
Mortal Kombat 11: Fix to Progression Issues and Rewards "Rolling Out ASAP"

Today NetherRealm Studios mentioned that they're working to on a fix to address the game's progression issues and grind.

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Dizzy115231876d ago

LOL, if you think they are going to make the loot box crap realistic, don't hold your breath. Fuck Boon and MK 11.

1876d ago Replies(3)
SixFragz1876d ago (Edited 1876d ago )

Laughable...they waited to see the public reception before they decided to roll out a "fix", whatever that even means.

Every company is going to the dogs. I've been playing MK since Super Nintendo, and even though I'm hearing great things about the MK11 gameplay, crap like this makes it easy for me to save my money.

The last game I bought at full price was God of War. Looks like it'll be that way for a while. No DLC, season pass, microtransaction bullshit. These clowns can learn from a company like SMS.

1876d ago
Gemmol1876d ago

The micro in Mortal Kombat is cosmetics, unless you plan on getting every outfit in the game then missing some not much of an issue. The base game come with a lot, you do have the option to stay with what you get.

Baza1876d ago (Edited 1876d ago )

It’s amazing developers don’t learn from EAs egregious mistakes. Just too tempting I guess. It’s a shame this game is plagued with this stuff.

Gemmol1876d ago

This one is cosmetic only, you are not forced to change your character outfit if you do not want to

TheColbertinator1876d ago

Always online future is sure heading for the dumpster fire.

xVOLTx1876d ago

I know.. Why can't a game just be made with no DLC and online garbage. Aa long as the suckers keep buying and falling for it it'll never end.

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