
Gamespot, as unprofessional as ever

Socom Confrontation was recently released last week, and it was so with massive problems and road blocks permitting anyone who bought the game from enjoying a full game (myself included)...

theKiller5756d ago

they r professional to who pay them for advertising!!!

ELite_Ghost5756d ago

they have no exclusive videos, crappy reviews and previews, no one goes on that site anymore...

sonarus5756d ago

Seriously, Socom should have been delayed but sony didn't delay it. These negative reviews will help prevent the release of a broken game in the future

Time_Is_On_My_Side5756d ago (Edited 5756d ago )

I consider GameSpot a "confirmation bias" they only look that evidence that supports their perception. BioShock, Warhawk, even Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare had their fare share of launch issues. Gamespot gives them all the scores they deserve, but when it comes to a highly anticipated launch for the PlayStation 3, lol.

So yes they're professionals they are sure doing what the media does with the news, lol and you can't forget the sensationalism. Socom's problems have nothing to do with the number of people logging in at once at launch, so it must be the game.

Raptura5756d ago

Gamespot has always been gay and sucked.

PS - Romain's gay.

kapedkrusader5756d ago

...they had their beta. If they didn't have all these issues resolved, they shouldn't have released the game.

The Matrix5756d ago (Edited 5756d ago )

Ok so listen to a guy who's been around video games and video game website's for a long time. GameSpot has made some mistakes (Ratchet and Clank future was not less than an 8.5 in my opinion) but not that many. I THINK IT WAS RIGHT FOR THEM TO RATE AN SOCOM SO LOW BECAUSE, WELL IT WAS CRAP WHEN THEY REVIEWED IT. GameSpot is doing a favor for all of us and here's why:

If developers see that they can release half@$$ed games all the time and just patch them later then they will start doing it. If people like GameSpot do a crackdown and say, "Hey, you can't just give us half a game and expect us to wait until you feel like finishing it."


p.s. sorry for the caps.

marinelife95756d ago

I played Socom in the beta and loved it when I could actually play it. They should have held it back a few weeks to get the bugs ironed out.

Paying for a game and not being able to play it is a worse than giving a good game a bad review.

sonarus5756d ago

You guys are being too hard on gamespot. The bottom line is Socom as it is right now is unacceptable. It simply was not ready for release and sony released it anyway. Yes the game is fantastic *when you can play it* but features such as joining friends games and trophies were things we were told would be in the game. Not things to be added on as a patch. This isn't a launch title so that is just inexcusable. If sony wanted to release it on time by all means they should have assisted slant six with more resources to get it done.

Gameplay is fantastic but the game is broken. They should have held off on the reviews till it was fixed but then again sony should have held onto the game until it was fixed.

LegendKillar5756d ago

you contradicted yourself in that statement, you say that gamespot is biased when it comes to sony games, but also say they gave warhawk the score it deserved.

Difference between the launch of warhawk and the socom launch is that warhawk was playable and socom at its current state is not, warhawks problem at launch was the stat tracking not network issues.

plain rice5756d ago (Edited 5756d ago )

Score is totally acceptable to me and some should know that I'm a Socom fan. As long as Gamestop and any other site re-reviews the game when the bugs are ironed out I'm ok with it. I bet when all the promised features are added and all the issues are fixed this game should score no less than 9's across the board.

If you ask me 6.5 is very generous for a very buggy game with missing featues. That goes to show you this game has the potential to be a AAA title. The gameplay is fantastic. Only thing standing in the way is the missing features and the server issues.

Slant Six may suck at coding but they sure have way way better support for the community than Zipper Int. That's a fact.

Lucreto5756d ago

Socom is an online game and will receive patches to improve the experience but the score won't change when the game is running properly and the gliches they talk about will be gone making the review invalid.

They should have waited a few weeks but the beta was running smoothly for me and I will get it when it is released in Europe.

Time_Is_On_My_Side5756d ago (Edited 5756d ago )

Stat tracking is network issues, lol how do you think they track you if it wasn't for the network? The game itself isn't broken it's just the servers causing problems. All most every server available is full it's almost impossible to even get in let alone play. Once you're in the game it's amazing.

