
Horizon Zero Dawn Shut Out at Game Awards

Phil @ Handsome Phantom thinks that HZD got snubbed and says, "One of the big categories that it seems the awards may have picked wrong this year is Best Narrative."

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GamesMaster19822422d ago

Horizon was one of if not the best game this year .

Cyborgg2422d ago (Edited 2422d ago )

It will probably win game of the year on other game websites like ign and gamespot. If not it will definitely win the best PS4 game of the year.

Eonjay2422d ago

The winner is selected by 51 individual sites. Gamers are not allowed to vote. We are to be told what we should consider GOTY by select internet sites. This isn't democratic. There is no representation.

Team_Litt2422d ago

Eonjay that sounds more like a popularity contest than anything. CoD would win everything in that case.

Eonjay2422d ago

@ Team_Litt

I don't think gamers would vote for COD every year and I am one of those who still buys COD
Here is the list of judges:

-Foxtrot2422d ago

I can't believe they don't have a "Best Studio" category but have a Best ESports, Youtuber, Esports Team, Student Game, Chinese Game award.

I thought GG might have had a chance in that for the work they put into it and making something completely different from Killzone

Jinger2422d ago

@Fox Trot

Absolutely agree

FITgamer2422d ago

@Eonjay Except this year this did include the online votes. They took the average of gamer's votes and industry votes.

Lexreborn22422d ago


I recognized that too, that each game category was picked by the sites. And then only 8 million people voted on the selection that was pre-approved by the websites/companies.

Hardly a representation of the entirety of gaming with well over 100 million people playing. I got disagrees for pointing it out, but you can’t disagree with the facts on how it was handled.

This is more like the electoral college voting process then a open democratic process. And it’s perfectly fine to agree or disagree with the method.

bluefox7552422d ago (Edited 2422d ago )

It was chosen by game journalists, there was no chance that that they weren't going to pick a Nintendo game. Game journalists tend to skew a bit differently than the overall population of gamers. If you remember last year, Uncharted 4 overwhelmingly won the most "readers/viewers choice" GOTY awards, but with "critic's choice" it was almost neck and neck with Overwatch.

darthv722422d ago

Horizon rep stand up to the podium... "It was an honor just being nominated. Thank you" (exists podium)

michellelynn09762422d ago

Since Zelda got a 10 and Horizon didn't on those sites. Zelda will win goty.

DialgaMarine2422d ago (Edited 2422d ago )

@Eonjay To be fair, that system is probably to best way to determine it. Let’s be honest, the vast majority of regular gamers who vote in this show definitely did not play every game that makes each list, and even if they did, they would still likely vote based on personal bias. There might be a lack of representation, but it also prevents said bias from having too much control, ie it would typically be the game that sold the most, rather than the one that was genuinely the best, that wins each award. As much as I think Horizon deserved it, we have to call a spade a spade here and accept that it didn’t. Just for the game to be nominated, over so many others, and pitted up against some of the biggest names in the industry is still incredible and speaks a lot to the game’s quality.

BadElf2422d ago

@Eonjay....I went to vote for the Game Awards. The 51 sites just choose the 5 games for each category.....

Babadook72422d ago

Sony has a long history of being snubbed at this event. Nintendo does ok. MS gets far more wins here than the rest of the industry though. Even the last of us, one of the greatest games of all time, and winner of the most game of the year awards ever, did not win at VGA’s.

Elwenil2422d ago


It's not an average, the general public only gets 10% of the voting power and only for certain categories. GOTY is not one of them.


"Who selects the winners?

The winners in most categories are determined by the international jury (90%) and a public fan vote (10%) across TheGameAwards.com and Google Search Voting. In the categories of Best Esports Game, Best Esports Player, Best Esports Team, Most Anticipated Game, and Trending Gamer, the public fan vote across Twitter DM, Facebook Messenger, TheGameAwards.com and Google Search Voting solely determines the winner. Fan voting closes on Wednesday, December 6 at Midnight PT."

NewMonday2421d ago (Edited 2421d ago )

It was just tough competition this year, What Remains of Edith Finch is a deserved winner in the narrative category, it achieved a new standard for storytelling in gaming.

For art direction Cuphead also achieved a new standard for gaming.

for game direction Zelda achieved a new standard for game design in a sandbox game.

but like Foxtrot said, there should be a best studio or best production award to recognize excellence in multiple categories. also a best technical performance to award the people who make these games actually possible, the programmers. HZD achieved a new stranded for top-end graphics in an open world game and the game run great.

Skull5212421d ago

It was mediocre just like all of GG games.

Old McGroin2421d ago

@ Eonjay
PlayStation has a big majority in fan base so if it was down to gamer votes then PlayStation games would win every award every year.

2421d ago
indysurfn2421d ago

Even though I'd like for Horizon to have won (At least it should have been BEST NEW IP for heavens sake). I think any other year Horizon would have won GAME OF THE YEAR easily.

I feel no shame about it losing to Zelda breath of the wild AVERAGE rating over 97% and proclaimed the best game ever by many. Or to Mario also a AVERAGE rating over 97%. I bet Horiday TWO will win game of the year when it comes out.

+ Show (19) more repliesLast reply 2421d ago
Gazondaily2422d ago

Perhaps but which award do you think it should have won?

Nyxus2422d ago

Could have been any of the ones it was nominated for?

thekhurg2422d ago

Best soundtrack.
Best new IP.
Game of the year.

Those 3 easily.

