
Marvel's Spider-Man Loses Its Greatest Asset Half Way Through

Marvel's Spider-Man truly is an excellent game. But around the half-way point, there's a major shift that changes the way the game feels - and not necessarily for the better.

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TheOptimist2104d ago

Sorry to say, but this article feels very shallow.

1. Spiderman doesn't quip because he is optimistic, he quips to hide his insecurities. He even quips one on MJ in the game and when she gets angry he says "There was tension". His quips are a way to deal with his troubles.

2. New York is not a sandbox, it's an open world game. Sandboxes are games where the player can alter the game environment according to his/her will (Exactly like how sandbox in real life works)

3. Ruining the city is part of the game. Would you really expect a fully functional New York where 6 super villains run lose and there is war between factions? And I don't get how "Swinging doesn't feel the same at the end of the game".

Honestly imo this feels like an article just to "talk about the new trendiest game", nothing else.

kimblejay2104d ago

Appreciate your honest (and respectful) feedback. Perhaps 'sandbox' wasn't the correct word. I of course didn't mean it in the same sense that Minecraft is a sandbox game. Perhaps 'playground' would have been a better word.

I tried my best to explain my feelings on the game. I certainly still very much loved it, but the open world became less enjoyable after that mid-way point. If it came across as shallow, I apologise- I did what I could to try and put my experience into words! Regardless, thanks for taking the time to read :)

Xb1ps42104d ago

Maybe the dlc will give you that feeling back?

Idk but I loved the change and snipers pointing at me at every opportunity, although the dodge gets a bit weird in animation.

This is a great start and hopefully the second will improve even more as all games can always be improved especially a sequel.

shinoff21832104d ago

Although I don't agree with you. You taking the time to respond is respectful

porkChop2104d ago

I agree with everything you said, but your definition of sandbox isn't right. Sandbox games are open world games where you can make your own fun, where there are very few limitations placed on the player. It doesn't really have anything to do with altering the game world/environment.

GTA is a sandbox, Assassin's Creed is a sandbox, etc. I haven't played Spiderman yet, so I can't comment on whether or not it's actually a sandbox. It does appear to be a sandbox game though, open world games usually are.

FBNS2104d ago

Assassin's Creed is definitely not a sandbox game... You can barely do much outside of what they want without getting automatic game overs. Assassin's is definitely just an open world game that's now trying to appear more like a sandbox game... But you still have no real effect on the world like you even do in gta... Games like Minecraft are the actual sandbox games

SierraGuy2104d ago (Edited 2104d ago )

"It does appear to be a sandbox game though, open world games usually are"

I think your confused. Sandbox is when you are in the confines of a map boundary with a single objective like in a fps in a round of tdm or domination or whatever you like.

GTA is NOT sandbox!

Side missions and side quests are away from the main objective giving you freedom...which are out of the box...get it?

Also how do you agree with everything he said when you stated you haven't even played the game?

porkChop2104d ago


AC are less sandbox-ish compared to GTA, but they are still sandbox. Especially the newer games.

"Sandbox" existed long before Minecraft was even a thing. GTA is the prime example of what a sandbox game actually is. You're thinking of it like a real life sandbox, but that's not what they are. I gave you the definition.


Dude what are you talking about?
FPS TDM is NOT sandbox. I literally gave the definition of sandbox games. GTA absolutely is a sandbox game.

And I can agree with what TheOptimist said without playing the game because they gave pretty logical reasoning. Did you even read what they said?

UltraNova2104d ago

Guys make up your minds already...no one has convinced me here.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2104d ago
Count_Bakula2104d ago

Don't make such a blanket statement. It's both. Fine, great, he's insecure sometimes, we get it, but a lot of the time Pete is feeling positive and he simply enjoys the feeling he gets while he's doing some good. Thus, humor. He also knows it throws bad guys off their game. If anything, he's less-so while in the suit, more-so when he's Pete. And guess when he talks the most shit? That's right, as Spider-Man.

Mr_Commander2104d ago (Edited 2104d ago )

the game losses nothing. what are you talking about, are you drunk? the game gets better the more you play and the more you go through.
platinum already sitting in my shelf.

SierraGuy2104d ago

Let them talk truth be told the guy probably hates gaming in general.

If you badmouth or speak negatively of this game there's not much else that will make you happy.

RememberThe3572104d ago

I don't know how you guys do it. I have hundreds of games and haven't Platinumed any of them lol

DEEBO2104d ago

It gets better as you play not the other way around...
There's ten boss fights in this game(that's something special in it's self)
Plus the crimes and side missions and challenges.
The game so good people are playing hours straight trying to do everything in the game.

