
Fallout 76’ Crossplay Release unknown

Pete Hines:

Folks, chill. I work with a lot of devs and games for whom this is important going forward. Fallout 76 does not support crossplay, for a number of reasons. I have no idea if it ever will.

darthv722130d ago

i thought they were doing console/PC crossplay...?

Liqu1d2130d ago

No. Sony wouldn't have a problem with that so they wouldn't have complained in the first place. The lied for their pals over Xbox.

UltraNova2129d ago (Edited 2129d ago )

So much hypocrisy...whats Bethesda's and Todd's , in particular, beef with Sony anyway?

Eonjay2129d ago

Todd is friends with Phil and as such will always put that friendship before the gamers who actually support his company. Always. You may say someone who doesn't put his consumers first should be running a company, but he believes that he can get those consumers to buy his friends system because his company is very popular. Instead of companies being influenced by consumers he wants the company to be the one doing the influencing.

Nitrowolf22129d ago (Edited 2129d ago )

This is just laughable

All talk, And when given the chance to shift the blame to someone else they do. Now all of a sudden Sony supports it and it’s as if they never had plans for it.

First they say Sony was a reason And essentially made it out as if they were the major reason now it’s all these Other reasons

The sad truth is it was probably never planned to begin with, I just saw the opportunity and went with it. Bethesda has always played favorites

This company needs to shut his mouth because anytime they open it they always look idiotic because it always comes back

PapaBop2129d ago

Yep, one of the most outspoken developers over crossplay and now that Sony is offering it, they're beating a hasty retreat and won't even try and implement it? Just proving the "fanboys" right that it was nothing more than a pathetic PR stunt.

Ricegum2129d ago Show
NewMonday2129d ago

Sony called their bluff, crossplay between several platforms costs much extra money for developers with actual less return (because no re-purchase of digital items).

Ceaser98573612129d ago (Edited 2129d ago )

So Mr Howard calls out Sony for not letting cross-play happen, then Sony decides to start letting it happen, and Bethesda's now basically going "Shit, we didn't think they'd actually do it!"? I mean, not doing it at launch makes sense but...you'd think they'd be a bit more gracious about it all now. Poor Todd, Jokes on you now.

and the tweet says it all... LOL! Someone is lying for sure.


Vizigoth042129d ago

Their games sell better on PS4 and it's owned by Sony. Maybe that's it? Maybe they want a safe comfortable home with Microsoft but can't resist the cash Sony gives them? Maybe it's individual people who have been wronged by one person or another within the gaming industry. But then why go out of their way to implement Skyrim on PSVR as well as Doom VFR. That much is very confusing.

UltraNova2129d ago

And lets not forget that no one could stop them from adding Cross-play for xbox and PC...they didn't because they never intended to add cross play of any kind! Yet they happily participated in MS's smear campaign and got away with it.

You gotta love the hypocrisy and hate towards Sony.

JackBNimble2129d ago

It is things like this that make you realize that cross play never really mattered, it was just an excuse to jump on the hate train and try to make Sony look as bad as possible.

bluefox7552129d ago (Edited 2129d ago )

They've always had some weird issue with Sony, never really understood it. Kinda exposes them for their hypocrisy at least.

2129d ago
Outside_ofthe_Box2129d ago (Edited 2129d ago )

So in the words of a certain someone. . . Sony called their bluff??? xD

Those who shall not be named are noticeably absent in this article, I wonder why? 🤔


It goes both ways. . . Why aren't you and others that were clamoring for crossplay so docile about Bethesda backpedaling now? Shouldn't you be just as upset as you were when they pointed the finger at Sony?

2129d ago
Realms2129d ago

Who cares Bethesda got smoked by CD Project Red they showed them how to do a proper open world third person game. The only good games Bethesda does these days are shooters and those are a dime a dozen. Bethesda does seem to have a bias towards MS I honestly don't care Sony has way more developers support there is a reason why so many Japanese games never see the day of light on the xbox.

Outside_ofthe_Box2129d ago (Edited 2129d ago )


"Please point to the comments where I was outraged? Please link the comments where I pointed the finger at Sony? "

I'll do so as soon as you link the comments of each and every individual here that said they didn't care before and are 'outraged' here. If you gonna generalize, I'll do so too thank you very much.

