
Barret's Voice is Concerning in the Final Fantasy 7 Remake

Yesterday a new teaser for the Final Fantasy VII remake dropped, and players got to see and hear more of the characters as they will appear in the new game. For the most part, the reaction is positive. In the case of Barret Wallace, the reaction has been mixed.

NecrumOddBoy1965d ago

"Barret is a stereotype of a gruff black man in the English translation of the original game."

I wish FF VII's Meteor would hit this planet already. For f*cks sake with another idiotic social justice thinkpiece from Kotaku. This one is actually more cringeworthy than the Days Gone debacle.

mixelon1965d ago

It’s true though? English translation of Barrett is nothing like the original Japanese version. They purposely amped up his Mr T-ness, in a way that does a disservice to the character.

WickedLester1965d ago

So? If that's what Square wanted to do with him, that was their prerogative.

mixelon1965d ago

Which is it, “we respect the artistic vision” or not? Because the English FF7 translation absolutely does *not* respect the source material fully and was a total rush job.

Squares English translation was not what the Japanese team would have done at all, it is NOT their vision, as fun as it was. It’s even censored in lots of places! You guys *hate* that. You can’t have it both ways!

bluefox7551965d ago

There used to be nothing wrong with the Mr. T caricature. It wasn't malicious, it was just fun, like a valley girl stereotype of white women. Now apparently blacks are considered delicate snowflakes who off limits for humor.

zypher1965d ago


Why are you trying to bring reason to a discussion of anything (particularly racial stereotyping) on NG4?

Mr Pumblechook1965d ago

Gita Jackson says "I’ve never played Final Fantasy VII" however she feels she is an a position to criticise FF7 and its fans about what is acceptable.

Barret Wallace IS at times an exaggerated representation of an African-American strong man - but he ISN'T meant to represent all black men. He uses slang but that is meant to be representative of his background and the reality is people use slang. Barrett is a strong, lovable and great character.

Jackson gets her Kotaku-working friend Paul Tamayo to comment he says "I honestly think they could’ve gone without that direction altogether" - but if they did that he wouldn't be Barret.

Gita Jackson is complaining for complaining's sake. She post HER opinion and disguises it as the opinion of 'many' on the internet. She doesn't want Barret to be a masculine black man - she wants him to be... different! Well guess what sister, Barret is a masculine black man!

Also, Jackson destroys her own argument. "This depiction plays into racist assumptions people make about black men: not seeing them as full people, but as hulking masses of muscle that sometimes provide folksy wisdom." These both have been two stereotypes in media, however depicting Barret as a strong man, who isn't stupid but is intelligent and wise, actually breaks the stereotype to created a much more rounded whole character. Essentially Jackson wants Barret to be changed to address the all stereotypical representations of black men, but this is an existing character who shouldn't be changed just for her politics!

Look, Barret has been a favourite of mine for years and the more extreme excess of his street talk should be improved, however he is a strong, powerful, sympathetic and powerful black man in video games and this is why he has been one of the most enduring characters in gaming. Let's not let the people who are paid to professionally hate on games ruin this.

sampsonon1965d ago (Edited 1965d ago )

@bluefox755: blacks, me being one, couldn't give a crap about the characters voice. it's white folks that feel they need to some how stick up for black folks when we're not asking for it.

now if the character was a white person in black face talking like that, first i would find that funny as hell because of the ignorance, would be wrong.

white folks, you don't have to baby black folks.
look for real institutionalized racism, not a video game using a MR.T voice.

RauLeCreuset1965d ago


"Now apparently blacks are considered delicate snowflakes who off limits for humor."

Nope. It's that the real snowflakes lose their shit, unable to handle critiques of racial portrayals in a work. So many facets of a creative work are open to and often critiqued, but criticize a Black character's portrayal and get swept away in a flood of snowflake tears. Some of you act like there's not a documented history of problematic portrayals of Blacks in media. Some of you also act like you don't get the problem with blackface either though. So I'm going to defer to Zypher on this.


