
First official Assassin's Creed 3 Remastered details; new lighting rendering system, textures & more

Ubisoft has revealed the first official details for the remastered version of Assassin’s Creed 3 that is included in the Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey Season Pass. According to its official page, this remastered version comes with a new lighting rendering system, new character models, new textures and a denser crowd.

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Bismarn2116d ago

Now all they got to add is a new setting, new story, and new protagonist, and the game may be worth another look.

Seraphim2116d ago (Edited 2116d ago )

I admit I was never a fan of the setting or character but after finally playing it about a year after it's release... well it's definitely a great game and one of my favorite AC games. Though I suppose that doesn't say much because I loved 1, 2, 3 and Black Flag equally Lol. Origins was great in it's own right but it's so far removed from the staples of AC games that it kind of feels like a completely different franchise that uses some elements from AC and shares the same engine. Odyssey seems to be going even further and by next year the series will be so far removed from it's roots it might as well be a new IP, not AC.

starchild2116d ago

I don't agree at all. To me even Odyssey still feels like an Assassin's Creed game in general. It's true there have been some changes over the years, but what series doesn't undergo changes if it sticks around long enough? For example, I think recent entries in series like Mario and God of War feel like bigger departures from their earlier games than Origins or Odyssey do from earlier Assassin's Creed games. So if those aforementioned games can hold onto their series names then Assassin's Creed easily can too.

Hungryalpaca2116d ago

The only thing that’s really changed is the combat system and dialogue. The rest largely the same as other ACs

Seraphim2116d ago


they've taken the Assassin out of Creed though. Even in Origins to a degree. I admit I haven't played Odyssey which is why I said seem to go even further. I based that off what I've heard and read so far. Furthermore, I was listening to the PS Blogcast with one of the developers, not sure who or which role, and he mentioned that because it takes place before Origins they're not bound by the same constraints as old games. ie: you don't get the message/re-do stating Assassins don't kill civilians. Essentially giving you full control of what you do and who you kill. That was part of the animus. Which animus and that whole current/future story can be argued as favorable or unfavorable but it was Animus who constrained the player and made sure they acted the part of honorable hero. Because it takes place so far in the past, before the brotherhood. Also noted was that this will be the first game w/o the hidden blade. But who does that make sense since Animus is the gateway to the past. Get where I'm at here?

Until I play it I won't know for certain how far removed it is from past AC games including but not limited to Origins. Even though it's open world, maintains the combat to some degree, has historical figures and time places, etc, doesn't make it an AC game. For me when you take the Assassin and/or Creed out of the game you're left with a Historical game that uses the AC strengths, builds on them but isn't really a AC title. Granting assassination always felt kind of hit or miss but often that was because of the level design. Like a mission in AC3 where you had to air assassinate a general on a horse yet there was no perch or place to air assassinate him from. Riding in on your horse and jumping to try assassination didn't work because the enemy was alerted.

NeodeosX2116d ago

Nope, they don't. It's my fav AC in terms of story and character development, as for many other fans.

starchild2116d ago

Yeah, it's one of my favorites too. Connor's story holds special meaning for me for reasons I won't get into. But I also enjoyed exploring that setting and time period. The combat was also the most fluid and cinematic of all the games. I still much prefer the revamped combat in Origins and Odyssey, but even if AC3's was too easy and nearly automated at least it looked good.

annoyedgamer2116d ago

Connor is fine and his dad is even better. This was one of the last good AC games.

Andy_Dee2116d ago

Should've just given the one closest to odyssey and released a remaster of black flag instead!

A pirates life yo hoo!

KillZallthebeast2116d ago

Black flag was my favorite by far. Nothing beats the shanties while you sail the sea.

GTgamer2116d ago

100% would of preferred black flag I love that game

Angelin2116d ago

But you can play it on current gen already.

Andy_Dee2116d ago

Yes but those who doesn't have it could get it with the purchase of the new one :)

Rather that than number 3 for no apparent reason.

ragnalamb2116d ago (Edited 2116d ago )

Or.... They could go to any virtual store, and buy it; as they could've done it for the last 3 years, being on sale as low as $9.99 (pc version has been at $5 if i recall correctly) more than once every month.

Additionaly, AC3 was chosen cause its one of the games missing a remaster this gen, along with the first AC. Thats a reason.

twiggytree122116d ago

Black Flag was already updated for current gen consoles.

DirtyBollix2116d ago

Why remaster it though? Still looks great on current gen..