With Warhawk it wasn't a long time franchise like Socom there was only one other Warhawk game the most people have forgotten. Socom is like the equivalent of Halo 3 on the XBOX 360 so by stating it doesn't live up to the hype would be a big deal.

I meant Enemy Territory: Quake Wars not BioShock and if you read or watch the review they'll comment the PlayStation 3 version is lacking. when the XBOX 360 version doesn't even have first person view for some of the vehicles. Then an actual comparision video came out and the PlayStation 3 version came out slightly better.

DaDarkKnight5756d ago

I don't get why everyone is saying they should have not released the game until all the bugs are ironed out when the game is online only. If they held the game back it would have been going through the same thing, why because its online only. Only way they could fix the problems was by releasing the game. When they were using the game with only a few people in beta it seemed to run good but when they released it to the mass market it put a strain on their servers and that's a problem with online only games that cannot be found until it is released. This is not going to be the last, just wait until home, and mag comes out. Im just happy that they no the game have problems and that they will patch it up so give the guys a break lol

IdleLeeSiuLung5756d ago

I'm not a fan of GameSpot, but I think it is justified to review a game when it is released. If it is patched later, then maybe just maybe should we update the review.

Why? Because releasing a game unfinished and in poor condition (many of the problems they are having was present during the Beta) is doing customers a disservice. If it isn't ready for release, then don't. I understand that online games inherently have problems that are unforseen, but this is clearly ripping customers off knowingly.

Why should the publisher take my money promising a game experience they knowingly can't deliver at the moment? Warhawk had many of the same issues. Perhaps a larger and longer Beta period is in order. This is total lack of concern for the consumer and has nothing to do with PS3 as a console.

Even if you are a PS3 fanboy, this is doing you a disservice and shouldn't be covered up!!! This is making your loving console less loved by others....

Tarasque5756d ago

I can't believe people are still whining about Socom reviews, this is truly sad. It is broken i would be lucky to give it a 6.5, for people that doesn't understand you base your reviews of a product they ship to you to review. If it broken and plagued with problems then your review will show that. And on a side note of R&C 7.5 is a fairly good review, i wouldn't have gave it much more than that. I had a good time playing the game but it got fairly repetitive and the graphics are pretty good but nothing spectacular.

Xelai5756d ago

Unprofessional is to give high marks to a buggy unplayable game.
By the way is tiresome to read constantly that unprofessional is giving any PS3 game a low mark, result of strange conspiracies and money from MS.

BlackTar1875756d ago

I say almost because I ahve had no problems since saturday night but some of the people I play with get booted everynow and then and lasst night my frineds froze on him but it s almost 100% with no problems right now. all these reviews had to have been done in the first 72hrs of release becasue ive heard nothing but good stuff the last couple of days online. I play 32 player maos all day and no hiccups. but i do understand maybe im lucky but for my friends that arnt the issues are that bad. its online the internet isnt perfect. Hell WoW has problems all the time wheres there negative press?

kwicksandz5756d ago

They can only review the code that they have and if it was buggy as hell, just as the retail copies are of course it would get a low score. The devs should have delayed the game rather than release a non working product.

In this day and age of $99 new releases a buggy unfinished game with the promise of a patch in some unspecified future date doesnt cut it.

BattleAxe5756d ago

This article took the words right out of my mouth. I consider IGN to be the lead standard in video games reviews. I get so tired of these biased reviews, it makes me sick.

If a game is good then review it as such, and if its bad, then review it as such.

I've been playing Socom quite a bit in the past few days, and it is definately one of the best online games out there. The maps are beautiful and the gameplay is fantastic as always with tight controls.

My score for this game is 8.9/10

Legion5755d ago

Unproffesional why??? Because they gave it an accurate rating?

If the game is plagued with bugs that bring it to it's knees then it should be rated as such.

First you got the fanboys screaming about wait to see the games... b3yond crap. And now when you get the games they are saying wait until the patch before you review it..? Rate it b3yond??? what the f*ck????!!!! When are you going to learn..?/ Really!?? When???

