were with MS and the original Xbox. I loved it and I bought the 360 before I purchased my PS3, I wouldn't have purchased it at all actually but my girlfriend at the time bought it for me as a Bday gift. 360 crashed so many times, after my 3rd one I said screw it, my money went to Sony. I bought Uncharted and God of War, end of story. I was hooked and stayed with Sony since without disappointment. My One, well it started to collect dust so I sold it.

chiefJohn1171899d ago (Edited 1899d ago )

3 seem to be the magic number on this site when it comes to rrod. I must be the only one to never get the rrod let alone the magically 3. 4 rrods and a bricked S? You're the problem not the console.

1899d ago
+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1899d ago
WickedLester1899d ago (Edited 1899d ago )

Does the author not understand inflation adjustment? In 2020 dollars, 499.99 is considered a relatively affordable sticker price for a new console. It's literally what 399.99 was in 2006 almost to the penny. 699.99 in 2006 would be the equivalent of about 875.00 today.

sampsonon1899d ago

not for 95 % of the world it's not. so sony would be at a disadvantage if MS sells their console for less.
it's that simple. people will just keep their ps4 for exclusives.

WickedLester1899d ago (Edited 1899d ago )

What are you talking about? Inflation affects everyone who participates in a modernized economy. I'm not talking about primitives who deal in livestock currency.

ShadowWolf7121899d ago

...you do know that PS5 games won't be playable on the PS4, yes?

1899d ago
lio_convoy1899d ago (Edited 1899d ago )

Agree to disagree. $500 is a lot of money for most people. You can use the "inflation" argument, but to counter you, paychecks haven't gone up as fast as the cost of goods, so relatively speaking people can afford these high prices even less than they could have in 2006.

Even for me, with disposable income, I'm not so sure I can, or want to, justify paying that kind of money for a console.

WickedLester1899d ago (Edited 1899d ago )

LOL what exactly are you arguing here? Sony isn't a non-profit organization. They can't give these systems away. At the same time, they have to find the right balance between price and a providing a console with a large enough jump in performance to justify to people that they should upgrade. Sure, they can put out a new console at 300.00 but it's going to be disappointing compared to what the PS4 can already do. I've always said that people can afford what they want to afford. Want to buy a console but don't have the money? Ok so maybe you don't eat out for a few weeks, put that money back little by little and bingo! You now have the cash to buy the system. Premier videogaming is an expensive hobby and videogame consoles are a luxury item. It's always been this way and it always will be. The onus is on YOU to find a way to afford it. Besides, where was all this outcry back when with Xbox One X came out at 499.99?

RizBiz1898d ago

$699.99? Where did you get that figure? The 60GB PS3 launched at $599.99, which would be $759.67 today.

WickedLester1898d ago

Yes I realized I had that wrong but I couldnt go back and edit my original post. You're right, 599.99 was the MSRP ifor the Deluxe PS3 n the US.. They did offer a 499.99 model as well but nobody wanted that one.

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gold_drake10h ago

that merch tho.

ridiculous the numbers they pull in, which makes it even worse when i think about the low budget broken games they make. or have made recently

-Foxtrot1h ago

We’re never getting an amazing mainline Pokémon game again are we

phoenixwing1h ago

Of course not. That's why I have tem tem because even if it's not the greatest I at least know the indie dev was trying

ZeekQuattro24m ago

Great plug for Tem Tem right there. It's not the greatest but at least they tried.... 🤣


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