
BFV Dev: I Knew Adding Female Soldiers Was Going To Be A Fight; There Are Other Authentic WW2 Games

Battlefield V developer Alan Kertz (Design Director at DICE) said that he knew adding female soldiers was going to be a fight, but it's the right time to do so. He then pointed out that other World War 2 themed games are available for those seeking maximum authenticity.

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Imp0ssibl32251d ago

Who can be so stupid to make up such a fuss because they are adding playable females in multiplayer?!?

techsquisite2251d ago

Probably the same type of person who'd be of the mindset to not allow women to vote 100 years ago. Just a theory.

HaveSumNuts2251d ago

Probably the mindset of someone who has a thing against boob physics in games.

Skull5212251d ago

We’re upset because Battlefield is starting to become, well, not Battlefield. A beloved series is falling to the culture wars.

EA is going to have to explain to shareholders how they made a Battlefront blunder followed by a Battlefield blunder.

General Shrooms2251d ago

Nice straw-man techsquisite. Why bother confronting the detractors grievances when you can just call them a bigot?

The 10th Rider2251d ago

It was actually largely groups of women that most vehemently opposed women's suffrage. So if it's your theory that it's the same group that doesn't want women in Battlefield V, you're saying that it's largely women that don't want women in BFV.

zypher2251d ago (Edited 2251d ago )


I got into Battlefield because I like the mechanics. I like that if there's a sniper camped in a building, I can use an RPG to take him and half the structure down. I like that instead of calling in an airstrike via killstreak, I can just spawn in a jet and do the bombing myself. So long as the series maintains these mechanics, and doesn't start propagating extreme right wing ideologies, then I don't give a shit where it stands in the culture wars.

UltraNova2250d ago


Take a close look, what do you see?


mep692250d ago

So the same sort of people who thought that Poor men who didn't own land didn't deserve the vote either.

Dirtnapstor2250d ago

“...and doesn’t start propagating extreme right wing ideologies”
Sorry but cultural diversity and inclusion is a Lefty movement, not Right-winged.
Aside from that, I agree, I could care less as long as the mechanics are through and through BF.
Angry Joe has some great commentary on the game that was not public. Quashes much of the concerns. DICE is probably waiting for E3 to fully reveal.

subtenko2250d ago

ahhh no youre the type of person everyone is worried about stiring stuff up and trying to use it for some bs agenda. NOPE get outta here with that. You act like females in videos games arent common, ratios are everything. More male characters might be in games the way that more males ask females on a date and not the other way around

Skull5212250d ago


You’d better cancel your preorder because this game is going to let you play as Nazis.

zypher2250d ago (Edited 2250d ago )


Yes, you can use Nazis as an avatar, as a function of needing opposing sides, which is pretty vital to the gameplay of a game set during WWII (be it an alternative setting or otherwise). Doesn't mean the game is propagating nazism.

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 2250d ago
-Foxtrot2251d ago

They aren't though, it's like one part of a dozen complaints people have, sure there's going to be a few people but it's not what everyone in the gaming community is focusing on, cherry picking Youtube comments so they can twist the narrative for their article can easilly be done. I mean this article explains it the best.


They are making it about this one thing so the entire thing seems "stupid" or "immature" and sweeps the other complaints under the rug.

parris2251d ago

The whole thing is silly and immature.

It's just a video game.

-Foxtrot2251d ago (Edited 2251d ago )


So people saying they have an issue with it because

It looks like an alternative universe where WW2 happened with a steampunk twist.

Overuse of War paint

Bright and colourful

A much over the top lively atmosphere

Shirtless guys and clothing which dosen't look like that time frame or what they'd wear

Some hair and facial hair styles looking out of plac

Someone with a prosthetic hand using it so easily while being on the front lines

All of those issues people have raised is "immature and silly"...no it's called having an opinion, a valid one. If the trailer was for the single player then these points hit harder, if the reveal was for the multiplayer then all these "cosmetic items" are being used a lot to justify the MTs they'll be putting in the game and while we sit here and argue they'll be laughing all away to the bank because we're all too distracted to focus on their greed like we all did together as a community for Battlefront II. So either way...it's valid criticism.

