
Bungie to Assume Full Publishing Rights for the Destiny Franchise

When we first launched our partnership with Activision in 2010, the gaming industry was in a pretty different place. As an independent studio setting out to build a brand new experience, we wanted a partner willing to take a big leap of faith with us. We had a vision for Destiny that we believed in, but to launch a game of that magnitude, we needed the support of an established publishing partner.

Newmanator2024d ago

Yeah I'd have to agree with you there. I hope Bungie start with something completely fresh.

-Foxtrot2024d ago

It's the only way really to gain a bigger audience.

People have already made up their minds with Destiny and if you've missed out on the first and second game along with all the expansions for the lore they've built up then you won't have a clue what's going on in future games.

Better off making a brand new game to capture a bigger audience

AngelicIceDiamond2024d ago (Edited 2024d ago )

Starting fresh indeed they know these AAA's companies are no good. Insomniac learned quickly from EA 5 years ago when they released Fuse when their new IP got ran into the ground. Congrats to Bungie I think it'll be wise of them to stay independent for awhile.

ps3vita4life2024d ago (Edited 2024d ago )

I agree, I’d like to see Bungie do something else! I hope they go back to their proper single-player campaign roots and create a beautiful universe distinct from Destiny/Halo.

PapaBop2024d ago

Unlikely to happen any time soon, Bungie had a ten year agreement with Activision which was naturally coming to an end in two years. The big news here from Bungie's point of view is that they've managed to acquire the complete rights to Destiny including publishing.

darthv722024d ago (Edited 2024d ago )

Bungie was owned by MS for 7 years but had contractual deals for 10 before they signed on with Activision for a 10 year publishing deal. That only lasted 8 years.

Personally I think they had a much better working relationship with MS than with Activision. At least under MS they released 5 games all to great acclaim (some more than others) but under Activision they released 2.

We all know Bungie wanted to stop making Halo games so what do they do...? They go independent and still end up making a game that has some similarities to Halo. You can take the Bungie out of the Halo but you can't take the Halo out of the Bungie.

I'm thinking this might have something to do with their decision to end things with Activision before their contract was up: https://www.gamesindustry.b...

Michiel19892024d ago

@Angelic I really dislike activision, but im totally on their side when it comes to Destiny. bungie fucked it up, not activision. Bungie is the one who misled their consumers, throttled exp to sell more mtx, locked old content unless you bought the newest expansion and Bungie were the ones who advocated for mtx in Destiny. Activision wanted to give them more time, because Bungie couldnt realize the plans they made in the correct time. They couldnt produce enough content for their expansions/patches so they advocated for mtx to make up for the lost revenue.

I love the old Bungie games, but I did lose faith in them. I hope they are able to return to their glory days, but im not blindly gonna buy their games anymore.

DaDrunkenJester2024d ago


It's hard to distinguish when it was the dev, or an order from above. I'd have to assume the pressure to make a certain revenue margin from their handler was more of the reason why Bungie had to use more money hungry techniques. Considering we saw none of that when they were with MS, I can only assume it was Activisions greedy ways that led them to design the game around Season passes and MT's. Much like they do with their other franchises like CoD.

remixx1162024d ago


Lol bro what the hell are you talking about??

How is it bungies fault when damn near all games published by Activision are milked and pumped full of microtransactions. You literally did zero research and just blew chunks on your keyboard and called it facts.

Hell Activision even came out after their earnings call and claimed they were unhappy with the way forsake (destinys latest big expansion) perform monetization wise and planned to increase monetization going forward( they were unhappy with the how poorly mtx sold during the expansion even though the player base flew up dramatically so now they plan to increase the amount if revenue generated through mtx going forward). Bungie retaliated saying they loved the way forsaken performed regardless of what Activision said.

All of this is because of Activisions greed and wanting to sell more and more dlc and microtransactions in a timely frame to keep player monetization high.

Try Google, it helps.

DarXyde2024d ago

I think it's for the best.

I do a lot of work with and for NGOs and nonprofits. One thing I can say for certain is, where donors are involved, you almost wonder what you're allowed to do with your own organization for projects and undertakings.

I'm sure a similar principle applies when you're a smaller development studio and Activision or EA are your publishers.

Ninjamonkey822024d ago


how does it feel to have you're foot in your ass?

AngelicIceDiamond2023d ago

@michiel If that were true then we would of seen such acts in the Halo Franchise Specifically in Reach. I haven't. Played Reach in a awhile but from my understanding there were no overpriced DLC lvl throttling, content cutting, MTX. It makes no sense why they would start now. I highly doubt it was Activision in all this.

