
Forza Horizon 4 Review - Gaming Target

Forza Horizon 4 has an amazing amount of content that will keep you busy for a long time and rewards you for playing how you want to play.

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Kribwalker2131d ago

Amazing Reviews. Can’t Wait unti next tuesday

sampsonon2131d ago

"From day and night cycles to dynamic weather and now seasons in Horizon 4 the series continually finds new ways to improve with each title."

it only took 4+ years for them to attain what DC did a long time ago.

congrats to FH4 for finally joining the future. it's still not on the same level, graphically, as DC but congrats all the same.

DarkBlaze252131d ago

Not a single reason to mention DC in here. 2 different types of racers.

sampsonon2131d ago (Edited 2131d ago )

they are both arcade racers and i am only talking visually. I'm glad FH4 has dynamic weather/day night cycle now. just pointing out how far ahead of its time DC was. listen, FH is still here and is as strong as ever but i think the ex devs from Evolution Studios deserve some credit for pushing what can be done dynamically when it comes to racers, or even games in general.

i might pick up an Xbox because of FH4.
happy for 343.

Elit3Nick2131d ago

@Sampson you're living under a rock if you didn't realize that we've had dynamic day/night since Horizon 1 on the 360, and dynamic weather since Horizon 2. It's the seasons that are new, and no other open-world game has done it on the same scale as Horizon 4.

sampsonon2131d ago

@Elit3Nick: not on this level


and you still don't

but hey, i shouldn't have rained on the parade.


pandehz2131d ago

DC is like the DC movies Forza is like the Marvel movies.

Team_Litt2131d ago (Edited 2131d ago )

What are you on about?? Forza Horizon 1 on the 360 featured a day/night cycle.

Forza Horizon 2 had a day/night cycle and dynamic weather back in September 2014 out of the box.

Forza Horizon 4 has all the above + the most cars in an open world racing game AND dynamic seasons!

DriveClub was released October 2014 without dynamic weather. It was patched in a few months after release.
DriveClub does not feature a day/night. You manually set the time of day you want to race in. DC could barely do what FH2 did out of the box, let alone FH3 and 4.

Stay in your lane bruh. You clearly haven't played any Horizon games and by the sounds of it, you didn't play DriveClub either.

pandehz2131d ago

Don’t waste your breath on that dude.


Multiple Forza Horizon 4 Achievements Will Soon Become Impossible to Earn

An upcoming change in Forza Horizon 4 can prevent completionist gamers from earning all achievements in the open-world racing game.

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-Foxtrot1d 17h ago (Edited 1d 17h ago )

When this happens they should just give people who have bought and played the game the achievements/ trophies automatically. Either that or replace them.

badz1491h ago

Delisted? Just 6 years after release? What a crappy digital future we're heading into.


Forza Horizon 4 enters Steam Deck Top 10 following delisting announcement & Summer price cut

Steam Deck stats show that Forza Horizon 4 is now in the top 10 played for the handheld device. An 80% discount and FOMO does help its cause.


Microsoft Is Sending Free Forza Horizon 4 To All Xbox Game Pass Subscribers Who Purchased Its DLC

Microsoft appears to be setting a great example for its fans by sending them free codes for Forza Horizon 4.

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OtterX26d ago

I'll give praise when praise is due. This is a great move on Microsoft's part. Kudos.

.....Forza Horizon 4 should have never been delisted this early though. I never particularly cared for the music, they could replace or remove music tracks for all I care. You don't see Gran Turismo delisting their games bc of licensed music. Make better decisions in the production stage if the music you choose is going to cause the entire game to get deleted from gaming history.

BeHunted26d ago

"You don't see Gran Turismo delisting their games bc of licensed music."

That's false. You assume it's music license? It's the same with Gran Turismo

Gran Turismo Sport was released in October 2017 and delisted in 2023. All servers shut down, impacting the game's functionality.
Forza Horizon games, when delisted, you will still be able to play multiplayer. .

OtterX26d ago

Yea you're right. I completely forgot that one was actually delisted. My apologies.

Profchaos26d ago

But it's not just music that's a problem the cars themselves are licensed to along with car accessories.

It's like licensing for any sports game or even a old-school Tony hawk game where every inch of the game is a licensing agreement from boards and wheels to skaters to music.

It's the biggest problem with sports game longevity and driving falls into the category

glennhkboy25d ago

It is not the licence of the music, it is the licence of the cars.

gold_drake26d ago

im confused.

wouldnt you have the game already if u bought dlc for it ?

BeHunted26d ago (Edited 26d ago )

No, with Game Pass there's extra deals that gives you 10% off all DLCs. You don't need to own the game.

gold_drake26d ago

so people buy dlcs without owning the games for it ?
mkay lol

CrimsonWing6926d ago


Could be cheaper to buy DLC on sale if you enjoy the game a lot on Gamepass and then wait for a sale on the game if you want to “own it.” 🤷‍♂️

Skate-AK26d ago

I do it all the time. Buy a season pass while it's on sale and then Gamefly the game. Still cheaper than buying it.

LabRat26d ago

If it's a MS first party game you could assume the game will be on the service forever (obviously this game has licensing deals that don't allow that). So yes, people can and do buy dlc for games and assume they have the base game for as long as they have gamepass. Crazy right? We live in a world where people choose how to spend their own money.

DarXyde25d ago

So apparently people really are buying DLC for games they rent.

That's very interesting. I'm quite interested to see how this shakes out for Call of Duty this year. Given FH4 is about 6 years old though, if it's any indication for the move going forward, you'll be waiting a while for that benefit to come through. Possible 5 full COD iterations later.

porkChop25d ago

Call of Duty games don't get delisted due to licensing though.

DarXyde25d ago

Sure, and they're regularly put out. Being delisted hardly matters with an annual franchise.

My point is I'm interested in seeing what DLC purchasing trends look like for those playing Call of Duty on game pass

ocelot0725d ago

Same, As it could turn out costing people more. With cod mw1 and MW2 I played both monthly right up until the next cod came out. So mw1 (2019) - cold war and MW2 - MW3. MW2 cost me £58 on disc. Think I bought the battle pass twice. If I was to do the GP route. It cost me £8 a month for GP so total cost £96 and at the end of that I loose access unless I buy it or continue renting. Then if I buy a few battle passes. It's just going to cost a lot more.

However, Credit where it's due. I felt ripped off with MW3. Wish I didn't buy it. At least with the new black ops I can rent on the cheap for a month. If I enjoy i can get it on pc or playstation. If I hate it i got to try it for £8.

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