I mean there's a War Story in the game about a young female resistance fighter in Norway fighting off the enemy...she's not on the front lines or military she's on her own as part of the resistance which to me is more believable then a woman at the heart of the front lines with a prosthetic hand fighting off enemies like it's a walk in the park. Gender isn't the issue, the story which revolves around them is and if it dosen't fit then it makes you question it.

morganfell2251d ago (Edited 2251d ago )


I agree with you. The thing is Dice did this because they are risk averse. It's like a movie or series where they hire the wrong actor for the role but they want name draw. Or they opt to remake something from the past because they feel its safe. Anyone seen that horrible and laughable trailer for the new Magnum PI?

If Dice had been a little smarter and willing to take just a little risk they could have gone with a new IP. But they wanted to ride the Battlefield name. The laughable thing is they could have done so and called it Battlefield Altered Wars or something similar and made a point of the fact it was an alternate history. In doing so all of this flak could have been avoided. Now they are getting an ear full and having to devote time to defending their product because they were too stupid to do something that respected history, allows creative freedom, and provides them the ability to cater to their new target audience

Rachel_Alucard2251d ago (Edited 2251d ago )


When someone says it's just a video game, anything you say is invalid since you don't care enough to discuss it since it is that irrelevant to you. I don't think I need to argue against anyone in favor of mindless consumerism.

parris2251d ago (Edited 2251d ago )

Rachel it is just a video game.

More games are released than a person could play even if that's all they spent their time doing.

People are up in arms about this like it's peace talks between two warring nations. It's not a big deal, I have more respect for my kid when I tell him to mow the lawn and he doesn't want to. At least in that case he is actually being forced to do something. No one and I mean NO ONE has to buy or even play BFV.

If you take a step back and realize the actual problems in the world, and probably in most peoples personal lives you'll quickly realize the entire idea of getting outraged over something as trivial as BFV is in fact silly and immature.

Rachel_Alucard2250d ago


Excuse me, but don't come on to a video game newsite and wave the flag of "It doesnt matter guys!"

If it is that meaningless to you, then you have no reason to discuss or debate with anyone here. If you want to talk about other world problems then go to places that deal with it, instead of coming here and trying to shut others down since the field is so meaningless to you.

UnholyLight2250d ago

Well said on all accounts Foxtrot

UnholyLight2250d ago

I just want BF to still be a somewhat realistic game other than those silly moments that happen in the game...and not go down the CoD WWII route.

We don't get console WWII shooters anymore and I was really looking forward to a world where graphics and gameplay are finally getting insane and a real authentic and immersive experience that builds off what DICE has built up and how fun Battlefield 1942/3 was...could be that much better...

Instead we might be getting a game that's just about being silly instead of serious online. I was just discussing this with a friend over the weekend. We just want to play a WWII authentic and period correct game that has the Battlefield gameplay on it, with amazing graphics, and lots of players, with correct clothing (Germans wearing SS, Wehrmacht, Fallschirmjager, Americans wearing the 101st patches...you know...proper representation.

For the record Im totally fine with women being in the game assuming their inclusion represents the countries that actually fielded them (Russian female snipers...other allies like Great Britain who assembled special forces with women..Resistance members) not anything silly like frontline british women soldiers or something totally insane like FEMALE GERMAN NAZI SOLDIERS or African American Nazi soldiers...you know things that didn't happen in history at all period.

It just does a disservice to WWII to not represent it correctly in my opinion. That's where I think the majority of the community's heads are at...not this anti women straight up type crap that has popped up.

2250d ago
sampsonon2250d ago Show
jmc88882250d ago (Edited 2250d ago )

@Foxtrot, while I don't like out of place things, I am realistic.

If the price of free map packs and no season pass = cosmetics, some/most of which is out of place, so be it.

Also people really have to realize that $60 in 2018 is like $30 back in 2005.

In 2000-2001, one ounce of gold sold gave you the money to buy ~4-5 $50 AAA games. In 2018, based on the spot price right now, it would buy you between 21 and 22 $60 AAA games.

Regardless of how much money seems to us, in reality, all our money is worth nothing anymore. These companies for right or mostly wrong have a job to return value to their shareholders, not lose money via inflation.

I don't solely blame Wall Street corporations for this. I like to do that too, but 90 percent of it is on people like Barrack Obama, George W. Bush, and Bill Clinton, and likewise across the world.