UltraNova2023d ago (Edited 2023d ago )

Eight years ago Bungie wanted to escape their controlling Publisher (MS) who wanted them to be a one trick pony indefinitely, to pursue their own fate. What did they do? They signed a 10 year deal with the devil himself, Activision. Now they want to escape their controlling Publisher (Activision) to pursue...wait..this sound familiar...


Fun aside, I'm not excited for Bungie. They knew better. They sure as hell know how to draft a contract with Publishers though, I'd give them that, since they can breeak free when they choose to(and keep the IP) so thats that.

I'm sure all the anti- consumer "mistakes" during Destiny's life cycle were made by both Bungie and Activision, and this is coming from someone who absolutely loathes the latter...

I hope Bungie made enough money through the years to stay independed through their next project, because I'm very very curious to see the real, unshackled Bungie in action with no one else to blame but themselves if it all goes south.

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 2023d ago
beulahland2024d ago

Hold your expectations, dude. A good amount of the bad ideas and practices on Destiny came from Bungie itself, not Activision.

--Onilink--2024d ago

True, the difference is when you are self publishing, you can make time to correct those mistakes before launching anything.
When you are contractually obligated to an annual release cycle, it becomes significantly more complicated

CaptainObvious8782023d ago


Thank you. I was going to say that but you beat me to it.

There's a whole laundry list of crap they pulled.

One of the more egregious things was locking the 1st dungeon behind a paywall and then claiming it was an accident...

DaDrunkenJester2023d ago

They pulled that due to having to hit certain revenue goals through MT's. You really think a dev would purposely hurt their own game? It was obvious Activision was putting the pressure on to hit goal, forcing Bungie to do what they had to do.

DVAcme2024d ago

That is LITERALLY the first thing that came to mind when I read this, holy shit indeed!!

This not only is easily the biggest piece of gaming news in ages, it's an absolute indictment of the AAA publishing industry. This is Bungie making a statement that their creative vision was sacrificed because of Activision's shitty-ass policies and that they're now putting on their big boy pants to right the ship. I am beyond glad for them, and am genuinely excited to see what they have i store for the future.

Potnoodle9992024d ago

Jesus, with the way they talk they may aswell change the company name to destiny. It doesn’t sound like they want to do anything other than destiny. It’s just bizarre to me how these companies go independent to be able to create something new and then just keep churning out the same crap. Destiny has always been mediocre at best. Anyway, clearly everyone commenting here will disagree with me. I remember when bungie we’re leaving ms and I was so excited to see what they could bring us. Such an underwhelming effort from such a highly respected dev. Hopefully they create something really unique one of these days and not another gaas snoozefest

Nu2024d ago

Microsoft is going to swoop in on this quickly

Ceaser98573612023d ago


LOL! Bungie wont go back to MS for sure...

KillBill2023d ago

Not sure why you are shocked here? It was already known that the contract between them was up. Bungie has always simply utilized the ability of larger companies just enough until they can get their own feet underneath them.

2023d ago
+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 2023d ago
THC CELL2024d ago

Probably run back to ms if they get a offer

AngelicIceDiamond2024d ago

I think its best they stay independent for now.

Araragifeels 2024d ago

I don't think Bungie would like to work with Xbox as partner again. I can see them going to PlayStation instead but I don't think Bungie would like to split their fanbase even thinner.

2024d ago
Silly gameAr2024d ago

Run back to a company they had to buy their freedom from? I kind of doubt that would happen.

darthv722024d ago

you make it sound like a heated divorce, that wasnt the case. it was a mutual split and as such even after they were "free" they still made both ODST and Reach for MS before signing with Activision.

rainslacker2024d ago

I dunno about that. Unless MS offered them full control over which games they were going to make, which is why they left in the first place. While MS may be willing to give them creative control over any project they are working on, it's hard to ask a publisher to support you if they aren't willing to finance the games you want to make.

Hard to say what might happen, or if MS even wants them back at this point. Destiny, while popular enough, hasn't become one of the generations must have IP's. As of now, Bungie is mostly known for Halo, and a Halo like MMO. MS doesn't need another halo like studio, so unless Bungie had something else up their sleeve, it's hard to say that MS would even make them an offer at this point.

DaDrunkenJester2024d ago

It COULD happen, but highly unlikely. I only say that because 343 is now doing Halo so theoretically they could give Bungie full creative control for whatever. But like you said... do we need Halo AND a Halo-like IP? If Bungie could break off and do something different, it may make more sense.

But, again, I don't think MS+Bungie will happen again. I think Bungie is staying independent for a while after this Activision disaster. Just please for the love of god don't go EA haha

rainslacker2024d ago

Sure, anything could happen.:)

I don't think it was really full creative control they were going for, rather the ability to make the games they wanted to make. They obviously were willing to let the publisher have their say in the game itself.

Bungie has enough money to self publish. They used to publish their own games before MS brought them.

