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No Other Games Need Apply: Super Mario Odyssey is GOTY

There's no point in arguing: Super Mario Odyssey is Phil Brown's only choice for game of the year. Yep, the first Nintendo icon somehow headlined the finest game of 2017. Bet ya didn’t see that coming!

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Eonjay2460d ago

When so many good games are released in a single year there is bound to be a lot of contention about which is actually best. Its actually a good sign that there are so many contenders.

LoveSpuds2460d ago (Edited 2460d ago )

Agreed, I think the real issue surrounds the way these kinds of websites draught their articles in such a way as to suggest their opinion is fact, that is why there are never honest, respectful conversations about favourite games, it always degenerates into a slanging match.

My personal choice for game of the year is a toss up between NIOH or Horizon, I found both games to be utterly engrossing. Mario was also amazing fun but I am really struggling with Zelda, I am around 20 hours in and it still hasn't grabbed me yet, infact, I stopped playing it today to go through another playthrough of Nier Automata.

Babadook72459d ago (Edited 2459d ago )

Here’s the tally so far this year.

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild - 89

Critics' Picks - 76 Readers' Picks - 13

Super Mario Odyssey - 16

Critics' Picks - 15 Readers' Picks - 1

Horizon Zero Dawn - 15

Critics' Picks - 10 Readers' Picks - 5

LoveSpuds2459d ago

I am not sure what point you are making chief, I know how massively popular Zelda was this year and I acknowledge it is a well crafted game, it just hasn't grabbed me as I had hoped. I was super excited to play it, it was one of the reasons I bought my Switch after all.

My point is, you cannot state ones own opinion as fact, which is what the clown who wrote this article is trying to do. My game of the year is NIOH, a game that barely registered as far as awards go, but I don't go making statements like the one in the title of this article. I would love the chance do discuss games with others who love all games, are excited by games and who respect each other's opinions.

2459d ago
LoveSpuds2459d ago

Three great games, I could understand anyone picking any of those 3 as their GotY.

Venoxn4g2459d ago

Lovespuds..I dont know if you know but Nier Automata needs to be completed 4 or 5 times..I am on my 3rd now :)

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SuperSonic912459d ago

Any game can be GOTY. The gaming media is just as immature and childish az they get nowadays. Not good for gaming.

2460d ago Replies(1)
balance2theforce2460d ago

I could certainly see the argument for it, but as we all know Zelda has pretty much sucked all those Awards up this year. However, I certainly would not have been mad if Mario had received Game Of The Year. It's a great game and very much just as deserving. You couldn't go wrong with either one. Nintendo really hit it out of the park this year!

sk8ofmnd2460d ago

They really did but with almost every big game postponed until the switches release or skipped on the wiiu all together it makes one wonder if 2018 can compete... also, if botw can be on the wiiu so could mario odyysey, splatoon 2, xenoblade 2, and almost every other game released on the switch yet its nowhere to be seen.

gangsta_red2460d ago

What would be the point of releasing those games on the Wii U considering the Wii U isn't anywhere near successful as the Switch.

It was smart of Nintendo to delay Zelda until the Switches release for more than obvious reasons as Zelda is part of the Switches success.

Also I have to wonder what is even the point of that statement and how does it relate to the topic?

balance2theforce2460d ago

Well, we already know that they have Bayonetta 3 coming. They could also be getting Pokemon or Metroid or both. And I'm pretty sure there's some games they haven't even announced yet. And also there's going to be some third-party games coming. Perhaps No More Heroes will be up. I'm hardly worried about 20-18 or much rlsr moving forward. And if those games aren't coming out in 2018, that just means they almost assuredly have something else up their sleeve that we don't know about As long as there all games it will be fine. Maybe they could do what everyone else does and rely on third parties a bit more.

And pretty much any game could have been on any other system from the past, so I don't see your point about that. Hell, persona 5 one of the games that everyone raved about here (with some even labeling it as their game of the year) is on the ps3. Virtually every game that I've seen this generation could have been done on prior systems. So I don't even know what that's supposed to mean or what point you're trying to make there? Sounds like you started trying too hard at the end to downplay or something and fizzled out down the stretch. You started off well enough.

gangsta_red2460d ago

It's really amazing how Zelda came in and buried the competition.

balance2theforce2460d ago

Yeah, it truly did it's thing this year. I'm not going to lie, it was crazy watching people just forget about it, cast it aside and eeven think that it didn't have a chance at all when other games came out. Even remember some people being like "Zelda who Lulz lulz lulz" and everything else. Only to watch it come out and pretty much make the industry be like "game x who" as it dawned on many that Zelda had just put the industry in the figure 4 and have it submit. Wooooo!

"Also I have to wonder what is even the point of that statement and how does it relate to the topic?"

I was wondering that myself. It's funny how people that you've observed for so long just absolutely blasting the Wii U all of a sudden go all SJW as they call it and become some or it's biggest advocates once the Switch came out and seem to be doing gangbusters!

No thank you people, you did your "job" and gave it your best to get people not to buy the Wii U. So may be persuaded some to skip it and now now they've moved on to the Switch. Which some like myself I'm sure personally thank you for. As that helps get us more support for the system.

