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Ghost of Tsushima Is a Gorgeous, Brutal Look at Ancient Japan | IGN

A demo behind closed doors at E3 showed us the contrast of beauty and violence.

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Community2235d ago
UCForce2236d ago (Edited 2236d ago )

I really like the realistic look on Japan. Also, Ghost Of Tsushima is more history accurate than BFV. There was female warrior in Japan. They were called onna-bugeisha.

SuperSonic912235d ago

I have been longing for a realistic samurai sword fighting game just like in Kurosawa movies.
And GOT fits the bill perfectly.

I hope they get the animations as smooth polished like in TLOU2.

oakshin2235d ago

that's not going to happen to big and open for that level of detail and naughty dog sets the bar in that department anyway is the main reason I say this

MuddyWaters2235d ago

I'm getting a vibe from Bushido Blade, this looks amazing.

jukins2235d ago

yes and i hope it remains throughout as such. more counter 1 hit kill type thing

ABizzel12235d ago

I’m praying for a 1 v 1 mode like Bushido Blade. Please god or Sucker Punch let it be true.

ShadowWolf7122235d ago

1. That's unrelated as hell.
2. There WERE women who fought in WWII. Yes, in combat roles. Primarily Resistance fighters but they were there. Everyone needs to chill, jeebus.

Internetratnik2235d ago

Yup. People are retarded.

sher123win1232235d ago

there were no women on the British army fighting on the field though, and its not really about women on games its about context, if i made a nba game and put women on it as a player, would you say the same????

annoyedgamer2235d ago (Edited 2235d ago )

EA is alot of things, and stupid isnt one of them. EA just duped everyone again by using women as a shield for them turning BF into a fortnight clone.

This happened before with the ME3 debacle. But back then it was all about gay rights at the time. So EA called its critics "homophobes" and oil executive lovers. And BAM just like that, the focus is on SJW topics..and not EA's corporate greed.

Majin-vegeta2236d ago

To think that demo was just a side quest...mother of god

DarkVoyager2236d ago

The game is gorgeous that’s for sure. Best wind physics I’ve ever seen in a game.

PhoenixUp2236d ago

Sucker Punch doesn’t disappoint. I never expected them to make this kind of game

SuperSonic912235d ago

It was a huge surprise indeed.

UltraNova2235d ago

It speaks volumes how Sony is not afraid to take a risk and let their devs deviate from the norm.

Freedom and trust breeds creativity on a level we just witnessed in GoT.

thornh2235d ago

Despite the awesomely brutal Last of Us 2 demo Ghost of Tsushima was the highlight of the show for me. It is my most anticipated Sony game after Spider-Man hits. Very well done Sucker Punch.

jhoward5852235d ago

GoT was just a Demo that will eventually change by the time the final build of the game is released. And also, I highly doubt the PS4 can output lighting at that level. There no way in hell....

jhoward5852235d ago

Come on now. Do you really expect the PS4 to output lighting like what was shown on the GoT demo?
Please explain if you will?

Bathyj2235d ago

Are you saying it wasn't running in a PS4?

jhoward5852235d ago

I don't think Got demo was running on a Ps4 base system. I think it's running on PC on a PS4 dev kit. Remeber the PS4 dev kit and PS4 base system specs are similar, the only difference is the S devs kit has more ram(for debugging purposes) and the spec is a little higher.

Shiken2235d ago


PS4 Pro with HDR is a thing, sooooo....

ABizzel12235d ago

I doubt it’s running on PC. The only games that absolutely blew me away graphically in gameplay were The Last of Us and Death Stranding. The environments in those games were absolutely amazing, textures, foliage, all looked next gen.

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spicelicka2235d ago

The game looks absolutely gorgeous, but I don't think I saw anything outstide the realm of PS4's capabilities? I'm not sure what about the lighting looks unbelievable to you.

firelogic2235d ago (Edited 2235d ago )

It's still baffling to me that even after seeing games from Naughty Dog, Santa Monica, Guerilla, Kojima Productions, Quantic Dream, still question whether it's real or not. That Ghost of Tsushima demo was definitely running on a PS4 (probably a Pro) but nonetheless, it'll look that good on a regular PS4. No. It'll probably look even better in the end.

