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Celebrating 3 Million PS VR Systems Sold

We are excited to reveal today that Sony Interactive Entertainment has officially sold-through more than three million PlayStation VR systems worldwide, along with 21.9 million PS VR games and experiences. We’d like to thank all our fans for the amazing support, and we’re thrilled that so many of our gamers have experienced the magic of VR and stepped into the captivating worlds that electrify our senses.

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Malice-Flare2229d ago
crazyCoconuts2229d ago

Don't forget to check out that sale on the store. Some pretty good deals there on some lesser known titles...

fiveby92229d ago

I have not tried any VR system yet. But I am interested. I'd want to try to make sure it doesn't make me sick before purchasing. However, I may wait for the next gen PSVR at this point unless I scored a current PSVR real inexpensively. The VR platform sure seems to have some great potential.

Dragonscale2229d ago (Edited 2229d ago )

@fiveby9, there are plenty of games which don't have motion sickness. Eventually you build up a tolerance anyhow. its well worth the investment, theres nothing else like it.

zaherdab2229d ago

The US store ? i thought it's only ubi sale this week

crazyCoconuts2229d ago

Yea, US store. Digital Only sale.

1nsomniac2229d ago (Edited 2229d ago )

@fiveby9 @dragonscale you don’t build up complete intolerance that’s why games on other VR platforms rate how likely it is to make you sick. I’ve had my PSVR for over a year & I still get horribly sick. To the point where I’ll literally be sick for 3-4 hours afterwards. I still think it’s great I just can’t play for longer than an hour max.

At this point I would wait for next gen if I were you but if you got it dirt cheap you wouldn’t be disappointed.

2229d ago
ApocalypseShadow2229d ago

Good advice shaggy, don't start off with the motion games. I did that at the start and got nausea too. Now I can play 98% of games no problem but dirt vr still does it because the camera moves up and down and you don't physically.

But I can play wipeout and drive club vr no problem. Baby steps. Play stationery games like super hot, raw data, etc. Then work up.

rainslacker2229d ago (Edited 2229d ago )

The most "sick" I've ever gotten was on the roller coaster sections of Rush of Blood. And that was more just a perceived feeling of sudden changes in elevation like you'd feel on a roller coaster, or dropping down a hill suddenly in a car.

Other people may be more prone to actually getting sick from that kind of stuff, but the motion sickness being referred to is of that nature. So, if such things affect you negatively from other experiences you may have had, then VR may not be for you.

This will probably always be a problem for VR though, as the frame rates are already high enough that adding more won't change anything.

The first few times I tried VR, both Occulus and PSVR, I felt a bit dizzy and disoriented, but that passed by the end of my first session. I'd certainly recommend trying it with a game you sit down for on your first attempt.

bouzebbal2228d ago

Good milestone but i am still not sold on it..
not even the lack of games that keep me away but i don't like that people around cannot experience the same as the person wearing VR.

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Ratchet752228d ago

Amen brother.
Can,,t wait for zero hour and rescue bot.

Jinger2229d ago

Very nice! I very much enjoy my PSVR. Can't wait to see what's next for it

crazyCoconuts2229d ago

I'm hoping to see all yall on Firewall when it comes out. Rainbow Six in VR sounds amazing.

Jinger2229d ago

Yeah Firewall looks great. Although, I also though Bravo Team was going to be great as well. So I'm just going to wait for some impressions first.

KickSpinFilter2229d ago

I'm gonna blow your head off. Can't wait!
You gonna get Aim gun also?

crazyCoconuts2229d ago

Aleready got one that was bundled with Farpoint. It's great.

TGGJustin2229d ago

To be fair @Jinger no one really got to play Bravo Team prior to release and the ones who did mentioned it wasn't great. All of the impressions on Firewall from E3 and previews mention it's really fun.

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hench072229d ago

I don't see them pursuing this into next-gen nearly 100m PS4s and only 3m VRs.

ocelot072229d ago

Ohhh they will. Remember PSVR is essentially a accessory for the PS4 a £200+ accessory at that and they have managed to sell over 3 million of them in almost 2 years.

SmielmaN2229d ago

3 mill x $450 avg price (was $500 in Canada when it released) = $1.35 Billion.... + an apparent 7 game/experience attach rate.... Yeah, I think it's sticking around. This isn't a pack in with a system, most of these are stand alone sales. It's not going anywhere. playing with the Gun peripheral is really awesome and its only in its infancy, there's def some incredible things to come.

Kribwalker2229d ago


your math is off. It sold 1 million at the higher price (october to june the first year) and only started selling more when the price drop to below $300

playnice2229d ago

I hope VR continues to do well but when you look at how Kinect sold 8 million units within it's first 60 days it's not hard to imagine 3 million isn't a strong guarantee of anything for the next gen.