EmperorDalek2116d ago

"Yes but those who doesn't have it could get it with the purchase of the new one"

The logic is undeniable. Now I wonder when they'll announce Assassin's Creed Odyssey Remastered. I'd get the current version, but I'd rather wait for a remaster just in case.

MrSwankSinatra2116d ago

that's stupid, especially when there is nothing to remaster, AC IV is on current gen.

Andy_Dee2115d ago

Ppl really downvote logic xD wtf is wrong with giving them a better game that is closer to Odyssey to begin with? AC 3 is one of the worst ones to date if you check the series as a whole, Black flag really opened up the whole world by going out to sea and being able to find underwater locations and such. I'm not saying that they did wrong I'm just stating that Odyssey has more in common with Black Flag than AC 3 which is actually true.

Second, why not give new players the chance to play something that came before Odyssey and was great as well. The naval battles, the ocean exploration for ghost ships and stuff like this. Downvoting logic is weird.. :S

MrSwankSinatra2115d ago

Downvoting logic isnt weird your comment is just stupid, sorry, but you keep going on about that ubisoft should give players a chance to play something closer to odyssey, yet Black Flag is on PS4, so people do have that chance. if they want to play something closer to odyssey black flag is there for purchases on ps4. AC 3 was restricted to PS3 which is why its getting remastered.

Andy_Dee2115d ago

Yes but giving AC 3 isn't logical either, the point should be selling and giving something of value not something they haven't remastered..

I don't understand how some think here. So it is better to give a game that is worse and not give something that would be nice to get. Then instead go back and give the first one, or the whole ezio collection instead. Why the only one that isn't remastered.

fine have it your way guys. Take the AC 3. Just thinkin nicer to get a better game, but what do I know give more money for an old game instead of getting a better one, just my opinion xD hahah.

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Ceaser98573612116d ago

I liked the combat on this game. Probably will pick it up later IF its sold separately ( and its Ubi so it will be sold separately) and get the Plat.. Looks easy

Hardiman2116d ago

I know a lot of people didn't care for III but I enjoyed it and really the trilogy that began with III is my favorite out of the AC's. I realize I'm in the minority but I just enjoyed the story Black Flag, Rogue and III told! I can't wait to play the remaster!

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6 Worst Video Game Remasters

GF365: "Occasionally, developers try to revamp classic games and sometimes they mess it up. Here are our picks for the six worst video game remasters."

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SinisterMister446d ago

They did the OG GTA Trilogy dirty.

badz149446d ago

yup, with the amount of money they are making with GTAV, and the amount of time they've had with both the games and the hardware, what they chose to do with the Remasters was criminal!

just_looken446d ago

So true but the worst is the borderline death of the mod community thanks to the remaster and take 2 in general.

They are remastering gtaiv so now any mod for that game is under fire and soon a worse version of that game will get tossed out.

If you head to youtube there is a year later videos on the gta trilogy they now removed stuff like physics to get the game to work but its still trying to be as good as those mobile ports.

Here is one good video to watch

Chard446d ago

I recall the remaster of IV got cancelled in order to prioritise VI and fixing the trilogy. But I'm assuming this is as good as the 'definitive' trilogy will get through official support - I wonder how much more could be done by the mod community. The original III and VC have reverse engineered ports which are probably the best current way to play them.

just_looken445d ago


Groove street is working on a unannounced project still they are going to do something for gtaiv anniversary based on a rumor.

Do not forget gta trilogy was the 3rd best selling game under the take 2 umbrella that year.

Demetrius446d ago

Ain it tho smh and they still won’t overhaul them smh I just purchased the original trilogy for my ps2 slim the cds were even still new posters in the case with the manuals lol I still play them for hours I won’t even look at gameplay of the defective edition bullsh**

Chard446d ago

are they still patching it?

just_looken446d ago

grove street stopped patching few months in and is now working on a unannounced title while a inhouse team in rockstar made the game playable so all missions can be finished and got that team got it back on steam store.

As my comment uptop states there are videos showing documentation and though it on steam the game is not near the quality of the mobile ports it came from. The ps2 era copies just destroy it overall.

Profchaos445d ago (Edited 445d ago )

Yet it still sold over 10 million. I'm guilty of buying it twice ps5 and switch. And it still crashes at the end of specific missions like the casino heist in GTA SA when playing at 30 fps or the mission in vc where you and Lance race the boat to the dealer.

Despite that it's still better than it was but could be better.

