NarutoFox2061d ago

I expect them to develop even more studios before next generation

CaptainOmega2061d ago (Edited 2061d ago )

There is a ‘secret’ studio wokring on what is potentially the next Uncharted game. Besides that there isn’t much news for ‘new’ studios, nor is there an expectation that new ones are being made.

NarutoFox2061d ago (Edited 2061d ago )

After the success of Spider-man I wouldn't be surprised if they acquire Insomniac games down the road.

CaptainOmega2061d ago (Edited 2061d ago )

"I expect them to develop even more studios before next generation”
"After the success of Spider-man I wouldn't be surprised if they acquire Insomniac games down the road.”

Most conversations revolving this type of aquisition deals with IP ownership. Insomniac has been vocal that they want to own their IP’s and they want to remain independent. Idk if you can purchase a development studio while at the same type let them ‘keep’ their IP’s. They’ve had a healthy partnership with Sony for 30 years. Why spend millions of dollars on a company to solidfy exclusivity when the studio has no problems making exclusive games? It doesn’t make financial sense.

It makes more sense for Sony to purchase Quantic Dream.

NarutoFox2061d ago (Edited 2061d ago )


They should have been purchase Quantic Dreams. That's long overdue

neutralgamer19922061d ago (Edited 2061d ago )


Wait till February-March 2019

Insomniac is already in they tried Ea and MS and own the IP's yet it got them no where. They come right back and ratchet became the best selling game in company's long history now being surpassed by Spiderman

Insomniac were given work on Spiderman for a very clear reason. Insomniac felt like Sony didn't treat their games right by not advertising due to them being not under world wide studios. That all changed with Shawn laydon had an very honest conversation.

Sony santa Monica studios have added another team so now they have total of 3

Nd have 2 teams and the new studio which was started to world on uncharted will be led by ND

Sony bend recently added another team so they have 2

Guerrilla games recently added another so they have 2

Sucker punch are in process of having a 2nd team

Sony could have bought any studio ms acquired. They instead felt like we can add more teams within our studios to keep the world wide culture of quality over quantity

Wait till reveal of Ps5 in early 2019 and Sony has major plans around E3(latest being they could have the PSX in New York city around June or July)

Ps5 will be coming out in 2nd week of November for $449. 11-12 TF with 16GB GDDR5 ram and recently it was decided that system will have separate ram do that whole 16GB will be available to developers

Ps4 controllers will work with Ps5 out of the box

As of right now there are more than 24 Sony world wide teams working on Ps5 titles

All ps4 games will work on Ps5 right out of the box with major graphical and performance improvements

Ps1-2 games will work on Ps5 by early to mid 2020

Ps3 is still giving Sony major issues so at launch might be difficult. There was talk of having the cell processor inside the Ps5 only to run ps3 games. Cell processor 2.0 which will make all ps3 games run and play better


Bloodborne 2 at launch with Ps5. Sony Japan is working on it

Bloodborne 2
The last of us 2

All will launch with Ps5 with death stranding coming March of 2020

Shenmue 3 will be delayed to launch alongside ps5

Latest is days gone might be delayed indefinitely to launch in 2020 on Ps5. For what they are trying to do ps4 isn't letting them do it

Biggest game to have rebooted and benefited so much is dreams it's no longer a ps4 game. Trust me when people see dreams during gameplay demo reveal Jaws will be dropped below the floor. It will put MM on the AAA map

Sony and Kojima have a 3 game deal and don't be surprised if death stranding doesn't get a sequel. He is thinking about doing 3 new IP's while Sony has given him the freedom to pick any of their IP's he wants to work on. Death stranding on ps4 will look inferior to Ps5 because it was never intended as a ps4 title. If delayed it may not even come to ps4

Siren is something he is looking into

Please font believe anything I am saying soon Ps5 reveal invitations will start going out to gaming media. Event will be held in New York

Mark cerny is once again leading the charge and he has been going around asking for developers feedback. Ps5 dev kits been with big publishers for a while now

Don't worry knack 3 isn't happening

NarutoFox2061d ago (Edited 2061d ago )


"Sony bend recently added another team so they have 2"

I guess I can still hope for a new Syphon Filter

"Ps5 will be coming out in 2nd week of November for $449. 11-12 TF with 16GB GDDR5 ram and recently it was decided that system will have separate ram do that whole 16GB will be available to developers"

I don't think the PS5 will have GDDR5 when GDDR6 is out now.