"First of all, this is stupid because Bethesda said they were looking into crossplay for '76 not that they would do it"


Then why point the finger in the first place if they didn't even have concrete plans to implement it?
And even then that didn't stop people from blaming Sony as if Bethesda fully planned on doing it and that Sony were the ones blocking it from happening. Don't recall you calling those that did this 'stupid' at the time and that Bethesda were only looking into it.

"But as usual, you and others can't wait to blame everyone else for something you all kept telling everyone you didn't care about"

Just as usual you guys are quick to retract your outrage for something you did care about as soon Sony is no longer the center of blame? We can do this all day.

2129d ago
Cohagen4202129d ago

You nailed it, and they didn't expect PlayStation to implement console Crossplay so quickly. I hope this screws over Fallout 76 sales in some way, it definitely deserves it after all of this nonsense.

Nyxus2129d ago

@ Duke_Mason_MD:

"It's okay, nobody cares about crossplay so why are you guys so upset that this game won't have it?"

People aren't upset about the game not supporting cross-play, that's not the point here. People are upset because of Bethesda's ridiculous behavior. Not long ago they were fully blaming Sony for the game not having cross-play, and now that Sony is allowing it they are backpedalling like crazy. That's why people are annoyed.

Outside_ofthe_Box2129d ago (Edited 2129d ago )


"Please point to the comments where I was outraged? Please link the comments where I pointed the finger at Sony?"

Just reread my initial comment, meant to say 'you guys' in order to reciprocate the generalization.

"Bethesda never stated they would implement crossplay for '76, they were only concerned with Elder Scrolls:Legends, is this so hard to understand or grasp or should we just start calling Bethesda hypocrites and blaming MS and pretending users have fake outrage"

They said they were looking into crossplay with 76 and blamed Sony. There was no point in doing that if they never planned on actually doing it in the first place which aided in the anti-consumer brigade at the time. People are simply calling that out as they should.

Can't blame Sony for blocking crossplay for 76 (which people did) at the time and then come here now and say 'erm They never said they were actually going to do it' otherwise why be upset and blame Sony at that time when there were no intentions for actual implementation of crossplay in the first place?

Point is, most if not everyone believed Sony were preventing 76 from having crossplay at least between console's at the time, based off of Bethesda words. Nobody was calming that 76's crossplay implementation was independent of Sony's stance on the issue, no one. Had Sony not changed their policy and Bethesda came out today to reconfirm that there was no crossplay. people would be blaming Sony for it even though Bethesda never claimed that they would actually implement it. So no, that card doesn't get to be used.

Obscure_Observer2129d ago


"So much hypocrisy...whats Bethesda's and Todd's , in particular, beef with Sony anyway?"

I agree. They threatened Sony over Crossplay and now that Sony is willing to try it, they say that they don´t even have plans for their next MAINSTREAM game to have Crossplay? WTF?

It´s time to give Bethesda AND Microsoft some pressure! Bethesda regarding Crossplay on Fallout 76 and Microsoft regarding Gold Paywall on Free to Play games!

rainslacker2128d ago (Edited 2128d ago )

For those saying that he's being hypocritical, it's worth mentioning that at least at launch of the game, the cross play stuff probably won't be ready for other devs or publishers to submit their code for compliance testing, as the policies aren't available for actual release by the devs yet.

Of course, saying "maybe never" was unnecessary. It's either they had no intention of implementing and were blowing smoke, or they just aren't sure when or if it'll ever be made available to others. Given who's making the statement, it's really hard to determine what he may intend either way.

Anyhow, that all being said, I think people are overestimating just how many games will offer cross play going forward. Its not going to be ubiquitous any time soon, if ever. Some publishers don't really see the need for it, or see it as a hindrance to sales, or requiring more technical support than what is done now. There are some devs who want it, but most really don't care, and the publishers care even less in the grand scheme of things.

+ Show (20) more repliesLast reply 2128d ago
DarkVoyager2129d ago

As a PlayStation fan I’ll just vote with my wallet. I’ll not be purchasing Fallout 76 after they lied for Microsoft!

VenomUK2129d ago

So after all that criticism from Bethesda about Sony not offering cross-play, it's now Bethesda who won't be offering it with their game! It just goes to show that they were just low-balling to raise their perception that they are on the side of gamers (and Microsoft) yet they won't be offering cross play with their new game this year, or the early part of 2019 at least. They were caught out.

