
Why I’m Excited for Gears 5

Nick writes: "I’m not expecting a revelation within the Gears formula at all, but I would like some salt and pepper added to the franchise, if only to see how some independent creativeness could spice up a long-running span of titles."

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PapaBop1878d ago (Edited 1878d ago )

Don't even need to read this to be excited, so many hours of my youth were spent on the original, it converted me temporarily into a console fanboy after playing 1.6 almost exclusively as my goto shooter for the last five years.

2pacalypsenow1878d ago

The new Gears games are shells of what the original games were.

DaDrunkenJester1878d ago

You mean Gears 4? We have only gotten one game from The Coalition and we haven't even played Gears 5 yet, and it was well known that they wanted to keep Gears 4 fairly safe.

EddieNX 1878d ago

Gears 4 is quite amazing, did I miss something?

BehindTheRows1878d ago


The Coalition also made Gears Ultimate.

OT: I’m pretty excited, too!

King_Noctis1877d ago

You had played Gear 5 already?

DaDrunkenJester1877d ago


I wouldn't really count a remaster. It's not like they had to come up with the story or characters themselves. Gears 4 is the first real Gears game they gave us from their minds.

2pacalypsenow1877d ago (Edited 1877d ago )

Gears 4 was was forgettable to say the least, multiplayer was boring and the story was meh.

Z5011877d ago

Notice in this thread how Gears Judgement doesn't exist, lol.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 1877d ago
Parasidious1878d ago

I love Gears, but the Gears 4 campaign for me was pretty mediocre. The story wasn't very exciting, I didn't connect with the new characters like the originals, and the ending was down right terrible.

That being said the MP was great, one of the best in the series.

Kaze241877d ago

I don't think it was bad as some would say, I do agree on you about connecting with the new characters, just felt like there wasn't enough around, gears 1-3 had so many to choose from and their personalities were much better compared to gears 4, If story was better, not too many bots and more characters for story, it would of been much better cause the graphics and music were there.

spicelicka1878d ago

Still the king of TPS in gameplay mechanics, have yet to play a TPS MP game that comes near Gears in competitive visceral gameplay.

Vegamyster1877d ago

I'm not the biggest fan of the series but the skill gap is a lot higher compared to other games & it does feel tight.

1877d ago
1877d ago
spicelicka1877d ago


Love it when people don't know what they're talking about. There's multiplayer game like Gears of war.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1877d ago
spicelicka1877d ago

Lol Vanquish has a great campaign, that borrowed a lot from Gears, but it doesn't have MP so your comment doesn't even apply.

Imalwaysright1877d ago

Oh but it does apply because you were talking about gameplay mechanics and I completely agree that Vanquish has the best gameplay mechanics in TPS games.

Z5011877d ago

"Your comment doesn't even apply"
"the king of TPS in gameplay mechanics"

spicelicka1876d ago

Lol i said MP right after but let's talk. You're confusing cool gameplay features with gameplay mechanics that can actually be mastered. Why is there no Vanquish 2? Why did it not have multiplayer? Because it doesn't have gameplay mechanics that can be mastered to the point of competitiveness. You can judge a game's gameplay mechanics from its multiplayer, and Vanquish doesn't even have any, even though it's a really fun game

Gears on the other hand has masterful gameplay, Vanquish wouldn't even exist without it. Tell me when you can pop from cover, aim and snipe a guy's head off while he's rolling and pop back into cover.


You keep throwing Vanquish around in the comments, but the solid hardcore gameplay you see in this video is only possible in Gears, if Vanquish had multiplayer the mechanics would fall apart.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1876d ago
Zeref1878d ago

Gears 5 definitely sounds like Game of the year material. Same with Halo Infinite.

Zeref1878d ago (Edited 1878d ago )

Lol, The other side is really scared of the possibility of Xbox exclusives being Game of The Year

2pacalypsenow1878d ago

No one "on the other side" is scared of any Xbox "exclusive".

When was the last time Xbox one had a GOTY Exclusive? Has it even won one?

Donnie811878d ago

Forza horizon 3 and 4 should have won multiple game of the year awards. Sad they didn’t. Racer or not both are on the short list of best of this gen

1877d ago
Zeref1877d ago

God of War literally won Game of The year last year. What you talking about?

Just because it's an established franchise doesn't mean that its not good or game of the year material.

Sports and racing games never win because there's not much you can fundamentally change about it. They are static.

Larrysweet1877d ago

we never ever have to worry on that lol

rainslacker1877d ago

Don't mistake skepticism for fear. The last Halo and Gears were good games, but GOTY material in the face of other games on the market? Not so much. MS doesn't have the track record to suggest this would happen. Possible....sure, but all we have now is a few trailers, and MS word that it'll be great. Trailers are OK, and MS word is worthless.

TheSaint1877d ago

Instead of being snarky and saying "exhibit A" how about you answer the question? Or would that expose the truth and make you look stupid?

KickSpinFilter1877d ago

LOL Nah PS4/5 not at all scared or even concerned! But With Gears, Cuphead, Quantum Break, and hopefully some new IP that is intriguing at E3, perhaps I'll play with the idea of getting a XB2 as a second console next gen.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 1877d ago
Atticus_finch1877d ago

Keep that hope alive homie. One day.... Or not

mark_parch1877d ago

from what iv'e heard so far about gears 5 it has the potential to be game of the year as long as the last of us 2 doesn't release this holiday.

Marioraider181877d ago (Edited 1877d ago )

Lol when was the last time Gears won Game of the Year?

Zeref1877d ago (Edited 1877d ago )

Just because it never won it doesn't mean that it can't win it this time lol
besides, Gears 1 and 2 were nominated.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1877d ago
CurbStompin1878d ago

I thought 4 was alright, story was good not great, multiplayer seemed dull could just be fatigue idk. Definitely not as good as the original 3 but fun.

Concertoine1877d ago

I thought the campaign was bad. You kill robots the first 2-3 hours. Who the hell wants to kill robots in Gears?

The multiplayer is fantastic. Its hard to get back into after a long break though.

Fraggle19871878d ago

Needs to pull out all the stops like halo. Both franchises have seriously waned the last couple entries.

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shinoff2183711d ago

i went through the list to kill some time. WHat I found crazy was out of the 35 games only 3 are exclusive to the xbox one. Forza ori and damn I forgot the other.