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Pokemon Let's Go! Pikachu and Pokemon Let's Go! Eevee announced for Switch

Rumors about a possible reveal of the first true Pokemon game for Switch have been swirling for a couple of weeks. Speculation pointed to an announcement this month. With just a couple of days remaining in May, the much anticipated news was finally delivered.

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Valay2215d ago
Vegamyster2215d ago

I was hoping for a full on 3D game but i'm not surprised, going back to Kanto makes me nostalgic though, i assume it's a full on remake of Yellow.

Nitrowolf22215d ago

Seems like this may be more of another “side” game. It’s been confirmed the core rpg game coming in 2019. Gotta remember they said before it’ll be a new gen. This seems more so as trying to capitalize more on the GO game (thus the name)

Vegamyster2215d ago

As a side project it looks okay, i'll have to see more though.

JaguarEvolved2215d ago (Edited 2215d ago )

Lol. This is what the fanatics have been waiting on and bragging about? 6 months in this year and nothing compelling to play on my switch. Where are the compelling switch games because all I've seen are uninteresting games and a lot of silly rumours. It's a good thing I've got a lot of other gaming systems. The switch is in a gaming drought like most Nintendo systems where months goes by without a proper game in sight. I can't wait for steam sales

CDbiggen2215d ago

@Jaguar, not sure why you have 21 disagrees. There really is fuck all to play on switch right now, especially if you already bought all the ports that are coming out for it on previous platforms.

Neonridr2215d ago

@CDbiggen - there is a huge backlog of Switch games to play. Especially if you own multiple systems. Christ, between my PS4 and Switch I don't even know where to start some days.

-Foxtrot2215d ago

I wouldn't mind a side game, it's just a shame they had to exploit a Pokemon Yellow remake for the GO crap

I wanted to see a proper Yellow remake in the future, just not like this and now the chance has been wasted.

Vegamyster2215d ago


You know, i just made a comment the other day on that "N4G is a cesspool" article stating i wasn't coming to the comments as often because of off topic negativity lol, it would be nice just to have a conversation about the good/bad of a game instead of a irrelevant topic.

G3ng4r2215d ago

@JaguarEvolved These games will do fine. I wouldn't get too excited until after e3.
"This is what the fanatics have been waiting on and bragging about?"
Exactly what I think every time another ps4 exclusive comes out after 3-6 years and scores 79 or lower on metacritic.
"6 months in this year and nothing compelling to play on my switch."
There's always gow, your only notable release so far this year. One is an easy number to surpass.
"The switch is in a gaming drought like most Nintendo systems where months goes by without a proper game in sight."
I wouldn't call any platform an oasis right now. There will be plenty of (new) games shown at e3 that are releasing this year. If this year isn't in sight for you it must suck being your type of fanboy every time a game you want is announced lol.

NecrumOddBoy2215d ago

What the hell is this garbage? This is literally nothing close to what anybody would ever want.

JBlaze2262214d ago

They stated that these versions are a casual based game that is a sequal to Pokemon GO. The game that comes out next year is the sequal to the games we know and love

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porkChop2215d ago

These are remakes of Yellow. The gen 8 game is confirmed for next year.

Vegamyster2215d ago

I know now, the information was still coming out when i posted the comment.

paintedgamer19842215d ago

Oh didnt see that confirmation... many people on here were claiming the mainline pokemon game was this year. Soo basically the 1st year was a wave of first partys and this year is a wave of remasters and small handful of AAA 3rd partys.

--Onilink--2215d ago (Edited 2215d ago )

“We took inspiration from and used the Pokémon Yellow Version as the base for these games,” Junichi Masuda, director at Pokémon developer Game Freak told reporters during a private presentation about the games last week. “Those games came after [Pokémon Red and Blue] and what they did was take those original games, and add a bunch of elements from the animated series, like Team Rocket and other characters, to better resonate with young kids. We knew we wanted to try out new gameplay ideas with this game, and wanted to find a version to add onto where it would make the most sense.”

It seems like a good idea to use this as a way to test out new ideas and whatever sticks best can be introduced later to the core titles. That plus refining the engine for the core title too

Prince_TFK2215d ago


Have you played this game yet? Or are you just talking out of your a** as usual?

Kosic2215d ago

I'm glad they moved away from the 4 island challenge. That was such a boring thing to do in the X and Y.

I'm not into Pokémon go mobile. So hopefully this isn't required to use that companion app. But it's looking like a decent game.

Wasn't sure on seeing the Pokémon on the world map and running up to the types you want to battle. I prefer Random battles popping up, but of these Pokémon respawn without having to leave say a cave and re-enter then I'm game for that as well.

execution172215d ago

Sun and Moon had the island challenges, X and Y had the 8 gym badges

senorfartcushion2215d ago

! :)
That's next year

This is a Kanto warmup, and a way of easily transferring Kanto Pokemon to Gen 8

Kosic2215d ago

@execurtion17, you're correct. I knew it didn't sound right when I posted it. :)

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hench072215d ago

This isn't even the "core RPG" game, thats confirmed to be in 2019. Seems like this is their test run games.

Gemmol2215d ago

They wrote on twitter it is Pokemon yellow remake with stuff added

They do this all the time, did you forget how they remake gold and silver for the 3ds and called it heart gold and soul silver

-Foxtrot2215d ago

Yeah but Heart Gold and Soul Silver from the moment the rumours hit, to the first trailers to finally launch all looked amazing...and it was. This looks, well...meh.

