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BearMinimum2329d ago
-Foxtrot2329d ago

Oh yeah :)

Collectors Edition please

lxeasy2329d ago

Welp, I have until October to play every other game.

2329d ago
Brian76554922329d ago

Now other games will be able to plan release dates because this game gonna be huge.

bouzebbal2328d ago (Edited 2328d ago )

the first one was a must have despite glitches.
keeping an eye on this, hoping for a massive world full of life.

-Ghost2329d ago (Edited 2329d ago )

Sucks that it won't come earlier but it gives them time to improve and Rockstar never disappoints.

A summer release would have been better since not much games release then. October-November is when all the big games come.

ooquis2329d ago (Edited 2329d ago )

Im expecting and praying for a red dead redemption remake before the sequel,and it'll drop on pc aswell.$$$

2328d ago
on_line_forever2329d ago

I hope this time release it on PC

Magnetar2329d ago

I think it will eventually. Probably like GTA5, they’ll release it later with the extra care the pc version deserves.

Plagasx2329d ago

A real shame it doesn't release on PC day and day...Basically I won't be playing this until 2019....

george9572328d ago

This game gonna be huge... Cant wait... So many games this year .... 2018 gonna be huge..

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2329d ago Replies(1)
Crazyglues2329d ago (Edited 2329d ago )

Wait a minute... Spring is not in October... Why such a long delay..

They said it missed a 2017 launch because they wanted to make sure it was polished and well done, so Spring of 2018... Now it's launching in Oct. what happened..?

Well it is RockStar so I guess if they needed more time, they know best, these guys are one of the best to ever do it.. so I guess I'll just get ready for Oct 2018... Looks like Christmas presents for myself will be coming early this year... LoL :)

Palitera2329d ago

They always do it. They lie about the release date to build hype and then postpone it. Rinse and repeat. Nothing new.

Don't be surprised if this is still not the real date.

2pacalypsenow2329d ago (Edited 2329d ago )

Or do what every other companies does and just release the game and fix it later.

Because that's so much better.

neutralgamer19922329d ago


i somewhat agree with you and understand where you are coming from but the bottom line is this is a business and they want to get as much hype as possible for their games. That's why i was happy when god of war never got a release window till very late than one release date

i am okay with games being announced few years in advance just be straight up like we are working on it and we will let you know when it's close to release

badz1492328d ago

nah...they just want to milk the GTAV cash train that little bit more. GTAV is a cash cow that keeps on giving. still the top 10 best selling game 4 years after release, pressure at all on their part

MegamanXXX2329d ago

Maybe adding Microtransactions is what cause the delay

spicelicka2329d ago

Man that's BS, I pre-ordered thinking it would be March:(

TheCommentator2329d ago

It is if you live in Australia!

Soc52328d ago

They have had plenty of time to polish. Part of the reason is gta5 multiplayer is such a huge cash cow they are worried about releasing anything that will disrupt that flow of cash. It's pretty annoying because it's getting close to a decade for a sequel. We've been waiting for this game for so long and they keep bs ing everyone with oh we want to make it great.

irishyort2328d ago

October is Spring in Australia mate. They must be using RS Australia devs this time *JKS*

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Majin-vegeta2329d ago

Full of micros just like thanks

-Foxtrot2329d ago

Id be more ticked off if they do content for the online and not Undead Nightmare II or Cowboys vs Aliens DLC

Omnisonne2329d ago

I need Undead Nightmare II.. complete with creepy wild-west folklore and mythical creatures like the first one.

Palitera2329d ago

Naughty Dog and Rockstar have free passes to do whatever they want.

So yes, it will obviously have tons of microtransactions.

UCForce2329d ago

You do understand that ND can do Single Player DLC, right ? The Last of Us Left Behind and Uncharted Lost Legacy.

Palitera2329d ago (Edited 2329d ago )

^ Yet their MP is filled with pay to win schemes (perks and weapons on TLOU, everything on GTA 5).