The Makr5755d ago

Sony chose to put this game out before it was close to ready. You reap what you sow. If you don't want negative reviews then finish the product! It's not the reviewers job to guess when Sony is done with it. They have to move on to new games and new reviews. That's how it works.

The writer of this article has a shriveled pea for a brain.

+ Show (18) more repliesLast reply 5755d ago
Pennywise5756d ago

I agree, but did we think these sites would act any different?

Should Socom get a break because /6 couldnt get it right? Dont get me wrong, I love this game... but /6 dropped the ball.

They did the same to Warhawk, which is silky smooth right now. Socom will improve, but /6 did not try to make this a smooth release. The bugs and missing features are one thing... but not having the servers up to par on the PS brands #1 online franchise for day1 is unacceptable.

The servers are solid for me now, but why set yourself up for bad reviews?? They released it like this and we can expect 1up and gamestop and whoever else to cast their score on what they have. Its a shame they wont update the scores in the coming weeks.

WildArmed5756d ago

Quite frankly they should have waited for the servers to stablize.. a game is not ranked on how bad it started.. but on gameplay,graphics,sound,etc (which SOCOM nearly excells in)

Pennywise5756d ago

I agree fully. But they opened a door they can not close now, which sucks.

Mr_Bun5756d ago

I have to add, I own SOCOM too and love it, but there was a beta for exactly the problems that they are having now and these should have been addressed...On the other side, they have been quick to rectify the majority of "connection" problems so at least they are working on it.

5756d ago
socomnick5756d ago

Seriously though, socom confrontation fails in every front exept 1, they offer great customization, but everything else fails, slow menus, horrible lag, horrible gameplay, horrible gun play, slant six managed to completely destroy the Socom franchise forever.

Time_Is_On_My_Side5756d ago

I'm a Socom fanatic and I'm loving Socom once you actually get into battles. Slant Six Games did an amazing job on the game it's just the number of people logging in at once caused the problems. It's a long time franchise like Metal Gear Solid it's natural to have a lot of followers.

Nineball21125756d ago (Edited 5756d ago )

The franchise is destroyed FOREVER according to Socomnick.

Easy with the drama.

Ontopic: I don't have much beef with Gamespot's reviews. I think they had to go with what was available to them when they reviewed this game. Maybe they can revise or update their review when the patches are in place?

sonarus5756d ago (Edited 5756d ago )

@someone plays. Socomnick isn't even a socom fan don't let his name fool you. He is just a clown who hates every PS3 game. :)

Socom gameplay is fantastic and i haven't even customized my character yet:o

@pennywise i repeat once again. Socomnick is NOT a fan of socom and has NEVER been. Any real fan will tell you the gameplay in socom is fantastic

Pennywise5756d ago

Come on SOCOMnick... dont be such a drama queen. This game rocks. My menus dont lag and I get in games just fine. And Gameplay?? LOL PEople will be playing this for years to come.

BlackTar1875756d ago

They messed up and I agree grade on what was there at reatil on open day. But the reviews reflect nothing but scores based on a internet server issue nothing to do with the game itself you dont lower scores that bad based on hiccups not casued by code you review the game and in the reviwew should be stated that if it is fixed the score would be such and such. you guys saying its okay to ive the game this score is fine thats your opnion but there not grading the game there gading the servers and they have no problem bringing the score down based on everything but the actual game it should be noted and deducted for these issues but the reviews should not be brought down based of no gameplay issues with the code. anywasy I dont care the 100k people on right now dont care either.

BlackTar1875756d ago (Edited 5756d ago )

Sorry I take it abck i came at you wrong I was jsut tryign to see what part is broken and how is all. I think its all good and Ive palyed since socom 1 except the the laser thing mentioned below.

natwitgudvib5756d ago (Edited 5756d ago )

Funniest glitch, a guy shot me while pretending to hold a gun! I laughed my ass off.

Even though its glitchy as hell right now, Im still gonna play the
dodo out of it! The review was proper though 6.5/10 for now!

PS this is my first SOCOM game

PSN ID: nyabynghi

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 5756d ago
PimpHandStrong5756d ago

is ppl review the patchs that will be coming!

thats all im asking

If the sites that reviewed the game broken as it is dont follow up with news of the fix....if it works or not....then yes they where very unprofessional

creeping judas5756d ago

well reviews are done on the delivered product, not promises of future fixes.