Big_Game_Hunters2422d ago (Edited 2422d ago )

Cup head wasnt going to lose for aestethic. Persona 5 is better at being an RPG. Ashley burch simply isn't cream of the crop, she lost to a devloper that never did voice acting before . The story is alrigt for video games, Lthough very tried. And of course, Critics already made clear what their GOTYs are, just look at metascores. Every category it was nominated for there was a game that did it better.

Jinger2422d ago


Best Soundtrack - no way
Best New IP - debatable. It didn't really do anything new, but it did what it did very good.
Game of the Year - I would have given it to Mario Odyssey over Zelda.

DialgaMarine2422d ago

I’m curious why they don’t have a Best Graphics category anymore. There’s no debating that Horizon would take that title hands down.

DarXyde2422d ago

thekhurg ,

Best soundtrack? I'd give that to Persona 5 easily. New IP, I would agree. And while Horizon isn't my GOTY, I would have no gripe with it winning. It was a stellar game.

I_am_Batman2422d ago

It's not like it definitively should've won any but I think it had a good shot at some. For example I've voted for it in:
-Best narrative
-Best direction
-Best art direction

OffRoadKing2422d ago

Best robot dinosaur game containing a female lead character with red hair..

sampsonon2422d ago (Edited 2422d ago )

Best action adventure https://www.youtube.com/wat... .
Best Sound https://www.youtube.com/wat...

just two, even thought i think it could have won in any of the categories it was in.

sampsonon2421d ago (Edited 2421d ago )

best action adventure https://www.youtube.com/use...

which is one of many t could or should have one.

think about it, it wasn't even nominated for sound https://www.youtube.com/wat...

TekoIie2421d ago


"think about it, it wasn't even nominated for sound"

None of the nominees outside of Hellblade did anything spectacular with sound (I'd maybe exclude RE7 from that because sound is an important aspect of Horror). If Horizon: ZD won best audio it would be a bit of a joke since Hellblade had some brilliant sound design.

Felsager2421d ago (Edited 2421d ago )

Septic, do us a favor, piss off dumbass.


BenRC012421d ago

Best graphics, best new ip, best open world etc etc. Started playing this again recently, it's just stunning to look at. The one X can keep polishing turds but this is art!

mellkor2421d ago Show
+ Show (11) more repliesLast reply 2421d ago
-Foxtrot2422d ago

Sad to see that a great game like this got subbed so badly...I expected at least one award

It's a brand new IP aswell which now sends off the message "If you are thinking about taking a risk and doing something new...don't. You won't get anything for it".

Jinger2422d ago

I think the sales and popularity and overall praise speak more than this award over all... I mean has any game or publisher boosted its sales because of these awards?

Theknightofnights2422d ago (Edited 2422d ago )

There were new IP's that were praised that the VGA's. Hellblade and Cuphead both won 2 or 3 awards each.

Ashlen2422d ago

"It's a brand new IP aswell which now sends off the message "If you are thinking about taking a risk and doing something new...don't. You won't get anything for it".

That's a bit over dramatic don't you think? I mean, I would have liked to see it take some awards but it's hardly like The Game Awards in the be all end all of gaming, heck I don't even think it matters at all. Horizon was still highly praised by reviewers and fans it was a commercial success and it will win it's fair share of awards from other publications.

Team_Litt2422d ago

I know, there is no excuse for bad subtitles!

Team_Litt2422d ago

Come on though, lots of new IP's won stuff. You are making it sound like it was the only new IP of the year

I_am_Batman2422d ago

I think you are overestimating the influence of the awards. Horizon is a highly successful and critically acclaimed new IP. Sure it would've been great to see it win an award but it's already great that they've been nominated for multiple awards in a year with so many great competitors. Guerrilla Games can be proud of themselves.

combatcash2422d ago

@Foxtrot it sold extremely well, and most people loved the game. I’ve only played a few minutes of this game so can’t really comment on it deserving to be a game of the year winner. However even being nominated for the award is a good accomplishment considering all the competition out there.

JackBNimble2422d ago

So if you don't win why bother doing it?
Wow... That's great advice, maybe athletes should have that mentality.

RommyReigns2422d ago

'It's a brand new IP aswell which now sends off the message "If you are thinking about taking a risk and doing something new...don't. You won't get anything for it".'

Relevant after the 2016 TGAs, and again in 2017. It's like the winner at the TGAs is the game that is likely not to get the majority of GotY awards but given the award like a type of sympathy vote. Happened last year with Overwatch (which got resoundingly hounded by Uncharted 4) and will happen again this year to Zelda BotW by the competition.

Twinblade2422d ago

Do developers even care about game awards?

freshslicepizza2421d ago

Didn't Overwatch win last year and isn't that a new IP? What is it with some Sony fans, never satisfied.

TallonIV2421d ago

...or the game just didn't win because people preferred the other games on the list.

Imagine that!

Stevonidas2421d ago

Ummm, HELLBLADE anyone?

Horizon was a jack of all trades and a master of none. Deal with it.

senorfartcushion2421d ago

Cuphead won 2. That's a new ip. I think you care more about the ps part of Horizon.

FinalFantasyFanatic2421d ago

I never played Hell Blade but people are saying it won too many awards, I'm still waiting for a decent price job before I buy it.

ShinRon2421d ago (Edited 2421d ago )

Hzd took few risks and did nothing new

TankCrossing2421d ago

@JackBNimble some of the best athletes I've ever had the privilege of competing against do have that attitude. One of my idols once said to me "if you're not here to win, there is no point being here at all".

