
A New Dragon Age Game Is in the Works

Dragon Age fans, rejoice! There's more to come!

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MatrixxGT2434d ago

More excited about DA than anthem.

NewMonday2434d ago

can't get excited by any EA game now

rezzah2434d ago

I'm sure EA will find a way to ruin it.

Alucard_4202433d ago

loot boxes to get new characters maybe? idk but EA is worst then ubisoft now and I am sick of it. Ubisoft is doing way better now.

ULTp0ltergeist2433d ago

I was disappointed by Inquisition even though it was a good game and great looking graphics. It just didn't have that uniqueness the first one had.

ChrisW2434d ago

Sorry... I don't support games published by EA anymore.

Felsager2434d ago

I can't agree more with you.

I'm not going to support games published by EA. Even if Anthem turns out great, and I doubt it will be great, I'm not going to support EA in any way or form.

bluefox7552434d ago

After the last one, I'm not terribly optimistic.

Retard2434d ago (Edited 2434d ago )

Couldn’t agree more. The removal of healing left me dumbfounded “we found it boring” and the lore answer was “people forgot how to be Jesus”
Just bad. And worse logic. Should have been more like “if you like turtle healing strats, the might you will face DPS mechanics that could theorically stop you *insert more mobs, enrage, debuff*.”

NOT flat out remove an entire class that I personally found interesting/fun.

Dragon Age Origins was the best in the series. And that sucks to admit the roots were better than the tree.

Last_Boss2434d ago (Edited 2434d ago )

They need one massive map with over arching terrain, like Skyrim. A huge part that killed DA:I was closing the the rifts in each section. Bring Sandal back. ENCHANTMENT!!

I do need to finish DA:I

Last_Boss2434d ago

One more thing I'd like yo see them do is incorporate a soundtrack that changes with the locales.

dragonyght2434d ago

"Dragon Age fans, rejoice!" After how the last one turnout. no one would be so joyful -_-

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Bioware Hint They Have Teams Working On Dragon Age And Mass Effect Projects

Bioware mid-summer update announces they have teams working on 'secret stuff' for both Dragon Age and Mass Effect franchise fans

CyberSentinel2243d ago

It sure would be nice to have some more Mass Effect and Dragon Age games.

Number-Nine2242d ago

I hope it's a ME1 remake. That would be soooooooo awesome

playnice2242d ago

I would love a remake/proper remaster of the whole trilogy!

rainslacker2241d ago

It's probably the follow up to andromeda. It was obviously set up to continue in much the same was as the first series was.

I'm not really opposed to that. The game itself wasn't too bad. Had some flaws, but a decent start to the story. They need to write most of the other characters better though

FinalFantasyFanatic2241d ago

As long as they give Mass Effect the love and attention it deserves, Andromeda certainly didn't when it just needed polishing or a more experienced team.

chris2352242d ago

just no. „some more“ equals bad. the last mass effect was a disaster. dragpn age is dead, too.

PUBG2242d ago

The Creative Director of ME Andromeda was fired, so for me, that means that there is a small possibility that they might actually get someone in there that knows what they are doing, and who understands what originally made the series great in the first place.

Relientk772242d ago

I can't wait to see Dragon Age 4

Shmeidi2242d ago

I feel like Dragon Age has been steadily losing steam. Personally, I found Inquisition to be boring. I hope they get back to intriguing storylines and tactical combat systems.

Segata2242d ago

DAI was mediocre at best. I enjoyed it but it had a lot of issues from quests to combat to characters to story all ranging from bad to so-so. I don't think they can ever recapture the magic of Dragon Age Origins.

PhantomS422242d ago

They've already said it's going to be a "games as a service" so it's already garbage. Top that off they haven't made a good Dragon Age game since Origins. Bioware is trying to Andromeda the Dragon Age series.

-Foxtrot2242d ago

Lets be honest, there's a HUGE chance we'll be disappointed in either title with how history has went recently.

Sam Fisher2242d ago

Disappoint? Unless its a new ip set in the universe of mass effect, im done. They slapped us without hand with the ending of 3 and andromeda

FinalFantasyFanatic2241d ago


Didn't a less experienced team do Andromeda? That explains why it was so unpolished at release.

TheCommentator2241d ago

Agreed. We'll see how Anthem fares first, but I have a feeling that even that is going to set us all up for the same disappointments we've seen in Dragon Age and Mass Effect recently. I just don't believe that Bioware has the talent they need to produce games like they used to.

Profchaos2242d ago

It would be nice to see a mass effect prequel and also disregard andromeda

Araragifeels 2242d ago

Bioware should consider Andromeda as non Canon and should either focus on making a Mass Effect 4 as a sequel or soft reboot or completely a reboot. I would like to have more Shepard adventure since I choose the first ending where you blow up the reaper and Shepard survive in the end(not the extended ending dlc).

rainslacker2241d ago

Andromeda was already separated from the original. The crews and people that left the milky way did so before the Shepard became a spectre. I think the actual events in andromeda take place after the trilogy though.

PiNkFaIrYbOi2242d ago

Don't really want a prequel, never cared for them. Fine with disregarding ME:A, have almost completely erased it from my memory already.

execution172242d ago

I just hope they don't get the B team to make a game again

PiNkFaIrYbOi2242d ago

Well considered that they dissolved that studio probably not going to happen. At least hopefully.

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Morality in RPG's Part 1: Personality Development

There are lots of reasons to love a good role-playing game. The stories are immersive, the worlds are detailed, and most importantly, the player is given a range of control over how they want to play. Options range from choosing what type of fighting style you like to customizing a character with a unique look and personality.

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Shiken2255d ago

I really like the whole morality concept as long as it affects the ending and general progression of the game. At the very least how people treat you.

As much as I loved Infamous 2 for example, morality is pretty much a non factor in which ending you get as it is based on one final decision at the end of the game. Kinda a buzz kill if you ask me.

Infamous SS did it better IMO, save for a few story scenes that are exactly the same regardless of morality. At least here however your ending is determined by your overall morality throughout the game.

The Ogre Battle franchise does it best though. Not only does morality affect everything throughout the game, but also who your allies and enemies outside of the big bad do as well. How I miss this IP.


Top 10 LGBTQIA games

Pride month is here, and we at Ulvespill thinks love conquers all, no matter who you are or who you love! Therefore, we’ve made a list of our top 10 LGBTQIA games!

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Eonjay2279d ago ShowReplies(2)
Sciurus_vulgaris2279d ago ShowReplies(4)
SlashHabit2278d ago ShowReplies(1)
AKS2278d ago

The game director who handles this type of topic right is Yoko Taro. It's never preachy or the most important aspect of the character's story. It just happens to be one aspect of the character. One of the characters wasn't known for sure to be gay until maybe 7 or 8 years after Nier was released. Kaine was in intersexed character, but it's the personality and what this character does that is most memorable. Andromeda was the exact opposite, a preachy, agenda-pushing disaster of a game.

Razzer2278d ago ShowReplies(2)
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