Atom6662024d ago

Makes sense to all sides to stay independent. Destiny's had a rocky time, but it is still one of the biggest new IPs from this generation. It'll continue to make Bungie a lot of money going forward, and hopefully Activision's touch gets washed away with Destiny 3.

MS should just write them a big check to cover whatever their next game might be. Similiar to Sunset Overdrive. Let Bungie keep the IP, but let MS keep publishing rights to it. It's not ideal to MS's push to start developing its own ip, but they still need 3rd party exclusives.

Bungie's received sizable investments recently, and are going to be growing imo. I think their prior relationship with MS should be capitalized upon by MS, but not with an acquisition.

Kribwalker2024d ago

Ms still owns a minority equity in Bungie. It was part of the deal when they became independent. They also got right of first refusal for all future bungie projects. So I could see them partner up again

johndoe112112024d ago

How is that possible when sony got the marketing deals and first access to dlc for destiny? Where did you get that info from?

Jin_Sakai2024d ago


“So I could see them partner up again”

Not happening.

Bungie: “We want to self-publish.”

Atom6662024d ago


Marketing rights and stupid DLC deals were Activision's deal.

Krib is referring to what was reported at the time of the split.


Kribwalker2024d ago


when Activision signed on to publish, they signed the deal with Sony for the DLC

Christopher2024d ago

IIRC, it was not all future projects but their next project. No one in their right mind would make a limitless deal like that.

Kribwalker2024d ago


“Microsoft will retain an equity interest in Bungie, at the same time continuing its long-standing publishing agreement between Microsoft Game Studios and Bungie for the Microsoft-owned “Halo” intellectual property as well as other future properties developed by Bungie.”

Other future properties does tell me it’s not limited to a project.

Don’t forget as well, Destiny was originally supposed to be a timed Xbox 360 exclusive published by Activision then ported to other platforms later.


I’m sure that played a part and MS must have gotten paid out some money for it to not be the case

johndoe112112024d ago

Ok, it seems microsoft does own a small percentage of the company still.

Christopher2023d ago (Edited 2023d ago )

A standing publishing agreement != Right of first refusal

A standard agreement/contract means for work that Microsoft is publishing, which means the work they have done for Microsoft or may continue to do as far as compensation (read: Halo stuff). It doesn't mean anything about giving Microsoft dibs on future work.


So I was correct. Thanks?

Kribwalker2023d ago

it was reported everywhere at the time of the split even on your website


Then frank O’connor gave an interview where he was directly asked if they have right or first refusal and he said he wasn’t allowed to discuss the specifics....

Christopher2023d ago

Krib, that's a rumor, not fact, And most rumors...

You're going to need way more than a rumor to push me over. I'm not saying it's absolutely not possible, but it just isn't probable by a wide margin either. And not allowed to discuss specifics of contracts is 101 in contract law creation.

I am ready to be proven wrong. but it is so illogical that I don't see it happening unless they decide to join Microsoft as a whole again.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 2023d ago
Ceaser98573612023d ago

Bungie wont go back to MS for sure...

Thundercat772023d ago

I don't know why would they make such a terrible business desicion. Leaving MS was the best thing that happened for them. Running back to the last competitor in the market would be horrible.

DonkeyWalrus2023d ago

Wrong. Microsoft initially acquiring Bungie and transforming Halo into a first person shooter was the best thing that ever happened for them. The success of Halo is the only reason anybody originally cared about Destiny. Leaving Microsoft has resulted in the utter destruction if Bungie's soul. With the loss of both the creative director Joseph Staten (now back at microsoft) and the music director Marty O'donnell, the name "Bungie" no longer has much meaning.

bluefox7552023d ago

Lol, what part of them becoming independent makes you think they'd sel out to the third place console? Lol

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 2023d ago
TGGJustin2024d ago

This is great news for Bungie and the game. Activision put too many restrictions on them. The game could head in exciting directions now.

FPS_D3TH2024d ago (Edited 2024d ago )

No idea why people disagree. Activision sabotaged the first games launch forcing the rewrite and causing several key bungie employees to leave. Quite literally almost all the problems I’ve had with Destiny were the result of Activisions greedy practices

Old McGroin2024d ago


"No idea why people disagree"
This is N4G, the people who disagree have no idea why they disagree.

Gameseeker_Frampt2024d ago

You mention the Kotaku article in your second post but I don't think you actually read it. According to it, the problems and failings of Destiny are all Bungie's fault. I never understood why some Bungie fans cannot accept that the studio isn't as talented as they think it is. Bungie butchered the story. Bungie added the microtransactions. Destiny 2 was only made better once Activision tasked 2 of their studios to help clean up Bungie's mess.


zahdab2024d ago

Coz disagre > agree!!!! more characters !

