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Spyro Reignited Trilogy Announced With Trailer, Coming September

Activision has announced Spyro Reignited Trilogy, a remaster for the original three PlayStation Spyro games: Spyro the Dragon, Spyro 2: Ripto's Rage, and Spyro 3: Year of the Dragon.

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-Foxtrot2365d ago (Edited 2365d ago )

Looks awesome, it's what I've always wanted. However September? REALLY? Shadow of the Tomb Raider and Spiderman...these guys aren't that stupid right. Move it up a month guys

Well I guess Crash Team Racing is next year...wonder what they'll bundle that with, still hoping they do that and Crash Bash but make an online which combines the two together so you can easily jump into a Mini game or a race. You could customize your preferred character to appear in either one.

Neonridr2365d ago

yeah.. September is filling up quickly

-Foxtrot2365d ago (Edited 2365d ago )

It's coming off they are so scared of October/November because of Red Dead Redemption 2 that they are trying to all fight their way to the month before it comes out.

Seriously Summer is going to be dead like it usually is, move it up to August, the Crash N Sane Trilogy came out at the end of June and still be fantastic sales wise so they have nothing to worry about.

Neonridr2365d ago

yep.. and Smash is lurking somewhere in the holiday season too.. :P

TallonIV2365d ago (Edited 2365d ago )

Edit: My bad wrong thread

darthv722365d ago

I missed out on so many PS1 classics because I was so wrapped up in Saturn at the time but I'm glad they are bringing these back in a nice HD compilation. I could buy the originals but I'd prefer to get these compilations instead.

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moegooner882365d ago

Yeah, July or August would have made for a perfect timing. Can’t see myself getting this in September too.

Internetratnik2365d ago

Crash Bash is the most underrated game
Especially in couch coop, been waiting for a remaster since forever.
I bought the original Crash Team Racing for PS3 few days ago, it was 1.99€ lol. So dissapointed there's no Crash Bash though.

Dlaw762365d ago

If it was a Playstation exclusive I'm almost guaranteed you would not be saying that

-Foxtrot2365d ago

You're not making any sense

Neonridr2365d ago

Fox even brought up Tomb Raider, which is out on PC and Xbox as well. So not sure what you are on about. Fox was just expressing that those are 2 heavy hitters..

gangsta_red2365d ago

"Well I guess Crash Team Racing is next year..."

I wouldn't mind seeing a new Crash Team Racing game. We need more wacky cart games on consoles. I say combine Crash and Spyro (ad even throw in the Skylander guys) to make a huge brand new cart game.

Profchaos2365d ago

It's Spyro I'm buying it regardless of what else surrounds it but I also want Spiderman and Red dead

neutralgamer19922365d ago

cold careless if exclusive or not i am just glad we are getting these games. Now if we can get complete remakes/remasters of jak and dexter series from sony

3-4-52365d ago

Dragon Quest XI also in September as well.

September is loaded. I won't be able to buy all the games right away but this game looks fun. Never got to play the originals.

mark_parch2365d ago

with these smaller studios doing such amazing jobs remastering games like crash, shadow of the colossus and spyro it blows my mind Microsoft can't get somebody to remaster banjo and kazooie 1 and 2

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Marcello2365d ago

Fake, badass made this with photoshop

Marcello2365d ago

Lol guys dont get yer knickers in a twist. Its sarcasm cos i am still butthurt that i got an infraction for approving some of the rumoured stories over the last few weeks. Even with the overwhelming evidence upto last night, the jobsworth mods were like no its fake blah blah. Anyway its here, its coming so i was right nah nah nah nah nah ( thats a Spyro reference btw before you all start crying again)

2365d ago
Kribwalker2365d ago

Oohhhh Lookng forward to playing this on my OneX. I wonder if it will be Native 4K like the crash remasters. There’s gonna be way too many games to play this fall rumoured new forza horizon, spider-man, tomb raider, RD2 and more and we haven’t hit E3 yet

Ricegum2365d ago (Edited 2365d ago )

Lmao. You try too hard. Love how you're apparently picking up Spiderman, because even you can't deny how fantastic that PS4 exclusive is looking. By the way, you'll need to pick up a PS4.