This along with the Wall Street model itself are why there are loot boxes, season passes, and cosmetics in everything these days. The average person can't afford $150 a game, but these companies can sell the game for $60 and the whales via these other expenditures can get the average price up to who knows, 90-100-110? I really wonder where Overwatch is at.

This is the forgotten element, currency debasement, which often makes ALL talk about greedy videogame corporations worthless. If you don't take this into account, it's just pissing into the wind.

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 2250d ago
BadElf2251d ago (Edited 2251d ago )

Again, for me personally, its not because its just simply women in videogames. Its the REASON behind the foolishness. Why is it "the right time to do so"?? EA has had the vocal MINORITY complaining....yes, the SJWs, the Annita Skarkasians. Women were in videogames in the past. In movies and all forms of entertainment. BUT, it wasnt because of an AGENDA. That's the annoyance.

drpepperdude2251d ago

We have had women in gaming since the beginning yet with this one game we disagree with they act like we are anti-women. Some of my favorite games growing up have had female leads. They also use the you must be a virgin cliche to try and argue their side when really they have no real arguments against us. How they relate virginity to being anti-women I will never understand when the real world anti-women people usually became that way because of bad relationships.

RauLeCreuset2251d ago

Omnislash exposes the ridiculousness of this "agenda" scapegoating. All art can be accused of pushing an agenda. Perhaps the game has been pushing a military agenda. See what I mean? The Harlem Renaissance was pushing an agenda. It's easier to come out against a nebulous "agenda" than to admit having a problem with inclusion (or as some people will tell themselves, too much inclusion).

BadElf2251d ago

RauLeCreuset , admit having a problem with inclusion? Did you even read my comment?

BadElf2251d ago

@OmnislashVer36 And you are just showing the classic copy and pasted comment by everyone that has no clue what to say.

RauLeCreuset2250d ago

Yeah, I read your comment. You don't have a problem with the inclusion of women, just the agenda of including women, right? Did you read my comment? It's an insignificant distinction. Just about everything you consume has an agenda.

Mr Lahey2250d ago

Oh horrible agenda of female influence! Leave video games alone!!1!

morganfell2250d ago

Remember, Dice is the one that said they're going back to World War II. Someone please let us know when they get there because where they're at right now, that's not World War II.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 2250d ago
Gaming_1st2251d ago (Edited 2251d ago )

Yeah if it is just females soldiers in multiplayer that's perfectly fine. But i think they are also adding to campaign too. Which in WW2 we would not allow woman in combat. A lot of them just manned AA guns and that was the most they could do. But people are little more upset with the setting and other things to go along with it.

Imalwaysright2251d ago (Edited 2251d ago )

No the soviets had women in the frontlines as snipers and this woman https://cdn.theatlantic.com... Lyudmila Pavlichenko killed more than 300 germans which makes her one of the best snipers in history. The french resistance also had women in combat.

morganfell2251d ago (Edited 2251d ago )

"Lyudmila Pavlichenko killed more than 300 germans which makes her one of the best snipers in history."

When it comes to women in WWII this is the most over-used case...in the history of forever.

And aberration of history does not a norm make. That's why its an aberration. Yet people take this case and use it as a bludgeon to try and demonstrate that not only was there a Mongolian horde of women in combat, but also they were the most deadly soldiers in the history of warfare. Men ran from them. Hitler shot himself because he heard there was a woman in the assault unit. It wasn't Patton that Rommel avoided, it was a female reporter assigned to the general's staff.

I saw a movie about a woman during the World Wars who could fight just like some people claim and just like Dice wants us to believe. That movie was called Wonder Woman.

Yes Lyudmilla was a sniper. Sitting back shooting people at range. That really compares to the representation Dice is providing with BFV. Pavlichenko was not going on missions like Carlos Hathcock. There are snipers and then there are snipers. She was encamped within a thousand feet of her main unit. People also fail to understand that at a certain point the Soviets saw the propaganda value in her and began to use this.

I am not saying it wasn't terribly dangerous but it is a totally different animal to more active operations. Compare what she did to soldiers on all sides during WWII conducting building assaults and operations lugging around a ton of gear, going hand to hand with the enemy and...well...there just isn't a comparison. How would she have performed if she had been in the shoes of Witzig at Eben Emael? You don'tr hear about women conducting building assaults while armored vehicles knocked down walls nearby.