FPS_D3TH2023d ago (Edited 2023d ago )

@Gameseeker Bungie added microtransactions because activision obviously demanded money. Bungie cant make dlc content fast enough to satisfy activision or even the players but the demands for monetization undoubtingly came from Activsion. I’m sure it was up to Bungie to determine a way to implement that but I put the blame on Activision for demanding it in the first place. I fail to see how else Bungie would’ve been able to monetize this game and even still, the microtransactions are all cosmetic and in the entire time this games launched, not once have I felt the need to buy any of them. They’re probably the least intrusive micro transaction policy in games today.

gamer92023d ago

Why was the entire Destiny 2 campaign a cake-walk? There was zero challenge. Why has Bungie not added in better gameplay elements to keep things less repetitive? Diablo had randomized enemies 20 years ago. Would it kill Bungie to put in some variation to keep us engaged, rather than repeating the exact same strikes/raids with the exact same enemy placements and same difficulty? Surely this is not all on Activision. Most of my issues are 100% due to the repetitive gameplay, and lack of challenge (outside of the nightfall and raid).

Gameseeker_Frampt2023d ago


Like I said, you didn't even read the Kotaku article you mentioned. Not only does it specifically say that the microtransactions were Bungie's idea, but also that they came about from the fact that Bungie - a studio of 700 people - messed up Destiny 1 so bad that they were not able to patch it and make new content at the same time. 700 people and somehow they couldn't get the job done. Makes one wonder how many people they originally planned to make patches for the game. Maybe they forget to plan for patching the game entirely?

There is so much wrong with Destiny that it is laughable when some try to blame Activision for its failings. Exotic engrams decoding into blues. Pathetic amount of loot for your time. No matchmaking for endgame content. 0 new races added to the game after 4 years, instead just constant reskins of existing enemies. Character level tied to RNG. One of the worst PVP matchmaking systems. The "story".

FPS_D3TH2023d ago (Edited 2023d ago )

@gameseeker you can go ahead and stfu about me not reading the article. I did. It’s up to you with how you interpret the information. Maybe it’s you who didn’t read it since you could answer your own question about the fact that their game engine took 48hrs just to render any changes made making development and patches take significantly longer. Most of that could have been avoided if they weren’t forced to change their game under a year before launch. Sure bungie execs made that call but you truly think their own company would’ve tried sabotaging a smooth release months before launch?? Who do you think bungie execs meet with on a fairly regular basis?

I told you how I interpreted their statements and I know that no matter what statement you get from a situation like this, you will never know 100% what happens behind closed doors. It’s also laughable if you think activision has nothing to do with this games shortcomings and failures. I laugh at your comment about “so much wrong with destiny”. The games got a few issues but it’s hardly “so many problems”. People complain about repetitiveness and yet there’s so much shit to chase in that game now it’s almost too difficult to keep up. That’s a good thing for a loot shooter. Microtransactions hardly matter in the game. Sure destiny could very much be better, but it’s peoblems hardly make it a bad game. All those gripes you mention have answers and honestly none of what you mentioned is a real problem. It might be a problem to you, but to those of us playing the game and enjoying it, we honestly don’t give much of a fuck about anything you’ve tried saying is a problem.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 2023d ago
ps3vita4life2024d ago (Edited 2024d ago )

To be fair, we don’t know the behind-the-scenes of how Destiny came to be and it’s more then likely Bungie isn’t entirely without its own faults. And no I’m not defending Activision, both EA and Acti are the worst lol. I do hope that Bungie comes to their senses and fixes their mistakes.

FPS_D3TH2024d ago (Edited 2024d ago )

There’s actually quite a bit of solid insider information about what happened with D1. Kotaku did a pretty solid investigation and I normally find that site terribly obnoxious to give out commendations to them.

Doge2024d ago

Divorced and have taken full custody of their child. About damn time.

Sono4212023d ago

I'm going to contain my excitement, they need to prove to me they can still make a great game that isn't entirely based around grinding as it's only source of gameplay.

-Foxtrot2024d ago

Yeah well it makes no difference now, they got a taste of the money and Destiny won't change in the future

I think people will get suckered into Destiny 3 with this now thinking it'll be improved without Activision but they are too far gone, they are better continuing to improve Destiny 2 with the community they have as their little money pit and make a new single player driven game with drop in/out co-op.

Old McGroin2024d ago

I disagree. Sales for Forsaken didn't reach their target, they know they are losing their audience. They're not stupid, they will know they need to change things up to draw people back in.

-Foxtrot2024d ago

Yeah well I don't believe it at all...developers are so out of touch they'll say anything especially when for them it's less work and more income with the suckers who buy into the game. They'll say the same thing to draw people into the next one

"Destiny 3 will offer more RPG elements"

"Destiny 3 will be bigger and include more content"

"Destiny 3 will be what we wanted from the original Destiny"

Fool me once...