I mean we all know the game was delivered broken.

What would be nice is if these reviewers went back after a few more patched and did a "review revisited" article. Doing a re-review to say. And comment on the game on the "as is now" status VS the "was then" status of the game.

Time_Is_On_My_Side5756d ago

The game was delivered perfect it's just the number of players online causing the bottle necks. You can't prevent that before launch just look at BioShock's score. Now that game was delivered broken on the PC/XBOX 360 because it was completely off-line. This game's controls work so the game itself doesn't need fixing but the servers themselves need to hold more people.

creeping judas5756d ago

to me when I see laser sights thru walls, shadows from another player one floor above me, and the developer not anticipating this huge influx of players onto their servers is kinda of delivering a broken product.

and dont get me wrong. even though i complain i am still playing and enjoying the game. but i see it for what it is.

Time_Is_On_My_Side5756d ago (Edited 5756d ago )

The game's controls aren't broken, the customizing options aren't broken, the mics work like they should, and creating a clan works. It's the servers that aren't working therefore you can't have stat updates.

It's like trying out your new sports car and finding out there is traffic everywhere you go. So getting to the race track will take a bit longer, once there it's well worth it. The car itself doesn't have problems it's the number of people heading to the same place. The only thing the game doesn't have is trophies now that's the game's code.

creeping judas5756d ago

Love the analogy!!!!!

cheers mate!!!

Time_Is_On_My_Side5756d ago

lol, it's the best analogy I could come up with when dealing with an online only game.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 5756d ago
PimpHandStrong5756d ago

not having features is total BS

No stat tracking

No trouphies


Slant Six is in the dog house and if they dont fix this game within the month they will have crushed one of my fav franchies and i will put this dog down

ultimolu5756d ago

Silogon is on a roll and he has a good point especially.
Gamespot has always hated the PS3 and the games.

Tiberium5755d ago

they gave MGS4 a 10. and they gave gtaIV a 10. that means the ps3 has 2 tens and the 360 has one. how does that make them ps3 haters? just the opposite I think.

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Games to Play if You Miss SOCOM

Last year I wrote an article titled, The State of SOCOM. I discussed my
love and history for the beloved third person shooter that helped pioneer
online multiplayer on consoles. It has been six years since we last had a
new SOCOM game.

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LOOK_AT_THIS_I2532d ago

Baffles me as to why they have not done anything with this franchise. Seeing as how it was #1 on the official PlayStation poll.

With all the trash put up weekly on the App Store why has nobody done a clone of this yet. I've been playing Defiance as my go to 3rd person since 2013 but still nothing like that old school Socom/Socom 2 up all night gameplay.

ONESHOTV22532d ago

the only game on that list that's like socom is wild land if you want socom type games then you will have to invest in a PC

USMC_POLICE2532d ago

You are looking at the view point I.e 3rd person view. Rainbow six siege is probably most like socom aside from H-Hour

Majin-vegeta2532d ago

Army training grounds its F2P.

ion6662532d ago

Insurgency Socom mod perfect adaption. Play it

C-H-E-F2531d ago

RAINBOW SIX: is the closest you'll get to Socom.

Also, in response to @lookatthisi

They let go the creators, and I think socom is a game that's hard to clone even the creators had a hard time making Socom 2, Socom 3.

LOOK_AT_THIS_I2531d ago

No way man. The devs at Trion made Defiance. I know different genres different games but this could have very easily turned into a war game rather than a kill the mutants/aliens games. Ghost recon actual gameplay is about the closest to the old Socom feel due to the squad format and team commands but it was still clunky at times. Using the wheel was cumbersome to command teammates and strategies on how you approcahed a scenario.

FFS you could control your teammates with a microphone in the ps2 days. You can't tell me that it is that hard when people throw up mods on the pc all the time that mirror the original games using random game engines. These are professionals with money/tech that most people don't have access to.