Sevir2060d ago

Honestly I think think the next Acquisition will be Quantic... They've had a pretty great relationship, their games have all sold well and David Cage has expressed wanting to be first party. I have a feeling they'll announce something closer to PS5 release

UltraNova2060d ago


Dare I ask where did you come up with what has to be the biggest next gen leak info blowout in Sony's history?

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 2060d ago
foster4262061d ago

Great video.
Can't wait to see what new games you censor

2061d ago Replies(3)
trooper_2061d ago

Stop your nonsense.

Like seriously.

UCForce2061d ago

Oh really ? Ghost of Tsushima, The Last of Us Part 2 and Days Gone are mature games. More importantly, you should ask why Japan censoring realistic violence video game of Western game ? Japan Game is no innocent. Imagine if Nintendo made a dark, gritty and realistic violence video game for the first time ? Japan Game would censored violence part.

Gazondaily2061d ago

Interesting that Sony does that now. Clearly Sony is feeling the heat that it feels it needs to get the message out.

Still, Sony can be relaxed as well because of the pedigree of its studios and it's position in the industry. But things are hotting up, albeit more for next gen.

gangsta_red2061d ago

Definitely somewhat suspicious as it comes at a time when a lot of focus and chatter is on MS buying studios

Also with Sony being stationed in Cali this could also mean they're going to start focusing on hiring even more talent or expanding their studios even further in preparation for the next gen.

Interesting times sir.

subtenko2061d ago

You have no idea whats going on. I'll tell you, its big what Sony is doing. You'll see.

Gazondaily2061d ago

Insider info? Or you just guessing? (Which is fine if you are)

gangsta_red2061d ago

I want to know too! Share some of that juicy info with the rest of the class!

Kribwalker2061d ago

*grabs popcorn* can’t wait to hear this big news, competition is great for the whole industry, pushes each company to be better, so whatever they have, hopefully it continues to move the industry forward

Rude-ro2061d ago (Edited 2061d ago )

“Feeling the heat” 😂😂
Let’s wait for an actual product. Not many buy into words anymore septic.... after 8 years of not delivering, only a select few still cling on to anything Xbox related.
And they seem like they get paid to do so

Razzer2061d ago (Edited 2061d ago )

Uh....it is a recruiting video. Why is the timing of a video highlighting gaming careers at Sony signify any sort of "heat". You are putting too much into something that is really very common and benign.

Sony does stuff like this all the time.


NarutoFox2061d ago

I have to agree. One of the funniest comments I have read on here.

Razzer2060d ago (Edited 2060d ago )

Well.....posters like Septic are obviously not interested in talking about the video as far as what it really is. That is not his purpose here. I think we all know what that is.

Outside_ofthe_Box2058d ago

LOL, funny how he just ignores this comment.

Funny thing is if the roles were reversed he'd be poking fun at how sony fans are crying "conspiracy" lmao

Atticus_finch2061d ago

You green boys try to blow up Xbox at any chance hahaha.
"Feeling the heat" Dead bodies don't generate heat. This Generation is over, Sony won and is full steam ahead to the next gen.
Xbox acquiring studios just now shows how many years behind Sony they are.

gangsta_red2061d ago

"Xbox acquiring studios just now shows how many years behind Sony they are."

Actually it shows just how serious they are with providing content for Game Pass. They're going to need an abundance of studios if they want to make GP a success with content.