Obviously making games isn't a competition and that doesn't apply at all, but I just found your choice of analogy interesting.

+ Show (14) more repliesLast reply 2421d ago
Aceman182422d ago

It's my co-goty with Mario Odyssey so I could care less if they didn't want to pick it for any category. It is a awesome game.

trooper_2422d ago

Agreed. Horizon got robbed pretty hard.

Relientk772422d ago

Without a doubt, and the best new IP this generation

hulk_bash19872422d ago

I can see HZD winning a lot of best PS4 Game awards. Also Best Graphics, Best Art Direction and Best New IP. But Id bet money that BOTW wins GOTY from a lot of other gaming sites. It's pretty much universally loved by most gaming outlets.

RommyReigns2422d ago

Horizon and Super Mario Odyssey got robbed. At least PUBG didn't win, that could have caused widespread riots.

itsmebryan2422d ago

Well, they didn't feel the same. They thought the others were better.

ShockUltraslash2421d ago

Horizon was garbage.
Boring open world, mediocre combat system, story was 3rd rate high school fanfiction.
Main character looks hideous.

Ceaser98573612421d ago

HDZ at least deserved the Best Action Adventure awards, but hey! lets choose something else based on Nostalgia...

TheSaint2421d ago

Zelda was the safe choice.

SharnOfTheDEAD2421d ago

Leonardo DeCaprio was snubbed for year after year at the Oscars, doesn't mean any of the films he was in were bad. Just is what it is pretentious snobbery from the self proclaimed elite. What remains of Edith Finch has no business being at best narrative. Yakuza 0 told a better story than that.

Seraphim2421d ago

Yes it was. there was a lot of great games this year though. Neir. Nioh, HZD, Persona 5 and Mario. Of course Zelda was solid. Personally both Neir and HZD were a game above others in my book. From top to bottom HZD was engaging and just a blast. It's truly sad that the game didn't get a single award. Though the VGAs are an utter joke and have been for some time imo. However it is still a big deal and awards for the industry.

joab7772421d ago

Tough year. For me it was Nioh personally. But top games are Horizon, Zelda, P5, Nier and Assasins Creed Origins. Of those, Horizon has the least issue imho. And while I am a die hard Zelda fan and it was a reinvention of the IP, it was FAR from the genre redefining game ppl make it out to be. It built off of what so many others have been doing for years. It’s just that it released with a new way to play.

maybelovehate2421d ago

It is a great game, but I wouldn't put it close to Zelda. Zelda is a game of the century.

joe12232421d ago (Edited 2421d ago )

HA , you guys get a game that doesn't suck and you guys act like its the best game ever...its pretty look at and it plays mediocre

TheGamingArt2421d ago (Edited 2421d ago )

That’s a cruel thing to say about Breath of the Wild... although I do agree.

Loadedklip2421d ago (Edited 2421d ago )

And that is why it was nominated on so many categories. So much butthurt from so many fans here. It got critical acclaim just by being there. You guys are taking it not winning as a negative. This was an amazing year for gaming. There many games others consider as good or better than Zelda or Horizon that didnt get nominated for GotY. Relax. Horizon did get nominated. That is awesome.

bow2yoda2421d ago

No matter whether or not you like it. breath of the wild beat it out of its genre. in every which way! Sorry PS fanboys. nintendo won that round

+ Show (17) more repliesLast reply 2421d ago
Platinum_Fan2422d ago ShowReplies(8)
Nyxus2422d ago

Yeah I think it deserved at least one award. But it is what it is.

Christopher2422d ago

I think VO should have gone to Ashley, but I figured HZD would lose out exactly how it did. The Zelda win bothers me the most, but it's really just the opinion of journalists who already said Zelda was the best this year had to offer. The 10% vote from the community wasn't going to change that.

G20WLY2422d ago

Agree with you. It was a predictable outcome, sadly.

CaptainObvious8782421d ago

I agree. The zelda win, despite all it's obvious flaws that were ignored because reasons irks me a lot more than Horizon missing out.

ThatDudeMunkee2421d ago

Even as a journalist or "influencer" as we get referred to these days, I honestly think it got snugged hard. I love Breath of the Wild, I really do, but it didn't exactly do anything new. Horizon Zero Dawn? That was a labor of love. It was something astonishingly well done. I think a part of what influenced that award is the fact that Breath of the Wild was one of the last projects Iwata was apart of in some way.

Magnetar2422d ago

I bet it came in second for a lot of awards.

UCForce2421d ago

For me, Horizon Zero Dawn is my GOTY. But it’s also a new Champion.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2421d ago
Hardiman2422d ago

It's my game of the year for sure!

nitus102421d ago

I have not played it "yet" since I have so many games that I have almost a two-year backlog. Coupled with that I still want to play Neir, and NiOH (loved the demos).

The problem is the fact that there are so many really good games and new games are appearing on a weekly basis. Sure they may not be AAA but I still see plenty of games I eventually want to play. Of course, the upside of this is the fact that it is easy to take note of the game(s) that you are interested in and a few months later it may be reduced in price (Christmass and mid-year are the best times but a weekly check is worthwhile). It should also go without saying that it is still worth looking in your bricks and mortar stores for specials as well.

NXFather2421d ago

Tell me what movie that creature is from. I am not playing anymore =).

Hardiman2421d ago

I did the last time you asked but it's Gunther from The Funhouse movie from the early 80's.

gangsta_red2422d ago

It was definitely strange to see this game take nothing home but at the same time from the folks that I have talked to who have played this game, they have all said that it's definitely gorgeous to look at but doesn't hold their attention long enough to finish or towards the end they just raced through the game just to beat it.