From one Black person to another, you don't have the authority to speak on behalf of all of us in giving a pass to a potentially problematic portrayal. I have no problem with you speaking on how you feel as a Black man, but you veer dangerously close to tokenism when you start behaving like you're speaking for all of us to tell White people it's okay not to baby us (as if that's been the problem), your first reaction to someone doing the same portrayal in blackface would be to find it funny as hell, and that this is a non-issue to an entire race you presume to speak for.

Eonjay1965d ago

Actually this goes back to the age old debate over original vs dub. So many works of art have been utterly trashed by poor English dubs. Why is this so consistent across the medium? Either way I didn't hear this and automatically think is was bad.

Actually I was more surprised that any English dub existed at all.

LanceLegstrong1965d ago

Wtf do you mean “you guys”!?!?

1964d ago
Lord_Sloth1964d ago

The dude straight up screams Mr T which is not the black stereotype anyways. The original translation had Barrett in your face with his dialogue and I'm pretty sure he even said called somebody a fool at least once.

On another note I've met multiple people who actually DO come off like Barrett. He came from the slums and lived a hard life. Hard lives breed hard men which tbh Barrett embodies quite well. He's a great character with some amazing moments and story arcs and 1 of my favorite scenes in the entire game when Sector 7 falls. Y'all need to stop looking at the surface and actually look at the characters for what they are instead of what they aren't.

WombBat1964d ago

Nothing wrong with his Mr. T-ness. My problem with the voice is it sounds like a white guy trying to do a black guy voice so it sounds wonky.

rainslacker1964d ago

Think of all the white Male characters in this game. Then tell me any of them are accurate representations of white men across the board.

Cloud...now an overly emo brooding brute who needs others to tell him what to do while already knowing what needs to be done.

Sepiroth...evil incarnate that wants to destroy the world because of mommy issues.

Guy at the brothel...sexist, fat, and lecherous, who uses women to improve his lot. Basically a pimp.

Most shinra execs... greedy and corrupt, destroying the world and not realizing it or not caring. That one is probably accurate of execs.

Reno...an idiot pawn for shinra.

Nothing in this game is a accurate representation of the whole. Every character is a characterization if some specific trait. There is no way to be offended by this, without also being offended by the other stuff, because it means your selective, and being selective about stereotype, or the more accurate term, archetypes, is just as bigoted as the author is claiming barrett's representation is.

At least barrett's is being represented how most fans know him, if in part, and the fans are going to care a hell of a lot more about that than if somebody at kotaku is offended. It's like saying leisure suit Larry can't be a sexual deviant. It's just who the character is. If they change the deeper motivation behind barriers actions in the full game, then we can talk. But barrett's personality is contrasted by his actual actions, and he is by far one of the best written and deepest characters in the game. His gruffness comes from his anger and position in life. He still doesn't back down and fights the good fight. Who cares if he sounds like a gruff black man?

1964d ago
+ Show (12) more repliesLast reply 1964d ago
PlayableGamez-1965d ago

You can never win with this SJW vs Anti-SJW stuff.
Games are not PC enough: Barrets Voice
Games are too PC: Women being clothed in MK11
This stuff is comically stupid now.

RauLeCreuset1965d ago

"In the reactions that I’ve seen, fans don’t want to censor or remove Barret from the game; they were just hoping to see a better portrayal of his character this time around."

That's not comparable to the anti-SJ reaction to MK. A lot of times there are critiques of this nature, people go suspiciously overboard in their reactions, as if saying the game could have steered away from that stereotype (especially with the services of such a capable voice actor) is a call to throw the baby out with the bathwater.

Portrayals in creative works get called out all the time. That's part of the creative process. Out of all the stuff that people nitpick in a creative work, it's critiques of how certain historically disadvantaged groups are portrayed that receive this much backlash. What's the angle? To shutdown this one area of criticism? To what end?

rainslacker1964d ago

Given how little we have seen of his portrayal so far, I think its premature to say we need it to be better.