Edit: Actually, the article states that it was running on a Pro.

2235d ago Replies(5)
thornh2235d ago

Hahahahah! Go play God of War my friend. Your're correct, it was a demo that will probably change before the game is released. Just like the God of War demo at E3 2016. Though the level in the final game was similar it was still very different than the E3 demo. However, and I fully expect this form GoT as well, the retail version of God of War was better than the 2016 demo. The lighting in God of War is freaking insane. I suspect Sucker Punch will have all the help they need to ensure GoT looks as good, if not better than, the 2018 E3 demo.

OB1Biker2235d ago

Just look at what they did in ISS for a launch (or so) game. SP sure know what they are doing.

dreue2235d ago

Dude than you know nothing about development, and developers.... Agains it is not the machine that makes the gamw but the develipers use the machine, in this case the final game will at least the same or better.... Dudeyou just butt hurt.... We already saw it in motion, and games like god of war etc show this is more than realistic it will be in the base ps4, no problem... Dude go back to what ever you olay, because never a sony excluive demo was downgrade that it does not look what you expecting... God of war as better in the end than what i saw in the demo of e3.... So ya f you dude....

one2thr2235d ago (Edited 2235d ago )


Almost the same exact words of doubt, was said about the reveal trailer of Infamous: Second Son.


Come to find out, on release the game looked better than the trailer, especially when you get further into the campaign.


Did you guys not learn since last gen that Sucker Punch knows how to squeeze the juice out of a PlayStation properly,?

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Ghost of Tsushima Update 2.24 Enables Matchmaking Between Consoles and PC This July 16

Players will be able to download Ghost of Tsushima update 2.24 (PS5 version 2.024) this July 16, and this is for the Legends multiplayer mode.

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Community9d ago

AMD FSR 3.1 Frame Gen 15% Faster than DLSS 3.5: Ghost of Tsushima, Horizon Forbidden West

Nixxes just added FSR 3.1 to all recent Sony titles on PC. This update improves quality and temporal stability while boosting frame rates by up to 10%. It also allows you to pair AMD’s open-source (works on everything) frame generation with DLSS-based upscaling.

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Community26d ago
DarXyde25d ago

I'm genuinely curious on results when stacking DLSS+FSR. I imagine it will create some inconsistencies but I haven't seen any circumstance where they're paired.

Maybe I'm just not looking hard enough because something like this would definitely be tested and analyzed.

DustMan25d ago

DLSS plus AMD frame Gen can be used together via a mod that's easy to install on most games that support DLSS 3.0. It's a difference maker and both work very well in tandem with each other. I can see it being implemented moving forward as the Frame Generation aspect of FSR does not need to be coupled with it's it's upscaling tech. That said. FSR is getting better with each and every upgrade. Honestly it's getting hard for me to see a difference at this point with my 40 year old eyes.

Started up Last of Us, and honestly I had a really hard time finding quality issues with the new FSR vs DLSS. Yes. DLSS has an edge, slightly noticeable when you stop moving and analyze all the details. However I'm not playing games to simply judge the games fidelity.

If AMD can figure out how to beef up their Ray Tracing performance they'll really be on to something. I personally will find it difficult to buy another Nvidia GPU when I fear a set of features will be locked behind a paywall in 2 or 3 years.

Zeref25d ago (Edited 25d ago )

It shouldn't be a problem at all. The tech is completely independent of eachother. If NVIDIA wanted to they could do the same.

ED20225d ago

Yea and fsr looking horrible while dlss is no brainer looks like native+ without amd pixelation,shimmering and ghosting. Nvidia and sony did good job on horizon fbw it looks increbile and play maxed out 4k visuals(with dlss quality) 120fps

DustMan25d ago

I have a 3080, and the difference is becoming less and less apparent. Not saying FSR is perfect yet, but It's improving bit by bit with every update. Depending on your setup the difference is really becoming negligible, and in a couple years AMD's equivalent will be just as viable. Won't need to buy a new GPU to take advantage of it either.


Games like Ghost of Tsushima you don't want to miss out on

Love Ghost of Tsushima? Explore similar games with exciting combat, epic adventures, and dangerous worlds to conquer.

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