Gazondaily2422d ago (Edited 2422d ago )

If there was a best graphics award then yeah it was a strong contender for that. Other than that, best narrative maybe but the concept was great; I didn't get really attached to the narrative but that's just me.

Nyxus2422d ago

Many feel it deserved to win Game of the Year.

Gazondaily2422d ago

Against Zelda and Mario? No chance

Nyxus2422d ago

@ Septic: it was nominated for GOTY, so it's fair to say there was at least a chance.

Gazondaily2422d ago

There was some miniscule hope but it was massively outclassed by the two titles I mentioned.

Nyxus2422d ago

@ Septic: if it was 'massively outclassed', why was it nominated in the first place? It's not like there was a lack of games to pick from this year.

Gazondaily2422d ago

"@ Septic: if it was 'massively outclassed', why was it nominated in the first place? It's not like there was a lack of games to pick from this year."

Because you can have multiple nominations. Just because Zelda and Mario completely outclass it doesn't mean it can't get recognised via it's nomination.

Don't think anyone really expected Horizon to win GOTY.

KickSpinFilter2422d ago

Uncharted 4 MP is awesome still play it to this day, although less since COD WW2 came out.

Realms2422d ago

@ Septic

"Massively outclassed" You do know that there are people that think Zelda is massively overrated right? Specially gamers that actually played other games this year and not some website that only played Zelda and automatically anointed the best game evarrr.

Christopher2422d ago

IMHO, Zelda didn't come close to outclassing HZD. I have no clue with Mario, though. I think nostalgia won this year over actual quality overall. YMMV.

Dark_Knightmare22422d ago (Edited 2422d ago )

I'm sorry you say Zelda and Mario completely outclass horizon that's your opinion but one that's kind of ridiculous. Horizon easily had better combat,story,characters,graphi cs,polish and enemies compared to both botw and odyssey. Now if you don't care about any of that even though they are things that encompass games then I can see how those two games completely "outclass" horizon but I and plenty of other people care about story,characters,combat etc and horizon was easily better in those categories than botw and odyssey

rainslacker2421d ago

Massively outclassed?


Both games were really good. I feel H:ZD had a better story, better side quest structure, and generally more exciting battle game play, and there was plenty to do.. Zelda was more fun to explore and there was plenty to do. Graphics in both were different, but both were great and fit into the game. Game play mechanics were solid and well executed, and varied enough in both to just be a subjective matter of what was better.

Both games deserve GOTY. You can't really go wrong playing either. I plan on playing Frozen wilds soon to get more of H:ZD(got the plat, and may work on the NG+ stuff at the same time). I plan on playing BOTW again when I get my Switch(played it on WiiU before).

Haven't played Mario Odyssey yet to compare, but given the reception, I'm sure it deserved the win also.

Truthfully, this was a great year for games, so why all the belittling of a great game because you feel that BOTW was better? Your opinion is obviously not the common consensus, and there are plenty of people who liked Horizon who can give BOTW credit where it's due. It's a shame that these two games were pitted against each other as if it could only be one good one among them.


"the folks that I have talked to who have played this game, they have all said that it's definitely gorgeous to look at but doesn't hold their attention long enough"

You should expand your social circle then.

goldwyncq2421d ago

It's probably the lack of relatable characters. As good as the worldbuilding was, none of the characters really stood out for me. Aloy was boring as heck.The game would have been way better if Rost was the main protagonist. Shame he had to die before the game even began.

Christopher2421d ago

***It's probably the lack of relatable characters.***

And Zelda is just chalked full of those...

And, honestly, completely disagree. The characters in HZD were well rounded and developed and not the stereotypical types ones come to see in most WRPGs.

badz1492421d ago


"It's probably the lack of relatable characters."

and you are praising BoTW?? Link is paper-thin if we're talking character-wise. there's no depth, close to no story...NOTHING! even the freakin Knack has more character than Link TBH! Aloy is a more developed character by a landslide compared to Link!

+ Show (12) more repliesLast reply 2421d ago
moegooner882422d ago (Edited 2422d ago )

Then why did it grab multiple awards during Joystick awards. The one, where “ folks “ actually vote ? Reaching much ?

gangsta_red2422d ago

"Then why did it grab multiple awards during..."

Don't know, not really sure if you are expecting a solid answer from me since I also have no idea why it didn't take GOTY over Zelda.

AspiringProGenji2422d ago (Edited 2422d ago )

I like or when people who haven’t played certain game (im assuming he hasn’t played it either) bring their imaginary friends to their arguments. Like if what a couple of people say about a game really means anything... That is Confirmation bias at best

Ashlen2422d ago (Edited 2422d ago )

Yea, at least with Golden Joysticks there is disclosure of how the games are selected. And that is people vote and the game with the most votes wins.

With The Game Awards everything is done behind the scenes there is tons of money trading hands and no one really knows how anything is picked. And honestly I don't really trust the Doritos Pope to not sell out for a few extra bucks.

Note: It doesn't bother me than Zelda won, this is just a criticism of The Game Awards.

gangsta_red2422d ago

"I like or when people who haven’t played certain game.."

I actually haven't played the game which is why I asked the people that did what they thought.

"...bring their imaginary friends to their arguments."

Damn, did I forget to take my pills again? I was wondering why my friends had horse heads, bat wings and 6ft top hats on....and arguments, I was leaving an opinion on the topic.