Hell, maybe Nintendo should send you guys checks. Who knows, maybe If it wasn't for you guys and your constant campaign of hate against the Wii U, they may have become complacent and did something similar to that. And perhaps not be seeing the success that they are thus far. Even their marketing has gotten more robust and on point. As Tupac so eloquently put it "I ain't mad at 'cha"

monkey6022460d ago

Just beaten the 2nd boss and it's definitely something special. Love it

TheOptimist2460d ago

Played both Zelda and Mario, don't see why they are considered the heavenly mana by the critics. IMO, Zelda unfairly got the awards, because Mario was more engaging to me than Zelda and at least played I Mario till the end of the campaign, each new area having new enemies, new obstacles, new abilities etc, basically having a sense of suspense of what I'll get to see next. They are good games, but I didn't feel any sort of attachment to the game. My personal GOTY is Nier: Automata, followed by Hollow Knight, Persona 5, Nioh, Prey and Yakuza 0.

TrueMetal2460d ago

All great games. Loved Hollow Knight and think it deserves more praise.

balance2theforce2460d ago

See, that's how these things work though. My buddy absolutely thinks nioh is garbage where's as you think it's potential game of the year quality. And the majority of gamers didn't even believe that your personal favorite was worth a mention for real. And it's hardly unfair as far as Zeda goes considering the consensus even from those that work in the industry is that Zelda was the game of the year.

I mean if it's unfair then that invalidates EVERY Game of the Year Award received prior then. It's funny though, because that's how I and many others truly felt about something like the last of us. However, if you were to go on about that like some do about Zelda around here, you'd probably be visited by a group of men dressed in blue suits with triangles, x's, squares and O's emblazoned all over them ready to whisk you away for "reconditioning" or something. Heh heh 😝

bluefox7552460d ago

I like how you can somehow speak for the for the "majority of gamers", lol.

Aceman182460d ago

My goty list goes like this

1 Horzion/Mario
3 Zelda BoTW
4 Nier Automata
5 Uncharted TLL

mastiffchild2460d ago (Edited 2460d ago )

Awards are one thing I think gaming can do without. We should have learned from cinema that it ends up crony love in nonsense with the stench of right think pervading each event.

Certainly, for me, Odyssy is Nintendo's best game this year. BOTW is an amazing experience but is let off with some pretty poor decisions that marred it from start to end in my book. Too little is made of the weapon degradation, it's not fun, adds nothing and totally nerfs the great loot addition. Don't get me wrong, it's a great game but it's got some biggish flaws whereas Odyssey really doesn't to the same degree.

If I were choosing a GOTY I would be choosing Nier as it was the most enjoyable experience I had. However, it's more flawed than Mario or even Zelda or Horizon technically and has very devisive decisions all along. Even though it's the game I would be happiest recommending I'm not as happy giving it a trinket as "best" game and would feel the same with nearly any other game in existence in any year.

So , yes, Mario is, alongside P5 perhaps the most faultless example of a particular genre this year and is to me more deserving of the slew of awards BOTW is getting but as it's faults are being ignored it's become unthinkable for another game to get gongs this year.

The industry fashion is to laud Zelda, possibly as much due to a pervading love of open world games as any actual Zelda bias, but that's how awards seem to work and rarely reflect quality in niche genres or mark down industry faves fairly. Awards bring out the worst in any art form and are as bad as numbers on reviews. Sorry for typing, drunk on phone.

LoveSpuds2459d ago

Heck of a great list of games buddy. Nioh is my personal pick this year, despite 2 play throughs I am still itching to play it again, what an incredible game such a shame it is so overlooked. Nier is special too, in fact I dropped Zelda to play Nier for a second time, not that I don't like Zelda, but it just hasn't grabbed me personally in the same way.

Congrats on the best list I have seen in the comments section squire, here's to an awesome 2018! 😁

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Could Super Mario Odyssey 2 Be Luigi's New Big Adventure?

Super Mario Odyssey was the Nintendo Switch’s debut for the franchise, and we saw our red-hatted friend don a new piece of gear that doubled as his new sidekick, Cappy. With so many characters getting some prominent screen time, Luigi felt completely uninvited to this party. That’s why we can’t help but think that Nintendo has something special cooked up for him in Super Mario Odyssey 2.

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Community57d ago
NotoriousWhiz56d ago

Nope, Luigi is destined to stick with mansions.

Tacoboto56d ago

If Nintendo stuck with mobile...


DivineHand12556d ago

I hope they move on from Odyssey. It is my least favorite 3D Mario game. If felt shorter and a huge step down from Mario Galaxy 1 & 2.

Becuzisaid56d ago

I was happy for a more free roam 3D Mario, it's been forever since there was one like this, but I agree Galaxy 2 was a better game. Galaxy 1 I didn't like as much oddly.


The 10 Biggest Nintendo Direct Moments of the Switch Generation

VGChartz's Mark Nielsen: "Last week Nintendo held this year's surprisingly packed not-E3 Direct; with a full schedule for this year and a vague promise of a console successor next year, it's very possible that we've now seen our final Nintendo Switch Direct, or at least one with major first party reveals. That makes this a good time to sit back and reflect on a generation of Direct moments, from the shocking and surprising, to the joyous and exhilarating - and, quite often, all at once."

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20 Best Super Mario Games of All Time

Cultured Vultures: Put on your freshest dungarees and chow down on the ripest mushroom as we reel off the best Mario games ever made to celebrate Mar10 Day.

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melons195d ago
Barlos193d ago (Edited 193d ago )

My top 3 are Mario 3, Mario World and Mario 64. Mario Odyssey is also excellent, and I enjoyed Sunshine but didn't care for the Galaxy series.