No one complained that kratos sounded like a gruff black man, despite the voice actor always being like that. Its the way they convey emotions beyond the voice that matters, and with Christopher judge, in stargate SG-1, and in GOW, there were many moments where the subtlety came through and had a powerful effect on the watcher.

I don't know if barrett's actor will achieve this, but given that the original was usually gruff, but had many moments of kindness and humanism, he has the most material to work with if we go by the source material. Since he will obviously get more time than what little they used him in advent children, I say let's wait and see before these kinds of concern articles come out. It just reeks of kotaku setting itself ince again to find some problem with the game on release. They had the same complaint about days gone, except it was a white guy. Now it's because it's a stereotype. Well, being gruff isnt a stereotype, it's a personality trait shared among different races, and is a trope for portraying people who are angry and have lived through hard times. Tropes are racist, they're just an established thematic narrative device that people can instantly recognize.

Exvalos1964d ago

We as gamers need to form an anti SJW, its literally comical now and its ruining gaming.

343_Guilty_Spark1965d ago

It's amazing people like you cry so hard about SJWs when these types of thing rarely if ever affect you.

RauLeCreuset1965d ago

Truth. I keep coming back to this. Out of all the stuff that fans nitpick and complain about, it's identity based critiques like the article that get such vitriolic reactions. OP wishes Meteor would hit the planet. Why? Because people want a video game banned? No, though it would still be a dumb overreaction. The article itself noted they didn't see anyone trying to censor or remove Barret, let alone ban the game. It's because people said they could have avoided the stereotypes this time around. All this animus over that.

AnnaDea1964d ago

I can guarantee you that most of the ideology from white privileged middle class women doesn't effect them at all.

It´s just projecting some post high school tantrums that has really f*cked up the western civilization in the last 6 years.

rainslacker1964d ago

Except they do affect the things we care about. Like days gone got down rated by some for having a gruff white character. Is that right? If we care about the game, then I think it's right to care about these SJW who inject their beliefs into gaming culture, having a negative effect on the products themselves. You think the devs are happy kot getting some potential bonus because if the meta score, or the loss if sales cause the to not hit targets.

When a staple of DOA gets removed, then later added back in, to appease SJW, it affects us.

Seriously...why should these SJW have so much influence, yet be free from accountability? If they can spew their bs which doesn't affect them in the slightest because they can avoid the game, and have someone else review it if it's not their cup of tea, then we can cry hard about how stupid it all is.

One thing is sure. We, as a community, buy and play these games. There is absolutely no evidence that these SJW types do that, so I question why they cry so hard if something doesn't affect them.

Smclaren19851965d ago

I’m glad someone came right out and said it’s an absolute joke so called “games journalist” use games to push there idiotic social justice nonsense creating issues that aren’t there I am sick to the back teeth of this to.

ReVibe1965d ago

Well, I don't exactly see Jussie Smolett tearing shit up alongside Cloud.... Looks like Mr. T to me.

OGamer1964d ago

As long as white billy is not offended by the portrayal of a racist black stereotypical character then NO ONE SHOULD BE OFFENDED. Smh so many racists gamers that cant see past their own azz

trooper_1964d ago

I don’t even know what’s the issue with his voice. He sounds great.

rainslacker1964d ago

They're young over there and probably dont realize he was modeled off of mr t, and was always a stereotypical gruff black man.

Maybe square can make him a butch female lesbian who isnt sure what gender they are, just so it can be considered progressive.

One thing square needs to avoid is trying to change the characters. Game is going to be decisive enough since it's a remake, making one character into something he isnt would just piss off the fans, and there is no point just to appease the over sensitive people who apparently aren't familiar with the source material.

DarXyde1964d ago

I'd rather see how the community responds. If the black gaming community takes offense to Barret's caricatured character, then Square probably messed up.

Otherwise, I don't think it's helpful for others to say this is an issue or a nonissue.