Samonuske2215d ago

You’re confusing heart gold and soul silver for Alpha Sapphire and Omega Ruby gold and silver were remade on the regular DS

-Foxtrot2215d ago

Looks alright but considering how long we've all waited for this and the ideas that have poured out of us over the years the fact they took their main inspiration from Pokemon GO...sigh. Then you have the motion control stuff, I'm hoping you don't have to throw it like that and can just press a button.

I'm more worried we only saw a fragment of the battles, every time they ran into a Pokemon it would come up like Pokemon GO with the ball, like you were going to capture it.

Oh well I suppose it might be good but who knows at this stage, I guess the Kanto region will give us some nostalgia.

Vegamyster2215d ago

Someone was translating from the conference and stated that there is a core "next-gen" game coming out in 2019 as well, he didn't say what that meant exactly though.

-Foxtrot2215d ago (Edited 2215d ago )

So what you're telling me...there's a chance

I'd have just preferred a straight up Pokemon Yellow remake, with one single game and more time spent on the core game then the Pokemon GO stuff. I'm sure they could have done a full on Pokemon GO spin off console game. Oh well.

Hopefully the REAL Pokemon console game you've said will come next year turns out to be the real deal. Fingers crossed.

Vegamyster2215d ago (Edited 2215d ago )

Apparently the dude from Gamefreak that announced the new Pokemon games at last years E3 was talking about the 2019 games, not these two so I'd expect something a bit grander. That said the series hasn't taken a massive step forward gameplay wise ever really, so I'll keep my expectations in line. Even though i never played Go i'm still excited for these two games, primary for nostalgia lol.

Edit: I didn't see a attack option in the trailer on a second glance during wild encounters and no items ect during trainer battles, i hope it's not some collectathon in that regard, my interest has waned if they dumbed the formula down more.

slate912215d ago

But you do gather Exp to level up your pokemon from catching wild pokemon and battling trainers. I think there is just no battling wild pokemon. There's a CHANCE this could work. It would boil down to how you obtain pokeballs and items and such. And of course there needs to be gym battles and nifty items like the bicycle and cruise tickets you have to obtain.

senorfartcushion2215d ago

It's more like the show, then.

They didn't potter about beating the shit out of wild pokemon, only trainers - and the odd Spearow.

The 10th Rider2215d ago

Yeah, if it was the next core title I'd be bummed, but they said a new core RPG is coming next year. Seems like a fair compromise, as it's only been a year since Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon and it gives them enough time to make a true gen 8 game. As a side game the Let's Go! titles look okay. No battling wild Pokemon and only 153 Pokemon are huge letdowns, but I guess the games are designed as sort of a halfway point between the core titles and Pokemon Go.

Blastoise2215d ago (Edited 2215d ago )

Underwhelmed. Looks fun but a bit dated :(

Majin-vegeta2215d ago

Yea I was hoping for the battle to be like Digimon new world order where you can control the characters to battle

Gemmol2215d ago

That would not be Pokemon if you move the characters, we have enough action games, like dragon quest you stick with turn base

Nebaku2215d ago

For those who are disappointed(a.k.a most everybody), know that they clarified another core game(i.e. gen.8) would be dropping later in 2019.

ShadowWolf7122215d ago

And that makes me less disappointed.... how?

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Best Pokémon Games for Nintendo Switch

If you are new to the Pokémon universe or just bought a Switch, you might be wondering: what are the best Pokémon games for Nintendo Switch?

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deleted1450d ago

I really enjoyed this article, it was a good read. This quote gave me a chuckle, because it's true!:

"Pretty much every JRPG involves the player’s characters going from barely being able to lift a sword to killing God"

indysurfn1449d ago

LOL...exaggeration but I get your just making a point. No one can Kill God. Don't drink Satan's cool-aide he is just trying to recruit you (backwards recruit)

Tross1449d ago

He probably only has the grape kind anyways. All the folk up in heaven surely hog all the good flavours.

BrainSyphoned1449d ago

Final Fantasy 15 the ultimate delayed game with delayed story dlc shoveled in at the last second. Doesn’t ring the gratifying bell when I see that stupid car at all. Article+thumbnail is like describing a 5star meal while watching your cat clean its backside.

1449d ago Replies(2)
nommers1449d ago

More specifically I would say JRPGs are progressive gratification. Basically like listening to prog music vs anything else which imo is the best. Even if a JRPG is all about the journey, generally speaking JRPGs keep getting better as opposed to other games which usually have their high points come in either too soon, or the best parts just aren't nearly as impactful.

indysurfn1449d ago

Also don't forget the direct comparison that the old Square Enix president made. He said Western players like TWITCH games and eastern players love Cerebral games. Now it was taken as a racist slam. But he meant it as one of the reasons outside of development time and cost return on investment(ROI). But he had a true point people here are TRAINED to like instant stuff. And people there are trained to like delayed over the top stuff. It is not a intelligence slam. I'm glad I LOVE the later gratification! Because it is way better!

iofhua21448d ago

I like JRPG's for the big anime tiddies.

indysurfn1448d ago

lol.....I stand corrected!

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The Player's Club Podcast Ep 9: Pokemon Let's Go, Transformers Devastation, and Xbox Series X News

In this week's episode of PCP, Emmett, and Al talk about Pokemon Let's Go, Transformers Devastation during the opening segment and then in the main segment focus on the Xbox Series X specs.

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