
Another Sony Interactive Entertainment Backwards Compatibility patent goes public

Sony Interactive Entertainment has had yet another Backwards Compatibility patent go live. Today, a filing from 2017 has gone public and the creator is none other than Mr. Cerny.

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Jin_Sakai1954d ago (Edited 1954d ago )

It’s coming. Has to be at this point.

SuperSonic911953d ago

PS1, PS2, PSP, PS3 and PS Vita emulation imminent?

Eidolon1953d ago

What makes you think that?

Tapani1953d ago

I'd love to have all my PSN games playable from PSX to PS4 on PS5. That would really make me want to pre-order the console as soon as they become available. I'd want ONE machine to run all of my PSN purchases in 4K upscaled with good emulation and enhancements. That would be a huge huge factor for me.

bouzebbal1953d ago

This is for PS5.. Makes no sense to develop features for a console almost at the end of its lifecycle.

SuperSonic911953d ago


Like PCs the PS5 will just be a next gen and more powerful evolution of the PS4 that can run games in 4K 60fps.

That is just the logical step forward but who knows.

jznrpg1953d ago

Tapani it would be nice but I’m preordering day one regardless!

Jon_Targaryen1953d ago

Id get a PS5 day one if it does that.

MajorLazer1953d ago

Atleast PS4 for sure. The last 8 or so games (all were/are big releases) I've bought have all been through the PSN store because I hope to replay these when I get the PS5 (planning to get it on launch). PS3 and low BC would just be absolutely immense. Being able to play gems from all gens would be incredible

frostypants1953d ago (Edited 1953d ago )

On PS5, maybe. PS4 doesn't have enough horsepower to emulate the PS3's architecture smoothly. The overhead is just too much.

Hardiman1953d ago

There was a legacy emulator patent filed a while back. The word was it(presumably PS5) would have tech that play PSX, PS2, PS3 and PS4 games.

1953d ago
S2Killinit1953d ago

I like having all my purchased videos on there as well.

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 1953d ago
Ricegum1953d ago (Edited 1953d ago )

This is very interesting. Hopefully it's full BC and at the least PS4 discs are accepted. For me, the icing would be if trophies are implemented into older games.

DarXyde1953d ago

Some interesting things concerning this patent. Take a look at the structure...

If running on the new CPU (PS5 software), it runs the application. The end.

But if it's running on the legacy CPU (i.e., backwards compatibility mode), there are some interesting implications.

"With selected available resources restricted" can mean it just shuts off extraneous processes, or something else. Not sure.

"With selected features disabled" could mean a number of things: disabling potential DLSS or real time ray tracing for software it wasn't made for (assuming it has either)? Online features? Trophy support? It's pretty ambiguous and may depend on the software on a case-by-case basis.

"Latency of instruction execution altered" is an interesting one because it not only confirms a CPU with different clock cycles (duh), but it also means that, if they are altered, titles will run differently than the legacy hardware. I'm tempted to say "better" of course, but obviously, "altered " simply suggests it will not run *the same* as the original legacy hardware.

What's quite interesting is the diagram doesn't seem to suggest it will manage all 4 modes simultaneously, but in one of 4 ways, which probably means we'll have options.

Last thing I want to say: this is the patent for how it runs with the CPU... there is nothing about the GPU, which makes me think that this is going to really up the ante on existing software in terms of graphics processing. Maybe that patent has yet to surface, but if there isn't one, it will probably try to run games in BC mode with the full weight of the GPU behind it. That's pretty damn exciting.

The article just posts the patent and I'm a bit disappointed they don't say more in terms of analysis. There's a fair amount of speculation to be gleaned from this.

CrimsonPheonix1953d ago

no one cares about your trophies the more you have the more of a loser you are.

Sophisticated_Chap1953d ago

Hopefully it's full BC and you have access to the digital downloads you purchased on PS3. I personally have around 70 PSN digital downloads from the PS3 era, so I will be over the moon if this comes true.

rainslacker1953d ago

Think they're expending a lot of resources for it to not be a thing. I can't imagine they'd put cerny to all that work for just psnow or their remasters program. Honestly seems like a lot more work than is probably necessary, but maybe it's more than what we expect

SwampthingsSon1953d ago

But what about all the Sony guys that said no one plays old games and no one wants BC? What happened to the people making fun of MS for implementing this on their current gen console? What happened?

mkis0071953d ago

At the start of a gen, it can be important. At the middle not so much.

chiefJohn1171953d ago

two year after launch= middle?

JackBNimble1953d ago (Edited 1953d ago )

Regardless the people who buy digital would like to keep one library of games rather then multiple .

mkis0071953d ago


Sor your saying you think its just as useful 2 years in as it is on day 1 when new content is lacking?