Atticus_finch2061d ago

@Gangsta You guys are way too excited over a subscription service from a company that has a horrible history.
You're statement almost got it right
"They're going to need an abundance of studios if they want to make a"......GAMING CONSOLE.

gangsta_red2061d ago (Edited 2061d ago )

Way too excited? Sure, I guess, a subscription service that's going to have a lot of games on their GAMING CONSOLE

I'm also thinking Sony will expand with more games for their subscription service on their GAMING CONSOLE and make it more attractive to us gamers also.

You seem to be more excited than I am seeing the all caps, going to some good times next gen.

NarutoFox2061d ago (Edited 2061d ago )


I really expect Miccrosoft game pass and Sony subscription service to go up in price next gen. I could be wrong but its just a feeling and my opinion.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2061d ago
Silly gameAr2061d ago (Edited 2061d ago )

"Wait until E3, wait for the new game announcements, wait for the new studios to get the games out that should have already been out, wait until next gen".

Wait, wait, wait, wait.

Legatus2061d ago

"Sony is feeling the heat"

The heat ?! What heat, Sony was always championing their first party studios, like in this video:
Where was the heat for making that video?

LOL you just got to love salty green boys.

rainslacker2061d ago

LOL. MS won't stop talking about how great they're doing and how they're making/buying all these studios, and Sony is somehow feeling the heat after 5 years to remind people they did all this stuff quietly years ago, and don't have to react to MS because they are already delivering with their studios?

Seems like a legit logical argument.

Sony still has more studios than MS, many of which have more than one dev team. They also have publishing houses with their own dev teams. MS still has a long way to go to match Sony on sheer numbers, and certainly on actual delivery.

Guess the next time MS says something about their studios, we can now say they're feeling the heat from Sony after this video since Sony is now out to show its better than MS.....because apparently, by your logic, everything needs to be a reaction to something else.

MS may be talking a lot about studios, but its still Sony who is delivering right now. All MS has is all they had for the past three....and that's a bunch of talk and promises of a greater future.

Razzer2060d ago (Edited 2060d ago )

The video has nothing to do with anything other than advertising why game devs should work for Sony. That is it.

Microsoft buying studios was a direct result of getting their assess handed to them for the last five years. Thank Sony, Xbox fans.

rainslacker2060d ago

I know. But look at the comment I was responding to.

I'm just pointing out the logical fallacy in their argument, and saying how they like to try and malign Sony over one video compared to hundreds of statements from MS over the years, and for some they're nothing but optimistic about a bunch of talk from that side of the fence.

UCForce2060d ago (Edited 2060d ago )

You and @Gangsta_red @kribwalker @thecolberinator are getting too much exciting about MS future. Don’t get too overconfident. Because like I said, I do not like MS approach especially they are start acting like Disney. They are buying more studios than building their own and that’s a problem. MS is actually playing gambling. It’s like their MS motive about winning and losing.

Kribwalker2060d ago

You do realize that the majority of sony first party studios were purchased independent studios......MS Currently has 12 studios.

Turn 10

are all made by MS

Playground Games may as well have been as they were founded in 2010 and have only made games for MS.

Even your precious Naughty dog was a bought studio, so you can’t find sony all high and mighty, as they do the same thing. They both have bought and closed studios

UCForce2060d ago (Edited 2060d ago )

@Kribwalker @Septic But did you know that I did said these comments before you two made the statement, right ? I know Sony bought these studio before but they want to build their relationship from scratch, not just base on studio reputation. And yes, I know Sony closed some studios in the past, but they are also building their own as well. I know MS made their own, but not a lot like Sony did. You two know MS flaws, but you two always forget and let the arrogance jump on you again. I don’t because I know Sony isn’t perfect. I know their mistakes in the past, the present and Sony will make mistakes again in the future because I know them well and i’m not let my arrogance jump on me again. You two know MS mistakes from the past and the present, but not the future. What happen if MS made mistakes again in the future ? Would you two feel let down or just ignore it ?