KillBill2229d ago

MS sold 35 million Kinects as of Oct 2017, production of 8 years. PSVR likely will be around for PS5 but I wouldn't expect it to be anywhere close to Kinect numbers.

ApocalypseShadow2229d ago (Edited 2229d ago )

Some of you have your math off comparing it to kinect. psvr costs way more than kinect. Obviously it's not going to sell as many when it costs just as much or more than the console.

Where's your high fidelity?

kayoss2229d ago

Did you just compare the kinect to the PSVR? You know its two different things right. One of those differences is the price. If you compared Kinect to maybe the Playstation camera, then sure. But a camera to a virtual reality set...nah man, you're off your rockers.

Aenea2228d ago (Edited 2228d ago )


The price didn't drop below $300 last June that only happened this year and only to $299 at that, cheaper prices have been around but only because they had a sale going. Yes that is indeed the second price drop since release but does that make the 3 million sold any less impressive? Or it being on sale for even cheaper during a set period a bad thing?

Because if it does I know an article that has dropped in price and has been on sale quite a few times as well.....................


What does kinect have to do with PSVR or VR in general? Why drag an MS product into it at all?

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ZeroX98762229d ago

VR can only get better at this point. I guess wireless headsets, better sensors and higher resolution is the benchmark for next gen VRs :)

Also a navigation controller for VR would've been nice. Don't understand why Sony didn't released one yet

SmielmaN2229d ago

I would guess the next iteration adds some room sensors/cams for more range of motion...

rainslacker2229d ago (Edited 2229d ago )

I wouldn't mind some sort of sensory accessories, or even things like this gloves available for PC systems. Not all bundled together, but available and easily adaptable into the system. Required support in games would be ideal.

Otherwise, a navigation controller would be nice. I recall they had something like that for move, but I guess its integrated now.

One thing I'd appreciate is that the camera can be positioned further from the TV. For sit down games, I have to use a tripod for the camera, otherwise it'll say I'm out of range, despite being able to still move my head and have the camera track fine. Its annoying in GT:Sport. I'd prefer not to have to keep repositioning my camera, and if they could make it so it can adjust to different playing positions it'd be a real benefit for the user.

2228d ago
nowitzki20042229d ago

And that is why you are not a business man

Krangs_Uncle2229d ago

A £200+ accessory has sold more than 90% of MS's Exclusives..

You have got to be the most dimwitted person on this site.

trooper_2229d ago

You're either being sarcastic or the worst possible troll on this site.

Omegasyde2229d ago

Nah Skyrim VR is like crack.

There is no going back

Wallstreet372229d ago

That's not how business goes, this was a starting point and 3 mil is ahead of the pack which includes pc. VR is the future they were smart in making a foundation.

Its like saying a game sold 4 million out of 80 million ps4 users so lets not make a sequel or more. Do you know how many games wouldn't have sequels? Heavy Rain would gave been the last lol and look how good Detroit is doing.

Sony obviously spent a gd amount on R&D on this and they will iterate and evolve this and not have to spend all tht money next gen and will definitely make a profit.

rainslacker2229d ago (Edited 2229d ago )

Think they reported 500 million in R&D. They were ahead by some because of their HMD business from the past, but there was a lot to work out and test to come to the final product. Its obvious they put a lot of thought into how to make an affordable product that has decent quality. Despite the PC versions being better, PSVR does have its advantages....namely less required power to run, and less of a hatching effect on the actual screen. If they can iron out the kinks and improve on the things that are better on PC, then they'll be in a really good position to be a market leader....particularly since PC VR can be a bit daunting, not to mention expensive, for the average consumer

sampsonon2229d ago

if ms can keep making $200 controllers every other month i don't see why Sony shouldn't make another headset for the next gen. he games will look better as well.

Profchaos2229d ago

It's a niche market and a long term investment it is only gen 1 and the technology is still finding its feet but imo if more people experience it there would be a huge spike in sales

KickSpinFilter2229d ago

Oh they 100% will.
Remember this is like PS1 version of PSVR or the Blackberry of smart phones. Next PSVR2 will be even more dope in 2021

Foxhound9222229d ago

What a surprise. the henchman trolling in another PS article.

Who would've thought that a gaming peripheral, released later into the generation, with a $500 dollar entry price tag would be selling at a lower rate than the console itself? The PSVR is doing great and is outselling competitors. The mental gymnastics you have to pull to downplay PS related news is quite astonishing.

Keep up the good work...

rainslacker2229d ago (Edited 2229d ago )

An attach rate of 7+ games per system sold is exceptional. They make more money off that than the hardware itself, and all those games have licensing fees attached, and since most are sold digitally, they are making loads of money on the PS Store.

I'd be surprised if they gave up that kind of revenue, particularly since the bulk of the R&D expenditures for the hardware itself are done.


Except MS actually did pursue the Kinect into this gen. The problem was is that they thought the success of the Kinect translated to the early adopters of hardware wanting it, and not realizing that the casuals who were actually buying kinect weren't going to drop $500 on a system.