Outside_ofthe_Box2129d ago

"It just goes to show that they were just low-balling to raise their perception that they are on the side of gamers (and Microsoft) yet they won't be offering cross play with their new game this year, or the early part of 2019 at least. They were caught out"

Funny how anyone who would make this claim prior to today would be called making up conspiracy theories and whatnot

Hardiman2129d ago

I wasn't buying it anyway but I'm with ya hoping PS fans send them a message with their collective wallets!

Realms2129d ago

Bethesda is eating crow they look like hypocrites they had no intention of adding cross play but had no beef calling out Sony on their stance so they should get criticized for taking sides specially since it was never in their plans.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2129d ago
badz1492129d ago

And Xboners and the media were up in arms bringing pitchforks and torches claiming Sony is evil! See whose the big fat phony now? They flipped over when people accused Bugthesda as doing the bidding for MS over crossplay. We were right all along

Abnor_Mal2129d ago

Love the family guy reference lol

DarkVoyager2129d ago

“Bethesda won't offer crossplay for 'Fallout 76' anytime soon“

They just lied about crossplay to make Phil Spencer and Xbox look good while making Sony look like the bad guys.

I hope PlayStation fans boycott Bethesda!

Kribwalker2129d ago

They lied about crossplay for a game that never had crossplay confirmed?

Oh yeah they were talking about elder scrolls legends and crossplay


so maybe if it gets crossplay they will release it on PS4 now 😉

XabiDaChosenOne2129d ago (Edited 2129d ago )

@Kirbwalker ummm nice try bud but they were definitely talking about Fallout 76
If you were truly all about the consumer you would be outraged at Bethesdas flip-flopping instead of defending them. But you're all about the shilling so I'm not surprised by your stance here.

remixx1162129d ago (Edited 2129d ago )



Bro your a clown, you know he mentioned they were interested in crossplay for 76 but said Sony wasnt being unhelpful. Essentially shifting the blame at Sony for why it might not happen then we come to find out it wasn't going to happen at all after sony starts to support crossplay showing that they were just purely lying to get at Sony for whatever reason Todd has stuck in his ass.

He's a clown and so are you 😉

Kribwalker2129d ago

i would love crossplay in this game, just like i’d love it in every game. It really makes sense and it’s very pro-consumer, and now that sony has said ok to “select 3rd party games” i hope sony allows more than just fortnite.

but in relation to what you’re saying

“"At Fallout 76, there were a few hurdles we had to overcome, which were a higher priority for us, which is why Crossplay was never something we really seriously considered from the beginning, personally, I have no idea if we will deliver it later.”
https://translate.googleuse... https://www.gamestar.de/art...

Obviously if crossplay wasn’t an issue before between consoles it would have been something that would have had more time to implement, but with sony only pulling a 180 yesterday, you can understand why it would take a bit for it to get implemented. The game comes out next month.

2128d ago
remixx1162128d ago


Yes I know of the other legends game, that's not to point.

It doesn't matter if you say "interested" "planning" or "thinking about", it all implies that it's possibly on the table and then to say -insert company here- is part of the problem or a barrier to it's possible insurrection to only turn around and say it wasn't actually a thing in the first place is just fraudulent and disingenuous as hell and people try to paint it as fanboyslism when the fanbase claps back and to me...well I just hate fake is all.

Sorry for the run on sentence but Bethesda has been up Sony's ass about crossplay and go read the comments in that FO76 article, many of the competitors fans were jumping down on Sony as if they were stopping FO76 crossplay possiblity.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2128d ago
SierraGuy2128d ago

Free to play will be crossplay between consoles....that's it.

No developer in their right mind would want crossplay between consoles on games they charge for year after year.

trooper_2128d ago

All that puffing of the chest and now they're backpedaling.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2128d ago
Majin-vegeta2130d ago

But he was the biggest mouthpiece for this 🤔🤔

Gardenia2129d ago

Wasn't it Todd Howard who said that if Sony doesn't do cross play, Bethesda games might not be on Playstation anymore in the future? Seriously, what is wrong with this guy?

Eonjay2129d ago

It was never about Crossplay. It was just about a PR opportunity.

solideagle2129d ago

yes they even Threatened Sony that they will ditch ps4 if they dont allow it:


Is this guy a hypocrite? OMG what a liar...

2129d ago
Vegamyster2128d ago


Do you have a article where he said that?


