
Game Focus: Linger In Shadows Review

Game Focus writes: "Linger in Shadows is what most computer designers call interactive digital art or a 'demoscene'. Demoscenes are typically used by designers to show off artistic, musical and programming skills to the public. If you've seen any advertisement for a computer or graphic school, you'll understand what I mean. Sony Studios in Santa Monica, with the help of a demo group from Poland called Plastic, recently released the first ever demoscene for a console system called Linger in Shadows. While it will not appeal to all, it does show what can be done with the console's hardware."

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Indie art games are the future... just not the future of games

BeefJack: "Personally, I think taking the game out of games has limited long-term appeal within our medium, although some are certainly immersive. As we explore more ways to interact with our games, we’re also finding more ways we can tell stories through game systems, and that can only be a good thing.

But gamers aren’t the only group of people to exist, and virtual worlds you can explore, infused with story and meaning, could still have a very important purpose. Art games are not the future of videogames. But they might just be the future of art."

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Emilio_Estevez4461d ago

Linger in shadows was really interesting, not sure what to call it, but I certainly enjoyed it.

Fylus4461d ago

As a game and an artist, it makes me very excited to see independent developers to gain success through an artistically beautiful game with innovative elements of gameplay. Linger in Shadows and Flower are great examples. In all honesty, I never particularly enjoyed "playing" either of those two games but I LOVED watching them. They truly are Art.


PSFocus: Sony and interactive videos, the future?

The Dutch website PSFocus.nl has written an article about Sony and there interactive videos: Linger in Shadows and Behind the Bullet. Besides from describing these interactive videos, PSFocus also brings up the point if this is the future or not.

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Syphled5551d ago

I enjoyed both interactive videos. Sony is the only console that brings these pieces of interactive art on the marktet. The small price I had to pay for Linger in Shadows was well worth it and Behind the Bullet is for free.

Thanks for the article! I enjoyed it.


Flower is top downloaded PSN game in February

The PSN-exclusives Flower and Noby Noby Boy both take the top spots in February. These innovative games take gaming in new directions, and we're glad to see gamers have embraced them.

1. Flower
2. Noby Noby Boy
3. Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix
4. 3 on 3 NHL Arcade
5. Savage Moon
6. Mortal Kombat II
7. Bejeweled 2
8. Burnout Paradise
9. Linger in Shadows
10. Magic Ball

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table5574d ago

i've only played flower and it was awesome especially after an intense session of Killzone2. will definately give some other PSN games a go.

sonarus5574d ago

hmmm surprised MK2 is still going. I wish they could have made the game playable on psp

unrealgamer585574d ago

but on topic good to see burnout paradise still on the list and mk 2 still getting love

table5574d ago

nobody has heard of it in the UK though and they seemed to have stopped showing it(used to be on the lesser watched channels). Shame because I love the program.

DrWan5574d ago

I wonder what the numbers are actually like; is it in the thousands (very likily), tens of thousands, or is spot number ten in the hundreds.

With sharing up to 5 different PS3s, how did that affect the sales, so on so forth