They knew these games had huge demand they should of done each game properly seven if that meant developing each title individually over a year or two rather than all three at once and or a full remake rather than a remaster with generic ue4 assets and effects slotted in

Yet despite all of this I'm extremely hopeful that after 6 drops we get a HD trilogy on modern system whatever that may be ps6 switch 3 and Xbox series next

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 445d ago
chicken_in_the_corn446d ago

I thought the GTA trilogy was great. The changes to the controls and combat made it big improvement over the originals.

just_looken446d ago

If you had a pc you would know silent patch along with a few other mods to make said controller your using and mods to make said pc to work would give you a far better experience and for way less money.

There were gta san andreas mods that blew away what grove street did.

The weapon wheel by the way was from a mod.

This video alone is a middle finger to grove street

Number1TailzFan446d ago

Yea San Andreas had a good multiplayer mod just a short bit after it came out which was really popular.

just_looken446d ago (Edited 446d ago )

That mp mod then after there what we all battle royal now was great same with the just cause mp.

isarai445d ago

I think some improvements were cool, but overall it's a MUCH lesser experience than playing the originals. The aiming is garbage in the trilogy, and even the "classic" mode isn't done right, especially how it locks into NPCs in cars, crap has gotten me killed so many times in the remasters. And un the original GTASA you could click R3 to switch between locked in and free aim in the fly, in the remasters you have to change it in the options menu to go from locked in to free aim

autobotdan446d ago

Tales or Symphonia Remastered

gold_drake446d ago

the silent hill collection was pretty ... odd.
not because they fucked it up, but damn. some choices were made ha.

just_looken446d ago

A classic were the publisher made a billion that year but could not afford to produce another patch do too hosting fees.

cammers1995445d ago

PS3 got the final patch. 360 did not. Some say the final patch worked, some say it didn't. I honestly think it depends on console model of the PS3 and other factors. Something was really weird with how those games played. Sh2 ran fine for most, sh3 depended on PS3 model.

just_looken444d ago


Over time sony tweaked the hardware and removed some stuff off the board like the psp.

Pre 2008 games need og ps3 systems with old firmware for flawless play for instance.

IamTylerDurden1446d ago (Edited 446d ago )

AC3 but not the Prototype bundle? List immediately invalidated. And Mafia 2 and 3 deserve to be there, basically ports, but Mafia 1 was a technical remake.

The list sucks. It's why ppl with websites or media clout are not necessarily the most qualified. To put AC3 and not the Ezio Collection is dumb af. AC3 was a better upgrade than the Ezio Collection which essentially an up rez. I looked merely at the hashtags so if he clarifies in the article i apologize but read Digital Foundry. The improvement went up from Ezio to Rogue Remastered to AC3 Re. Rogue is arguably a worse remaster, there were multiple remasters of the IP that were worse but AC3 hate gets clicks.

Arkham remasters were worse no question on a technical aspect. No improvement, were they 30 frames? I enjoyed Darksiders 2 remaster but i would understand it being on a list. Weak list, i could do better off the top let alone if payed for an article, with time to think.

IamTylerDurden1446d ago

Ezio also 60, ik, basically just PC version. AC3 had real lighting tech improvements and minor gameplay tweaks as well. Not a great remaster but better than the likes of Prototype, Arkham, Darksiders 2 etc even though i love Darksiders 2. How great was Dark Souls 2 remaster? Looked like a basic 60/rez. I didn't play it though.

ZeekQuattro446d ago

Funny you mentioned the Arkham remasters. A friend of mine just a few days ago played the remasters for the first time. He asked me how it was possible for the games to look worse than they did on the PS3. What you said got a chuckle out of me because of it.

IamTylerDurden1445d ago

I take em to church. I should write articles. Arkham is on Mt Rushmore for worst remasters. I played it bc i play everything. These writers go by clicks. I spit truth. Arkham was bad bc they tried to import the newer Unreal Engine and it was a flop. Arguably a downgrade. AC3 was an upgrade. Prototype was a port. Cmon man...

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eShop Game Sale: Features Games From Ubisoft, City Connection, Gamuzumi, Navila Software & More

Daily Video Game writes: "eShop's latest game sale is featuring several good games from Gamuzumi, Navila Software, ChiliDog Interactive, Ubisoft, and City Connection for Nintendo Switch gamers with big discounts right now!"

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Amazon Slashes Up To 75% Off On Several Action Adventure, RPG, Shooter & Simulation Games

Daily Video Game writes: "If you’ve run out of games to play and are planning on picking up new games for your PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch, you're in luck. Amazon is currently offering up to 75% off on several popular action-adventure, RPG, shooter, and simulation games!"

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