The articles you posted are about The Elder Scrolls Legends which is a cross platform card game between all platforms including Android/Apple ect, nothing in that article says Bethesda threatened to ditch the PS4, only that particular game which isn't surprising given the Fortnite controversy which was a month or two old at that point.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2128d ago
Highlife2129d ago

I will not be buying this game now. I can't stand people who virtue signal. He clearly has no intention on doing this but jumped on it to sound like the good guy.

Baza2129d ago

Hypocrite. I have seriously lost respect for these guys.

SpaceRanger2129d ago

Song called Bethesda and Xbox’s bluff. I’m waiting for all the guys who complained about crossplay for the last year to now take it out on Bethesda for being “anti-consumer”.

I mean, this goes again their narrative that they’ve used, right?

AnubisG2129d ago (Edited 2129d ago )

Because of examples like this, it should be clear that crossplay is just a stunt by MS to try to smear Sony and was pushed by gaming "journalists" and sheep ate it right up to a point where they think it's actually a good thing. Not even thinking why this was started or what it will result. If you think that fanboyism is bad online, wait till you get in a match with players from all platforms, mics turned on.... we've seen nothing yet.

Hardiman2129d ago

This is definitely proof and only solidifies my distaste for certain companies! Instead of delivering great software they just try to bully and spread lies!

2129d ago
AnubisG2128d ago (Edited 2128d ago )


You contradict yourself buddy.

You see, this cross-play thing has come to the forefront recently when MS realized that it's losing the battle against Sony. Last gen when Sony wanted to do this and MS was first, MS refused. Now that the tables have turned all of a sudden MS wants cross-play and kept saying how anti-consumer it is not to allow cross play. Than we had an army of "journalists" shitting on Sony for not allowing cross-play. That is the deffinition of smearing. Sony is doing wonderful by the gamers and here is this tiny thing and for some reson because sony did not wanted to do this, MS and buddies like Tim Howard was shitting on sony and trying to make sony look bad. There are no theories, this stuff has happened. All you need to do is use your brain and put one and one together to see why this was pushed so hard. And yes, sheep ate it up exactly how they wanted it at MS and friends.

TheGoodestBoi2129d ago

Bethesda has just moved alongside EA on my no buy list.

Hardiman2129d ago

Straight up and that's not a list you want to be on!

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2128d ago
Liqu1d2130d ago

Bethesda proving again that they just don't like Sony and Todd Howard caught in another lie.

-Foxtrot2130d ago

They did this with the CELL excuse on the PS3

"bu bu but with the Cell it's really hard so this is why you guys are getting shitty support of us, Sony's fault not ours"

Sony changes the architecture for the PS4 so it's easier to develop for, something Bethesda would be used to and they still treat them as if they are a second thought.

ShadowWolf7122129d ago

Bet you anything they're gonna try to blame PSN for this somehow. lmao

fiveby92129d ago

I like GGS but it is so disappointing to see major figures at BGS behave the way they do wrt Sony and MS. BGS clearly has an ax to grind instead of just making a great game as a 3rd party studio. They can be so unprofessional at times. Makes me want to avoid their games.

KillZallthebeast2128d ago

The only ammo bethesda has on sony is the highly restricted mods at this point. To some degree I can see why they don't want entierly new assets freely being ported in, but overall it's far from deal breaking. (A very weak argument from them btw due to their creation club money grab push)

-Foxtrot2130d ago


"Fallout 76 - Looking Into Crossplay, but "Sony is not as helpful as everyone would like them to be"


"Bethesda says situation could be "fairly dire" if Sony disallows Elder Scrolls Legends cross-play"


Yet now Sony is now allowing crossplay and it's like "Fallout 76 does not support crossplay, for a number of reasons. I have no idea if it ever will"...you guys said Sony was ONE of those problems and made out to be one of the the main reason.

So basically they couldn't do it or wern't going to and decided to use the shitstorm against Sony to cover their asses on why Fallout 76 didn't offer it.

Petrovich2129d ago

Now that Sony is cooperating there's suddenly "a number of reasons" why Fallout 76 won't have crossplay... LMAO... :D

Jinger2129d ago (Edited 2129d ago )

Sony is only doing a Crossplay beta with Fortnite... some media outlets even reached out to the Rocket League guys and they said they still need to ask Sony if it's okay to enable it.

