
Monster Hunter World removed from WeGame after numerous complaints, drops to Mixed reviews on Steam

It appears that Monster Hunter World, while a commercial success for Capcom on the PC, has really damaged the company’s image, something that may affect its newer titles.

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Vits2143d ago (Edited 2143d ago )

It's a very bad port, the optimization and connection problems seem to be the same in the consoles and inherent in the game. But, the PC has its own set of problems, such as the lack of real mouse input, absent high-quality textures, bugged water reflexions, lack of support for ultrawide monitors, no official support for mods, motion blur, lack of FOV tuning and several users are reporting that the game don't even boot.

After having delayed the PC version with the excuse that they wanted to make a good port:
"So, hopefully, PC users won’t mind waiting a little bit longer for us to bring you a really great optimised PC experience" - Ryozo Tsujimoto, Monster Hunter World Producer.

This release seems more like a bad joke. What, along with China's internal policies, seems to have motivated removing it from the market.

Felix_Argyle_Catbro2143d ago (Edited 2143d ago )

The game got banned my dude. Not taken down because of gamers. Also, most people have no problems. Over 300 000 concurrent users on Steam are enjoying the game, while the small minority of around 7k players are complaining in the reviews because they think they will be able to run the game with toasters.

Vits2143d ago (Edited 2143d ago )

Yes, the game got banned. But a popular opinion on weibo is that it was after chinese gamers complained to the authorities in an effort to attack both WeGame and Capcom. True, it's rumor at the moment and we'll probably never know the truth. But it would not be the first time that Chinese gamers make themselves really loud in other to complain.

And this is very dishonest. Most of the problems that permeate the game are not related to the lack of hardware on the user's part, as the technical analysis has already shown - DF for example. Plus, even the devs reconized that both game not booting and connection issues are common occurrences.

Also there is currently 13k + user reviews and that's far more than the minimal sample size for an quality analysis. I get that you want to defend the game that you like, but as a consumer you are just making a fool out of yourself.

shadowraiden2142d ago

@vits its estimated 2million copies have been sold on PC using statistic sites.

13k reviews is actually a tiny fraction of that. so not even 1% now do you understand why people say its always the minority who are the loudest.

the connection issues arent just a MHW thing they are happening to a lot of other steam games right now, apparently the new steam servers+friends system uses a completely different networking setup which they didnt tell the devs who make use of those servers. so this is also on Valve to work with those companies to get the products on steam servers working.

the game is a much better port than people make it out to be, its a demanding game no doubt but i also know of many that are playing on minimal hardware and with some tweaking to there settings getting a good 60 fps 90% of time(only issue right now seems to be with lightning weapons they cause bad fps hits on the fast attacking ones).

the saying goes that those enjoying the game are playing the game, its the minority that dislike or have issues that are always the loudest wherever they can be but they never represent the playerbase.

AspiringProGenji2142d ago (Edited 2142d ago )

I am one of those concurrent players. Currently playing it right now and just made it to the Rotten Vale. I have not had any major issues and the game performs awesome with my GtX 1080 with all maxed.

My only complain is the lack of 21:9. They have the resolution but not the aspect ratio which would have been great and i hope they add it soon. Despite some questionable textures and some connectivity issues I am loving it

Eiyuuou2143d ago

Just saying that I have no connectivity issues on PS4. However, it is easy to mistake a certain error for one.

If you want to join a hunt, but it has just been filled up, you get an error, though there are no problems.

-T9X-69-2142d ago

Well the PS4 version came out 7 months ago. When it came out it had the same server issues for a couple days. It's a bit ridiculous how crazy people are acting over it. As if big game launches don't always have connection issues for the first couple days on and off.

