
The Nintendo Switch Has Now Outsold The Base Playstation 4 in Japan

The latest Media Create sales chart have revealed that the Nintendo Switch has now outsold the PS4/PS4 Slim in Japan!

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Geobros2096d ago
Neonridr2096d ago

Less than a million to go. Should surpass it sometime before it's second birthday.

_SilverHawk_2096d ago

This is awesome news. Now the switch has 85million ps4 outside that region to catch up to

Neonridr2096d ago

well.. the Switch is only about 65 million behind total.

CorndogBurglar2096d ago

Yeah but it makes me wonder how close it actually is outside of Japan. Japan is PS4's and Nintendo's biggest selling region so it's pretty impressive that Switch overtook it so quickly.

_SilverHawk_2096d ago (Edited 2096d ago )

The switch will never sell close to the ps4s total sales because it hasn't the support or games like a ps4. The switch sold well so far because of the line-up of games mario, Zelda, Mario Kart, Mario party, smash, splatoon and soon to be metroid. What's after the regular fan service of games that'll interest other sort of gamers? Probably there'll be another Mario, Zelda, splatoon, smash around the corner

bouzebbal2096d ago

I understand the concept is good, especially for Japanese gamers.. I just see it as a wiiu clone with exact same games ports, plus a broken online and overpriced accessories..

_SilverHawk_2096d ago (Edited 2096d ago )

The sales has already peaked and it'll be millions behind sales expectations for its fiscal year end. It's all downhill from here but I'm quite sure there'll be a few sales spike because of price drop and handful of games people are interested in.

The switch has more ported old games than actual new games which is a big problem for me. The switch is basically a better Wii u and the Wii u was crap.

rob-GP2096d ago

@CorndogBurglar - "Japan is PS4's and Nintendo's biggest selling region" - it's not. The PS4 has sold millions more in Europe and the USA than Japan, it's just that the Xbox, in comparison, sold like crap in Japan

septemberindecember2096d ago


Well you might not be seeing clearly then lol. It’s entirely different than the Wii U in concept and practice.

Yes some Wii U games have been ported, but PS3 games have been ported to PS4 too. Like Uncharted 1-3, GoW 3, Heavy Rain, Beyond Two Souls, Flower, Journey, and The Last of Us.

2096d ago
Mr_Writer852096d ago


Tbf out of a total of 26 games made/ published by Nintendo in the first year and a bit 10 are none WiiU ports.

And on PS4 out of 24 games made/published by Sony in the first two years of the PS4, 7 are none PS3 ports.

BUT, alot of those games are cross buy (eg journey) so whilst it is a port if you already owned it you don't have to buy it again, unlike all of the Wii U ports which are full price even if you own the original...

septemberindecember2096d ago


Thanks for that research! Yeah, it looks like they are fairly even when it comes to ports.

Cross-Buy was a really cool program, and I wish the Switch had it to entice Wii U owners, but I do understand why they don’t.

_SilverHawk_2096d ago (Edited 2096d ago )

"Yes some Wii U games have been ported, but PS3 games have been ported to PS4 too. Like Uncharted 1-3, GoW 3, Heavy Rain, Beyond Two Souls, Flower, Journey, and The Last of Us."

The switch has more ported old games than actual new games which is a big problem for me. The switch is basically a better Wii u and the Wii u was crap.

Reading is fundamental. I'll say again, the switch has more ported old games than actual new games. A lot of these Nintendo fanboys aren't very bright. A lot of systems have ported games but not to the ratio as a Nintendo switch. Ps4 has ported games but it has a lot more new games.

The switch has horrible support and not a lot of new games. A lot of fanboys said Nintendo online will be amazing because now it cost money but it isn't so. The biggest game on switch this year which is smash run likes garbage online. Sometimes it's ok with one other person but it's broken mess with more. The switch will never ever come to the total sales of the ps4 because the ps4 is way better than the switch. The switch is just a better Wii u and the Wii u is crap. Most people don't want crap.

ILostMyMind2096d ago

No, it's not impressive. Handhelds have always sold more than consoles in Japan.

Babadook72096d ago (Edited 2096d ago )

“The Nintendo Switch Has Now Outsold The Base Playstation 4 in Japan”

To the surprise of no one.

septemberindecember2096d ago


The Switch actually has more new games than it does Wii U ports. Please do your research.

mikeslemonade2096d ago

Lol you gonna cherry pick your numbers to make it sound good. WiiU 1.3 ain’t going nowhere.