It's not like Sony opened up the flood gates for every game and now Bethesda are saying "no". They said themselves they're being selective and only in a beta and starting with Fortnite for now.

Edit: Also Fallout 76 is still in beta and since crossplay seemingly wasn't going anywhere, they probably put that feature on the back burner for now

-Foxtrot2129d ago (Edited 2129d ago )

Yeah after all this with allowing crossplay for Fortnite they are going to turn around and say no to Rocket League along with many others. I highly doubt it.

Bethesda bullshitted us and used the shitstorm against Sony as a pathetic excuse to why their game didn't offer crossplay with it being multiplayer.

Instead of just saying "we didn't think of it" or "we didn't want to take on too many things with our first online game" they used Sony as an excuse to make out like they were GOING to add it but "big bad Sony" got in the way.

They hoped instead of it being "Aw Fallout 76 dosen't have crossplay, what gives Bethesda" it would be "Gee thanks alot Sony, Bethesda had crossplay planned for this".

Bethesda thought Sony would do this long after Fallout 76 released where they could then add it having a lot of time after launch to do it but Sony basically got in their first and messed everything up.

They didn't need Sony anyway if they wanted to do crossplay they could have done it between Xbox and PC players but they never did, again they used Sony as an excuse...I mean how could Sony not allowing crossplay on THEIR console impact crossplay between the Xbox and PC? It made no sense to begin with

Nyxus2129d ago

Then why does he say that the game might never have cross-play at all? It sounds very much like there were never any plans for cross-play, and still they made it sound like they were ready to do it if Sony would allow it.

Jinger2129d ago

They said it was a feature they want to do but Sony wasn't helping. That doesn't mean the feature was just ready to go as soon as Sony reversed their policy.

Nyxus2129d ago

@ Jinger: again, why does he say that he has 'no idea if it ever will' have cross-play? If it's so important to him, I would have expected a different response.

ziggurcat2129d ago


Legit question - Is there cross play between Xbox/PC for Fallout 76? If the answer is "no", then I don't think their decision to not focus on it would have been due to Sony's position. If the answer is "yes", then I can see your point.

2129d ago
Nyxus2129d ago

@ Duke_Mason_MD:

"You cannot do cross-play in 76,” Howard said, according to GameStar.de (via CNET). “We’d really love that but right now we can’t. Sony is not as helpful as everyone would like.” - https://www.polygon.com/201...

2129d ago
ChristopherJack2129d ago (Edited 2129d ago )

Wow, a practical thought & of course that can't be tolerated on N4G.

Not that I'm mad in this case & the pressure certainly helps, I want to see Bethesda enable crossplay for 76 so I can play with my mates who play Xbox but I'm also pragmatic and understand that such a change isn't possible this close to launching a new AAA game, not without stalling the release, pissing off shareholders, and other financial burdens.

If anyone on N4G has ever read between the lines in their life, they'd be aware that it was never planned for 76, just a personal desire from Hines.

rainslacker2128d ago


What help would Sony have to provide to make it possible for Bethesda to implement it?

I mean, for two years now, I've been hearing people say how easy it is to implement. The Rocket League guy said he had a implementation. Epic games proved it could work. All that was lacking was a set of compliance standards to actually do it and have it run on the system.

I know at this point that it's in beta, so they still don't have permission and can't just turn it on. But at the same time, given that he said Sony was the reason it wasn't happening, it now looks more like that was just an excuse, and that he doesn't really care about it as much as he made it seem. Any developer that can make an online game of the scale of FO76, can make it work fairly easily. It was never about it being easy or hard, it was if it would be allowed.

Bethesda decided to call out Sony to try and make them look bad, but this current quote indicates that they really don't care about the feature all that much. They have no reason to, and likely never will.

Going forward, many publishers and devs aren't going to implement it. probably the majority of MP games actually.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 2128d ago
Bhuahahaha2129d ago (Edited 2129d ago )

well out of 100 he's not wrong, sony is "one" problem. 99 was theirs lol

Cmv382129d ago

Sony can't be a problem if there have been more and bigger problems since the beginning. Because Sony can't prevent cross play between other platforms, where those issues are still present.