Dice is selling people a fantasy. I do not have an issue with this. Most games are fantasy and they're fun. But Dice have always pushed the idea that BF games represented a degree of realism and they should have made a distinction. And as many said the issue is also why they are doing this. The squeaky wheel gets the grease and not only do they get the grease, their screeching got to Dice.

Imalwaysright2251d ago

Aberration? The soviets had more than 2000 female snipers. You have absolutely no idea of what you're talking about.

"Pavlichenko was not going on missions like Carlos Hathcock" What nonsense is this? Of course she was on missions some of them counter sniping missions that sometimes went on for days and she killed 36 enemy snipers which makes this line "there are snipers and then there are snipers" absolutely hilarious. Not only that but she was less than a year in combat, she has more than 300 recorded kills and was wounded 4 times until she was forced out of the frontline when she was wounded in her face with shrapnel. She is one of the most deadly snipers in history and here you are downplaying what she did almost wanting us to believe that snipers are immune to being killed, injured, captured or ending up in close quarters combat while elevating Carlos because unlike her, he was in constant danger as he was a https://www.youtube.com/wat...

"Dice is selling people a fantasy." Naaaah for real?! I would never had guessed that a game is a fantasy.

"Dice have always pushed the idea that BF games represented a degree of realism" Did they do that with this game before that trailer? If they did they're idiots because obviously realism wasn't their goal and I'm not talking about females soldiers. I'm talking about the whole goddamn trailer.

JackBNimble2251d ago

I got news for some of you, Dice can do whatever the hell they want,after all they are the creators of this game. it's almost seems like some of you feel that you made this game and Dice took it away . They don't owe anyone Jack shit... This is their game and they can do as they please.

You have two choices, buy it or not.
There you go, now vote with your wallet.

morganfell2250d ago (Edited 2250d ago )

You are missing the point or else avoiding it entirely because it collapses your position. Let me state it again, "I am not saying it wasn't terribly dangerous but it is a totally different animal to more active operations. Compare what she did to soldiers on all sides during WWII conducting building assaults and operations lugging around a ton of gear, going hand to hand with the enemy and...well...there just isn't a comparison."

"The soviets had more than 2000 female snipers. You have absolutely no idea of what you're talking about. "

And yes it is an aberration. They had 2000 trained snipers that were combat deadly? No. You fail to comprehend Soviet era propaganda. Some of these 2000 snipers were sharing rifles barely able for the task. Naming someone a sniper for the sake of saying you have them does not make them a sniper. You also do not understand what the Soviets did with reality once she began to make a name for herself. And no, as I said. I do not think she was just some figurehead in everything and I said as much. No one is doubting that she went on tough missions. But you also are a victim of slewed history as regards some of the "snipers" she shot. No one is doubting that she took out legitimate enemy personnel that were trained in long range target interdiction. But reading something beside Wikipedia or my grandpa said will help.

You also apparently know nothing about Snipers such as Hathcock that were not operating in a situation where someone could return to friendly lines in a matter of minutes.

Where did I say snipers were immune? Do you always make things up when it suits you? I am saying shooting someone from a distance, often across no mans land is infinitely safer than storming building and fortifications full of enemy troops. Sniping can be a tedious and dangerous task but it also doesn't require the physical abilities demonstrated in the trailer. And that is the entire point of the matter. The trailer. But then again, we're in an age of women are as tough as men and if you don't believe me I'll sue you too. The physical requirements for sniping in the conditions in which she operated are wholly different from what Dice was displaying in the trailer. As for the realism, I am not the one that tossed the name of a historical figure onto the table. That would be you. You do not get to play the realism card when it suits you.

Had this been a trailer with a female Soviet sniper you would be well justified. But that isn't what we saw. Apples to oranges. Now go back to the drawing board and find female combat troops that were carrying weapons, rations, water, gear, a couple hundred rounds of ammo, grenades, first aid kit, and anything else deemed necessary while conducting close quarters battle and you'll have a point. Don't forget the prosthetic hand.

morganfell2250d ago (Edited 2250d ago )


You are exact and on the money. It is Dice's game. They can do what they want. Just as they did with Battlefront II. And consumers can respond. I will. I do not feel like Dice owes anyone anything. But Dice is the one asking consumers to give it a chance. And just like Dice can do as they wish so can consumers.