Old McGroin2024d ago

@ -Foxtrot

Yeah maybe. I hope Bungie can be the exception. If they applied themselves to the level we all know they are capable of to Destiny it could be something great. We'll just have to wait and see.

ZaWarudo2024d ago

I think we should wait and see. Now we will really see who was responsible for Destiny's squandered potential.

Purrfection2024d ago ShowReplies(2)
CaptainObvious8782023d ago

Completely out of touch developers have made me loose almost all trust in them as well, but I'll still take a wait and see approach with Bungie's next game.

And that includes having to wait at least 6 months minimum after release to see what overpriced, shallow DLC they add, and any greedy MTs.

AngelicIceDiamond2023d ago

Fox the issue with your statement is we don't know the long term financial state of bungie. Since they'r
e independent they have no choice but to create a good Destiny game unless they want to risk going bankrupt.

Purrfection2023d ago Show
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Show all comments (186)

Ex Destiny and Halo Producer Says Live Service Is 'Better for Developers and Players'

A former Halo and Destiny executive producer has said the live service model is "so much better for developers and players" than the one-off $60 purchase model.

Christopher30d ago

Typically the best games of each year say otherwise.

Christopher30d ago

Alan Wake 2, BG3, Tears of the Kingdom, Elden Ring, GoW Ragnarok, Hades, Returnal, Fallout 4, Dishonored, It Takes Two, Untitled Goose Game, Breath of the Wild, both of The Last of Us, Ghost of Tsushima, Sekiro, Psychonauts 2, Control, Celeste, Super Mario Odyssey, Bloodborne, The Outer Wilds, The Witcher 3, Dragon Age: Inquisition, Cocoon, The Dredge, and more and more and more.

Up against Overwatch and Destiny as far as critical acclaim and recognition as 'better' for players.

And, let me be honest, even 'for developers' is a lie. Want to know why? Because it's only good for people who can pump out graphics constantly and not overall quest designers, coders, engine devs, etc.

What this guy means is "we can give a lot of cosmetic content to players, who we think players like more because people spend money on it, and it's best for us because we don't have to pay for a full team to create a new game and just the people to pump out new graphics from one season to another." In no way is his comment a true reflection of what is 'better for players' let alone 'better for the industry stability over longer periods of time.'

This is more investor mindset focusing on maximizing profits by getting consumers to buy less for more while they spend less making it. That's it.

You know what's best for players? Newer, better, and more content that is good and not just cosmetic. Live service isn't that unless you pay $60 a year to them to add more for it (like Destiny and CoD do). Then you might get some improvements and new content. Even then? Not usually.

just_looken29d ago

In terms of player feedback/awards yes but the list you made are all nothing in terms of profit.

Call of duty mobile alone laughs at that list that game is a billion dollar money making machine.

Toss in your apex/mmo/rivals/fortnight/robl ox/minecraft monoploy go or back to console with elder scrolls fallout 76.

Basically there is alot more live service style games that hit or go above the billion dollar mark than your list and that is what the people at top want cold hard cash. Heck alot fo them make a billion + a year

Gta 5 single player profit vs gtao profit as a example now that ps5/series has gtao as a free standalone with gta + there printing cash like its going out of style over there.

Christopher29d ago (Edited 29d ago )

Being more profitable isn't better for the consumer or developers. That's better for executives in suits.

just_looken29d ago


Umm exactly who do you think pay's the bill's and hands out the games budgets?

They have 0 care about a games award's/feedback its all profit driven some use to care like sony back in the day now its profit first.

0 likes shows how many are still on copium thinking the big publishers care about them

aaronaton30d ago (Edited 30d ago )

Well the Poll on the website is suggesting he is massively wrong and out of touch.
A big majority of the vote going to "I prefer one off purchases with paid expansions"

Couldn't agree more.

Inverno30d ago

I'll always think the concept is awesome. Back during the PS3 era I pictured a Spider-Man game that would be the traditional open world swinging playground that they typically are but every comic issue would be turned into dlc. It'd be the entirety of the Amazing line, 2 to 3 issues at a time, turnt to dlc until the entire Amazing line is told in form of a game. That concept eventually made it to the industry and they have consistently fk'd it up with every game that has been made as a "service".

jznrpg30d ago

There is nothing like sitting down , popping in a great single player game and blocking out the world.

OtterX30d ago

Sometimes I like to log into Fortnite and Call of Duty and just sit and listen to 12 years call me a n*****, f**, m***** f***** just so I can remember why I like to play single player games.