Palitera2329d ago (Edited 2329d ago )

PS: Keep the downvotes coming. Show you don't mind about microtransactions, as long as it is not Ubisoft or EA.

Trez12342328d ago

True. If we want those practices to go away or change we need to call all them alll out. No point pointing fingers at EA or Bungie/activision when we let other companies get away with it just because we like them. ND last 2 or 3 games had microtransactions and the Last of us became pay to win. Gta 5 is pretty bad with the shark cards etc...if you wanna get rich by just playing the game, itd take you alot of time and i mean ALOT.

_-EDMIX-_2328d ago

"Yet their MP" Um....ok. So I see the issue here.

I'm not really sure why anyone would be playing those games for MP. I don't care what they do Red Dead 2's online.. .I have no plans to play it.....ever sooooo yea.

isa_scout2328d ago

I don't know why you have so many disagrees when what you said is absolute fact. TLOU is one of my favorite games, but when they brought out OP guns for real cash I quit playing,and UnCharted 3 has hundreds of dollars of microtransactions. In both instances it broke the online unless you were willing to buy into the microtransactions.ND is my favorite developer, but even I'm aware that this is a practice they've been given to much freedom with...And Rockstar wants players to pay what is equivalent to $75 real world on a DeLorean(flying car)in GTAV.Does it matter that the DLC is free when everything else costs hundreds of real world dollars?

Palitera2327d ago

GTA 5 has a free to play progression model in a 60 bucks title. That's why they tried so hard (and succeeded on) calling the MP mode "GTA Online" as it was a standalone game.

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JackBNimble2329d ago (Edited 2329d ago )

I hope RDR2's online and MT are identical to Gta5 with free updates /dlc.
All you MT crybabies can go play Mario or something, I'm one who believes choices and options are a good thing.
It amazes me how people will actually moan and groan about 100% free add on content because of MT that absolutely do not give a single person any advantage what so ever.

ILikeGamesYeah2329d ago

Yes!! Thanks for saying what we're all thinking! Rockstar please let us pay for DLC instead of bringing it out for free via not pay to win loot boxes which we wouldn't no they were there unless we seeked them out! Maybe let us buy a premium pass so the peeps who don't pay for the extra content will be split from those who do?

ILikeGamesYeah2329d ago

GTA Stimulus Package
GTA Beach Bum Pack
GTA Online: The Doomsday Heist
GTA Online: Smuggler’s Run
GTA Online: Gunrunning
GTA Online Cunning Stunts: Special Vehicle Circuit
GTA Online Import/Export
GTA Online: Bikers
GTA Online Stunt Race Creator
GTA Online Lowriders: Custom Classics
GTA Online Be My Valentine DLC
GTA Online Lowriders
GTA Online Holiday Gifts DLC
GTA Online High Life Update

These are only a few of the DLC's which were given to us for free because of the optional non pay to win crates which you find so evil.

Araragifeels 2329d ago

The problem is the gridding to be able to afford vehicles, Businesses, Apartment, more. I need to play the entire day and replay the same mission just to get 1 million but that literally too much work.

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Red Dead Redemption 2 Needs 60FPS Update Before GTA 6 Arrives

Bawal from Tech4Gamers writes "Red Dead Redemption 2 is still incredibly popular today, and it's a shame it hasn't received a 60FPS upgrade for consoles yet."

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ocelot072d ago

Kind of wonder why they can't release a patch for 60fps. I don't expect a native ps5 just a patch to allow the original PS4 version run at 60 on ps5. They did it for the red dead redemption remaster.

Cacabunga2d ago

I just got the platinum a few weeks ago.. I would replay the whole main story in 60FPS if this happens.

ocelot072d ago

I tried forcing my self to play it on ps5 recently and the 30fps killed it for me I just can't do it.

Played the pc online version and it was just a joy playing it at 1440p 80+ FPS.