The very reason I and many others chose Battlefield was they did make attempts toward a degree of realism balanced with fun. They have removed all signs of that and they have done so for what is clearly a cancerous reason. I won't continue to debate women in combat. Not when their is the entire history of man to delineate reality as to what happens when they attempt to enter close quarters. As romantic as young men think women warriors are reality is different when things come down to spitting distance.

I think Dice is in for an "also ran" scenario this fall and not what they wanted to see. Between RDR2, COD, and their Loot history things will not go well. I had no plans to purchase COD as the lack of a campaign does not appeal to me and I have said as much. But I will do so now and give it away to someone as a personal stick in the eye to people like Dice that would abandon so many supporters of previous games, drop so many aspects of their franchise, and push personal politics in gaming.

Imalwaysright2250d ago


I'm not avoiding anything. She was wounded 4 times in less than a year and was removed from combat due to injury. I also said that she killed 36 snipers and that was just her. I clearly said these things so do don't give me that bullshit that snipers weren't in constant danger and that I'm avoiding anything.

Not every female was as deadly as her? Of course not and same can be said for the men. I only know 2 snipers in history that have more confirmed kills than her. Everyone else doesn't even come close. All I did was reply to someone that said that women weren't in the frontlines and somehow it triggered you because I gave the most famous example.

Yes I have to read information because I wasn't there to see her as she was dead before I was alive. Are you by chance a 100 year old that was to see her fight to say the things you're saying?

Propaganda? Oh and with Carlos there isn't the possibility of propaganda either or do you simply choose according to your bias?

Yes you tried to pass the idea she wasn't in constant danger as infantry soldiers were just because she was a sniper and that is why I said "almost immune".

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 2250d ago
GameGod262251d ago

Pretty stupid take to have on the matter

bloop2251d ago

I couldn't care less about all the bull over having females or not in the game. It just looks like a Fortnite rip off and I think it's pretty lame they're using the BF franchise to try cash in on that market.

2250d ago
sampsonon2250d ago

i have a picture in my head and they are the same people that didn't want a black soldier on the last cover.

Sunny_D2250d ago (Edited 2250d ago )

They would be the Definition of a snowflake.

rainslacker2250d ago

I agree. This dev is stupid to think this is a fight. He's free to do as he pleases. Others are free to question his choices, and the fact he thinks it's a fight that needs to be waged in his part just shows it was more agenda based to virtue signal than because he felt it was productive to the actual authenticity or fun factor of the game itself.

Oh...you were talking about the people that were complaining. Despite the fact everything said by the dev on this seems more about pandering than any real motivation to further representation in an unforced manner.

343_Guilty_Spark2250d ago

The anti- SJWs that cry about everything done for the sake of inclusion and diversity. If the protagonist(s) aren’t pasty white dude bros they get triggered almost immediately.

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 2250d ago
Crazyglues2251d ago

Ha...ha... he basically told you there are other WW2 games to play if you want authentic... LoL Because they know you will bitch and moan but you will still buy BF5.... LMAO...

I love it, he basically said your idle threats mean nothing because at the end of the day you will still buy the game even if you want to lie to yourself and say you won't... LoL :) They know you too well, and a good game is still a good game.... So just save your protest no one is listening.. LoL

Time to grow up kids, Woman are in games, it's not a bid deal

franwex2251d ago

You got it. Just like all the hypocrites with the black nazi zombies in COD that people were crying about.
Yet they still bought it ...

Parasyte2251d ago

I must have missed that one.

Gaming_1st2251d ago

Haven't bought a COD since Blackops2. Also i have not purchased a game with bethesda's name on it since the Skyrim debacle on PS3.

Why do you think COD sales have been decreasing?

2251d ago Replies(1)
bigmalky2251d ago

I won't. Love how people assume that we all just fall in line.

Anzil2251d ago

I know, its their mentality to think because I, therefore you.

SixFragz2251d ago (Edited 2251d ago )

"They know you will bitch and moan but you will still buy BF5... LMAO..."

Yea... just like how we all still bought Battlefront II right? Gamers aren't as feeble minded as you think, as we have seen. If we stand against something, we will hit them where it hurts. Soon, we will be given another fake apology just like with SWBFII. I'm a huge BF fan, have bought every game since BFBC2, including Hardline. There are counts of other BF fans who will walk past this SJW ridden tripe since DICE...