GhostScholar30d ago

Not for players over the age of 12

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Xbox's Phil Spencer considers PS5 and Nintendo Switch players part of the Xbox community

This is Spencer's mindset after the Activision Blizzard acquisition closed

Read Full Story >>
Vengeance1138263d ago

What a horrifically toxic person, im sure in his mind Microsoft already acquired both Sony and Nintendo and they are all that's left in gaming.
Can't wait for 2027!

sparky77263d ago ShowReplies(15)
Eonjay262d ago ShowReplies(6)
darthv72262d ago

so... people who express positivity are toxic in your view? That's basically what you are saying right now. I know its easier to hate but it takes real strength to remain positive in the face of negativity.

As for him living rent free in your head... that will be $9.99 now.

Eonjay262d ago

This comment proves my earlier comment. There is nothing wrong with you. I have surmised that you are a developer and you are not dumb but in order to claim to be 'down with the Xbox' YOU have to become toxic yourself. He did not say anything you are implying. That's a toxic lie. Spencer is not expressing positivity. THAT is a toxic lie. People are not supposed to be positive in the face of consolidation that will lead to a worse situation for all of us. Ignoring that is TOXIC.

darthv72262d ago (Edited 262d ago )

^^man i wish i were a developer. I'm just an average joe who tries to be upbeat and optimistic even when the chips are down.

Petebloodyonion262d ago

The spirit of Orchard looms over you!

fr0sty262d ago

He sees the writing on the wall, and knows that Xbox GamePass will eventually appear on both Sony and Nintendo's systems.

Gamingsince1981262d ago

It has to get on ps and Nintendo or xbox is dead by 2027, that's why. Xbox NEEDS gamepass on everything or they are out of business in 2027.

fr0sty261d ago (Edited 261d ago )

I don't see why people are disagreeing, Phil said it himself that if GP subs don't dramatically increase by then, Xbox is toast. Logically, the only way to pull that off is for them to go third party, as they aren't just going to magically start selling a ton more consoles. Even a new exclusive Bethesda IP hasn't even started to turn things around for them. They have not far from 100 billion dollars to recoup from all these purchases, and their shareholders will be out for blood soon.

Zeref262d ago (Edited 262d ago )

Can't wait to have all those Sony exclusives on my Xbox and on GamePass when MS acquires them 🔥🔥🔥

Shane Kim261d ago

The possibility of GP ending up on PS is much higher.

Gamingsince1981261d ago

Lol Xbox is going to be only a publisher by 2027 they won't be buying playstation, they need playstation more than anything to survive 🤣 you are trolling or dumb take your pick. Xbox is done, welcome to the future where xbox is a publisher releasing games on everything and playstation and Nintendo carry on as usual.

GrmpyolGamer 261d ago

He lives rent free in your mind

TheEroica261d ago

You should probably cry more about your inner bias.

itsmebryan261d ago

What happens in 2027?

Vengeance1138261d ago

Xbox exits the gaming industry as Phil said if they don't get over 100M subs on GamePass by then it's not worth staying.
This number ofc being impossible as GP only has 25M subs now.

PhillyDonJawn261d ago

Vengeance the courts showed Xbox is more profitable than PS. So that make no sense

Gamingsince1981261d ago


No it didn't 🤣 Mandela effect in action in your world huh, Sony breaking records month on month year on year , xbox "we are a publisher by 2027 because no one is buying gamepass" yeah sounds like it's going well over at xbox. You are a clown 🤡

neutralgamer1992261d ago

would we be happy if he had come out and said screw nintendo and playstation? so what the heck do we want? MS have the money to buy and publishers are willing to sell. We have cult like fanboys on this site who will defend their box and brand even if their brand is doing wrong by gamers. Until we mature as a community greed with continue to rule supreme

i am so glad i am now a PC gamer. This nonsense has to stop. I have multiple store fronts offering competetive pricing and the ability to use cheat codes in my single player games to enjoy without all the MT

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 261d ago
MrDead263d ago

He wishes he had a community of gamers. I guess buying the market and banning gamers from games seems like a community for him, now everyone is as miserable as an Xbox owner

crazyCoconuts262d ago

Maybe he's foreshadowing a future where they're no longer making exclusive games... where the Xbox hardware is like... not as important?

MrDead262d ago (Edited 262d ago )

No longer making games? They never made games in the first place, thats how ms made the Xbox the least played platform. All they're doing now is buying up an industry and dictating who is and isn't allowed to play, gamers have got nothing from MSs deals except for less options for where to play and two publishers no longer competing.

Godmars290262d ago

MS has never seen Xbox hardware as important. Never.

It why they didn't buy vital parts for OG Xbox.
Why the 360 was rushed causing RRoD.
Why 1st edition XB1 was built around Kinect, and technically crippled as a result.
Its why they're talking more about streaming than Series X while not really talking about how Series S sells better. Is hindering the more powerful system.

