
Pokemon Sword and Shield Initial Thoughts: Random Encounters Should Have Stayed Dead

USGamer: “Long story short, the return of random Pokemon encounters makes me sadder than a Rapidash with three broken legs. Essential disclaimer: Game Freak showed us an unfinished version of the game today, and for all we know the single random encounter we saw in the trailer is a placeholder. It seems unlikely, though. Pokemon Sword and Shield is already looking quite polished, and I imagine its mechanics are mostly in place. I hope I'm wrong about the random encounters, but I probably won't be.“

1909d ago Replies(7)
Araragifeels 1909d ago

I loved Random encounter since it make harder to find Pokemon which mean I am going to be putting more hours and I like a challenge.

1909d ago Replies(9)
FanboyPolice1908d ago

Yes, and it's very rewarding spending hours trying to find that Pokemon you really need to balance your team.

Flare1491908d ago

With over-world view there can still be that challenge, because the rare options can still be very hard to find so you still have to wander. But at least it would offer variety, so you could still encounter and/or battle commons you find in the grass, and then just freak out when the rare that you really want finally pops up in the over-world and you run over to catch it

-Foxtrot1909d ago

I would have liked them to be like Ni No Kuni where you could control the Pokemon yourself and move around the battle scene, maybe giving you the chance to dodge attacks yourself. That and the open world is what i kind of was expecting with the first ever console Pokemon title


As long as it's not the crappy system in Lets Go so lets just be grateful for that at least...for now.

1909d ago Replies(4)
1909d ago Replies(3)
PhoenixUp1908d ago

That’s why Pokken exists. You don’t need that kind of concept in a mainline entry when a spinoff can handle that kind of concept just fine.

Not every game needs to be open world

MoshA1908d ago

Pokemon is worth over 4 billion. Let that sink in. Gamefreak is lazy and only cares about money. They will continue the low iq tradition of having the same story and gameplay forever since it works. Pokemon fans have issues.

King_Noctis1908d ago (Edited 1908d ago )

At this point I would argue that the people who have issue are the ones who always come to troll Pokemon articles even though they themselves claimed they have “no interest” whatsoever with the game.

CorndogBurglar1908d ago (Edited 1908d ago )

Turn based is what it should be. What you are describing is something more like the newer Final Fantasy battle systems which I personally can't stand. That real-time turn based stuff is for the birds unless it's a party based RPG like Pillars of Eternity or Baldur's Gate.

Newmanator1908d ago

I happen to agree. When you compare this with Zelda it's crazy to think how much better this could be considering both of them are on the same console.
It has me wondering if there would be a port for DS ...

King_Noctis1908d ago

“I would have liked them to be like Ni No Kuni“

Then....play Ni No Kuni instead?

Flare1491908d ago

I have wanted the system you described for so long. It never made any sense to me why in the show you could dodge but in the game there's barely any focus on dodge or defense

1908d ago
Nintentional1907d ago

every post you post is full of so much fail, Foxtrot. Why bother? lol

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 1907d ago
EddieNX 1909d ago

I like both the random encounters and the visible Pokémon of Let's Go.

ABizzel11908d ago


I said if anything make it both. Have the common Pokemon on the route visible, make the uncommon Pokemon shake grass, and the rare Pokémon random encounters.

That’s the best middle ground. The issue is having to create hundreds of 3D models moving around the map, which gamefreak is too lazy to do.

They make billions on Pokémon and refuse to hire enough people to enhance the game.

CorndogBurglar1908d ago

Or they could make all the pokemon visible but only make them appear based on rarity...

EddieNX 1908d ago

I thought it worked great in Let's go. You just don't see the Rare Pokémon spawn as often.

They did it in let's go so I wouldn't say they're too lazy...

I'm happy with the way Shield and Sword is shaping up, they can't make too many drastic changes or they risk losing millions of fans.

ABizzel11908d ago (Edited 1908d ago )


Let’s go had 150 models, less than that actually roaming around. A true Pokémon game would have hundreds of models they’d need to build roaming around. That’s where the being lazy comes from. It’s not that they can’t do it, they won’t, because you have to animate over 900 Pokémon.

The only issue I have is not having random encounters takes away from the exploration and thrill of seeing a new pokemon if you can simply see this thing wandering around.

King_Noctis1908d ago

The game is not yet in its final form. So who knows, maybe Gamefreak will make the Pokémon visible again if alot of fan request for that.

Or they just say “screw it, that feature belongs to a spinoff. This is a mainline Pokémon game”.

Sono4211907d ago

They absolutely will not, I bet my life savings on it. It would take way too much development time.

JimmyDM901907d ago

You could do a hybrid where all pokemon are random encounters until you face them for the first time and then for the rest of the game that pokmeon type appears in the overworld (when in appropriate areas for that type). Thematic explanation, now that you've seen a (say) growlithe up close you can identify them at a distance when you see them in the wild.