A) decided to appease or cater to a toxic SJW demographic who doesn't play their games
B) include this goofy cartoonish, outlandish and unbelievable vision masqueraded as WWII just to enable MT's or
C) all of the above

They've abandoned their loyal fanbase, and they will deeply regret it.

Believe me Crazyglues, if this game continues down this forceful SJW path, then the game will be buried beneath the heavy hitting releases during that holiday season...

Especially by a little game called Red Dead Redemption 2. Heard of it?

beebap2250d ago

What if they haven't abandoned their fan base? What if are giving options to part of it that is female and would enjoy this option in multilayer no matter what class and what type of battle. This is the reveal trailer and there are lots more to show. I think everything is a little bright the grass is very green but then we are used to seeing black and white videos from the war so having duller palette is somehow more authentic. As for the characters appearance they are customisation options with we will probably have to pay for anyway so I will not be paying. The trailer I think was trying to represent what a multiplayer match will feel like. War stories will different. I'm betting a month or two after release some men will be playing as women and there will be some running around looking like the ones in trailer or lot worse. Others will want to stay authentic and pick basic realistic options.

Hungryalpaca2251d ago

Why do you people keep focusing on the woman? There’s bigger issues people have with it.

NXFather2251d ago

I'll pick it up from the bargain bin but that was regarless of who's in it. =)

Depends though.

DonkeyWalrus2251d ago

Nobody is upset about women being in games. Women have been in games literally ever since the beginning of video games. What is annoying is statements like "it's the right time to do so" which make absolutely no sense, because as I said, games have already had women in them for decades. These developers seem to want people to praise them for their supposedly brave or heroic decision to add women into their game, as if they are the first ever to do something like that...

Then they dismiss any criticism of their game as only coming from people who are just misogynist, sexist, whatever. They try to put themselves on some sort of moral high ground that makes them feel superior and above any sort of criticism. Maybe you could pick out a few genuine woman-haters, but they are a small minority.

SixFragz2251d ago

Correct. But no matter how much we preach this, blinded and crusading SJW's and their supporters will believe that our problem is with the actual females in the game...

They see and hear what they want to, and nothing else, then they degrade, defame, and demoralize those who don't think as corruptedly as they do.

rainslacker2250d ago

While youre probably right that the game will.sell fine, it doesn't mean that people can't express their opinions. It also doesn't mean that people can't express their distaste to the callous nature that this developer is taking using their game to promote an inclusion agenda which has become beyond.

Not expressing discontent is not a sign of growing up, it's a sign of complacency. Something people with no willpower or desire to see positive change do.

Some may still buy the game, but some people don't, because the issues at hand have been aggravating gamers for a while now, so the longer it goes on, the more people vote with their wallets...unless you think sw:bf somehow sold to it's full potential.

Just because you want to accept it as is, doesn't mean others do, so I'll ask you take your own advice, and grow up and realize you aren't as smart as you think you are, nor are you somehow an authoritative voice to tell others what they should think

BadElf2250d ago

But....I never said I am not buying it. Never said this has offended me. Just stating opinions. Just having a coversation. You seem to be getting extra heated, and seem to be confused

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 2250d ago
ArchangelMike2251d ago

Anyone who has read a few of my posts will know that I loath SJW nonsense, and their increasing influence in gaming, but seriously, I have never thought that these games were going for historical accuracy, but were more focused on the fun factor. In any case, all the historically accurate detail is lost on the majority of players any way, and they couldn't tell you the difference between a panzerschreck and a bazooka. More customisation options are always welcome imho, as long as it doesn't break gameplay.

KaiPow2251d ago

Exactly this! I rather enjoy the customization and silly costumes they've been putting into shooters these days and couldn't care less if it was an all-female cast or one of diversity. Just make the gunplay fun.

ONESHOTV22251d ago

ArchangelMike"all the historically accurate detail is lost on the majority of players any way, and they couldn't tell you the difference between a panzerschreck and a bazooka" wow that's insulting there are millions of gamers and every one of them think differently yeah some of them may not know about WW2 and the types of equipment used but to put everyone in the same basket plz don't ever do that again. and BTW i have no problems with woman being in the game but let's not forget the other problems that they don't want to talk about from a BF fan since 1942-BF1

ArchangelMike2251d ago

@ Oneshotv2

I didn't put all the players in one basket, I made a differentiation by saying "the majority of players" don't know the historical differences between which weapons were used in which wars, and I stand by that statement. The game was never meant to be a history lesson of historically accurate events.