IamTylerDurden12095d ago (Edited 2095d ago )

PS4 outsells Switch in NA and EU, especially EU. I get that people love the Switch, but i'm surprised at the success considering the bulk of it is based on recycled material. Basically a repurposed Nvidia Shield supported by a library of Wii U ports and old multiplatform games. Just sayin..

I know Nintendo gets a lot of love, but man they must be sitting on a pile of money. It's genius.

sampsonon2095d ago


only 65 million? please tell me you're joking?

IamTylerDurden12095d ago (Edited 2095d ago )


Even with that guys skewed findings it shows that Nintendo was far more egregious when it comes to recycling old games, but that doesn't tell the half of it. Most of the games for PS4 were either legit remasters or crossbuy whereas Nintendo is charging you twice and basically selling ports. Also, the PS4 was thoroughly criticised for the high number of remasters. Plus, are they considering BotW a Wii U port? Because i do. It's not just first party games or exclusives, Switch is the king of repackaging old multiplatform games. The vast majority of Switch's prominent games are ports. Even Vita had more system exclusives in its launch window and early life.

septemberindecember2095d ago


Crossplay doesn’t change much. There were still a similar amount of ports for the system as the Switch has. Also, so far every Wii U port has come bundled with extra content as well as resolution bumps, so I’d be willing to call them legitimate remasters.

BotW you can call a port if you want. I wouldn’t as it was released in tandem.

It’s extremely apparent that you’re biased, just FYI.

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CorndogBurglar2096d ago

What do you mean less than a million to go? The article literally a says it already outsold the PS4 PS4 Slim combined.

Are you talking about the PS4 and PS4 Pro combined? Because it has not outsold that yet.

Neonridr2096d ago

yeah sorry.. less than a million to outsell ALL PS4's combined.

majiebeast2096d ago

Bigger news is that Switch is almost 3Mil behind 3DS, Nintendo's worst selling handheld.

Switch is now at 6.7M while 3DS was at 9.5M at the same time of its life cycle.

Japanese market just dying.

Gemmol2096d ago

Switch a console, it have a console price, at this same timeline that you using the 3ds was mostly likely 100 dollars cheaper

Lime1232096d ago

Exactly, but Nintendo fans want to brag about beating PS4 in Japan which is it's worst teritory.

King_Noctis2096d ago

Yeah. The Japanese gaming market is doomed. Soon they will be using Xbox instead.

gangsta_red2095d ago (Edited 2095d ago )

Nintendo is competing with themselves then?

They must be in serious trouble../s.....

Neonridr2095d ago

I love how Japan doesn't count suddenly. For one country, they sure do buy a lot of hardware and software. You are comparing one country to REGIONS of countries in the same breath. That's pretty impressive.

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Lime1232096d ago

How long until it outsells DS, 3DS, Wii and GBA?

Neonridr2096d ago

why does it need to outsell products from the same company? Nintendo made their money off the sales of those devices. As long as it outsells the competition in that region, I am sure that is what Nintendo cares the most about.

2096d ago
IamTylerDurden12095d ago (Edited 2095d ago )

Nintendo handhelds are always monsters in Japan, but PS4 is the bigger seller worldwide. Crazier yet, i bet it outsold XB1 in Japan in one day. Think about that..

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2095d ago
Geobros2096d ago

Why not?? It is clearly a better console than PS4 or slim.

gobluesamg2096d ago


2095d ago
capjacksparrow2096d ago

It's a cool concept, but it is not as powerful, so it really depends on what you want. There are many taxing games that can't run on Switch because of its inferiority. At the end of the day it all comes down to games, the most subjective aspect of all.

Kainbrightside2096d ago

Look at you being all reasonable and not participating in the team a or team b nonsense

Geobros2096d ago

Actually, If I need power I have my PC. I am not this kind of gamer though. I bought Switch last december and I have already 1000 hours of playing. That means about 3-4 hours per day. Also, my wishlist is bigger than my owned list, I dont have more time to play the games I want.

The 10th Rider2096d ago


Obviously we must report and ban him! /s

Elda2096d ago

So true!!! The main reason why I don't own a Switch as of yet due to my lack of interest of the Switch exclusive library.

Razzer2096d ago (Edited 2096d ago )

Geobros is referencing personal anecdotal information....as if it really matters. Sorry...it does not. lol

Portable has been the mainstay of Japan for years now. Big screen console experiences are not. Geobros knows this. He is just trolling.