"That is Confirmation bias at best"

Yeah, I am sure if i said my imaginary friends gave birth through their eyes when playin HZD you would invite me over to the treehouse with fresh baked confirmation cookies.

senorfartcushion2421d ago

Because the ps4 has sold more units thus making the number of civilian voters who would vote for Horizon automatically larger than people who have bought other consoles and PCs.

The Ps4 has a bigger community so it will get more community votes.

Liqu1d2421d ago

He hasn't even played the game (no surprise there) but he can't help but chat nonsense.

moegooner882421d ago (Edited 2421d ago )

Senorfartcushion. I didn’t think I would come across a comment more ridiculous than the above one, but you actually did it. Bravo. Using that logic no exclusive would ever beat a multiplat game. Now, go join your red pal in the reaching corner.

Cobra9512421d ago (Edited 2421d ago )

I thought SenorFartCushion was exactly right. If the unvetted crowds get a significant percent of the vote, then the awards become a popularity contest. If one gaming system dominates the market, results get skewed toward it. Actual merit wouldn't count for much. And that's fine, as long as we know it's a popularity contest, like People's Choice Awards. That's not what we have here, though.

OpenGL2421d ago

If you think that allowing everyone to vote is the best choice, PUBG would win since it sold more than 20 million copies.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 2421d ago
Jinger2422d ago

I played around 6 hours of it and got bored. It didn't feel like anything new gameplay wise. It really gets bogged down by the standard open world stuff, freeing bandit controlled areas, sooo... mannyyyy.... tracking missions that lasted too long, map littered with random collectibles. The dungeons repeated and were really simple.

Nothing grabbed me unfortunately :/

2pacalypsenow2422d ago

Are you talking about BOTW or HZD?

Redemption-642422d ago

He is more than likely talking about HZD, which means, he just played or finished playing the tutorial of the game and don't know about 90% of what the game has to offer. Hell when i played games like the Witcher 3, Skyrim, Boarderlands, dark souls 1 it took me between 7-10 hours to get hooked. I have actually seen a lot of xbox fanboys claim to have put HZD down just after 4 hours, exposing themselves for only played the tutorial area, in an other wise 40-50 plus hour long game.

Jinger2422d ago


Could be said for both I guess. I also don't agree Zelda getting GOTY, but this comment was specifically for HZD.

Jinger2422d ago


I can't find an exact playtime on my PSN account on PC, but I definitely got passed the tutorial. I did get my first override core and I think I'm level 18 or 19?

By that time I felt like I was doing the same stuff over again, and those tracking missions were seriously a bore. I mean they were often, and way too long.

bolimekurac2422d ago

danoman a lot of us simply got bored with hzd, its repetetive, but it is a great game

Dark_Knightmare22422d ago

Oh you mean the like 6 bandit camps like are done in like five mins lol,you complain about tracking when you're a hunter and looking for machines,people etc lol that's a new one especially compared to a game like witcher 3 which had tons more tracking that really did wear out it's welcome, map was littered with like only four different collectibles and they def weren't random they all told stories and finally there were only four or five dungeons out of a 50 to 60 hour game and each one yes had a machine at the end to defeat but were different getting to them and what they ultimately unlocked. It really seems like you didn't even play the game with your ridiculous comment

RommyReigns2422d ago (Edited 2422d ago )

'I can't find an exact playtime on my PSN account on PC, but I definitely got passed the tutorial. I did get my first override core and I think I'm level 18 or 19? '

Your trophy record on the game is a good indicator of how far you have progressed in the game. Judging from your description being level '18 or 19' takes approx 17 hours, but it does not match with your initial comment of 'I played around 6 hours of it...' and your description of [presumably completed] game-play elements in game. Either you have a faint memory of the game because you 'got bored' and lost track of in game time, or you are trolling harder than that prepubescent GameBro, SmoothNinja and Rookie combined.

rainslacker2421d ago (Edited 2421d ago )

I guess the major plot lines that could be explored deeper through the bigger side quests wouldn't change your mind on that. Unless you go out of your way, you wouldn't be freeing a bandit camp at 6 hours in. You'd barely be past the 2nd town after leaving the starting area.

I suppose the big side quests that give you new abilities to control the robots also wasn't worth exploring. The hunter challenges that give you new things to play with.

The "dungeons" weren't really dungeons. Most of the "dungeons" were actually integrated into the main map.

If you didn't get past 6 hours into the game, then you don't know enough to actually be able to say the things you do.

In any case, this is about which game deserved GOTY more. BOTW was bogged down in the same way, and honestly, the side stuff was less integrated into the story of Zelda. There were some good challenges in there though.


He's making crap up. Just parroting things some other people said.

Jinger has nothing good to say about anything PS.

badz1492421d ago


you don't have any credibility here as you're the most vocal supporter of EA's scam in SWBF2. go pay your way to win in BF2

ChristopherJack2421d ago (Edited 2421d ago )

@danoman64 I hated Witcher 2 at first, but I pushed through & once I passed the jail part, learned to love it. Witcher 3 was similar, it wasn't until after I killed the griffin that I started to really love the game.

senorfartcushion2421d ago

Same here. Everytime I clicked on a new mission, i watched a cutscene and was greeted by that same light-yellow line that I would have no choice but to follow.

If I veered off the path, I couldn't go far because the entire first area was surrounded by mountains.