Bhuahahaha2129d ago (Edited 2129d ago )

lol @Cmv
thats what im saying bethesda pointing it all and blaming sony
but now it shows theyre at fault too

Vizigoth042129d ago

Maybe Microsoft is speaking for them like a mouse in their pocket. Honestly shocked to shi* that Sony is beta testing it.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2128d ago
Nyxus2130d ago

Back in July: "Fallout 76’s Todd Howard: No cross-console play because ‘Sony is not as helpful as everyone would like’
129" - https://www.polygon.com/201...

So, he was full of it. Okay.

UltraNova2129d ago

He deserves a major middle finger from all PlayStation fans.

Kados2129d ago (Edited 2129d ago )

Easy to jump on the fanboy damage control wagon and cry foul, rather than recognize the obvious answer. The fact is, the game is much closer to release now than it was when they initially asked Sony for cross-play (presumably many months ago), it is logical to assume they simply do not have the time left before planned release to implement cross-play. Something that would not be quick or easy to do. If Sony had agreed 3 months ago, it is likely the game would have it.

Nyxus2129d ago

Read what he says: "Fallout 76 does not support crossplay, for a number of reasons. I have no idea if it ever will. But I assure you it is not on our radar right now as we focus on B.E.T.A. and Launch."

First, now it's suddenly 'for a number of reasons', and also, he has 'no idea if it ever will'.

UltraNova2129d ago


If Sony and Epic added Cross-play in Fortnite, the biggest game in the world with hundreds of million players this soon then a yet unreleased game by a company as big as Bethesda can surely make the necessary net code changes and add it within a month of release.

Meanwhile you should lay off the Kool aid.

Redemption-642129d ago

If they wanted cross play they would have done it, even if Sony said no. You know why, because Bethesda could have done cross play with PC and Xbox and Sony wouldn’t be able to stop them. Also Sony allows cross play with PC. See they never had any plans for cross play, but it’s far easier to blame Sony for something you are not planning

Jinger2129d ago


Fortnite was already prepped and ready to go for crossplay unlike Fallout 76. It was a feature they wanted to explore but kept getting shut down by Sony so I'm sure they put it on the back burner for now.

Nyxus2129d ago

@ Jinger: that makes no sense. If cross-play was so important, why can't they be bothered to enable it now that Sony has allowed it?

remixx1162129d ago (Edited 2129d ago )



It's crazy, even after Todd gets flat out exposed "does not support crossplay-probably never will" you guys still spin and blame sony...

You are the definition of shills.

UltraNova2129d ago


Thats apologetic bull**** at best and you know it.

Look I'm no expert in cross-platform net code connectivity but I can safely say that its hell of alot easier to implement cross play than to develop or do late game code changes, so no matter what you or any Bethesda apologist says the truth is Bethesda never planned(wanted?) for Cross-play because if they did they would of enabled it for xbox and PC. They simply jumped on the opportunity to smear Sony, that's the cold hard - unspinable truth.

Kados2129d ago (Edited 2129d ago )


Oh man, the irony. I guess it is as the saying goes, "those who do not know, do not know they do not know"

The mental deficiency of Sony fanboys has reached such an extreme, they actually believe anyone who is not a Sony fanboy, must be a shill.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wi... I do not work for Bethesda, hence not a shill by definition. You might want to atleast learn the meaning of a word, before using it to insult someone. You only make yourself look bad to anyone with a brain. Fortunately for you, not many people on N4G have a brain.

Oh and for the record, i do not even support Fallout 76. I think the entire idea is crap and have no intention of ever purchasing it.

Nyxus2129d ago

@ Kados: maybe you shouldn't start calling everyone a fanboy when it's clearly Bethesda was bluffing and now their tone is suddenly very different from before Sony adjusted their policy.

CarlDechance2129d ago


You've just exposed your extreme bias regardless.

Kados2129d ago (Edited 2129d ago )


There is a big difference between bias, and a simple disdain for stupidity. Faboys and people who ignore facts to suit their own agenda, annoy me.

I am not bias against anything. I own and enjoy nearly every console made from the Atari 2600 on, PS4 Pro, X1X, Switch, and a $2500 self built PC included.

MasterCornholio2129d ago

So how did Sony stop crossplay between the PC and Xbox One?

They couldn't have. Which means the blame falls on Bethesda.

ziggurcat2129d ago


Not really. If they were planning on implementing cross play to begin with, it would have already been enabled between PC/Xbox. Sony would have had zero control or say over cross play between those two platforms, and Sony's position on cross play hasn't impacted its implementation between console/PC in other games.