Michiel19892143d ago

Capcom never did a great job at porting games to PC. Havent played this one so cant comment on MHW, but from my previous experiences with capcom PC ports, I rather buy their console games.

rob-GP2142d ago

"But, the PC has its own set of problems, such as the lack of real mouse input, absent high-quality textures, bugged water reflexions, lack of support for ultrawide monitors, no official support for mods, motion blur, lack of FOV tuning and several users are reporting that the game don't even boot. "

If there is an issue with the mouse and straight up technical issues with booting then fair enough. But everything else (apart from maybe the water reflections as it could just be not up to your 'standard') is pure fluff. I wouldn't class the lack of official mod support as a 'problem', neither are any of the other things. It's a port of the console version - you kinda sound a little entitled in classifying these as 'problems'

Michiel19892141d ago (Edited 2141d ago )

motion blur, FOV and support for ultrawide monitors is fluf?
getting the basics for a pc port wrong isnt just fluf. That you dont care about these things, while you should (not the ultra wide stuff if u dont have one ofc), doesnt mean no one does. people actually get motion sickness from motion blur, but its just fluf, cause u dont suffer from it. Luckily im not one of them, but for certain people it can make them unable to play a game. Is colorblind mode also fluf for you? Funny you call someone entitled while you feel entitled to shove it away as fluf while some people actually have problems with it. I personally dont care that much about FOV, but that doesnt mean its just fluf, its still a downside when its a common option in pc gaming. I dont see an upside in not having an FOV slider, more options is better. Some people actually do care about FOV, mostly pc gamers because its been an option to adjust it for so long now.

Lack of mod support isnt a problem but its still a downside, a lot of pc games support in the years after they get released is based on the mod community. Imagine how cool it would be to go on custom hunts made by the community (maybe even in another games world) It even created a whole new genre (mobas). What you dont realize is that pc and console games get reviewed differently and have different standards. That you dont care if the water reflections are good or not doesnt mean someone else doesnt. Why would they not take advantage of the flexibility of the pc when they create it for pc. I'm fine with buying a pc game thats not build from the ground up for pc, i rather have it build specifically for pc but thats not realistic for every game. What im not fine with is buying a pc port without the options that are expected to be in a pc game nowadays.

Capcom has a bad track record of porting games to pc and they should be called out for it.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2141d ago
Felix_Argyle_Catbro2143d ago

Whoever wrote this article has no idea what is going on over there.

Let me tell you this. This game came out, with the publisher Tencent holds all legal documents issued by government, anything they need to publish a game. 4 days later, game got banned.

I mean banned. this game is not allowed to be sold in China. No Monster Hunter, no more.

Reasons? Nobody knows. Gamers and medias all freaking out right now. It hurts gamers and game industry in China DEEPLY. It hurts. We're not living in a reasonable society. There is no clear standard for what is okay and what is not. These government people up there could take anything away from us if they feel like it. No explaination needed.

Many Mainland China users of Steam are not exactly fans of Tencent’s WeGame platform, and some appear to believe that Monster Hunter: World‘s launch has fallen victim to a gaming turf war of sorts, with users on Weibo blaming Steam supporters for the authorities being inundated with complaints.

kevnb2143d ago

It’s typical of dsog to post crap like this.

Felix_Argyle_Catbro2143d ago

This is why the review system is garbage. Complaints should be ratioed against the total sales and not just positive reviews. Many people will not leave a positive review even if they enjoy it. Everyone will leave a negative review if they hate it or something goes wrong. Literally the vocal minority.

kevnb2143d ago (Edited 2143d ago )

It didn't get removed because of reviews, its been banned in china.

Felix_Argyle_Catbro2143d ago

I know, I just wanted to talk about the Steam's review system because it was mentioned in the title.

kevnb2143d ago (Edited 2143d ago )

The game seems to be selling quite well, I think people can understand that some people are full of bs. There also seems to be some sort of media campaign going against the pc version, probably paid for by Microsoft. I mean just check out the digital foundry video, they have this weird comparison with the one x that they try to mislead is better than the pc version. I actually think the pc version already outsold the xbox version, i mean who cares about the one x?