Kribwalker2421d ago

i finished it. it took me a long time to do it as i couldn’t get into it but i’m one of the 35% that finished it.
i felt the story wasn’t very good, i didn’t like the slow combat, i’m more of a AC Creed/Shadow of war combat fan. Quick and agile. To me it felt like a open world Ubisoft game, but not as good

RommyReigns2421d ago


'35%' completion out of millions who have bought and played/activated the game on a PS4, is a lot of players considering it takes around 35-40 hours to complete the main story.

+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 2421d ago
2422d ago Replies(3)
LoveSpuds2422d ago

Have to disagree squire, the story in this game has you desperate to reach the end because it is so well constructed and told....you need to find new friends to discuss games with, your current crop are clueless 😂

Chevalier2420d ago

His friends are all clueless trolls who own Xbox. They wouldn't know a good game if it smacked them in the face.

Aceman182422d ago (Edited 2422d ago )

I enjoyed its story more than zelda and I gave that game a 10 for experience. Horizon was the best story I played this year out of the games I have played. For me it's even the greatest zelda game made.

Horizon/Mario are my co-goty this year.

All 3 games were 10s in my book.

rainslacker2421d ago

I found Zelda's story to be mostly cursory and not fully developed. It was a complete story, just not that deep. The characters were modeled more around the notion that we knew who these characters are, and understand their motivations. I notice big zelda fans who have played almost all of them in the past 20 years seem to think it's a really good and deep story, while others who only play Zelda here or there seem to think it's not all that robust. I'm in the latter category. Wasn't terrible, but seemed more like a pretense than a major part of the game.

Otherwise, I believe all the games deserve it. If you get to play any or all of them, then you will have a good time(at least I assume with Mario Odyssey given it's reception....I'll play it soon).

I'm not upset that Horizon was snubbed. The VGA's are meaningless, and the results are always just fan boy fodder, while the awards themselves are just a way for the promoters to make some money, and it's a way for Kheiley to stroke his ego.

badz1492421d ago


come on...there's no story in BoTW or Mario. if you still consider "save the princess" as a "story", what are you? 10??

Aceman182421d ago


I think it's fairly obvious why Mario is my co-goty. It sure as hell wasnt its story 😩

Also I want to clarify my zelda comment, I meant to say that BoTW isnt even the greatest zelda game I've played even though I gave it a 10 lol.

Dark_Knightmare22422d ago (Edited 2422d ago )

Yeah I'm sure you talked to so many people who said that lol. It's weird how according to psn trophies more people have played and beat horizon compared to other games like witcher 3,nioh and tons of other games and we all know people rarely finish games

gangsta_red2422d ago

Never said I talked to "so many" people, and the people I talked with don't equal all of PSN.

"It's weird how according to psn trophies..."

Yeah, that is so strange that PSN trophies represents every single person in the world.

rainslacker2421d ago

psn trophies represent the people that actually played the game. So, I assume that those you talked to would be included in those numbers.

Horizon currently has 35% of it's player base who have completed the game. Almost 8% played it to platinum...which itself is pretty high. 45% played it long enough to reach level 50....which takes about 40 hours of serious grind completing many side quests or 60 hours of casual grind. Anywhere between 40-60% of people completed various long running major side quests which span different portions of the game and some of those actual quests could take hours to finish.

Those are pretty high percentages, which are actually verifiable, and more representative of how the player base felt about the game compared to your anecdotal friends.

gangsta_red2421d ago


Awesome numbers...how unfortunate that it has nothing to do with what I stated or is actually the point of my comment.

The friends I talked with said they liked it but didn't finish it...that doesn't automatically mean people here should start checking the status sheets, analytics and metrics to confirm the percentage ratio on who these people were.

Aenea2421d ago

Funny thing that, I had quite the opposite. I was bummed out I finished Horizon while with Zelda I got bored after awhile.

Most people I talked to have the same feeling as well...

gangsta_red2421d ago

That is funny, that we would all have different friends, with different tastes, that like different things.

Who would think such a thing??

Aenea2420d ago

"Who would think such a thing??"

Hence why it was silly of you to even bring up the "friends you talked to" which later on became "a friend" isn't it??

gangsta_red2420d ago

How is it silly, the friends that I have spoken to say it was an interesting game but not a game that held their attention for long, and this could be a reason Zelda took the award and Horizon took none.

Maybe the committee for these awards felt the same way.

So yes, different people have different views but for the sake and topic of this article I'm leaving my thoughts as to why, not debating all of our "friends" who enjoyed Horizon.

I know this is difficult for you Aenea and I appluad your strength for resisting to not mention "Xbox fans".

"...which later on became "a friend" isn't it.

Uh oh...making things up again?

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 2420d ago
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Summer Game Fest 2024 exciting leaks, rumors and confirmed studios

Summer Game Fest 2024 is right around the corner, and there are exciting leaks and rumors online in addition to confirmed studios.

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Lightning7753d ago

Borderlands 4 is suppose to show up also but meh I didn't like that last one tbh. I beat it and everything I just didn't care for the characters and it was pretty much the same thing. Franchise needs a complete overhaul.

jznrpg52d ago

@Lightning77 I didn’t like the last Borderlands either. 1 was my favorite 2 was good as well but 3 I quit playing early in and I will skip 4 most likely.

anast52d ago

yep, I'm hyped for this one.


I'm hoping that Nintendo shows Metroid Prime 4 in some form, even a 30sec gameplay trailer would be fine. Most likely it will only be on a Nintendo Direct.

thesoftware73052d ago

Switch 2, most likely; they will use it to showcase the new system's graphical power.


