
Suikoden series portal website relaunched

Konami has relaunched the portal website for its Suikoden series, known as Genso Suikoden in Japan.

Before today’s update, the last time an update was posted on the website was on June 18, 2014, when the “Best Collection” version of Suikoden I & II for PSP was made available as a free trial for PlayStation Plus subscribers in Japan. Before that, the last update was on November 21, 2012, when the “PSP the Best” version of Genso Suikoden: Tsumugareshi Hyakunen no Toki was dated in Japan. The series’ official Twitter account last tweeted on February 18, 2013 regarding a delay in the delivery of the first-print bonus PSP theme included with Genso Suikoden: Tsumugareshi Hyakunen no Toki.

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Gardenia2117d ago

Suikoden I and Suikoden II for the PS4 with trophies!!!

gangsta_red2117d ago

Why stop there, get 3 and 4!

VJGenova2116d ago

Why stop there!? Get V too!

Uglyday2116d ago

Uhg, I remember collecting everyone the first time around and it wasn’t a joy then. I would love to replay this but if 108 stars are needed for that Platinum count me out of trophy hunting.

AsunaYuukiTheFlash2116d ago

Just bring all of it. Including Tiekris and Suikoden Tactics 😋

Last_Boss2117d ago

Supposedly it's the collection.

HylianMigz2117d ago

ive alwaus wanted to play this series

Seraphim2117d ago

I and II were phenomenal games. So much fun and it was a blast collecting all the stars. Forget exactly how many there were and I'm too lazy to open my drawer and look at my cheat sheet. Think it was like 200 some though maybe. At one point I owned III, IV and V but had never got around to playing them. During the PS2 era I found myself buried in far too many games. So once PS3 dropped I made a vow to only buy what I'd play and finish what I'd bought. But the entrance of HD made it difficult for me to go back to PS2 games.

Anyway, great series. If you have a chance and desire do yourself a favor and play them.

HylianMigz2116d ago

i have a strong desire and have tried finding multiple roms to no avail. a collection would be awesome!

AsunaYuukiTheFlash2116d ago (Edited 2116d ago )

I probably logged over 2000 hours between Suikoden 2 ,3 and 5. Suikoden is one of my favorite RPG franchise of all time. Knowing Konami there’s a high chance it will release on mobile devices and pachinko machine before it make its way to the home console. 😟


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shinoff2183154d ago

Wish they'd hurry with these remasters lol. I was hoping to knock them out before ec released.

CUnit123123154d ago

You're telling me. I assume they will likely piggy back of EC hype. But we will have to wait and see.


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