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The Division 2 Review - IGN

James Duggan - "The Division 2's campaign is full of great gunplay, loot, and missions. Only toward the end of my 60 hours of play did it start to suffer from a lack of interesting incentives, but the journey was enough fun that it made up for the destination."

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Community2017d ago
EddieNX 2017d ago

Can't wait to.jump Into this today !

rdgneoz32017d ago (Edited 2017d ago )

They improved the LZ a ton from TD1. 52 roaming named elites (you get a card for each one and when you collect them all you get a reward, and can collect them again), 12 hidden mini bosses that you can spawn after a few steps (some spawn solo, others in groups 2 or 4), bounties that give good rewards and unlock other harder bounties (and dying / failing just means you have to restart it and not spend more intel), you can certain events (control points) harder by doing others which will give better rewards (blueprints and such), hard mode and challenging mode for all missions after you complete them once, ... And then you have the DZ and clans / clan rewards to give you even more. They learned from TD1 and did a ton for TD2.

-Ghost2017d ago

Damn, thanks for posting this. I'm still waiting for my copy. really messed up by having two listings of the standard edition. The one I had pre-ordered is out of stock and the one that's in stock includes the Capitol Defender Pack but more expensive at $89.65. I explained to them that all copies contain the pre-order bonus but they wouldn't listen. Really annoying.

ssmilloy362017d ago

a looter sequel that isn't getting review whoa

Old McGroin2017d ago

Yup, it's a great game. Having moved over from Anthem I actually feel overwhelmed with the amount of content and activities there is to do. Can't wait for the 8 player raids!

UltraNova2017d ago

Aesthetically and game play speaking, which own is best/do you prefer and why?

Old McGroin2017d ago

@ UltraNova

I've always loved cover shooters, especially co-op, loved Gears so Division is right up my street. Looks great too, the streets are dense with clutter, abandoned cars etc, a lot of little details. The world just feels alive when wandering the streets. I'm only lvl 12 so haven't even tried the Dark Zone yet. There's just so much to do in it.
Anthem looks fantastic too. Some of the views you see when flying from A to B could nearly take your breath away. It's a big map but it just feels empty, especially in free play mode. You can tell it's their first shot at a game like this, obvious things like mini maps and markers for events are missing. Gameplay wise, flying is a breath of fresh air, I've only played as the Storm javelin but combat has been excellent.
I like both but would go with Division if I had to choose.

UltraNova2017d ago

Excellent break down, I guess I 'll try tD2 at some point.

fiveby92017d ago

I am glad I held off on Anthem for now. Being a new IP I figured it might have the usual growing pains. But Div 2 so far for me is very good. Lots to do. Better enemy AI. All in all a solid gameplay experience for me in the early going. And the roadmap they articulated for this year's content drops is very promising.

Old McGroin2017d ago

@ UltraNova

I suppose another way of putting it is they're both good games but Division 2 feels more like a complete package at the moment. By the time you exhaust D2 then Anthem should hopefully have a lot more added as well as having those bugs ironed out and the loot system sorted, it'll definitely be worth picking up then I'd say.

rdgneoz32017d ago (Edited 2017d ago )

The one thing I hate is trying to do a stronghold (outcast one) on hard/challenging and having a monsoon that let's you see only 20 feet in front of you... So damn intense and hard, especially with a certain type of mob running for you... Would I change it, no.

Bnet3432016d ago

Currently enjoying this game. 8 player raids sound so fun. And all content will be free. Lets goooooo!!!!

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 2016d ago
starrman19852017d ago

The only thing that upsets me is The Division 2 is a much better attempt at a looter shooter sequel than Destiny 2, yet they both received the same score!

Kabaneri2017d ago

Destiny 2 didnt seem that bad at first, the cracks began to show when everyone reached the endgame.

rdgneoz32017d ago

Oh, it got a 40 from a nut job at variety... Basically saying it's an ad for Tucker Carlson, pro guns (in the apocalypse where people are trying to kill you, flowers won't help), and the pro white Male agenda (you can make your character male or female, customize skin color and looks)... You can tell they didn't play much at all, seeing as there is a diverse group you recruit for your base (not all white men) and enemies you fight (which all have back stories) for starters...

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2016d ago
Einhander19712017d ago

Not interested! Back to DMC 5 then :)

King_Noctis2017d ago

Awesome score. Well deserved I might add.

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The Division 2 TU22 PTS Phase 1 Patch Notes Are Out; New Gear, Weapons and More Detailed

The Division 2 TU22 PTS Phase 1 patch notes are now out, and it touches on new gear, weapons, a ton of adjustments and more.

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The Division 2 - Year 6 Deep Dive | Ubisoft Forward

Year 6 starts now!

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The Division 2: Year 6 Season 1 - First Rogue Official Launch Trailer Revealed | Ubisoft Forward

Year 6 Season 1 "First Rogue" is available now, Agents.

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