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Kribwalker2096d ago (Edited 2096d ago )

I agree. i’ve used my switch quite a bit more then my PS4 this year. Since GOW my ps4 has been collecting a lot of dust, since i play my multi platform games on My Xbox OneX for the better quality, and with the massive backlog on i have on both my switch and xbox, i don’t know when i’ll be turning on my PS4 again frankly, i haven’t even started playing smash bros, let alone Donkey Kong Country, Hyrule Warriors, Kirby or Xenoblade chronicles, I’m still playing the amazing forza horizon 4 and i want to get back and try the new content in Sea Of Thieves, plus my continuing backlog that’s growing thanks to game pass, too many games, not enough time

XabiDaChosenOne2096d ago

@Kribwalker "and i want to get back and try the new content in Sea Of Thieves"
His PS4 is collecting dust, has a huge backlog of games supposedly but can't wait to get back into sea of thieves 😂😂😂. Can't make this stuff up folks.

remixx1162096d ago

Yeah sorry krib but...just...stop please.

The Wood2096d ago (Edited 2096d ago )

Lol. . Did your gen start when the 1x came about. . . It must of been a nightmare for your gen to start so late because up until that point. . the best place to play multis AND exclusives was the ps4 . . . My poor brother was on a mad hunger strike.

bluefox7552096d ago

You don't think anyone believes you, right?

Ceaser98573612096d ago

Nobody asked you about Xbox x.. Lmao! Fanboys like these will Bring out X to justify its purpose. Such a pity... Switch is going to beat Xbox One soon.. Deal with that...

Kribwalker2096d ago


sea of thieves has added a tonne of extra free content. it’s worth a revisit since i get it on gamepass anyways

Nah, most of my friends play on xbox as well, and competitive FPS’s are my cup of tea, and xbox had the best exclusives of those so i was good, and now i get the best version of every other game on top of it.

check my ps4 profile i haven’t played a ps4 game in months 😉

Soulrakk2096d ago

God forbid anyone says this without being downvoted to hell here at PSN4G. To hell with diversity and playing games wherever someone chooses to.

Thatgrammar2096d ago

“I agree. i’ve used my switch quite a bit more then my PS4 this year.”

You should use the word “than” instead of “then”. Your sentence is incorrect as written. Keep up the effort though, maybe one day you will get the hang of it. Cheers!

Lime1232096d ago

I didn't buy Xbox One and never will

cell9892096d ago

You don’t even own a ps4 lol

The Wood2096d ago

'and xbox had the best exclusives of those so i was good, '

Oh yeah. . The gens like 5 years in. . What fps's were keeping you going for 4 plus years. . . Lol

Kribwalker2096d ago


Titanfall released 4 months after launch and was a great competitive FPS, then Halo 5 came in 2015 and they gave free content for that one for over a year, Gears Ultimate was in there for a great TPS and then gears 4 as well.

Mix that in with all the other great Multtiplatform games, and the odd PS4 exclusive to satisfy my over the shoulder 3rd person cinematic action game and it’s been a great gen

you can check my profile on psn. same user name 😉

SierraGuy2096d ago

Shocking!... coming from you.

letsa_go2096d ago (Edited 2096d ago )

Sooo...Halo 5 and Titanfall the best competitive FPS exclusives? ooook!

Kribwalker2095d ago (Edited 2095d ago )


exclusive FPS yeah, halo 5 (is) and titanfall (was)the 2 best exclusive FPS this gen. Nothing on PS that’s an exclusive FPS touches Halo 5. There is no doubt about that. and it’s even better now at 4k/60fps.


Shocking you make that comment to deflect.....

Exvalos2095d ago

You bought a 500.00 console for "better quality" yet you primarily game on the switch.....

trooper_2095d ago

Wow, if you have a PS4 and no actual games, then something is clearly wrong.

Yea...no, you're full of it.

Kribwalker2095d ago


I have about 30 games on my PS4. But i have over 400 on my xbox.....


I mainly play on xbox not switch. i have over 400 games for my xbox. I have just nintendo exclusives, and just PS4 exclusives on those systems. I just haven’t really tuned my ps4 on since i beat God of War

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Starman692096d ago

Wow!!. I have both systems. Ps4 is better for sure, but the switch is neat. Luv mario games. Ps4 has sold so many because it's brilliant!! Pound for pound, the best!!

XabiDaChosenOne2096d ago

😂😂😂 28557;😭😭㈷ 7;😭😭

Segata2096d ago

Eh it's more to do with Japan loves portable systems. Vita did really well in Japan as well.

The 10th Rider2096d ago

The Vita only did well in Japan relative to its performance in the rest of the world. The PS4 is actually doing better there than the Vita did.

Lime1232096d ago

Yep, that's why PS4 will be at 100 million in about 6 months, and Switch at 40 million.

King_Noctis2095d ago (Edited 2095d ago )

How long is the PS4 been out compared to the Switch?