Michiel19892143d ago

@kevnb ahhh the classic MS conspiracy theory. Look my dude, capcom has never shined in porting to pc, actually they rather sucked at porting to pc than being competent. Digital Foundry doesnt get paid by ms or w/e publisher, they do these side by side comparisons for ages now. Who cares about the xbox one now? Apparently you do, otherwise you wouldnt mention it so prominently. I havent played MHW on x1 but from what i remember they did take advantage of the X1X HDR and increased power, combine that with capcoms shitty history of pc ports and it doesnt even sound that unreasonable the X1X version is better, untill they patch the pc version.

Outselling another version doesnt mean its better quality. PC has infinite users compared to xb1 and ps4, so thats not a realistic measurement of game quality. SFV also played better on ps4 than on pc when it launched, techincally speaking this shouldnt be the case, but it still was because of their lackluster pc ports. Its not that strange to hear that MHW runs better on x1x than on pc.

Just keep ur conspiracy theories on the shelf dude, your making yourself look stupid. With your reasoning Digital Foundry gets paid by every console maker. Or when they say that 'x' games run better on ps4 then its not sony paying them money, only ms does that....right?

kevnb2142d ago (Edited 2142d ago )

@Michiel1989 its not a theory, they have been caught many times. Here are few examples, and the section below the one linked is them blacklisting journalists in a bullying tactic.
keep in mind this isnt an extensive list, just a few examples.

Michiel19892142d ago

nice list dude, although DF is not on there and they never will be. Looking at your comment history, which is basically all anti MS comments, why would i believe you rather than site that has proven its credibility over and over again. its funny, they actually put work into making a comparison video and they provide proof. U come on here with ur anti MS conspiracy theories, provide 0 proof for them being biased in anyway and try and discredit their integrity. pathetic

Also u didnt reply to any of the arguments I made why it wouldnt be unreasonable the x1x version is better. I know why you dont, cause you have nothing to prove your point. When something is sony negative or microsoft positive you come up with crazy conspiracies based on nothing. dont comment back to me if you have no proof to back up your point why DF would have been paid by MS. Kinda sad you are trying to discredit the work of people that actually put time and effort in it. And if you actually watch their video, they dont say the xbox one version is the better looking version, but the pc version with setting comparable to xb1 is quite tough for non high end pcs and is badly programmed. you are just spouting nonsense all over. They also go over some setting that arent implemented as well on pc as on x1x. so yes in some aspects the x1x version is better.

Start looking at things through the eyes of a balanced human being instead of the eyes of a sony fanatic. you seem to think that if there is a version better than the ps4 version it takes away from the ps4 (while you spout insane conspiracy theories), it doesnt. ps4 version is great as well as all the other versions.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2142d ago
Iloveherliezz2143d ago

Kevnb thinks Microsoft is paying to make it look like the xbox one x version is better than the pc version...

kevnb2143d ago (Edited 2143d ago )

Did you watch the digital foundry video? Why the hell would they even compare it to a console almost nobody owns? Why would they do it in such a misleading way? They didnt even compare loading times, the most noticeable difference between the console and pc versions. They also gave the x a break for not having consistent frame times and only running around 40 fps. While on a mid range pc the user can choose to lower some settings and get smooth 60 fps or even a locked 30. Heck digital foundry has even had videos where they disclosed Microsoft paid them to hype the one x, they must pay them even more to not disclose. Think Im crazy, Microsoft has been caught doing things just like this many many many times. Just look at vista reviews, windows 8 reviews, windows phone etc... even look at commentators, they have often paid people to go on forums and advertise for them there too.

Michiel19892142d ago

they do that because they compare the best running/looking version of console to the pc version to see if the pc version is an improvement over the console version. They dont compare loading times because there hardly are any. They didnt give x1 a break on framerate fluctuation in their first MHW video. But since you still dont get what this video is about, this is NOT a MHW x1 review, this is a comparison of how the pc version compares to the x1 version, not how good or bad the x1 version is. they even say that in the title, x1x comparison, COMPARISON is not equal to REVIEW u dummy. This is video is analyzing the pc version and then comparing it to the x1x version which you would know if you read the title of their video. just watch the first 3 mins of the video and they explain what the purpose of the video is because you totally missed the point.