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1953d ago
RangerWalk2671953d ago

Then it would make almost every PlayStation 4 owner a hypocrite. When Microsoft announced backwards compatibility, all you heard from Sony Fanboys was why not just plug in your old system we don't want to play old games. So if Sony does this it will truly show how sheepish Fanboys are

P_Bomb1953d ago (Edited 1953d ago )

But I do still have all my old consoles plugged in. Still have my BC PS3 memory card adapters and a game room to rep them.

There’s a couple of you guys in this thread that really need to stop with absolutes like “almost every PlayStation 4 owner a hypocrite”. After all that play together and crossplay talk, there’s still this contingent determined to divide.

OB1Biker1952d ago

'Then it would make almost every PlayStation 4 owner a hypocrite '
Think of what you just said for one minute and maybe theres a chance you consider the possibility that self righteousness while insulting everyone is somehow questionable?

1953d ago
+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 1952d ago
Sono4211953d ago

I think it's for PS5 personally...

SuperSonic911953d ago

It is and it will support Blu-ray coz its Sony's baby.

Eonjay1953d ago

I hope it is disc support too. It would be great to get some utility out of my old discs.

DillyDilly1953d ago

Microsoft showed Sony the way on this one

cd11953d ago


You do know PS4 is the first PS to come without native backwards compatibility, right? MS showed nowt pal.

Razzer1953d ago (Edited 1953d ago )

"Microsoft showed Sony the way on this one"

lol....we don't even know what Sony has planned for BC. But of course you are going to give credit to MS regardless and pretend they invented concept of backward compatibility.

KickSpinFilter1953d ago

On BC?
Nope PS2 and org PS3 had BC
or are you taking about up res of 360 games
or partial BC

MasterCornholio1953d ago


I don’t know if Sony will use the same BC method that Microsoft uses. The most ideal form of BC is just being able to play the game with only the disk. That’s something that’s not available on the Xbox One since it requires an internet connection to download a digital copy of the game.

hiccupthehuman1953d ago

Yeah Sony did it first. But they abandoned it and MS proved it was a valuable thing to keep continuing. Lol people here are really averse and quick to deny giving MS any credit when due.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 1953d ago
Relientk771953d ago

Excited to see this announcement when they reveal the PS5. It's going to be epic, the crowd will go nuts.

salmonade1953d ago

PS1, PS2 and PS3 BC sounds good in theory, but in reality, no one will use it. There are just too many great current gen games. Of course there will be some that use it, but it will be such a small minority.

But I guess if it's all true, then as the Xbox crowd say, "it's good to have the option there". But I can honestly say, I will never use it. Not even once. Only PS4 bc for me. That's it.

Mr_Writer851953d ago

I'd use it.

What you mean is "very few" would use it.

It won't matter how many people use it, the PR will be good for Sony. It blows the Switch and Xbox 1 games library out of the water.

20 + years of gaming on one console. Only PC can match that much of a back catalogue. That's if its full BC, and not just the add new titles each month approach of MS.

WickedLester1953d ago

There are some select PS3 titles that didnt get remasters on PS4 that I'd love to play again like the Motorstorm Trilogy, Mod Nation Racers, Puppeteer, Little Big Planet 1 & 2, Killzone 2 & 3, Ni No Kuni, etc. But beyond those I wouldnt care to play anything else.

AmUnRa1953d ago (Edited 1953d ago )

No, i don't agree with you.

In the beginning of a new generation (PS5) BC is important. The gameportefolio will be sparse in the beginning of the PS5. When you can play at least your PS4 games on your PS5 is a really great thing. You can buy a PS5 knowing that you can play your PS4 games on it. And believe me alot of people will playing theyr PS4 backlog of games on the PS5 cous they can.
BC for all (PS, PS2, PS3) i don't know if that is gonna happen. But i think that they will be playable on PS now, streaming or and download the games on your HD.
I find it more important that i can play PS4 games on the PS5. Than i will buy it for shure after a few month the PS5 is out.

MajorLazer1953d ago

Speak for yourself. I'd deffo use it, play some In the Hunt and Tomba from PS1, Getaway from PS2 and Demon's Souls from PS3. This is just a small glimpse of the awesome games I'd play from the PS1-PS3

ThinkThink1953d ago

Wouldn't Sony have the same BC licensing issues that MS has with 3rd party contracts (music rights, expired contracts, etc?) Or are you thinking it's purely disc based BC? If that's the case, I still have my Battle Arena Toshinden and Crazy Ivan somewhere in the garage. My Korn Demo disc better work too. :) That T-Rex was the coolest thing I had ever seen.

