
A new adventure and a new controller - Pokemon: Let's Go, Eevee! + Poke Ball Plus Pack [Video Chums]

"Nintendo and Game Freak have teamed up for many memorable projects with everyone's favourite pocket-sized monsters. Now, they're at it again with a fresh classic-style RPG and a cool new controller, too!" - A.J. Maciejewski from Video Chums

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Best Pokémon Games for Nintendo Switch

If you are new to the Pokémon universe or just bought a Switch, you might be wondering: what are the best Pokémon games for Nintendo Switch?

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The Worst Thing About Pokemon Are The Games

Game Freak was used to smaller platforms and from Sword & Shield onwards were expected to scale up in the midst of a pandemic. That’s when it all started to go wrong, but it isn’t until now that fans are finally starting to smell the pixelated roses.

While the games began to lag behind and make their shortcomings ever so clear, the wider Pokemon community and other pieces of media kept on trucking.

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MadLad576d ago

I only ever got up to Pokemon Yellow. I still go back every handful of years for some nostalgia.

shinoff2183576d ago

I'd like to try Pokémon someday. I was probably just a hair older and missed the og Pokémon craze back in the day. My issue with Pokémon is the 2 games thing. Stop selling them like that. Put it all into one. I feel that's a giant rip-off. Say what you want

Elda576d ago (Edited 576d ago )

I never had any interest to play Pokémon video games,never watched the cartoons as well. Guessing because when it all started I was way into my adulthood.

Number1TailzFan576d ago

I tried one via an emulator once. Did not like it. IMO Custom Robo Arena had far better gameplay that had full real time combat control. Turn based games that i actually liked are very few and far between, like Worms 2 & Armageddon with their online play.

gold_drake576d ago

it started to go wrong when the shift to 3d happened, decades after everyone else.

imo, GF spent way too long in the 2D development world and just couldnt do it. what we got was bugs, lack of polish and experience.

but that will never change since the games sell like crazy.


The Top 10 Most Underrated Pokémon Games

With the vast number of Pokémon games in existence there will undoubtedly be some that don’t get the recognition they deserve. So here are 10 Pokémon games that are underrated and that deserve your attention today!

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