Just face it this is a AAA game of the year strong contender.

DrStronk2104d ago

The game is great while it lasts but i wish it was longer. Just like with God Of War, i beat it in under two days. Quality over quantity though, of course. Looking forward to NG+.

jbull2104d ago

At least we have 3 upcoming DLC's to look forward too, with the inevitable new villains to fight as well.

TheGamez1002104d ago

And sadly they have to be paid dlc. They shouldve just went with an expansion announcing it months after the release of the game like many of the other ps4 exclusives. Dlc done like this sickens me.

Xb1ps42104d ago

Well damn... I think you went in too hard for this game, I mean it’s not like it was marketed as a deep rpg or something.

I started playing this game late Friday morning and I still haven’t finished it , msybe it’s because I been doing a mix of side missions and story? I can see it feeling short if you only do the story though, that’s exactly why I started on the hardes difficulty and deciddd to do more side stuff.

CorndogBurglar2104d ago (Edited 2104d ago )

The amount of days it took to beat doesn't say much. How many hours did it take?

I remember reading that it would be around 18-20 hours if you don't do side missions.

If that's true then you can't really blame the game. Most single player games these days are 8-10 hours. So 18-20 is fantastic, comparatively speaking. Especially if you can do side missions and take your time to experience everything.

Hell, there's a post a few below mine that says he's 20 hours in and still hasn't beaten it. So it sounds like something may have been rushed in your playthrough, or maybe you didn't take your time with everything.

girevik2103d ago

Yeah, I'd say I've played 15 hours and still only 50% but I love taking my time with the side missions. I'm sure I could blaze through it if I wanted but I'm seriously enjoying it and taking time to get better at the swinging and fighting crime.

Sm30002104d ago

Dude, get a grip, it sounds like you can't handle change at all.
Doctor orders a full day inside a safe space

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The Death Of Arkham Has Me Worried About Spider-Man

Saad from eXputer: "After the rise of Rocksteady and its fall with post-Suicide Squad, I'm worried about Marvel's Spider-Man suffering a similar fate."

Hofstaderman72d ago

Why? According to the well publicized Insomniac leaks they have a slew of plans for Spiderman including its sequel.

CrimsonWing6972d ago

The sequel has had rumors that it could be sold piecemeal style or might be GaaS.


This is all coming from the leaks you mentioned. The problem is the industry is not doing well no matter how ill-informed people spin it on here when they see “sold 3 mill.” In those Sony leaks it showed the struggle to get ROI and they spend an insane amount of money to develop, which makes 0 sense to me when there’s not much to show for the increased development costs. Case in point would be Suicide Squad vs Arkham Knight.

I believe we’re in the middle of seeing a drastic change in media and distribution. This goes for movies, but more so for games and the industry is scrambling to figure out how to get more money out of consumers rather than stick to the “buy it once” to play it all.



These are things you need to pay attention to in order to know which direction the wind’s blowing with this sh*t storm. I was almost certain the GaaS initiative was killed when Jim was leaving, but now seeing the success of Helldivers 2… I’m thinking we’re in for a bumpy ride. I just don’t know what that looks like yet, but I don’t think it’s gonna be pretty.

anast72d ago (Edited 72d ago )

Insomniac still has a good generation left in them before they get cannibalized by investors. It'll probably happen around the mid PS6 gen, when we see the beginning of the fall.

dmonee71d ago

Huh with this article? If Sony and Insomniac want to abandoned the Spider-Man franchise and make a half baked, live service Spider-Man game, and miss the mark with their fans, then God bless’em!!!!

71d ago
JimmyDM9071d ago

Seems unlikely when they abandoned the GaaS spiderverse game but are still going ahead with single player games like Wolverine and Spider-Man 3.


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Sonic1881206d ago (Edited 206d ago )

Spider-Man 2 (2004) and Ultimate Spider-Man use to be my favorite until Insomniac games took over.

Inverno206d ago

I'd still choose Ultimate above all other games, followed by Shattered Dimensions

Abnor_Mal206d ago (Edited 206d ago )

My favorite and still champion Spiderman PS2, followed by Marvels Spiderman2, then Miles Morales, followed by Marvels Spiderman, and finally Ultimate Spiderman.

I need to drag out my PS3 and try Web of Shadows, owned the game for years and years and never played.

Rimeskeem206d ago

Shout out to cultured vultures for NOT making this 40 separate pages.

Relientk77206d ago

Spider-Man (2000), Spider-Man 2: Enter Electro, and Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions were all so good! I have fond memories playing them.