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Nintendo Will Win 2018 With Smash Ultimate and Pokemon

Nintendo Will Win 2018 With Smash Ultimate and Pokemon - Although this has been a strong year in gaming, Smash Ultimate and Pokemon will net Nintendo 2018

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Community2153d ago
michellelynn09762154d ago

Easily. Don't forget Super Mario Party.

naruga2153d ago

this is for laughs ...Nintendo with its lame underpowered gadget (which i ve purchased by the way) is going for another Wii U fail ...just ported games from previous generation and only 2-3 ip games

Shiken2153d ago

You are both high. Nintendo is killing it, even in a slow year. In no way however can they beat PS4 with the heavy hitters they have this holiday.

X1 sure, but taking 2018 overall? No...

Sono4212153d ago

uhhh whoever wrote this is high to consider the Let's Go pokemon games to be hype... they are literally the old games but with 3DS upresed models with pokemon GO gimmicks thrown in to bring in the GO casuals. It's beyond underwhelming and this coming from a huge pokemon fan who even still buys the cards.. AND even just got a happy meal at mcdonalds to get the card that comes with it. The truly hype pokemon game comes out next year, and i'm even still reserving judgement on that as the latest pokemon games hold your hand so much it might as well play itself.

FloydianAndroid2153d ago

Are you seriously gonna throw Mario party in with god of war, red dead 2, and Forza Horizon 4?

michellelynn09762149d ago

That's my view yes. Don't tell me wjat to do got it?

FloydianAndroid2149d ago

@michellelynn ummm I didn’t tell you to do anything I asked a question thanks

Sm00thNinja2154d ago (Edited 2154d ago )

Hmmm... I'd like to agree but Sony had God of War, Spiderman, Red Dead Redemption and I'm sure I'm missing some titles. All multi-million sellers. Smash and Pokemon will be huge but Spiderman, God of War and Red Dead huge? For fans Nintendo is knocking it out the park. Myself included can't wait for Pokemon Let's Go especally.... But. I forgot CoD, Battlefield V soon, Fallout 76. All missing the Switch.

Winning 2018? That's a tall claim. Killing it for fans? Absolutely

michellelynn09762154d ago

Uh yes. Smash will be huge and so will Pokemon Let's Go. Smash is already the most pre ordered game of the year. On a single console that is.

Sm00thNinja2154d ago

Uh where did I disagree with either of those statements. PlayStation had 3 megahits that have already topped charts. Maybe if both those games launched earlier this year? PlayStation has killed it this year too. 2 games won't change that fact one launching in December.

You're obviously a HUGE Nintendo fan outside looking in.... As big as those games are to ME AS WELL. They're simply not going toe to toe with Sony's already established library this year. Again... Had they launched earlier in the year different story. Longevity wise Smash and Pokemon crush Sony's single player offers. So what are we talking about sales numbers? Or just head to head game offerings for this year

michellelynn09762153d ago

No it's not. I am talking sales, it has gotten off to such a great start and when the free DLC comes out, people will like it a lot better. But, the 2 biggest releases this year are RDR and Smash. Pokemon could come in 3rd.

-Foxtrot2153d ago

Pokemon GO looks pretty bad let’s be looks nice style wise but it’s a dumbed down GO style remake of Yellow no one wanted

A full on expanded Pokemon Yellow Remake yes...but not what we are getting with the GO crap.

michellelynn09762153d ago

You just said it above. And, Smash is on pace to be one of the fastest selling games of all time. And RDR is not a Sony game. Dang, so it's 2 to 2. Also, people forget Mario Party which sold 1.5 million pretty quickly.

Sm00thNinja2153d ago (Edited 2153d ago )

Super Mario Party isn't critically acclaimed as highly. It's sitting at a 76 meta. RDR was marketed on Sony's console and I'm sure has already sold 2+ million out of the gate. I'd love to revisit this at the end of the year no use arguing about the future. My guess is both games are multi-million sellers and end the Switch off on a good note. Does Switch win the holiday season? Probably who doesn't have a PS4 at this point!

I'd love to see Pokemon Let's Go and Smash sales compared to Spiderman and God of War.

Dark_Knightmare22153d ago (Edited 2153d ago )

Yet Spider-Man and gow are in the top 5 for best selling games of the year so how you discount them has 2 of the biggest releases this year is mind boggling. I know you’re a huge Nintendo fan I’ve seen enough of your out there comments to determine that but don’t be a fanboy or no one will take your seriously

UCForce2153d ago (Edited 2153d ago )

But that isn’t enough. Nintendo only have two months left this year. If they won, that would take 12 months to win. Nintendo Third Party is decent but not good enough. They still missing some major third party games and upcoming one like Red Dead Redemption 2, Resident Evil 2 remake, a Metro Exodus and others as well. From what I understand, Nintendo have lack of third party marketing deal and their online is way more backward than PS4 and Xbox One. I’m sure Super Smash Bro Ultimate and Pokemon Lets Go will sell extremely well this year, but they need more than that.

You are Nintendo fangirl which is obvious. I’m just saying. Don’t get overconfident.

doggo842153d ago

You're fighting a losing battle

ChasingTheSun2153d ago (Edited 2153d ago )

You oughta to quit, you cant convince anyone but maybe kids that smash bro's, pokemon, mario party are in the same league as spiderman, GOW. its ignorant to even thing that. But youre paid in some way too schill nintendo to all sites so it is expected. Maybe 20 years ago those 3 tired out games would be big, but in 2018 its reaching.

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Blastoise2154d ago (Edited 2154d ago )

I knew what website this was as soon as I read the title.

Last time it was "2017 is the year of Nintendo" and "Nintendo has won 2017".

I wonder who will win 2019... 🙄

2154d ago Replies(6)
EddieNX 2154d ago (Edited 2154d ago )

Who cares if they win anything. We can guarantee that they're going to be very successful during the holidays, and Nintendo being successful means better Nintendo games In the future. That's what really matters, who cares if they sell more or less than other companies?

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Rachael Lillis, Voice Actor For Pokémon's Misty And Jessie, Has Passed Away

Lillis also provided the voice for Jigglypuff, which has also been utilized extensively in the Super Smash Bros. franchise.

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Community43d ago
ZeekQuattro43d ago

Fuck cancer. R.I.P. Rachel Lillis.

42d ago
Rynxie42d ago (Edited 42d ago )

Start buying those misty and Jessie Pokemon cards, they going to jump in value. Good thing I have three of Misty's top cards. Japanese Misty tears, Misty's favor full art, and Misty & Lorelei SR 191/173. Going to see if I can buy some misty cards that are decently valued.

I also have some Jessie cards. Jessie & James full art.

Chocoburger43d ago

As a fan of the Pokémon anime, this is awful to hear. Rest in peace.

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Cutting the Super Smash Bros. Ultimate roster in half

NE: "What would a future Super Smash Bros. reboot look like with less fighters? We go over which characters are likely to stick around."

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The 10 Biggest Nintendo Direct Moments of the Switch Generation

VGChartz's Mark Nielsen: "Last week Nintendo held this year's surprisingly packed not-E3 Direct; with a full schedule for this year and a vague promise of a console successor next year, it's very possible that we've now seen our final Nintendo Switch Direct, or at least one with major first party reveals. That makes this a good time to sit back and reflect on a generation of Direct moments, from the shocking and surprising, to the joyous and exhilarating - and, quite often, all at once."

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