
Monster Hunter World Review: Diablo 3 By Way of Fantastic Beasts [Gadgets 360]

Gadgets 360 says: "All in all, Capcom has crafted a large, sprawling RPG that’s addictive and entertaining without watering down any sense of depth. 2018 has just begun and we already have an exceptionally polished effort in Monster Hunter World. The gameplay mechanics and systems make it hard to put down. We'd recommend it for fans and first-timers alike."

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corroios2341d ago

I spent so many hours on Diablo 3 with friends. I really hope so. Capcom finally was smart with this title.

Eidolon2340d ago

Read the article though. If you're looking for a Diablo experience, this is definitely not it.

nopu2341d ago

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Zjet2341d ago

WTF this isn't a hack n Slash Dungeon Crawler.... nor is it loot based.

Do people not realise this series has been around over a decade now?

2341d ago
firelogic2340d ago

Monster Hunter is nothing like Diablo's gameplay cycle so if you're a Diablo fan and know nothing about Monster Hunter, don't believe this article.


A Late Look: Monster Hunter: World

VGChartz's Mark Nielsen: "While it was a mixed pleasure overall - at times exhilarating, at others agonizing - I would have to say I enjoyed my time with Monster Hunter: World and found it to be surprisingly addicting. It wouldn’t be wrong to say that I was surprised by how little had changed from previous titles, given how this particular entry took the series to unheard levels of popularity, but while it retains both positives and negatives from them, at the very least it’s a stellar-looking game that brings more freedom to the hunt than any of its predecessors (Monster Hunter Rise could possibly be a different story, but that, my friends, is a game for another article)."

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Monster Hunter: World Tops 25 Million Units Sold Globally

Capcom Co., Ltd. (Capcom) today announced that Monster Hunter: World has sold over 25 million units* worldwide.

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Why are Players Returning to Monster Hunter World?

Launched in 2018, the action RPG has seen an explosion of players on Steam. Here's why and what makes Monster Hunter World so great.

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