
The top five fantastic DLC of this generation so far

GameZone writes: "We discuss the top five DLC of this generation that are so good they could have been their very own game and even beat a tonne of full AAA titles."

Sillicur2170d ago

Blood and Wine one of the best games of 2017 never mind best DLC

TheMuffDiver2170d ago

I'm playing the witcher now! Do u get any cool gear in blood and wine? Im only lvl 20 so I may have to wait.

HeyNavi2170d ago

It's been a while since I've played Blood and Wine, but I do remember getting some cool gear plus you get a whole new area to explore with a badass storyline.

sssb2170d ago (Edited 2170d ago )

Yep there's new Witcher gears you can craft + there's so many you can loot and buy in toussaint :)
enjoy your time don't rush in this great game ;)

sssb2170d ago

Yeah The Witcher 3 my best game in this gen and Blood and Wine is best expansion.

DivineAssault 2169d ago

I have to agree. I loved this and MGS V. I might play through them again soon since i never got to play the DLC. Might trade up my copies of bloodborne & witcher 3 for the complete editions of both.

bigmalky2170d ago

The Binding of Isaac Afterbirth is well worth the additions. I still haven't played all of The Witcher 3 DLC. Keep getting sidetracked with all the new games about.

Orionsangel2170d ago

Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, Champion's Ballad was also great!

PoopsMcGee2170d ago (Edited 2170d ago )

Does Uncharted Lost Legacy count as DLC? That should be on the list if it does...

I guess it's not DLC, though. I mean, it had a physical release.


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RaidenBlack77d ago

which inspired the Deathloop idea

1nsomniac77d ago

I’ve got it, never played it. Prey is a game I really wanted to like and it’s a game I really should have liked, everything about it is right up my street. But I just don’t know what it was but I just couldn’t stick with it.


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