Neonridr1909d ago

I was fine with the mechanics of Let's Go. If they want to remake other early entries like Red and Blue and utilize that system I am fine with it. But for the core, mainline entries, it should always be about proper battling and catching. No showing pokemon on the overworld map.

CorndogBurglar1908d ago

Random encounters get very tedious though. It's pretty annoying when you are trying to get somewhere and keep getting interrupted to fight some weak character you've already beaten 100 times.

That's why I like seeing the enemies on the map and then initiating the battle yourself.

Neonridr1908d ago

true.. guess I am just used to that from the final fantasy days.

thejigisup1908d ago

.... Do you even repel, or max repel?

King_Noctis1908d ago

You could always use repel if you wanna get somewhere fast. I use it all the time.

Teflon021908d ago

Buy repel. If your like 5 or something I'd get it but if your old enough to be on a site like this you can understand they literally put repel in the game for a reason. They're cheap and if I can always have a stack of pokeballs and a stack of repels I don't see why you wouldn't be able to.

TheFirstClassic1908d ago (Edited 1908d ago )

Teflon is taking this way too personal lol

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1908d ago
Sono4211907d ago

Red and Blue? wtf,skip that, just go to gold and silver, i'd buy it. They definitely need to stop treating pokemon like a B grade series though. Look at the treatment Mario and Zelda get, their games look amazing and play amazing, Pokemon gets one of those. It still looks like a Wii/Gamecube game at best, We know the switch is capable of great gaphics, Odyssey, pokken, smash bros, Mario Kart, Splatoon, Mario Party, Kirby, Arms, literally all of their exclusives look better then their pokemon games, what kind of messed up world do we live in where ARMS looks better then the first mainline pokemon home console entry, whats sad is I think the main reason they don't make it look better is because they know it will sell no matter what.

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I’m Struggling To Care About Pokemon Any More

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gold_drake329d ago

sword and violet just made me tired of the current format.

they rly traded a cohesive story and Lore for open region.

ZeekQuattro329d ago

As much as a fan of Pokemon I never was one to buy every new gen or spin off or remake. I bought Red & Blue. Played Ruby for a few gyms on PC. Played a bit of Fire Red again on PC but didn't buy a new entry until Black. After that I bought X and Moon. Then Let's Go Evee and Sword. Lastly I bought Violet. So it's hard for me to burned out on Pokemon.

franwex329d ago

Stopped caring after Gen 3 to be honest.

Dudeson329d ago

Same here, simply grew up and lost interest, but the nostalgia filter still hits for things like the old pokemon crystal.

FinalFantasyFanatic328d ago

It was Gen 2 for me, I just can't keep up with all the new generations of Pokemon they add in, I'm keen to jump into Violet/Scarlett though to see what's new.

got_dam329d ago

I always enjoyed these game until the newest ones. The open world is sooooo bland. I missed walking into some random house and getting a cool trade opportunity. Hell, I miss jut walking into buildings. There are not a lot of interior spaces in violet. And a motorcycle is not a pokemon. I don't care how mythic or whatever it is.

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Pokemon Scarlet & Violet Has Already Surpassed Sword & Shield's Total Retail Sales in Japan

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Flakegriffin492d ago

Because it’s an actual good game, gameplay wise. If we could get these mechanics on an actual updated Nintendo machine then it would’ve done even better.

-Foxtrot492d ago

Not really

It’s buggy, shallow compared to what we could have had in a logical generation jump and just doesn’t seem to hit what this franchise could do if it was made by a competent developer

It sold on the name because suckers eat that shit up

Inverno492d ago

Didn't take me long to realize that if you strip the open world it's pretty short. I will say that they definitely had better ideas this time around, but this is what we should've gotten at the start of the gen. If they were instead given the chance to skip a yearly release or two and work off what they made here they'd have something really good. Hopefully that Feb update fixes the performance issues so I can finish it.

gold_drake492d ago

i agree.

the game is rly bland and i had so many bugs it was crazy, like how does that even happen with a franchise like this ha.

Chard491d ago

So you played it after all? Does that make you a sucker?

Rutaprkl491d ago (Edited 491d ago )

I personally liked Sword/Shield more on launch compared to SV

gleepot491d ago

I love pokemon, but the games are starting to feel like they were made by an indie team in 1 year with no money and no QA

For being the most financially successful franchise ever, you'd think they could spend time and resources making an extremely polished experience.


Making Pokémon 3D Was A Mistake

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CrimsonWing69522d ago

why do other games pull off 3D monster collecting JRPG games just fine? Look at Jade Cocoon and Shin Megami Tensei for examples.

FallenAngel1984522d ago

Answer should be obvious.

No other videogame franchise is as merchandise driven as Pokémon