JackBNimble2095d ago

Dont you realize that when next gen hits, all the Nintendo fan boys will be claiming victory with the switch?
They already claim they're in the 9th gen and by the time sony and ms jump in they will have been 50 or 60 mil behind switch.
I'm willing to bet you'll be one of thoughs people.

2096d ago Replies(1)
Razzer2096d ago (Edited 2096d ago )

Actually no....it is quite inferior to PS4 and its games are horribly overrated. Sorry.

2095d ago
2096d ago Replies(1)
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Hedstrom2096d ago

I wonder at wich procentage Switch has sold in Japan versus pal and na.

Neonridr2096d ago

well the Switch is basically around 25 million worldwide. So around 25% of Switches have been sold in Japan.

TekoIie2096d ago


The person that asked the question? Were you being deliberately dense?

Neonridr2095d ago

@SierraGuy - uhh.. the guy who asked the question clearly. Thanks for clearly being inept. Here's your gold star.

danny8182096d ago

switch is a very neat device. will get one next year when the inevitable slim comes out or switch light

jelloaceomega2096d ago (Edited 2096d ago )

That would be a cool if it can fit my pocket like the ds lite or psp 2000. 4.3 in screen would be the sweet spot for 576p or 720p. its already been 2 years, and Nintendo been doing new variants iteration since the famicom top loader days.

danny8182095d ago

It’s inevitable to come out tbh

SegaSaturn6692096d ago

I hope the rumors of the ps5 having backward compatibility and portability are true.

Kainbrightside2096d ago

Wouldn't that make it like an 800 dollar system realistically?

tinchotin2096d ago (Edited 2096d ago )

Portability? What are you smoking? It is impossible to make a 12-15 teraflops portable console in 2020.

2096d ago
ILostMyMind2096d ago (Edited 2096d ago )

Who the hell said that the PS5 would be portable?

SegaSaturn6692096d ago

I thought there was a leaked blueprint with a screen attached to what looked like a dualshock controller under patent by Sony.

JackBNimble2095d ago

Not everyone wants a freaken portable .

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The most forgotten Pokemon of all time, ranked

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The Horizon Zero Dawn Remaster Proves You Don't Need A PS5 Pro

Why do you need a better PS5 when there aren’t any games that will utilise its power?

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derek12h ago

You technically don't "need" the ps5, ps4 or the ps3, lol. You don't need any videogame console, it isn't a necessity of life. If you want the best playstation console money can by, that would be the ps5 pro.

CS78h ago

While the article is pessimistic and negative, can we agree that typically playstation hardware allowed experiences that no previous generation was able to deliver?

With the PS5 and Pro that's changed and its because its first party are having trouble making exclusives that harnesses the PS5 power. And with so few using the base PS5 to the max, the Pro just seems pointless in a way that no other major Playstation ever has.

Idk, you guys keep defending Sony, first it was covid, then chip shortages, then live service won't hold back single player games. Now here we are with barely any good first party games in sight and the defense continues.

Sony needs to get their head out of their arrogant rear and get back in touch with what gamers want. And it's not live service games and it's not a $700 PS5 pro to see more detailed bleachers in Ratchet and Clank.

And just to rest my case, when you are showing your most powerful system (PS5 Pro) using a last generation game (TLOU2) something is very very wrong.

smashman984h ago

I don't think you quite got it. This isn't the ps3 gen where the cell was difficult to use and there was a period of time where the console just was not being properly utilized. These consoles are on x86 architecture and are performing at or around the level of comparable PC's. Sure there's SSD stuff more 3rd party devs could do but this isn't going to result in a big graphical leap.

_SilverHawk_1h ago(Edited 1h ago)

Drinking water proves you don't need a ps5 pro. Get a brita water filter

6h ago
andy8511h ago

Why does a random remaster do that? There's going to be plenty of games that utilise it over the next 4 years. And plenty already released that will benefit from it. If you don't want one fine, but what's with all the nonsense bashing of it

jambola9h ago

it's like saying "upcoming indie game on steam proves high spec pc's are useless"

Grilla6h ago

Gotta get those clicks. Later they’ll write a “I was wrong..” for more

ClutchManeuvers11h ago

Uhhh. I was going to write something but it's so tedious knowing that everybody will just rip me.

Einhander197210h ago

There are over 8500 games that use dynamic resolution scaling and struggle to hold fps that out of the box will utilize its power.

Games are already lined up for patches and more games that haven't been announced yet will use it.

But of course talking about what it actually does won't get as many clicks.

jambola9h ago

it adds to your opinion
it's doesn't prove anything

and even besides that, one game wouldn't prove that anyway
that's silly

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