
Review: Prey's Mooncrash DLC is Out of This World – GameSpew

Rich at GameSpew: If you've played Prey and want more, pick up its Mooncrash DLC right now. It's quite honestly one of the best pieces of DLC ever created.

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joab7772177d ago

Omg! Yes it does. So much so that I think this is the game I’m gonna buy next. Wanted to play it and now is the perfect time.

TheProfessional2177d ago (Edited 2177d ago )

Prey was awful, Bethesda shouldn't have cancelled the original Prey 2 from Human Head. The bland gameplay, forgettable/generic enemy types (black goo monsters), weak combat, lame weapons and uninspired story destroyed the game. Also the writing was just bad, I'm sure someone would live in an apartment for two years and never open their balcony door once because it's "locked". What an awful opening that tried so hard to be clever. "It's all fake but you didn't know because you haven't actually gone outside in years!" What a joke.

Kornholic2177d ago

Looks like you only played the demo.

ArchangelMike2177d ago

It is blatantly obvious that you haven't played the game, and are just here to troll. I bet you only watched the first 20 mins of the game and made your mind up. The story explains why the opening apartment scene was deliberately staged, and it's absolutely brilliant by the end of the game. But you couldn't be bothers, so likewise, I'll leave it there.

TheProfessional2177d ago (Edited 2177d ago )

Blatantly obvious huh? I played the one hour demo, was extremely disappointed and then still gave the game the benefit of the doubt and rented it and played through the first few hours to see if it got better. The gun sounds are tinny and hollow, the wrench is the most powerful weapon in the first act which is a joke, all the enemy types I saw were generic and uninspired and the story and the main character sucked and didn't pull me in. When a game needs over 3 hours to get going it's trash.

You all can defend it but if it were good it would not have flopped. Period. People are extremely into quality single player games now more than ever and Prey is not one of them. The sales speak for themselves.

GamesMaster19822177d ago

Must admit I got pissed because a glitch messed my save up , so sold the game, but that’s just me. Was it bad? Hell no. I just could not be bothered to restart . But it was a decent game , nothing amazing but decent .

AK912177d ago

Awesome been replaying the OG game now that it got X enhanced but will definitely play the DLC after I’m done.


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RaidenBlack24d ago

which inspired the Deathloop idea

1nsomniac24d ago

I’ve got it, never played it. Prey is a game I really wanted to like and it’s a game I really should have liked, everything about it is right up my street. But I just don’t know what it was but I just couldn’t stick with it.


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OnlyThoseOnTheFence1986d ago

FC5 and Destiny 2 "expansions" do not belong on this list...