All the other issues are irrelevant at this point, because only a very select few journalists have seen actual gameplay. This storm-in-a-tea-cup is typical of gamers, and their knee jerk reactions without first waiting to verify the facts.

At least wait for the actual gameplay reveal - heck even better, wait for the Beta. Play it, then you have an informed experience with which to make a valid judgement on the game. Everything before that is just vain assumptions and ignorant rantings.

The 10th Rider2251d ago (Edited 2251d ago )

I'm definitely for some customization. However I was really looking forwards to a new Battlefield that provided an experience that made it feel like you were there on the frontlines, even if it wasn't exactly a realistic take. I know personally when I first sat down to play BF1 on my PC and popped on a nice headset with the volume up it was an incredible experience. The bullets whizzing by, bombs going off around you. I know it's not accurate or "real", but in that moment it feels kind of like it is. The customization options that they showed off for BF5 were so over the top that it was jarring and I feel like it would immediately take me out of the moment. From what it sounded like even Battlefield Hardline had the option to turn off viewing customization, but BFV doesn't. If they simply implemented a feature like that it would completely negate the controversy for most people. Hopefully at the very least not all the customization options are so over the top.

WeAreLegion2250d ago

I'd upvote twice, if I could. I hate the SJW crap. This is what actual equality is.

D0ffy2250d ago

Couldn't have put it better myself. Anti-SJW nonsense is no better than SJW nonsense. In the end, they're both nonsense.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2250d ago
-Foxtrot2251d ago

Bullshit considering there was a woman in Battlefield 1 and nobody gave a shit. Her along with the black character were based off actual people during WW1.

Kara Fatma


Henry Johnson


They told their stories in the game which was the entire point of the "War Stories" missions, if people didn't kick up a fuss then then obviously there has to be a bigger reason for the supposed "uproar" now don't you think?

ArchangelMike2251d ago

The uproar is misguided, for two primary reasons - least of which is that Battlefield games, and specifically Battlefield V is not about WWII historical accuracy. It's just the setting for a Battlefield game to take place in; therefore the devs are free to take as much or as little poetic licence as they see fit. That's called creative freedom, and it is good thing that we must stand for as gamers, if not we become just as SJW as the SJWs.

Very few people play Battlefield games for the 5hr single player story, and the very few that do are playing it for the story and not for historical accuracy reasons. So the vast majority of players are not going to touch or complete the single player campaign anyway, regardless of what DICE decide to put, or do not put in it.

Moreover, Battlefield games have obviously always been primarily multiplayer games.
First-person-multiplayer games. Which means that the skin that you are running around in is secondary the function of the class that you've chosen. It is completely irrelevant if your assault or medic class is male/female or has brown skin, white skin or yellow skin, or go faster stripes painted on their face. And you're never really close enough to the enemy notice, or to care in the heat of battle when you're getting shot in the head. Anyone who says they want less customisation options in their multiplayer game is simply an idiot.

2251d ago Replies(3)
FunAndGun2251d ago

lol, you bamboozled yourself Foxtrot. ....and will still try to deflect out of it.

CaptainObvious8782250d ago

I agree with you, fox, but you're wasting your breath of these intellectually dishonest people.

You make an excellent point about how no one cared about the previous female character, that should have immediately ended the pathetic straw man argument of "you're just sexist and don't like women, hur dur!", but it's evident to me know they're going to continue to be deliberately stupid. The prospect of looking so moral by calling other people sexist is too alluring for them to have a proper argument.

2250d ago
FunAndGun2250d ago

One was in the reveal of the game, one came in an expansion of a game already released. They are not comparable in his or your explaination.

For someone named CaptainObvious, you sure like to gloss over obvious differences in examples. Then you call others intellectually dishonest when you are willfully ignorant.

So, stop being sexist! ^_^

jmc88882250d ago (Edited 2250d ago )

People did put up a fuss. I remember seeing it.

It was right/wrong. Wrong in that for the most part, it was men, white men fighting, or arabs/turks. But also right in that there were women and people of african descent in the wars themselves.

I think it came down to... why are they focusing on these specific people. Of the millions that fought in WW1, they cherry picked from what amounted to a few hundred or thousand and that made it seem unrealistic. Obviously it was an agenda driven virtue signal, which infuriates people because that cuts across everything else.

