
GamesRadar: Master of the Monster Lair Review

GamesRadar writes: "We'd wager there isn't a single human being alive that genuinely loves the bog-standard, turn-based battle template. We accept it as a means to an end, a quirk of traditional RPGing that we've just grown to accept. Like a cold sore. Now imagine a game that consists of 80-plus hours of unrelenting turn-based brown, in monster-infested dungeons that are entirely your own creation. It's a concept that – wait a minute – is oddly appealing. For the first few hours, it even threatens to be fun."

You'll love

* 80-plus hours
* Oddly appealing concept
* Satisfying to plan dungeon

You'll hate

* Unrelenting turn-based combat
* No engaging story
* Quickly becomes a grind

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IGN: Master of the Monster Lair Review

Atlus has delivered another quirky, very Japanese game with Master of the Monster Lair. Part RPG and part Dungeon Tycoon, it has its charms but the slow pace and repetitive nature will be a turnoff to many. The most likely audience will be younger gamers (who don't mind repetition so much) and fiends for wacky Japanese stuff. Just be prepared for the grind.

Presentation - 7.5
Graphics - 5.5
Sound - 5.5
Gameplay - 6.5
Lasting Appeal - 6.0
Overall -


Gaming Nexus: Master of Monster Lair Review

Gaming Nexus writes: "I'm not sure how I feel about Master of the Monster Lair. On one hand it's cute and charming and plays great in short bursts. But on the flip side it's not a very meaty adventure like say Etrian Odyssey, which demands your utmost attention and map-making skills to succeed. MotML (seriously, Atlus, you guys love long titles) is a great first experience for anyone looking to try out an RPG. It lets you play at your own pace which I found to be quite enjoyable considering I run a rather hectic schedule. It also allows you to play things your own way, you create the dungeons, you decide where the monsters go, and you grow in areas where you think you are lacking. This free-form approach to gaming seems like a successful plan, in the case of Master of Monster Lair, it just needs a little more fleshing out."

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NWR: Master of the Monster Lair Review

Master of the Monster Lair makes for a moderately enjoyable blend of old school RPG mechanics and Harvest Moon-type gameplay. Depending on personality, players will either grow tired of the unchanging formula after a few hours of gameplay, or identify with the sometimes tedious tasks and become addicted. In either case, the game is an interesting diversion from the typical RPG fare and makes for a fun experience at least for a little while.

* Dungeon design is fun
* Relaxed pacing

* Can grow repetitive and boring

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