(Seth Luisi was the problem at zipper, he tried capturing ghost recon/cod fans with Socom by slowly turning the Socom series into Frankenstein GR/COD lite games)

C-H-E-F2531d ago

Getting that feel, that rush being the last one alive, Rainbow Six is the closest I got to that feeling since Confrontation. And we all know that was a horrible Socom, but looking back at it, SC was a great game just had a horrible release.

I didn't play defiance, but ghost recon is and was trash.

InTheZoneAC2530d ago

A lot will defend Seth saying he was a puppet, but his inactions or actions didn't help. He helped ruin the franchise.

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Would You Buy SOCOM Confrontation for One Penny?

"Would you purchase a game you can’t play for a single penny? Video game retailer GameStop seems to think that it is worth trying to sell to this market."

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user74029313650d ago

no, but i would buy a socom ps2 remastered collection for $60.00

XBLSkull3650d ago

Yeah I would definitely pay for a SOCOM remaster. Easily Sony's best franchise by a long shot, too bad they've managed to ruin it.

morganfell3650d ago

Back to the actual question, I own SOCOM Confrontation. The game was attacked relentlessly when it appeared. Some of those attacks were warranted. However one of the big things they used to assault the game was, "It's multiplayer only"

Where is that accusation now?

How is that MP only games suddenly get a pass?

If you stuck it out with SOCOM Confrontation you know that it took a lot of patches and 6 months. But if you kept your course you know a great secret. Confrontation eventually became a kick ass SOCOM game. Plenty of people played it the first week or the first month and dropped it. But to those that stuck around you know the game, eventually, kicked ass. I am not excusing it's state out of the box. But in the same breath I will also say it evolved into something deserving the SOCOM name.

TyBREAKR3650d ago (Edited 3650d ago )

Morganfell is right. That game was the most fun I had had in a Tps in a long time after it got fixed. It was very tactical.

guitarded773650d ago

Yup. Confrontation turned into a much better game over time. Just as MAG did. Too bad they're useless to own now (Which I do). I'm just hoping Sony brings back SOCOM on PS4 in a big way. I'd also like a Warhawk game. The shooter market has turned into to many twitch run, shoot, kill, die, spawn games. I like the slower pace of SOCOM, and the openness of Warhawk... actually, I just really prefer 3rd person shooters. Can't wait for Star Wars Battlefront. DICE better make it 3rd person. It can have a 1st person option like the others, but what fun is it to turn into a super character, and you can't see them?

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3650d ago
JackOfAllBlades3650d ago

That's a remaster I'm down for!

Afistnu3650d ago (Edited 3650d ago )

Only $60? I'd HAPPILY pay $60 for each PS2 Socom game. Hell, make it $250 and I'd pay it! Socom 1 and 2 are worth more alone!

Socom is 12 years old and still has better online features than multi million dollar games of 2014! Lobbies, User Created Ranked Rooms, able to allow or disallow certain weapon types, no explosions, and guess what?! The community back then actually voted out the scrubs who used OP weapons. Now THAT you don't see now days. If you pulled out the M203 in Socom, your ass was voted out before you even blinked.

meatnormous3650d ago

You bring back so many memories. You are absolutely right about the m203, that shit didn't fly back then.

TheDude793650d ago

Wasn't the IW80-A2 another popular "noob" gun that got lots of people kicked out for using? The M14...now that gun took some time to master, at the launch of SOCOM 2 anyways.

incredibleMULK3650d ago (Edited 3650d ago )

Glitchy garbage. Why pay $60 for a ps2 game on a new console, just play your old ps2.

The reason it did so well is there were no other ps2 multi player games to play. Look at the ps3 socom games....they didn't do so hot because people had battlefield, call of duty, Killzone,.....lots of choices.....socom suffered when the fans found new games.

If Sony didn't waste their $360 million on psnow they could've kept zipper opened and made another socom AND mag.

creatchee3650d ago


I put in over 3,000 hours of SOCOM II. I'd pay more than 60 bucks for a simple HD version. Just give me East 19, Central 7, the breach maps, and Foxhunt all in glorious high definition and I'll gladly revisit the early 2000's on a nightly basis.

C-H-E-F3650d ago (Edited 3650d ago )

The servers are down.. I wouldn't buy any.. on top I own all except Socom 4... I couldn't dare taint my collection any more.

