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CAPCOM: DMC5 is a By-Product of Fan Feedback; DmC Was Very Good, Too

CAPCOM executives revealed that DMC5 is a by-product of fan feedback after Ninja Theory's DmC, though they maintain that was very good, too.

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KaiPow2180d ago

After Bayo2, I'm sure fans want their character action games to be over the top and Capcom can certainly deliver on that!

AK912180d ago

Honestly speaking they always were I’m honestly not sure why Bayo 2 sold so well since it’s the least over the top product they’ve made.

Cybermario2180d ago

glad to see they listen to the fans, more developers should do that instead of confronting them, but then again that is japanese devs for you.

-Foxtrot2180d ago (Edited 2180d ago )

Dmc was not good

It still puzzled the shit out of me how reviewers praised it so high when it was inferior to DMC4 with being a DMC game. Just found it funny out of all of the years it was being criticised journalists hardly got involved yet like a month before it came out, in December almost every big site started to defend it saying how good it was or how fans were wrong, so on. Always seemed strange in my opinion.

Anyway if it was fan feedback then wouldn’t Dante be the main, main lead in this. I can’t think of anyone who asked for Nero again.

DMC5 happened not because dmc wasn’t a direct sequel but because dmc was a crap DMC game

Weeblordbad2180d ago

DmC was a fun game, it might not have been an exact "devil may cry" game but it was a FUN game. Also remember, a lot of people were telling you people you were wrong because you spent months having a shit fit over a character design. The criticism stemming from the gameplay was so lost in the noise of people complaining about Dante, it becomes incredibly hard for me to take any criticism of that game seriously. Like you can't be that deluded, can you? Maybe "journalists" started speaking highly of the game because that's when review copies started being sent out? Maybe it's because as a game there is absolutely ZERO wrong with it, and if it had been named any thing other than DMC none of this would have even come up.

Also to say a game is just straight up "inferior" to Backtrack May Cry 4 is a bit rich, different strokes for different folks man. You think it's great, which I can respect. I think it's eye gougingly boring, the characters are absolutely awful and still after 4 games I couldn't care less about the story. It's pretty bog standard anime fare. You like it, and I'm happy you do, I just hope DMC5 is better.

-Foxtrot2180d ago

"Also remember, a lot of people were telling you people you were wrong because you spent months having a shit fit over a character design"

Stopped reading there

That is the same old boring counter argument people defending the game said when in reality it was A DOZEN THINGS more...not just "oh because of da hair lulz". The hair was like one thing of many that was wrong with this game but the more was revealed and the more they got in depth of the game people realised it faced way more issues that the "hair" thing was tiny in comparison.

So yeah maybe don't use a boring as counter argument next time to start a reply off.

Poopmist2180d ago

I prefer DMC of Devil May Cry 4 tbh

Lord_Sloth2180d ago

Are you saying that if it wasn't named Devil may Cry it wouldn't have been compared to other games with the same title in the franchise? WAAAAAAAAAAAT?! How unfair!!!!!!! ZOMG!!!!

TheBritishOne2180d ago

DmC was a fun action game.

It's problem was being slapped with the DMC title. Sure even as a new IP the story and characters would still be bad, but at least it wouldn't have been a slap in the face

Xb1ps42180d ago

I tried it not that long ago on gamepass and it was a good game, shame I skipped it over the “it’s not Dante” fiasco.. and that’s what everyone was complaining about..

I find it funny how you say it had dozens of issues and didn’t mention one yet the very first complaint you have for this game is again... it’s not Dante... how ironic..

Weeblordbad2180d ago

Pretty standard foxtrot fare.

Lord_Sloth2180d ago

The music was wrong.
The attitude of the game was wrong.
The aesthetics were wrong.
The gameplay was wrong.
The story was wrong.
The politics were out of place.
The writing was wrong.

Not saying any of it was BAD because that's subjective but it certainly wasn't right for a Devil May Cry game. he didn't address anything else because it's already been said a thousand times by the fans that were against it only to be trivialized by the fans for it as "t3h hair cry" and that gets tiring and irritating. I have no real love for Foxtrot (I think he complains about literally everything) but you know very well what all the complaints are as they've been said many times since the game's unveil trailer. No sense repeating all this tired crap.

Weeblordbad2180d ago

I didn't say the fan criticism was exclusively about Dantes appearance, it was simply the loudest aspect of the criticism. "The criticism stemming from the gameplay was so lost in the noise of people complaining about Dante, it becomes incredibly hard for me to take any criticism of that game seriously." There, I said it RIGHT there. You have issues with the combat design, that's fine you're absolutely allowed to have and share that opinion. But let's not speak down about an offshoot by a separate western developer because it didn't adhere directly to the combat mechanics of the first four games, DmC was not "crap".