Even when MS honestly tried making games, PC specs where more important than their own console. Alan Wake - that quantum game/TV I'm not bothering to recall - and that cop game - I'm also brain farting on - all where first shown on bleeding edge PC rigs, and subsequently failed to live up to first reveals for being built down to the consoles they should have been built for.

Phil/MS might be claiming a win because he bought an industry position Xbox has failed to earn, but if MS lives to type, then all that's going to lead to is disappointment and denial.

crazyCoconuts262d ago

@God, i couldn't disagree more. It wasn't until XB1 that MS started leaning into PC and cloud.
Up until then, getting you on Xbox hardware so you buy games via their platform was the ONLY business model that existed. Of course they saw their hardware as important. The OG Xbox had built-in ethernet and was quite a bit more powerful than it's rival PS2. The RROD wasn't on purpose in the 360. The Kinect was a hardware play to gain superiority in the way Nintendo did with their controllers. Now that they have pulled in PC and have expectations around Cloud, maybe they're pivoting their investments to a sector they think they can "win" in, but that's a relatively new concept.

Abear21261d ago

I believe they said it’s more about Gamepass on everything under the sun and that sub model, a possible future without consoles. Now they own most of the industry, crazy!

261d ago
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italiangamer263d ago

Does this guy ever shut up with this blatantly fake and cheesy attitude?!

shinoff2183263d ago

Phil's on hallucinations again

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So, Microsoft now owns Activision Blizzard. How will this affect the rest of the industry?

The deal is done. Activision Blizzard is now a wholly-owned subsidiary of Microsoft after two years of regulatory investigations.

Read Full Story >>
283d ago Replies(8)
MrDead283d ago

Well no new games are coming out of these acquisitions, this is about control over the industry and IP hording for a subscription service. Seeing what a disaster subscription services have been for Hollywood I can't wait for MS to bring the joys of that to gaming.
This entire endeavour is to line the pockets of a handful of extremely wealthy people, they'll dump it as soon as they've sucked it dry or wrecked it.

Outside_ofthe_Box283d ago

If this doesn't help to up subscription services for Microsoft by the allotted time frame then nothing. Otherwise a shift to sub-services being the primary way we game and the consequences that come with that.

BeHunted283d ago (Edited 283d ago )

Microsoft now has 35 Game Studios, while Sony has 14 Game Studios. This is huge.....

283d ago Replies(1)
purple101283d ago

and yet...nothing that compares to, even - ratchet and clank in terms of fun, anyway

Barlos282d ago

Microsoft aren't interested in the studios they buy, they want the IPs.

ChasterMies282d ago

More isn’t always better, especially when Microsoft has such a poor track record of handling its own exclusives like Halo and Gears of War. And now Microsoft is in a position where its games are competing with its other games. Developers will be let go. Franchised will die.

Profchaos282d ago

And all they can produce is average content for their all you can eat buffet of games instead of allowing these studios to craft evergreen titles

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 282d ago
isarai283d ago (Edited 283d ago )

I mean the only thing that has happened so far with these acquisitions is a noticeable downgrade in quality and value in the games produced under MSs management. The only undeniable banger released, Hi-Fi Rush, they really didn't give a sh!t about, just shadow dropped it with quite literally zero marketing. Even to this day the only things I've heard about it have been from word of mouth. So probably just more of that 🤷‍♂️

Lightning77283d ago

"they really didn't give a sh!t about, just shadow dropped it with quite literally zero marketing."

Yeaaaah that's not at all what happened but hey let's just make up things because it's N4G and that's what we do around here.

So sure let's run with that.

isarai282d ago


Literally the trending term regarding it's release by pretty much anyone that covered it. So who made up what now? 😂

Flawlessmic282d ago

I mean he's not wrong lighting, they did drop it with zero marketing lol

I remember shadow drop was the word of the month and how there should be more shadow drops

282d ago
Crows90282d ago

Or you could enlighten people with your superior knowledge...but sure let's just run with not actually making a point.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 282d ago
Stanjara282d ago

They really don't know what people want...or do they????

Lightning77282d ago (Edited 282d ago )

You literally just killed your own argument. It went viral, internally so they shadow dropped it.

Not MS didn't care about the game and didn't want to market it.

Congrats at killing your own argument.

@crows I make way more points than anyone here. Isarai literally just took down his own argument so read his link.

isarai282d ago

No i didn't LMAO don't know how you came to that conclusion. If it went viral internally, why not drop, at the very least, a trailer and some banners for the game? That game dropped with nothing. Not like MS don't have the money. Even after launch I really don't recall seeing any official marketing for it. Again, if they cared about the game, even minimal marketing would show that.