BTW: H-Hour is the new Socom... supposed to be S2 all over again... with some S1 mechanics.

nunley333650d ago

For a collector to have it on the shelf i can see them buying it,it's just a penny.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 3650d ago
admiralvic3650d ago

Depends the situation. Usually if they have a trade in X and get Y bonus for preowned purchases, a store will let you have the excess credit if you make 1 purchase and 1 cent is cheap enough where I wouldn't have to bother returning it or eating the cost out of laziness.

iamnsuperman3650d ago

1p isn't bad if you want a complete collection even if it is unplayable

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Daily Reaction: Game Over, Man

Stan replied passionately, sadness creasing his face, “they’re shutting us down. Offline, man, off-fucking-line. I dedicated my life to this, and it’s just ending. This is the last battle.” - PSLS

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Foolsjoker4028d ago

I am going to miss MAG and the SOCOM games.

doctorstrange4028d ago

Help me H-Hour, you are my only hope.

pixelsword4028d ago

Where did it say that MAG was shutting down?

pixelsword4027d ago

It would have been nice if they added that to the actual article instead of the wannabe tear-jerker stuff.

fenome4027d ago (Edited 4027d ago )


I know right, I was thinking the same thing. It was more of a read between the lines and pick up the pieces in the comment section..

I didn't even really try this game, I almost picked it up a couple days at my local gameswap though. Glad I didn't now, I'm gonna have to let those guys know that the games a bust now.

This is exactly why I don't want an all digital future. Once the servers go down that's it, game over. I like that I can still put my Super Nintendo games in the console and it'll work even after all these years...

pixelsword4027d ago

I own(ed) it, I got a platinum and once I did, I went on once in a while, but never like I did before; I might put it in once or twice before the servers go down, or maybe I'll sell it to gamestop before they realize it.

TheUndertaker854027d ago (Edited 4027d ago )

The game was very under supported. I got my platinum then put some more time into it after. I stopped playing after one of those "Play with the Devs" days. Damn Devs always were on SVER and screwing over the other teams.

I caught one dev so desperate to show superiority he was altering things in the background for himself. Caught him multiple times with a bunker rocket only for him to stand there unphazed. After a bit I wasn't the only one on my platoon catching the BS at work. Since I rarely bother to go back. I do play with my cousin when he gets the urge to go play, otherwise I avoid it.

Have a few of my PSN friends looking to play before the servers get shut down. Probably will join in on that. I'm hoping MAG 2 happens for PS4 more than anything, hopefully without Zipper in the background this time. I have my digital copy on PSN for the time being though.

pixelsword4026d ago

Dude, they ALWAYS play SVER because the balance is in SVER's favor, and people have been complaining about that since the beta, plus they do change the background. Once in the beta, I found a good spot to ding one of SVER's bunkers, and the next day, the put a tree or a bar where I was so I could not do it.

In that sense, I'm glad Zipper is gone.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 4026d ago
dbjj120884028d ago

So long Mag. You were a promise... sort-of fulfilled.

Dead_Cell4028d ago (Edited 4028d ago )

Ask any player who put any decent amount of time in and they'll tell you it was promise fulfilled. It may not have reached the top sales or following ever but for the community and the people who cared for it, it delivered a hell of a lot.

sobekflakmonkey4028d ago (Edited 4028d ago )

That's what I've been hearing, I really hope they return to that game and make it a franchise, bring it back on PS4 with updated graphics, fix some of those bugs, as well as some of the mechanics, that shit would be awesome, they could have had a HUGE following for that game.

TheSaint4028d ago

Until Zipper broke it.

It was brilliant for a while.

Wedge194028d ago

MAG, I loved that game once upon a time

0pie4028d ago

i hope they will stop selling retail copies of mag if they close the game servers.

Dead_Cell4028d ago

They already have, it's removed from PSN along with all DLC and now it's just up to the retailers to stop supplying online.

0pie4027d ago

Thank you for the info sir. :)

TD_hastetheday4028d ago

MAG will be missed, my all-time favorite shooter. They're shutting servers down in January.

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