Hmm, it might be both, Switch and Switch 2 just like how Twilight Princess came out on GameCube and Wii.

FlameWater53d ago

At least give me Age of Mythology


Sony Has Added More Titles To The List of Games Leaving PS Plus In May 2024

Sony Interactive Entertainment has added a few more titles to the list of games that will be leaving PS Plus in May, 2024.

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darthv7281d ago

curious... if a game leaves PS+, does it make it unplayable if you have already claimed it before it leaves? I know on the XB side, games leaving Gamepass are no longer playable. You need to pay for them to be able to continue playing after you installed them from GP.

CrimsonWing6981d ago

The 3 monthly “free” games you keep as long as you have PS+ subscription. The PS+ library is like Netflix. They rotate stuff out and replace them with other titles.

MrNinosan81d ago

Yes, PS+ Extra/Premium games are unplayable after the leave the service, just like GamePass and Netflix.
PS+ Essentials games are available as long as you have an active PS+ account.

Profchaos80d ago

Monthly games, special promos like the free games during COVID or PS plus bundle on ps5 are forever yours. Premium and above are time limited

If you claim a game on the premium tier (not yours to keep) and it comes out as a monthly games later e.g. fallout 76 it appears you do not retain ownership on that one.

Notsofast80d ago

The 3-4 monthly games that are free that are part of every service are yours forever I canceled my service over a year and you never lose access. I dont know what these other comments are talking about maybe they are in a different country but in the USA I could play any game I claimed of the free monthly games

MrNinosan80d ago

Then one of the accounts on your PS5 probably has a PS+ Essential subscription.
Because the 3-4 PS+ games you get every month, is not available to be played if you don't have an active sunscription.
It's the same in US, Europe, Japan and everywhere else.

Petebloodyonion80d ago

Essential stays in your library
Extra and premium become locked when titles leave the service.

It's actually one of my gripes with Extra, you can't remove the title from your own library, so basically it countss as one your title but it's locked so you own library become a cluster F... unless you filter your titles.

MrNinosan80d ago

Well you can just chose to hide them.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 80d ago
-Foxtrot81d ago

Wonder if Horizon ZD leaving gives credit to those remake rumours

Sigh. If true…another remake that’s not Bloodborne.

SimpleDad81d ago

Probably yes cause of a remake.

Skuletor81d ago

I still remember them giving that one away for free, regardless of if you were subscribed to Plus or not

ApocalypseShadow80d ago (Edited 80d ago )

They did. It was during the pandemic and the "play at home" initiative.

Horizon Zero Dawn Complete Edition. Sony gave away a lot of games just to push gamers to stay home and not get infected by COVID.

Eonjay80d ago

I think you're right.
There is a separate Bloodborne rumor by the remake is allegedly scheduled for next gen.

Kingrizzy9080d ago

Yes cause of the remake good thing I got the plat
And is bloodborn really that good? I never played it due to being Incarcerated 8½ years but I read the comics. It's pretty dark

Profchaos80d ago (Edited 80d ago )

Highly likely I also bet the remaster will be over priced and under whelming.

I'd also bet most people will simply stick with the PS4 pro and ps5 60fps patch over paying to upgrade when it offers the bare minimum.

I hope Sony has learnt from the last of us 2 and stop remastering games that just came out they have nearly 30 years of content to work with but always remaster games that are like 5 years old and don't need it. I assume this was In development alongside tlou2 so fingers crossed this is the last time we get this because what's next god of war on PS4 to ps5 for 70 dollars probably anything outside of bloodborne

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 80d ago
Friendlygamer81d ago

Glad I played sundered and the messenger, both great 2d games

gold_drake80d ago

ahh the messenger is such a good game.

u should play sea of starts. same people, its a sort of prequel to the messenger tok

Friendlygamer80d ago

Oh I will definitely play it eventually, chained echoes too

Jingsing80d ago

Can N4G adopt a policy of games leaving subscription services as not being a new story, it is just spam at this point.

Petebloodyonion80d ago

Is it me or have there been a lot of great games leaving the extra tier but barely anything in terms of wow factor joining the service in return?
When was the last time that Sony added a PlayStation studio game?
Now I don't expect Sony to have day 1 like Gamepass but I would expect to at least care to make the offering interesting especially when they raised the price by 30% last year.

MrNinosan80d ago

PS Studio Games:
May - Destiny 2: Lightfall
April - MediEvil, Jak&Daxter: The Lost Frontier,
March - CoolBoarders

What Playstation Studio games is it you're missing?

Petebloodyonion80d ago

let me check my comment again
" Is it me or have there been a lot of great games leaving the extra tier but barely anything in terms of wow factor joining the service in return? "
Yeah pretty sure I mentioned the EXTRA tier and not the PREMIUM tier
but glad that you consider a DLC to a free-to-play game a great offering

MrNinosan80d ago

I repeat my question, what PS Studio games is it you're missing?

And regarding the first part of your comment, lots of great games leaving and nothing added?

What great games iyo has left the service?
For me, "wow-factor games added would be".
Dave the Diver, Tales of Kenzera, Raji, Miasma, The Outer Worlds, Resident Evil 3, Ace Attorney, Rainbow Six Siege, AC: Valhalla, Far Cry 6, Watch Dogs Legion, Both Southpark jrpgs, Fenyx Rising, Tales of Arise, Session, Lego Worlds, Vampire the Masquerade Swansong, Legends of Mana....

And many more.

Compared to what has been removed, the adds are better than the 'offs'.