Playground Game only studio that I give a credit to MS the most, but other studios who made We Happy Few and State Of Decay 2 which are two mediocre games and it’s questionable choice why MS bought them. The reason I don’t like MS buy too many studios because they think bigger is better which can be work if it’s done properly. You have to start slow and steady, not rushing it.

Sevir2060d ago


And London Studio, Japan Studio, Bend Studio, Santa Monica, San Diego, Studio Liverpool, And PixelOpus are all curated and built within Sony...

That's 7 that was never purchased and started internally, what's your point?

As it stands, Theyve been doing this longer than MS. They've got 13 studios total through internal startups and acquisitions... They had more which they've shuttered over the years.

UCForce2060d ago (Edited 2060d ago )

You see, kribwalker and Septic ? These people below have more valid points than you two. Like I said, don’t let your arrogance take over you. Otherwise, MS and Nintendo will face same problem like Sony was. That’s all I have to say.

Edit : I don’t know what Sony future hold ? It could be good or bad, but one thing for sure, Sony isn’t backing down that easily.

Kribwalker2059d ago


My point is that UCforce, amongst others, is demonizing MS for purchasing studios and not building them all. Every company has bought studios. But MS has also built in house studios as well.
People say MS should get more first party studios to make games, because apparently exclusive games are the only ones that matter , and they do, they create one new one and buy 6 other studios (2 of which we’re making games only for MS anyways) and now people are pissed. Well you know what, prepare to get angrier because everything i’ve been hearing is they aren’t close to being done.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2059d ago
Good-Smurf2060d ago

They've been doing recruit videos for ages well before MS ever thought about acquire any more studios.

Thundercat772060d ago

Wow... You are so out of touch with reality.

Sevir2060d ago

Lol... There is no heat that Sony is feeling, considering that they weren't the ones with a dry spell of quality releases.

It'd be easy to see MS snapping up studios and then looking at Sony. But the reality, Sony's studios have expanded to two team studios. They've had quality releases year in year out since the PS3 launched. And their games have all sold remarkablely well.

MS was the one who had to get studios to diversify their bland halo, gears forza triad releases. Especially after countless first party games from them got cancelled.

Simply put. Sony is Hiring. They don't need more studios, they're diversifying by growing the quality of their developers under the WWS umbrella and that's clear as day.

2060d ago
cyber_daemonx2060d ago

Feeling the heat? More like rubbing it in lol.

mark3214uk2060d ago

septic you talking to yourself again?



kayoss2060d ago

Septic, Shut up. Stop trying to play both sides of the fence. Everyone here knows you're a Xbox Fan boy.

+ Show (14) more repliesLast reply 2058d ago
2061d ago Replies(6)
HeavyM2061d ago

Nothing about Japan Studio?

gangsta_red2061d ago

Sony seems to be focusing mainly on the western market since a lot of the sales dominate there. This is probably why they stopped making JRPG's of their own, moved their HQ to sunny California and are making a push to censor a lot of the more Japanese centric games as of late.

UCForce2060d ago (Edited 2060d ago )

What about Death Stranding ? And the successful of Astro Bot Recuse Mission which is Japanese game ? And Ghost of Tsushima ? Even I know Ghost Of Tsushima is make by western game studio, but it’s still count because its set in Japan.

gangsta_red2060d ago

Death Stranding is not being made by a Sony 1st party studio. And even then stars well known western Hollywood names.

Astrobot was made with a general audience appeal, nothing about it is Japanese centric.

No, Ghosts does not count. Made by a western studio who just set their game in Japan, that's it.

UCForce2060d ago

But here the thing, Death Stranding is using Sony First Party Engine and working with GG. Astro Bot Recuse Mission made by Japan Studio. Sucker Punch take Japan culture and history seriously with Ghost Of Studio and it’s count.

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