In any case, MS pretty much abandoned the Kinect for games, although supported its X1 features for a while. But when they couldn't even bother to try and support it for games, it failed miserably.

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ocelot072229d ago

But I thought VR was dying? I thought it was going to be another 3D TV?

AnubisG2229d ago

200 million 3DTV's have been sold. So this means nothing.

ocelot072229d ago

TV's are essential if you want to use a console or PC or watch TV content. VR is not VR is a £200+ accessory for the PS4 with only one purpose. 3D TV's can be used for none 3D content. I bought a 3D TV and didn't use the 3D feature once. I didn't buy the 3D TV for the 3D feature I bought it as it was a decent 1080p TV at the time. Out of those 200 million 3D TV's sold I am pretty certain I am not the only one who didn't actually use the 3D feature.

andibandit2229d ago


So you're saying it's relevant under the circumstances.

AnubisG2229d ago


Yes, a TV is essential for many things but a 3DTV is not. My point still stands.

conanlifts2229d ago

DVD stores closed down and no one ever rented 3d movies digitally. Of course 3d was going to fail.

Aenea2228d ago

Many people who wanted to buy a new TV probably spend a little more to make it a 3D one, it's not the same thing as actually buying a separate accessory for your console...

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Profchaos2229d ago

The only people saying this have never put a headset on

BLAKHOODe2229d ago

It's amazing how many times I've seen a VR hater change their opinion after actually using VR. But I've never once seen a VR hater use VR and then afterwards continue hating VR.

FinalFantasyFanatic2229d ago (Edited 2229d ago )

I've used VR on both Samsung and PS and don't like either, don't hate it, just don't like it, there hasn't been ANY software that has impressed me enough consider VR as a worthwhile purchase. My other main criticism is movement in VR, nothing more immersion breaking than teleporting.

One day, something may wow me, but for now it's not worthwhile purchase for me (I don't quite get the hype, even though my friends really enjoyed it when we all tried it as a group).

2228d ago
Kribwalker2229d ago

kinect sold more then 20 million units on the 360 alone. how has that faired?

ApocalypseShadow2229d ago (Edited 2229d ago )

It failed because Microsoft forced it on gamers and didn't support it with any good games. All that "it reads your heartbeat." But no good games taking advantage of the advancement over the first kinect.

And games like Ryse were taken away and changed from kinect and made into flat screen games to front load Xbox one launch.

Then, when things got hard, they abandoned it just like they did Xbox and 360 in those last 3 years of it to push Xbox one.

And instead of supporting vr, they let other manufacturers do it and take a risk while riding off their backs and steam.

Microsoft's fault why it failed.

mkis0072229d ago

Kinect was included at launch and then $150 stand alone.

Psvr is only standalone at double or triple kinects price...

Kribwalker2228d ago

kinect for the 360 did not, and it sold 24 million

andibandit2228d ago

Here's a better question: Vita sold more than 10million. how has that faired?.

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5 Top Tips To Help Improve PSVR Tracking

The original PSVR has a great catalogue of games, but keeping the set-up working well can be a pain.

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Community152d ago

Humanity - Gameplay Series Part 1: Action-Puzzle Basics

Join us as we take you through the basic gameplay of Humanity, an action-puzzle game where you control a glowing Shiba Inu. You place commands on the ground for a giant marching horde of people to follow. Make them turn, jump, float through the air, swim, climb, etc., all to reach the goal (or goals) in each stage.

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Silver_ShadoWolf507d ago

I guess the only question here is… why does this exist?


Humanity available Day 1 as a PlayStation Plus Game Catalog title, out May 16

Move over “International Pickle Day,” May 16 has a new number one claim to fame: it’s the launch day for Humanity!

Better yet, it’ll be available on Day 1 as part of the PlayStation Plus Game Catalog’s May lineup, available at no additional cost to PlayStation Plus Extra and Premium members.

Whether you own a PS5 or PS4, are a PS VR2 or PS VR or TV-only gamer, want to craft your own levels or just sit back and enjoy some action-platforming and puzzle-strategizing, this year May 16 is going to mean more than just “National Piercing Day.”

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masterfox521d ago

finally!, being waiting for this game since its announcement some years ago, so many objects on screen using physics running at 60 fps is always mesmerizing to see.

SullysCigar521d ago

Played the demo on PSVR2 - it's trippy as hell!

Knushwood Butt521d ago (Edited 521d ago )

Awesome. I had this on my PS wishlist and was going to buy it Day 1. Seen as I have Extra, now I don't need to!
PSVR2 support too.

Abnor_Mal521d ago

Platformers are not really my thing, but I guess I can try it out on PlusExtra. In VR2 to boot.

fsfsxii521d ago

Finally! been badgering the devs on twitter for awhile now. Demo put me in a trance and i loved it.