DF Weekly: Do we actually need The Last of Us Part 2 and Horizon Zero Dawn remasters?

With the details we now have in terms of features and pricing, I don't think there are any significant concerns remaining - just that perhaps that the term 'remastered' in the title is a little misplaced. Essentially, what we're dealing with here is broadly equivalent to a release along the lines of Death Stranding: Director's Cut. It's the original game with a dash of extra content and additional visual modes that tap into the power of PlayStation 5.

Read Full Story >>
-Foxtrot239d ago

Bloodborne, Infamous, Killzone, Resistance, Puppeteer, Jak and Daxter etc are all better choices

Even a full on remake of Drakes Fortune I’d take

PrinceOfAnger239d ago

killzone 2/3 definitely a better choice, i have recently finished the games on pc and thought about that, a full remake like demon souls is even better

darthv72238d ago

2&3 are still fine... I'd take the first one as a full remake before the others. They could flesh out more of the backstory that the sequels touch on. Even go deeper into the lore of Helgan.

specialguest238d ago

KZ 2/3 would be amazing. KZ 2 was a graphical masterpiece back then. With today's modern tech, all of those tricks Guerilla Games did to create the effects like the lighting, storm effects, etc, they could now be done in real-time and more realistic

Cacabunga238d ago

Killzone 2-3
Golden Abyss remake
Infamous 2

RaidenBlack239d ago

Uncharted 1 still got a decent remaster for 8th gen ... a remake is not that much of a requirement ...
instead remake candidates should be from 5th or 6th gen
and as for proper remasters (not just lazy res upscale): Killzone 2 & 3 obviously and also Resistance/inFamous (as well as MGS4 :P)

-Foxtrot239d ago

My point with the list is that I’d rather see those titles than what we are getting…titles which are only 3-5 years old and still hold up today

CrashMania238d ago

Sony own the Demons Souls and Bloodborne IP, I wish they'd do something with Bloodborne at the very least.

vfl523238d ago

The way you worded that makes me think you don't realize they already remade demon souls

238d ago
GamingSinceForever238d ago

Not one of those will sell more copies than TLOU2 Remaster. The sooner we realize that these gaming sites and their followers are less than 1% of the buying public the better off we’ll be.

Sure we prefer newer titles but this is business and a business is what Sony is running.

JackBNimble238d ago

Don't you think they could be doing something better with their time and money, like maybe making something new? Or have they become lazy and just reliving the past with the same old games over and over.

Gez ... do something fresh and new already .

notachance238d ago

I'd rather for them to go Square Enix route and remake/remaster their PS1 libraries instead of these unnecessary remaster

come on, legend of dragoon..

Gamingsince1981238d ago

What's with the "need" anyway ? This is video games, no one needs them at all, we need water , we need air, we don't need games.

Barlos238d ago

I would love a remake/remaster of KZ1. For its time it really pushed the PS2 hard and because of that it had a few issues. This is begging to be given the Bluepoint touch and brought up to date. I'd love to see an updated Killzone trilogy collection for sure.

Yi-Long238d ago

Sony killed the game and the studio behind it, but a Remaster of the excellent Driveclub would absolutely be my favorite release if it happened. Just a delicious racing game.

FinalFantasyFanatic238d ago (Edited 238d ago )

So many better choices, I can't fathom why reasonably recent games are getting picked over Classics that are more deserving.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 238d ago
Battlestar23238d ago

Well I want a Horizon Zero Dawn remaster especially if it's an upgrade to Forbidden West Graphics and Animation.

238d ago Replies(2)
Duke19238d ago

Nope. But HD remasters are an easy cash grab that the masses shovel cash for because while they complain about remakes, they still buy them


Not if they release on a platform that never received the original in the first place like PC.

46player238d ago

No complaint here, I want the updated graphics.

Ra3030238d ago

My thoughts on this is do we need Richard Leadbetter's or Digital Foundry's opinion on anything........ever? I know I don't they do nothing for me and never have.

specialguest238d ago

You may not, but tons of people do since the video has 4,700 Likes to 112 Dislikes

Chocoburger238d ago

That guy is a buffoon, DF Direct is the best gaming podcast around. I look forward to it every week.

BehindTheRows238d ago

By that same token, some may not NEED remasters, while others may/do.

Amplitude238d ago (Edited 238d ago )

DF videos are typically absolutely amazing game reviews first and foremost. They have great intros, explain the mechanics well, tell you if they enjoyed it or not (I usually vibe well with John's games personally), and then they have the best tech breakdowns of a game's performance which is very very important to me. I want to know what settings to run at on PC, and on PS5 I wanna know if the 60fps mode runs well or not because if it doesn't... well I'll just get it on PC (If it isn't completely broken there too). DF Retro is also always unbelievably interesting and super well edited and inspired my YouTube channel which just crossed 1200 subs (wooo!). They helped me a lot with understanding game development and got me interested in goofing around with game engines and PC building in general back in the day.

I don't mean any offence by this but you sound like somebody who skims their analysis videos, selectively scrolls to the stats, says "who cares?", and then closes it. Or possibly somebody who watches (stolen) cut clips on TikTok? Even if you are somehow unaffected by blurry images and fluctuating frame rates (some people are and I envy you) I recommend watching a full DF episode one day. They're extremely interesting and I watch literally all of them even if I have no interest in the game.

VonAlbrecht238d ago

"I personally don't enjoy this extremely well-presented and highly informative content so it shouldn't exist."

-Ra3030, Nobel Peace Prize Nominee

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