
Barack Obama Is Now A Video Game Character In 'Barack Fu: The Adventures of Dirty Barry'

As if a Shaq Fu sequel in 2018 wasn't crazy enough, its DLC features former president Barack Obama in his own side-scrolling beat-em up game.

WitcheRivia2174d ago

I'm sure the game will be just as shitty as his presidency.

kazuya1792174d ago

Right cuz this presidency is going smooth as hell and the current commander in chief and 1st Lady are shining examples to the world

I_am_Batman2174d ago

That's an illogical argument. They both can be bad.

2173d ago
ibrake4naps2174d ago

exactly, Barry raised the debt more than any other president by a large margin, his administration used the irs as an economic weapon against those that didn't share their political views, sold weapons to Mexican drug lords in a failed attempt to track them, traded 5 4-star general terrorists for 1 defector, negotiated with Iran to the sum of 400 million, failed attempt at shovel ready jobs, failed attempt at closing guantanamo bay, referring to children as an inconvenience as an argument for aborting them. Rubbage president...

Nykamari2173d ago

Your FoxNews information is showing. Too bad he was black, because if he was white he would have been praise. Its that he shamed you all and didnt fail like predicted. Now your current president is a total failure. You will see

Robearboy2172d ago

Didn't take long for the race card... Moron

2174d ago
born2live2174d ago

Can't wait for the sequel... Trump-Fu: Legacy of Tweeting Don

winter_hill2174d ago

If obama had a son......he probably wouldn't even pirate this garbage.

Nodoze2173d ago

I wonder if he will have the strings to properly puppet him (just like in real life).

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