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Columbo (4) - 5708d ago Cancel
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Nineball2112 (2) - 5708d ago Cancel

DreamStation: Tak and the Guardians of Gross Review

DreamStation writes: "It's the holiday season, so we are subject to all of the revivals and sequels that the game companies can cheaply produce. This year one of these fine titles is Tak and the Guardians of Gross. Good old Tak has had some adventures in the past, and this year we get to see him step into the next gen on the Wii, if you can call the Wii next gen. So can we expect something new and fresh from Tak on the Wii? Nope, this title is a complete by-the-book formula action game if I have ever seen, and it does not execute that rather well."

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andPOP Review: Tak and the Guardians of Gross

The game is the third story iteration in Tak series and after a long hiatus now returns to the Wii. Developed by Blitz games and published by THQ this game sports the nickelodeon splat right on the box letting us know that this is a fine game based on the cartoon based on the game.. In fact one of the special extras on the disc is an episode of the cartoon.

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Gamebosh Review: Tak And The Guardians Of Gross

Mini-shaman Tak is responsible for the cleaning of the Juju shrines in his village but instead of using his hands, he uses magic. Butterfingers Tak smashes a sacred crystal holding four extremely unpleasant 'Grosstrosities', releasing them into the world where they promptly smell the place up something fierce.

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GamerDad Review: Tak and the Guardians of Gross

GamerDad writes: "Tak is a young shaman in training who stars in his own computer animated Nickelodeon cartoon. In The Guardians of Gross, Tak accidentally releases four of the most putrid giant golems ever, and now he'll have to learn some equally gross magic himself to seal away the behemoths before they stink up the jungle.

Tak and the Guardians of Gross is a 3-D platform jumping adventure. Tak runs, jumps and wall climbs past obstacles and uses his magic staff to beat enemies. He'll learn some new grosstacular juju magic to beat the nasty giants, plus solve puzzles and bypass obstacles. Turn into a boogery slime ball to stick to surfaces or summon a stinky wind to blow objects away. When facing the giant Gross Guardians, players may even be reminded of a kid-friendly version of Shadow of the Colossus."

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