Ghostbob1953d ago

just been playing heavenly sword on ps3 so your wrong.

rainslacker1953d ago

I'd use it. It wouldn't influence my buying decision though. Sony more than earned by business next gen with this one. Only reason that may change is if they do something stupid like try to make their system always require a net connectionx go digital only, or try and make physical games have the same DRM as digital games.

Araragifeels 1953d ago

I would like to play MGS 4 again so I would be happy, if PS5 have backward compatibility with all previous console.

frostypants1953d ago (Edited 1953d ago )

It won't dictate my decision to purchase, BUT I would use it if it was there. I'd love to play games like SSX Tricky still but I don't want to setup my clunky old PS2 in order to do it.

jagermaster6191953d ago

"But but I don't want to play old games that's why I have a ps4"
You know how many times I've heard that and now all the Sony fans really want it lol.

mkis0071953d ago

Would be funny if to show it off they demoed heavenly sword ( ninja theory) running on ps5 with enhanced framerate and graphics ( was a terribly optimized ps3 launch title).

Tapani1952d ago (Edited 1952d ago )

We use it now and I know a lot of my friends who are parents use it. When they give their kids a game from 90s or even 80s, these kids just play them if they are fun. Kids don't care about graphics, and besides, 2D never gets old. Even my wife prefers many of the older games from the 90s over the latest ones due to better writing and more interesting themes, but also more varied and fun gameplay. Sure some of the quality of life improvements aren't there, but it's funny how fast you get over those for a deeper experience otherwise.

+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 1952d ago
wwinterj1953d ago

Backwards compatibility isn't a system seller. It's nice to have but many folk like myself keep their old consoles and games anyway. I'm more interested in the new things the console does.

ThinkThink1953d ago

BC is not a system seller by itself. It's more of a selling point, but those points add up when a gamer is trying to decide which system to go all in on.

mkis0071953d ago (Edited 1953d ago )

And selected bc is hardly a hole in one. I want to play all my games like ps2 and first run ps3 did.

sander97021953d ago

I really hope we get the PS5 announcement this year I just want to see next gen as soon as possible.

Shikoku1953d ago

Im ready for too 6yrs is enough pets get next he going and with Google Stadia being announced I think that will light a fire to get PS5 going and I'm pretty sure MS with talk about the next failbox at E3 so that's another thing that could push Sony to tall about PS5.

wwinterj1953d ago

Why the rush? The PS4 and even more so PS4 pro are holding up really well.

ThinkThink1953d ago

Because no matter how old we get, we still turn into little kids when we think about next gen. At least for me. Brings me back :)

Mr_Writer851953d ago (Edited 1953d ago )


Tech moves fast, look at the quality of life improvements PS4 made over PS3.

- Background downloads where better
- Share button
- Party system
- Suspend and resume.
- Full remote play
- Suspend and resume (by far my fav feature)

I'm excited not just for next gen games, but next gen console features.

Imagine if they vastly improved share play. Or your able to play a game as downloads and installs are quicker.

Or being able to switch between two digital games. Playing Spiderman, friends come on for half an hour for COD, just save state Spiderman and bam load up COD.

When your finished, a button press and back to Spiderman!

DaDrunkenJester1953d ago

Well that's good. Despite what some people want to say, BC is a great feature.

Ricegum1953d ago

King Noctis & Jester

Everyone says its a nice feature. But unlike what a lot of Xbox fans say, BC doesn't make or break a console. New games are far more important for a console.

jagermaster6191953d ago

Sony fans said it all gen because they didn't get it lol

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1953d ago
Thundercat771953d ago (Edited 1953d ago )

BC is a good feature at the start of a new console. It helps the user play his old catalog from the previous console while the new console builds its new catalog.

Releasing BC after 4 years of the release of a console and relying on it rather than making quality epic exclusive games, that's what is wrong and that's exactly what Microsoft did.

DaDrunkenJester1953d ago

Okay, whatever you say. Are you suggesting they should have just waited instead? You realize that the team's who did BC aren't the same ones who create and develop video games, right?

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gold_drake10h ago

that merch tho.

ridiculous the numbers they pull in, which makes it even worse when i think about the low budget broken games they make. or have made recently

-Foxtrot1h ago

We’re never getting an amazing mainline Pokémon game again are we

phoenixwing1h ago

Of course not. That's why I have tem tem because even if it's not the greatest I at least know the indie dev was trying

ZeekQuattro43m ago

Great plug for Tem Tem right there. It's not the greatest but at least they tried.... 🤣


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