Amplitude1d 11h ago

They could. There are 60fps mods for hacked PS5s. They're just waiting for the same reason they're waiting to release Red Dead 1 on PC - staggered hype

isarai2d ago

It needs far more than 60fps, better resolution, fix the trash checkerboard rendering that somehow makes 1440p look worse than 1080p, fix the input lag, and fix the wack HDR implementation.

sagapo2d ago

Yeah, the HDR is terrible, made me wonder why the dev’s even bothered.

isarai2d ago

The fact that they've been called out on it by several sources and still haven't done a thing. It's just ridiculous

anast2d ago

The game looks great on my PS5 and PC monitor. You might need to update your gear.

isarai2d ago

Everything i said is proven, documented and demonstrated by several sources including Digital Foundry. I have a $3k 4k lg OLED, and ive been professionally calibrating displays for over a decade. It aint me or my equipment

anast2d ago (Edited 2d ago )

It's too far away from trash. It looks great on my setup. It has to be your equipment or your perception or you enjoy being hyperbolic.

isarai2d ago


Learn to read, you're talking in circles.

anast2d ago (Edited 2d ago )

This is a common trend with you. You seem to not understand the words you are typing. But unlike you, I am not gifted enough to make judgments on the level of your literacy.

"Fix the trash" is being hyperbolic. At least, now we know what the problem is. It's not your equipment or Digital Foundry skewing your perception.

isarai2d ago

You seem to not understand how to read an entire sentence which seems to be the common trend with you. How about you quote the entire statement. "Fix the treash checkerboard rendering" which, yeah if it makes 1440p look worse than 1080p it's somehow not just failing to do it's only job, but actually making things worse. It would be better off thrown trash. Hell even Digital Foundry reccomends forcing a 1080p output over 1440p for a clearer image, and even just made a new video like a week ago bringing up that problematic soft checkerboard rendering again.

All of which you can gather by my very first response to you, that you somehow respond to, but don't actually comprehend. It's like if i told you "hey here's $5 for you a coffee" you would respond "ok but i need a coffee and don't have any money" you ask the question to the answers you're currently replying to, can you not read? Do you not know how to fact check? Do search bars, google, and YouTube not exist for you? Figure it out, you're a whole ass human im not going to walk you through how to use your own damn brain.

sagapo2d ago

Anast, I’ve played Red Dead on my LG oled, it looked better with HDR turned off. The fact however that Gran Turismo in HDR looks superb on the same screen pretty much says it all. HDR in Red Dead is broken.

ocelot071d 11h ago

Sorry but compared to pc even at 1080p on pc it looks like someone has rubbed vaseline on the console versions. Only time only time it looks really good on consoles is during cut scenes.

anast1d 9h ago

I suppose you are doubling down. Good on you. The echoes got to sound good from your angle.

anast1d 8h ago

I'm not talking about HDR. This is what I am addressing. "fix the trash checkerboard rendering that somehow makes 1440p look worse than 1080p." You all keep changing the goal posts so you can be right. The game looks great on my end.

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Rutaprkl2d ago

Rockstar's gonna do jack s*** about it

Profchaos2d ago (Edited 2d ago )

I've been waiting for this since getting my ps5 I don't think it's a big ask the game sold 32 million copies plus.

There's already homebrew out there to achieve this on modded consoles.

Knowing Rockstar they probably want to release a native version but will delay it over and over like GTA v which didn't need a native port tbh a 60fps patch would of been fine.

I predict however were more likely to get GTA IV remastering ported to PS4/5/switch same as rdr

PhillyDonJawn2d ago (Edited 2d ago )

Heck ya Game of the generation

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Best Red Dead Redemption 2 Settings for the Steam Deck: Optimized for 45 FPS

Red Dead Redemption 2 is among Rockstar Games’ most popular titles. Alongside GTA 5 (here’s our optimization guide), it ranks among the most widely downloaded media.

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