
Fair Is Foul and Foul Is Dark Souls Remastered

GameLuster writes: Earlier this year, From Software announced the development of Dark Souls Remastered (2018), as we all know. You may also know that some have raised concerns over remaking DS1. What would really be the point, they ask? Does DS1 really need updated textures, updated netcode, updated anything?

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Community2244d ago
nitus102245d ago

The picture shown is actually part of a cutscene so it not a good comparison.

Now if we could see a Blight-town comparison video that would be telling.

Skankinruby2244d ago

Ohhh man I hope ps store does a dark souls trilogy. Getting through bloodborne has me drooling for more.

Elda2244d ago (Edited 2244d ago )

Japan is releasing the DS Trilogy Box.A 9 disc set included in the set is the OST for each game on individual discs. Releasing May 24th.

DivineAssault 2243d ago

I didnt know that.. Seems cool but 9 discs for 3 games and 3 soundtracks? I need to check into that.. I would mind having it

Blazphemy2243d ago

It's a cool box set but it's like $450. i dunno if i would spend that kinda money on it lol

Vanfernal2244d ago

No one is 'remaking "anything... And no one cares if it's pretty bare bones. Basically a lot of people missed out on Dark Souls because it was a pretty niche game back in the day. Now we have a version that can be played on modern system with a few quality of life improvements and dedicated servers. Those nostalgic about the game and those who never played it get the chance to experience it.

meganick2244d ago

This is my favorite game of all time, and I’m excited to play it at 60 fps with sharper visuals.

PurpHerbison2243d ago

Demons Souls was the niche one. Dark Souls had full blown exposure.

DivineAssault 2243d ago (Edited 2243d ago )

Demons souls was definitely more niche.. I remember buying it, getting my a$$ handed to me then putting it away for 6+ months.. When i decided to try it again, i fell in love with the series.. Had i not given it another shot, i wouldve missed out on one of my absolute favorite game series..
Namco/Bandai marketed Dark Souls fairly well as well as it being multiplat.. Idk who's going to disagree with facts like that

sle7enn2243d ago

I want a direct Demons Souls sequel so bad, bad the sad truth is we might never see it. At the same time I think it should be left the way it is, I like it being niche. I'm kinda on the fence as you can see...

cooperdnizzle2243d ago

I agree. Was going to say that but you beat me to it

Vanfernal2243d ago

The early adopters of Dark Souls were the fans of Demon's Souls. But a mix of it being multi platform, word of mouth and the eventual PC release was what made the game go from an initial cult hit to a huge success. Dark Souls II was when the game officially went mainstream.

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bluefox7552244d ago

As long as it's 60fps, im happy.

sle7enn2243d ago

Author has no idea what he's talking about. This game is a remaster not a remake. A remake is remaking a game from the ground up. A remaster is literally remastering the current assets. I love when people believe in what they think is fact. Also the reason why they didn't call it Dark Souls HD is because it sounds ridiculous, Dark Souls Remastered has a better ring to it imo

DivineAssault 2243d ago

Right? Its a $40 remaster that works for newcomers wanting the trilogy and fans who dont have room for their last gen machines on the TV.. Now if it were $60 instead of $40, id be much more critical

sle7enn2243d ago (Edited 2243d ago )

Nailed it, Dark Souls is a great game. Remastering this just makes sense as to what is available on current platforms and selling at $40, $20 if you have the original on PC and plan on picking it up again. Plus, when dark souls released on the PC is was a hot mess. So it just makes sense. Now if they remade the game, you would likely see a full $60 price tag.

DivineAssault 2243d ago

Yep.. I would much prefer a Demons souls full on remake though.. Fingers crossed.. Id take a bloodborne sequel too tho

sle7enn2243d ago

I would be happy would either of those although I think a Bloodborne sequel is more likely

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Xbox's Matt Booty implies Tango Gameworks closure was partly due to leadership change

Eurogamer: "Xbox's Matt Booty has spoken more on the closure of Tango Gameworks earlier this year."

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The Wood1h ago(Edited 1h ago)

I call BS on this. All metrics were met apparently or was that another lie. There's something deeper happening within xbox's management

MinusWan57m ago

Yes and the Xbox Series consoles aren't selling well due to "dynamic shifts in the market". I can also play word games!

MrDead54m ago

The gaming media better get on board with these sort of articles as MS buying up the industry means you guys won't get review copies or exclusive news unless you push the MS narrative.

The MS narrative "it's everyone else's fault."

1Victor25m ago

WARNING ⚠️ SARCASM AHEAD WARNING ⚠️ sure they have an awful management with sexual harassment and embezzlement of funds so let’s close the studio we just purchased and leave games in the table. END OF SARCASM
( insert here a comic strip of guy thrown out of window for suggesting firing the management )

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The Witcher 3 devs are in on the hype, as Elden Ring DLC takes best-reviewed expansion crown

RED writes: "For the last 8 years, The Witcher 3: Blood and Wine had the honor of being the best reviewed expansion for a role-playing game - but @ELDENRING
gets to wear that crown now. Congratulations to the entire team at @fromsoftware_pr on their stellar work!"

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PlayStation’s Bluepoint Games is still working on an original title

“Everything takes time,” says studio’s technology head. “We are committed to sharpening our skills!”

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Community18h ago
jznrpg18h ago

I’d rather devs took their time instead of trying to kill themselves trying to meet strict deadlines. Games end up better that way.

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