Perhaps in the future try actually reading and taking in things instead of just dismissing everything that comes your way, I in no way insulted you. You do this a lot, you have an extremely high opinion of yourself and your views on "How and why" things should be the way they are. When you get called out on things, your first and only strategy is dismiss and discredit. Instead of just pointing out your personal concern wasn't so much the character design, but elements pertaining more to gameplay, story, level design and framerate; My whole response would have been different or just unnecessary. You just decided to have a little sarcastic fit, made yourself look like a child and stuck your head in the sand.


NapalmSanctuary2179d ago

It wasn't an offshoot. It was an attempt at a reboot.

CrimsonWing692180d ago (Edited 2180d ago )

I’m an enormous Devil May Cry fan and I actually really enjoyed DmC. A lot of fanboys attacked it because of the changes in lore and Dante. The game itself was actually fairly good and I liked the story but definitely prefer the Capcom lore and characters.

Now, I’ve seen the complaints about the combat and specific gameplay elements but as a whole it all functioned well and it’s more of a preference argument at that point.

Shinox2180d ago (Edited 2180d ago )

Fox Keep in mind that you are surrounded by casual newcomers who likes both DmC and RE7 so don't be surprised if those same idiots will do it again in the near future when Capcom screw things up .

-Foxtrot2180d ago

They usually do mess things up then moan after things go to shit.

Imagine if we had dmc 2? It would be all of them.

Weeblordbad2180d ago

On're surrounded by casual newcomers. Riiiiight....

Have fun keeping that gate boys, you're doing a great job.

Lord_Sloth2180d ago

So long as Dante is playable and in the story Idc who's center stage. Nero was fine for what he was as lead. I like Dante more as a character but I think he makes a better support with how over the top he is and how disinterested in the plot he seems. He still gets his glory and everybody wins. XXXD

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Platformgamer2180d ago

DmC had the best gameplay PERIOD.
hoping dmc5 will be even better

Sam Fisher2180d ago

I agree, it was bring new things on the table

Eiyuuou2180d ago

No, not nearly.

It was the most accessible, but lacked depth.

DMC4’s combat was, objectively speaking, the best in the series.

Platformgamer2180d ago

the accessibility makes it better actually and honestly.
speaking of DmC, i actually liked the story (the updated devils that have branches in merchandising, information and big corporation is always a nice concept for me) and the new dante too (the good ol' dante is better of course, but the new one was cool too), so i didn't get the hate for the reboot, it can co-exist with the classic series imho.

WeAreLegion2180d ago

I liked DmC a lot, but DMC3 and 4 had much more in-depth combat.

Eiyuuou2180d ago

Agreed. Nevertheless, DmC’s gameplay was enjoyable. It’s characters... not so much.

ShockUltraslash2179d ago

Can you list anything that makes it better ?
Like specific attacks, or weapons, or combos or anything?

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TennoCon 2024: Ben Starr On His Bridgerton Moment In Warframe 1999

Right before the full reveal of Warframe 1999 at TennoCon, we chatted with Ben Starr about the responsibility of stepping into such a huge franchise.

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OtterX2d ago

For me, these Mario + Rabbids games were the best thing Ubisoft has developed in recent years. I'd hate to see Ubisoft drive the series into the ground like their other properties, so I think 2 games are enough. Maybe 1 more.

Inverno2d ago

They can't ruin it because Ninty will send their ninjas to destroy all traces of it. If not for that you can bet that spinoff series would've been milked dry by now.

XiNatsuDragnel2d ago

Good luck in your future endeavors

Hotpot2d ago

Thank you for Mario + Rabbids series, I quite enjoyed it

Einhander19722d ago

Great games, I have wanted Sony to copy these games with their own mascots for years.

Michiel19891d 15h ago

not cinematic or 3rd person enough for Sony

DefaultComment2d ago

I think Nintendo has to hire this guy, I mean the fact that miuamoto himself said to him that he is impressed with this work, speaks volumes. Th possibility on having Mario on Soliani's hand could be incredible and quite possibly a new era for Mario games.

OtterX2d ago (Edited 2d ago )

Yea, these games didn't even feel Ubisoft at all. This felt very authentic Nintendo. This guy's direction is obviously stellar, and Ubisoft somehow managed to not kill it with microtransactions and repetitive, boring tasks.


10 GameCube Games That Actually Need A Remake

Cultured Vultures: We’re going through the Nintendo Gamecube back catalog to find the games most deserving of a remake.

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Chard2d ago

Missing the most important game - Rogue Leader