Also, THAT is not my point, but a sidenote to my point. My point is so far MS has shown nothing but poor management excluding the one game. Every other game has launched with a ton of cut corners, disappointments, and/or caveat to get some fun out of it be it microtransactions, waiting for a roadmap of updates to fix it, or ignoring blaring issues.

KwietStorm_BLM282d ago

It went viral internally? What does that even mean? LOL you still haven't countered anything that was said, because you can't reute facts. I make more points than anyone! Lmao

Lightning77282d ago

@Kwiet just read the freakin article isarai linked it for godsakes.

"That's how it actually built up within Bethesda...Some people had played it and they spoke about it to their other [colleagues]. They're like, 'Did you see that game that they're making there?' There's this weird sort of viral positivity to this just playing this game, and Game Pass just felt like an excellent opportunity to let something...lose that skepticism immediately by just playing it and people just talking about it."

It was a positive reception internally and was Skepticism if it was an actual good game or not. A surprise drop that paid off. So I ask again where did MS say didn't the game was crap and didn't care about marketing it like isarai?

Again he owned himself.

I'm talking to 12 years olds I swear... I have to be. Y'all are actual children.

isarai282d ago

Bro stop, you're just making yourself look stupid 🤣😂

" where did MS say didn't the game was crap and didn't care about marketing it like isarai"

First off learn how to construct a sentence, damn near had an aneurysm trying to read that.
Second, I literally called the game "an undeniable banger", quite the opposite of "crap"
Third, MS didn't "say" anything, and that's the problem. Ironically you proved what I'm saying. Despite it "going viral internally" MS for whatever reason still didn't have any confidence in it. Instead they looked at something obviously good with "skepticism", and so didn't market it as not to dump more money into it. They actually cannot see something great sitting right in front of them.

Lightning77282d ago (Edited 282d ago )

"viral internally, why not drop, at the very least, a trailer and some banners for the game?"

Why does it matter? It had over 2 million players and Tango even opened up new posistions and expanded the studio. Complaining for no reason.

"Again, if they cared about the game, even minimal marketing would show that."

Nintendo dropped Metroid Prime remaster from GameCube with out advertisement I guess they "didn't care"about that game also right? Btw that game also turned about to be a success. So where does it say MS didn't give a shit about Hifi like you claimed?

Sometimes just releasing a game is better than over hyped ad campaigns. Yes they even advertised the game afterwards through ads on social media Xbox store etc. You're not winning this argument so might as well stop while you're ahead.

As for the rest your comment your taking about Redfall. What Microtransactions? Forza or Redfall doesn't have Microtransaction? Question why do you make up things?

isarai282d ago

"Why does it matter?" ... So when you've been proven wrong, you just say it doesn't matter? 🤣If it doesn't matter why are you so hellbent on proving otherwise? I couldn't have asked for a funnier argument. And if you want the answer to that go back and read my comments, learn to read and do your own research. Figure it out.

Profchaos282d ago

Been seeing this for years since Crackdown 3 was one of my earliest realisations that the quality wasn't there and gamepass with simply a dumping ground.
Sure they may have one big game per year that receives a little extra love but happily shive something like halo infinite out there to be picked apart for a few weeks by the masses

Lightning77282d ago

"First off learn how to construct a sentence, damn near had an aneurysm trying to read that.
Second, I literally called the game "an undeniable banger", quite the opposite of "crap"

I was multitasking. This how it all went down.

You said "Hi-Fi Rush, they really didn't give a sh!t"

You linked an article that went completely went against your little theory in fact they said it was a positive reception internally. I asked where didn't say MS didn't give a crap about the game?

"Third, MS didn't "say" anything, and that's the problem."

Ok cool so clearly did give a damn about the game. Btw the shadow drop was 100% on Tango.

"MS for whatever reason still didn't have any confidence in it."

Not enough confidence they showed it off at the xbox direct and dropped it that same day? Again it was Tangos call to do so not MS. You don't have any facts just the typical "MS is bad 100% of the time because so that must be it!" Argument. Yeah it's not gonna fly and you'll have to try harder than that.

Lightning77282d ago (Edited 282d ago )

"Why does it matter?" ... So when you've been proven wrong,"

Proven wrong about what!? You didn't prove Jack. You were concern trolling about hi fi not having marketing and said MS didn't care about the game. In which I not only showed you where you were wrong in your own post, that you linked, you decided to make up claims that MS didn't care about the game. In which again they made a whole direct about Hifi and dropped out that same damn day hence "shadow drop" and it was Tango who made that call.

One last time and keep up. I said why does it matter in the grand scheme of things when the game was a success regardless of marketing? Context is everything.

It's a K. O. I told you were losing this one.

Smart of you to avoid the microtransactions comment. You knew you were wrong.

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