My two cents.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 1964d ago
sushimama1965d ago

"Barret’s characterisation in this version involves an exaggerated black dialect, and his re-translated dialogue now also emphasises Americanised ideals about masculinity."

Go to hell Kotaku, seriously. You're a cancer on society. Stop perpetuating the outrage over nothing culture. You don't have to try and fix everything. Social Justice Warriors with a website. Just stop it.

mixelon1965d ago

Not really. If it’s true to the Japanese version it’s good. If it’s and butchered as the original eng translation was? It’s bs.

English sub Barrett has a completely different personality to the Japanese original. It’s not an outrage, they’re reporting on something that was expected, given the history.

Pozzle1965d ago

But English audiences only know Barrett as he was in the original game's translation, which was a tough-talkin' Mr T-type dude. So it would be silly for Square to suddenly change that to make him closer to the Japanese version 20+ years after the fact. English players didn't play the original in Japanese; that's not the one English people remember fondly and have nostalgia for.

Old McGroin1965d ago (Edited 1965d ago )

@ CaptainIronbat

😂😂😂&# 128514;😂

1965d ago
Teflon021965d ago

English speaking people got the english version of the game. Barret is known the way he is in that version. No one cares that he's a stereotype that uses slang etc. No one expected any different and no one complains about it. Why tf would they completely change him. He's suppose to be a high spirited black man right? I'm black and I think it's great he was the way he was. Made him alot more believable as a person being different. Also if we know him as that why would they change him. No one cries for M.Bison to be Vega, Balrog to be M.Bison, and Vega to be Balrog. Once you've established something, own it if people like it. Changing it requires a rework of the whole series as that's not his character in the english verison. People cry about the artistic choice forgetting that the same people who decided on his japanese apparence are the ones giving the okay on the americanized version.

Lord_Sloth1964d ago

Anybody else miss the bubble system on this site?

rainslacker1964d ago

I assume you speak Japanese and know what his characterization in the original language was? His personality didn't change between the two versions, and he was modeled after mr. T in that version as well. But the Japanese version didn't really have a way to portray the gruff black man like we had available in the east. Barrett's attitude is a product of it's time, and there is really no reason to change it, because it was never offensive.

Even mr. T is a characterization by the guy who does it. You think he acts and talks like that in real life? And what is that characterization, and what is inherently racist about it? He's an angry man. He's gruff. He also happens to be black. Are you saying there aren't any white characters like that? Like half of John Wayne's characters. Michael ironside. Charles Bronson.

There is a difference between a personality and if that personality is because they're black or white or whatever. Never once is barrett's race a factor in the game. He isnt an angry black man. He's an angry man. His reasons are clearly stated time and again. He's angry at shinra and blames them for his lot in life. He eventually takes responsibility for his own actions, and throughout, does a lot to try and improve his lot in life, and take care if his responsibilities.

If people get all worked up over a few lines of dialogue and immediately think his portrayal is because of him being a stereotypical black guy, they either dont know the character, or are more bigoted themselves to think that such portrayals are due to racial reasons. The problem is more on them, than the character, or how he's portrayed.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 1964d ago
Anthotis1965d ago (Edited 1965d ago )

It isn't. Sephiroth's voice could sound better, though. Would've imagined him sounding more whispery and vampiric.

Cloud and Aeris sound really good.

Also LOL @ Kotaku. What a turd pile that site is.

Pozzle1965d ago

I think they've changed Sephiroth's voice actor too. George Newbern has voiced him since Advent Children and he had a pretty deep, menacing voice for Sephiroth. This new guy sounds a bit more...monotone? It's not terrible, but it stands out a bit in the trailer.

Teflon021965d ago

I was assuming that it was just the part he was doing specifically. The thing is his voice acting in Advent and such was during a different time and the situation was different. Maybe it changes to show a more heartless sounding dude. Monotone usually is associated with that in alot of cases. I'm probably wrong though

Vegamyster1964d ago


George did his voice in the prequel Crisis Core, i hope they find a way to bring him back, the new guy sounds too young.

