
Is It Too Late For Kingdom Hearts?

Players have been waiting for thirteen years since Kingdom Hearts III was teased. With such a long wait, fans' anticipation may have set the bar too high.

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PressXtoBacon2193d ago

I think you're right, but you're wrong. God of War took forever and look how that turned out. This will be great!

Jinger2193d ago

GoW only took 5 years and they also completely changed the game. I'm not sure it's all that quick to make all those Disney universes

PressXtoBacon2193d ago

True. It must be a nightmare for the animation and design teams, but at least KH has the advantage of loadign screens

UCForce2192d ago

Still hate God Of War, aren’t ya ?

UCForce2192d ago (Edited 2192d ago )

It’s never too late for Kingdom Heart. Also, I think you got salty about the successful of God of War. I know you did played the game, but you just being “nostalgia” way too much.

Jinger2192d ago


Uh, maybe read again? I was actually using GoW as a good example...

UCForce2192d ago (Edited 2192d ago )

Ok, I was misleading by your word. I will try this again. It never too late for Kingdom Hearts because people played the KH3 and have a lot of positive impressions but they said the game is still retaining the charm of old Kingdom Heart games which is good thing. Another reason is that, Kingdom Heart is pretty special for everyone. I’m sure the game will exceed people expectations. And God of War is more about soft reboot and it needed to change and it paid off.

Jinger2192d ago


... smh

Read my comment one more time and maybe you will get it. I'm not digging at either game.

1. GoW only took 5 years because of the soft reboot.
2. KH3 is taking a while because it has to mimic and get correct all those Disney universes especially since Disney expects high quality...

Neither of these things are a bad thing. So get off my ass.

UCForce2192d ago (Edited 2192d ago )

“So get off my ass” Well, That’s sound personal from you. But in the end, God of War did well and i’m sure Kingdom Heart 3 will do well,too.

Jinger2192d ago


I can't tell if you're just dense or straight up have a disability.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 2191d ago
SuperSonic912193d ago (Edited 2193d ago )

Dude the Disney of today is way too different than the Disney when KH1 was made.
Disney is on a mission to make AAA blockbuster games equivalent to blockbuster movies according to Marvel Games exec in a Spiderman PS4 interview.

Did you notice the super high quality of Spiderman ( Marvel is owned by Disney) and KH3 Pixar ( also owned by Disney) like quality?
You can bet Disney will push KH3 very very hard.
I also saw the social reaction to KH3 especially teens.

Nintendo is gonna be green envy and jelly this holiday season.

InKnight7s2192d ago

I want it to happen, but at KH potentials it should be a huge title in place of Witcher 3, Drak Souls etc but KH will never hit thst because of oveeeer milking spin off and tooons of hearts stories that isn't even providing fun story at all.Simplify the idea and nore BBS style could make thinfs bettet , but SE choose potables for 10 years over a console. Its too late.

3-4-52192d ago

What is Nintendo going to be "jelly" about? Each company has their own company to worry about. I think they are doing ok with Smash Ultimate & 2 Pokemon's on the horizon.

lociefer2192d ago

I don't see no godamn bacon

PressXtoBacon2192d ago

First you press x, then you pay me, then you bacon.

EA way

Chevalier2192d ago

FF XV took over 10 years and did fine. I think KH will do fine

nucky642192d ago

GoW4 didn't take 12 years to come out.

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Knightofelemia2193d ago

I think the wait is worth it Disney has grown since then and made more movies that the KH franchise can use to tell a better and stronger story for the KH fans.

PressXtoBacon2193d ago

But this far in, aren't the Disney worlds just a plot device for the keyblade story to be told? I think at this point, Disney settings are just a selling point and Squenix is on their own to finish their story

Jinger2193d ago

I stopped caring after the first game, but for the fans it looks great.

PressXtoBacon2193d ago

But the second one is so good

RedDevils2192d ago

Hope you don't buy the 3rd lol

GamesMaster19822193d ago (Edited 2193d ago )

Looks awesome too me. Took its sweet time mind and just glad I’m still here after all these years waiting . But I’m just ready for it now more than ever . Bring it on !

Brave_Losers_Unite2193d ago (Edited 2193d ago )

Is it too late for good journalism?

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Square Enix’s “Kingdom Hearts” series is now available for PC via Steam

"SQUARE ENIX®’s beloved KINGDOM HEARTS series has launched on Steam®, bringing the iconic RPG series to a whole new world of players. All three collections released today—KINGDOM HEARTS HD 1.5 + 2.5 ReMIX, KINGDOM HEARTS 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue and KINGDOM HEARTS III + Re Mind DLC—can be played both on PC and on-the-go on Steam Deck devices, and available at a special discounted price for a limited time*." - Square Enix.

Nerdmaster9d ago (Edited 9d ago )

My main complaint about the series is that it mixes Disney characters and Final Fantasy characters, but they are actually not important at all to the plot. I read summaries and watched videos about the series, even played the music game which tries to summarize the plot of each game, and the Disney and FF stuff are barely mentioned at all.
All the series really is, is an amalgamation of convoluted plots that tries too hard to be mysterious and edgy, with some cameos to attract fans of Disney and FF, who wouldn't care at all about the franchise otherwise.

Heck, even in the trailer above, the Disney/FF characters are... just there.


Final Fantasy XVI Has Finally Given Donald Duck A Worthy Opponent

For a long time, it's been widely accepted amongst Final Fantasy/Kingdom Hearts fans that Donald Duck is the most powerful mage ever to exist, mainly due to his use of the stupidly powerful Zettaflare spell towards the end of Kingdom Hearts 3. This spell is one step up from Teraflare, a spell which was used in Final Fantasy XIV that was so powerful that it completely wiped out the base game, giving the developers a canonical reason to let them bin everything and start again from scratch.

Now you're armed with this information, you can see how it was pretty surprising for Donald Duck of all characters to bust out Zettaflare and establish himself as the most powerful character in Final Fantasy/Kingdom Hearts lore. However, now that Final Fantasy XVI has arrived and delivered a whole new cast of characters, a new challenger has arrived to provide Donald with some much needed competition.

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Final Fantasy's Strongest Canonical Magic User Is... Donald Duck?

Final Fantasy features many strong characters, but an unlikely character from Kingdom Hearts is able to cast ​the most powerful spell ever seen

gold_drake411d ago

that was pretty amazing, not gonna lie, i might have shed a tear or too, just cause of pure awesomeness.

he was already my favourite disney character and one of my favs from KH and then to see that amazing spell too. aah so good xD


Final Fantasy's strongest magic user is Donald Duck, who never appears in a final fantasy game.