Outside_ofthe_Box2129d ago


"It was a feature they wanted to explore but kept getting shut down by Sony so I'm sure they put it on the back burner for now."

This sounds familiar. . .

Didn't you guys say that excuse didn't fly when people brought up that Sony wanted to explore crossplay with consoles last gen, but MS gave their response and in turn this gen Sony played hardball or to use your term 'put in on the back burner for now'?

Why is this excuse suddenly valid? 🤔

2129d ago
Outside_ofthe_Box2129d ago (Edited 2129d ago )


"Didn't you guys say crossplay isn't a big deal, that Sony shouldn't do it, that no one will use it, no one cares? Didn't you guys say this?"

I personally never said that apart from maybe that it isn't a big deal, but this isn't about crossplay. It's about putting the blame on Sony when they never had any concrete plans on actually doing it.

Crossplay actually happening isn't the problem it's the whole going from "sony isn't helping" to "we're not doing it anytime soon" that's the issue

"Sony never wanted to crossplay with MS last gen. Please leave a link to an article where Sony wanted to explore crossplay with MS last gen"

Developers at the time were blaming MS

remixx1162129d ago (Edited 2129d ago )


There is a dumb amount of hypocrisy in your comment but lemme keep it simple starting with the saying you quoted "those who do not know do not know they do not know"

You state your original comment as fact-"the fact is the game is much closer to release now than it was when they originally asked Sony for crossplay"

How do you even know they ever asked don't when they IN FACT just stated that it wasnt really planned from the jump, "gasp" could it be that you..."do not know". And nothing in my comment implied I'm a fanboy so please don't assume such as all I did was point out how Todd himself was caught in his own falacy and yet you still claim -no this is obviously what happened though I am not being entirely obbjective but I'll claim it as such-

Lol bro don't wiki link me to death the point is you came off as a shill and now your flinging the fanboy word around like there wasn't a more clever rhetoric.

Judging by your inability to look at the situation, (hell it's fairly easy http://n4g.com/news/2183553... ( http://n4g.com/news/2206276... you are the one with the mental deficiency.

rainslacker2128d ago (Edited 2128d ago )

So, he was all about cross play, and it may cause problems for Sony getting games if they don't offer it.

But now, that they are beta testing it, it's that its not planned.

So, instead of just saying that it won't be available for launch, but they are interested and will look into it when its made available, all in a non-commital way like these things usually are...he instead contradicts his earlier statement that the problem is that Sony isn't being helpful.

That's why the fanboy damage control wagon is crying foul. Because Hines made it all about Sony not too long ago. Now, its a "number" of vague and unspecified reasons.

So, which is it.....Sony, or a bunch of reasons....or both?

This despite the fact that Epic could flip a switch and a small dev made their own implementation in Rocket League. Can't imagine what reasons would prevent Bethesda from doing it.


Sure, they can connect the players pretty easily, but how do you connect the social networks and the way they work?

For two years I've been hearing about how easy it is to actually connect the players in the matchmaking itself.....something that I actually agreed with, because it is. But there is more to it than that.

But what Hines is saying here is that it isn't even up for consideration, despite his prior comment seeming like he was all for it. I could understand if he said that it won't be available on launch for the reason of it wasn't available yet so they didn't bother, but he didn't make any such indication here, which is atypical for PR, where they're usually vaguely promising that they're interested, even if they're not.

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Yuzo Koshiro's PC/Megadrive Shooter: Earthion Trailer #1 Has Been Released

To kick off Bitsummit in Kyoto, Japan. Yuzo Koshiro unveiled a new video for Earthion featuring a sneak peek of new stages and music (with the new YKGGG logo sound!).


Random: Hideo Kojima Highlights The 21st Anniversary Of 'Boktai' On GBA

No sunlight that day, apparently.

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OtterX9d ago

They should release it on NSO's GBA lineup. The Switch has a light sensor afterall! (Switch Lite owners would be out of luck though)

Chocoburger8d ago (Edited 8d ago )

I don't think games would be able to 'hook into' the light sensor for automatic screen brightness.
The best way to play the game is with the fan patch that lets you adjust the amount of light the game is receiving at will. Make sure not to play at max sunlight for too long, or the game will punish you, keep the sunlight meter lowered in order to keep playing longer.



Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater Seems To Lack Something And It's Hideo Kojima

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