Iloveherliezz2142d ago

Kevnb im just not dumb enough to believe this nonsense. I know its a thing but to sit here and say Microsoft paid to make it look like MHW runs better on the X is pure stupidity. What do they stand to gain?

kevnb2142d ago

You can’t understand what Microsoft wants to gain by promoting the Xbox one x?

kevnb2142d ago (Edited 2142d ago )

@Michiek1989 yoh are not making any sense, every time you go on a quest there is a loading screen. They purposely titled the video a pc analysis, but it’s really a paid advert for the one x targetting pc gamers. https://youtu.be/PFBLdYf05Y...

And what are you going on about the video isn’t a review? Who said it was review?

Michiel19892142d ago

@kevnb except you forgot the part where MS never paid DF and where it isnt a MS promotrion. provide me any proof that DF is not integer. What you say sounds so ridiculously stupid thats its hard to see if you actually think you speak the truth or just flat out trolling. You have nothing to back up that DF was paid by MS. and the funny thing is they provide evidence (THE WHOLE VIDEO) to back their statements up. DF doesnt do that kind of stuff of scummy stuff, they are not fkn Kotaku. They are analysts, not reviewers. They present you the facts by showing evidence, they dont say how good or bad the game is designed, they analyse how a game looks and runs on different platforms.

just go google the difference between anylists and reviewers, a whole new world will open for you.

xX-oldboy-Xx2142d ago

DF are champions of Xbox, always have and always will be.

Michiel19892142d ago

@oldboy provide evidence then. looking at your comment history your basically a MS basher through and through, well i guess you people have to support eachother to sound too stupid. Just because they dont always say your preferred version is the one that runs best means they are biased.

Unlike you, DF shows proof to back up what they say. How about you do the same?

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PoopsMcGee2143d ago

Thanks for the comment recap!

Michiel19892142d ago

you implied it was a review by saying they cut the x1 version slack for the framerate dips. analysts dont care about if a game runs a certain way because they analyse how it runs and present that information to you. Its not an opinion piece, which it would be if you cut someone slack for x or y, because then you are biased.

and how about you provde EVIDENCE that they are paid by MS. just admit ur wrong or prove ur right, you sound like a complete lunatic with: DF IS PAID BY MS.

just look what u typed dude.
"Did you watch the digital foundry video? Why the hell would they even compare it to a console almost nobody owns? Why would they do it in such a misleading way?" \
just explain what is misleading about their video, their video clearly says pc analysis + xbox comparison, and that is exactly what it is.
You are basically implying people should only make vids about ps4 versions of games because it has the most consumers. So the people who play on xb1 dont deserve any videos, because its misleading to make videos about anything other than ps4? just spit it out dude, you dont like it if someone isnt negative about MS or x1 and start making up conspiracy theories.

It just seems you are salty that the ps4 version isnt the best running console version and try and discredit MS and DF in the process, shameful.

xX-oldboy-Xx2142d ago

Michiel989 - You only need to watch there videos through the yrs, unless their hands are tied when an exclusive comes (HZD, GOW, TLOU2). Richard just 'seems' to gush over anything MS related.

Yes - I do not like MS, I thought and still do think the X is a great machine - I had one on preorder. Turns cancelling my preorder was a smart move.

Michiel19892142d ago

link me videos of where its so obvviouss, cause i dont see it. I mean u and ur companion already thought it was misleading to compare pc to x1x version for some reason. I dont believe anything you say without showing proof. Untill you do, you are spouting lies. You 2 accuse a company that doesnt give a shit about what console is best, that they are biased. You provide nothing to back your claim up, you must either be so sad that you cant handle ps4 version not being the best and then starting to say random crap, or you believe in your own lies.

if you think and ANALYST not bashing a game if it doesnt have prefect framerate is cutting it slack, ur wrong. As you can hear in their analysis videos, they dont give opinions, they present you facts backed up by data.

Show proof instead of 'you only need to watch their videos', name videos where its so obvious, timestamps and most importantly what he said that would make them biased.

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rivaldoo7772143d ago

Hands down the most addicting game this gen. I got bored after 600 hrs .

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