It would be like making a civil rights movie about Bernie Sanders, after all he got arrested for protesting.... instead of MLK or something like everyone would expect.

It may be historically accurate, but it seems off. Nevertheless, I don't think it's a big deal one way or another. As I said earlier, I'll gladly take some non-authentic cosmetics for no season pass and thus free maps (that'll actually get used because everyone has them).

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2250d ago
sushimama2251d ago

I don't give 2 flying F's... but saying things like "it's the right time to do so" just gives the opposing views more credibility. It feels like they're going out of their way to do this because 'now' is the time to push this movement lol.

I loved Lost Legacy and I loved Horizon Zero Dawn. I love Aloy as a character so very much and her story is awesome. I don't care in the slightest that BF5 has a female on the cover or in the game. But it does feel like some companies are kind of forcing all kinds of gender and racial diversity. I'm with it, but I can understand why lots of people aren't.
Companies are almost like... "ok, the game is set in 1944, now we've got to have a black person here, here and here. We need a muslim over here, and I would like an Asian man as tactical support over here. Now Todd, I'm really really pushing for a woman for the main character here. It's the right time to do so. We'll have her on the cover, she'll be so skilled that she can beat up all these big bad men. She can't have a big bust or rounded hips, but she'll be fit and very slender and be a skilled warrior. Her partner in crime will be a homosexual savage with a sweet side and a love of fashion."

drpepperdude2251d ago

No Asians are not who they push it's only female, black, muslim, and gay lol. Liberals only promote them because they are racist and heterophobic themselves.

CrimsonGuardVII2251d ago

ppl like you must of forgot how much of a control freak conservatives sjws were for many years in the usa, the same ppl who would petition the fcc over cuss words and other minor bs, like not agreeing with there principle's ect, even tried to ban garbage patch kids cards back in the day, i am not fond of sjw dominated world but, but the old conservative sjws were a lot worse, and looks like there coming back, they were all about the censorship, at least with liberals sjws you get to choose to ignore them, where as extremist conservatives sjws tried to ban everything they deem unworthy as if they know best. not to mention its bit hypocritical of them complaining about agendas, when they done the same kinda crap, just there version instead.

drpepperdude2251d ago

I agree with the argument against the extreme conservatives but the difference is I'm extremely against that side just as much as the SJW side while you give one side leeway.

Omnislashver362251d ago

"Her partner in crime will be a homosexual savage with a sweet side and a love of fashion."

Not really seeing the problem with that. Some of it is hilarious and relatable.

Cueil2250d ago

I'm cool with that if it is something of its own. I'd totally buy a game based off the book Spinward. A LitRPG about a girl and her trans friend she meets on the game.

Bobafret2250d ago

You forgot the Eskimo, Pacific Islander, and Albino Dwarf.

Show all comments (192)
OtterX2d ago

For me, these Mario + Rabbids games were the best thing Ubisoft has developed in recent years. I'd hate to see Ubisoft drive the series into the ground like their other properties, so I think 2 games are enough. Maybe 1 more.

Inverno2d ago

They can't ruin it because Ninty will send their ninjas to destroy all traces of it. If not for that you can bet that spinoff series would've been milked dry by now.

XiNatsuDragnel2d ago

Good luck in your future endeavors

Hotpot2d ago

Thank you for Mario + Rabbids series, I quite enjoyed it

Einhander19722d ago

Great games, I have wanted Sony to copy these games with their own mascots for years.

Michiel19891d 16h ago

not cinematic or 3rd person enough for Sony

DefaultComment2d ago

I think Nintendo has to hire this guy, I mean the fact that miuamoto himself said to him that he is impressed with this work, speaks volumes. Th possibility on having Mario on Soliani's hand could be incredible and quite possibly a new era for Mario games.

OtterX2d ago (Edited 2d ago )

Yea, these games didn't even feel Ubisoft at all. This felt very authentic Nintendo. This guy's direction is obviously stellar, and Ubisoft somehow managed to not kill it with microtransactions and repetitive, boring tasks.


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Chard2d ago

Missing the most important game - Rogue Leader


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MestreRothN4G4d ago

Raph Koster wrote the #1 most influential game design book. Nice to see a game coming from him.