Nacho_Z1965d ago

Yeah Barret is a bit cartoonish and old school but he's also a great and well rounded character. There's no need to change anything about him and imo from the trailer the voice actor nailed it.

Teflon021965d ago

I thought he was the best voice in the trailer apart from cloud sounding exactly how you'd expect

Eonjay1964d ago

I want to know what's wrong with sounding like a gruffly black man. Anyway his character model is great.

Vegamyster1964d ago (Edited 1964d ago )

I love his excitable attitude throughout the game, the reason he's like that in the first place is what happened to his family/town, he's one of the best characters in the game and they should change nothing.

Yi-Long1965d ago

I'm just hoping they'll include the option for the original Japanese voices.

mixelon1965d ago

Yes! With a direct subtitle translation. PS1 FF7s translation is pretty weird.

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This Guy Rebuilt The Original Final Fantasy 7 In LittleBigPlanet 2, And It's Awesome

Nearly 27 years after the original game's release, Final Fantasy 7 superfan Jamie Colliver has finished his magnum opus: A shot-for-shot remake of the original PlayStation 1 game, created entirely via LittleBigPlanet 2. Colliver's remake reimagines the original game as a platformer, with every scene, every location, every line of dialogue, and every song from the game's OST painstakingly implemented .

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Babadook749d ago

The effort here is impressive. Hope it doesn’t get taken down.

fr0sty49d ago

He should have done it in Dreams though, the limitations of having done it in LBP are obvious.

solideagle49d ago

ah Dreams had so much potential, I think they should have released it on PC. one can only dream about dreams sale and popularity on PC. PC has modding/creative crowd and I think it would have been a hit

gleepot48d ago

I love seeing projects like this. So much passion and time.


Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Patch 1.040 Now Available for Download

Stay updated with the latest FINAL FANTASY VII REBIRTH news! Learn about the new Version 1.040 update, featuring critical bug fixes.

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M3talDiamond114d ago (Edited 114d ago )

No mention of fixing the audio issues the dialogue audio is too low this has been reported many times on social media the volume has to be turned up and music has to be lowered to hear the characters properly :(

Babadook7112d ago

I have a question as someone who is considering buying the game soon. Is this a fixable issue? Can you just lower the volume for music and sound effects and keep dialog at default?

shadowT112d ago (Edited 112d ago )

yes, it is no issue at all. Just go into settings. Do you have already played the first Remake or the OG?

M3talDiamond112d ago

There are a few youtube videos and reddit tips with some tips on fixing the sound issues but sadly they didnt work for me

M3talDiamond112d ago (Edited 112d ago )

@Babadook7 There are a few videos on youtube with tips on how to fix the dialogue audio this but sadly they didnt work for me. There is an option to lower the music and sfx and keep the dialogue audio at 10 but you have to keep the volume up high (well for my TV I do) but when you are in battles and cutscenes the audio is higher so you have to adjust the audio again.
@shadowT The audio issues doesnt affect everyone there are some people on reddit complaining about the audio and there are other people saying they dont have any issues at all. I think it depends on the TV I have a Samsung QLED 4K and FF7 Rebirth is the only game I have audio issues with.

Babadook7112d ago (Edited 112d ago )

Thanks for the answers all.

@Shadow yeah I have the Remake and finished it and loved it (loved the OG also back in the day). My understanding is this is even better than Remake.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 112d ago
shadowT112d ago

GOTY contender got even better!


Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Understands That A Tonberry Is The Scariest Thing In The World

The tiny green slasher villain returns in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, and is as frightening as ever.

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Cacabunga144d ago

Yes Tonberry is terrifying..

MeteorPanda144d ago

The way it was handled was so dumb. One shots in melee...your teammates are to ostupid to get away from its attack. So you most often end up alone in a certain fight.

Hofstaderman143d ago

Two words, one accessory....Safety Bit

MeteorPanda143d ago

Needing an accessory to keep a.i from dying and only one of them isnt great.