Sm00thNinja2365d ago

I know it hurts to hear but krib definitely has a PS4. HE just doesn't play it lol. He's on my FL and was pretty vocal in the community

Gazondaily2365d ago

So he's "trying too hard" if he's excited to pick up a game for Xbox but you mock him for being excited to pick up a PS4 exclusive too?

What do you want him to do? Act like you and dismiss EVERYTHING not on his console of choice?

"By the way, you'll need to pick up a PS4."

He has a PS4.

Yeah you're trying too hard.

Kribwalker2365d ago

I actually bought shadow of the colossus for the first time yesterday it was 50% off and figured i can’t lose if i don’t like it at that price and popped it in. Seems decent so far, i get a certain BoTW feel out of it, took down the first 2 colossus last night 😉

Sunny_D2365d ago

I don’t know septic if you should be the voice of reason when it comes to someone trying too hard....🤔😂

Gazondaily2365d ago


You dont want me to be the voice of reason? Okay- who do you elect instead? Surely you're not electing yourself ?

Software_Lover2365d ago

Damn, I guess you have to choose a side Krib and beatdown the other.

Stop buying games for your PS4 because the fanboys on that side don't want you to.

Prince-Ali2365d ago Show
moegooner882365d ago

“Damn, I guess you have to choose a side Krib and beatdown the other. ”

Isn’t that all he does like all the time ?

Auron2365d ago

Why is it so hard to believe that people can enjoy both Xbox and PlayStation?

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MarineLineman2365d ago

Good luck playing Spider Man on your 1X lol

SpaceRanger2365d ago ShowReplies(4)
gangsta_red2365d ago

Never was a Spyro fan so i never saw the appeal for these games. Seemed like another character trying to cash in on the mascot mania that was slowly dying at that time.

But I know there are spyro fans out there so more power to them.

Activision should have a Spyro X Crash team up game next.

SpaceRanger2365d ago

“Seemed like another character trying to cash in on the mascot mania that was slowly dying at that time.“

Have you ever played it? Or any of them?

gangsta_red2365d ago

"Have you ever played it? Or any of them?"

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away.

And I wasn't impressed. But maybe if these remasters take off this will prompt Activision and other companies to start making more platform type games.

Software_Lover2365d ago

I'm not interested either. I will get the collection for my kids though. Not enough kid friendly non shoot-em-up bang bang games out.

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Relientk772365d ago

Eff yeah! Cannot wait for this. Day one.

Finally Spyro is returning

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Why Are We Still Waiting On A New Spyro Game

The Reignited Trilogy was supposed to be a launch pad for Spyro, but after a few cryptic teasers, we're still waiting on a new game

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Community697d ago
Relientk77697d ago


Sometimes it's hard being a Spyro fan. Yeah, i really really really want Spyro 4. Crash Bandicoot got a 4th one, its only fair.

MWH697d ago

Nothing is guaranteed in this life, so don't wait on anything.

Sgt_Slaughter697d ago

This is what happens when Toys For Bob gets pushed to help develop COD


eShop Game Sale: Features Games From Activision, Numskull Games, Frozenbyte & More

Daily Video Game writes: "Today, eShop has just kicked off a new game sale for Nintendo Switch gamers that offers steep discounts on several popular games from Activision, Numskull Games, indienova, Frozenbyte, Sometimes You, and more right now!"

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Community790d ago

5 Missions That Made Us Rage Quit

KeenGamer: "Rage quitting is something we've all done, and it's never pretty. See which missions end up being the most rage-inducing of them all. Some missions go beyond the threshold of difficulty and test our abilities and patience to the limit, forever scarring players with the grinding cycle of try, fail and repeat."

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P_Bomb1126d ago

5am in Emily wants to play. The R in its RNG stands for rage lol.

Fluke_Skywalker1125d ago

The elevator in GOW Ascension made me rage quit so hard I uninstalled the game and never did go back to it. I'm not proud of that. I have played and loved every GOW game but that level just took the utter piss out of me.

PhillyDillyDee1125d ago

Trying for the no guns achievement on Mirrors Edge broke both me, and a set of car keys which was the closest thing in grabbing distance that wasnt a controller.