
Gamespot: TGS 2008: Suikoden Tierkreis Hands-On

Gamespot: "Though the locations and cast members have changed throughout its history, the Suikoden series has traditionally been known as a character-heavy role-playing adventure on a grand scale. In Suikoden Tierkreis, the series ventures to the DS for the first time, but seems to be preserving the pillars on which its success was built. There are 108 unique characters throughout the game that you can meet, recruit, and form relationships with, and you'll do so during an adventure that starts small, but soon blossoms into an epic endeavor. We visited Konami's booth at Tokyo Game Show 2008 and spent some time adventuring, battling, and fast-forwarding through a whole lot of Japanese dialogue."

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What should people know about Suikoden?

Whenever people talk about RPG series they would like to see make a comeback, Suikoden is often among the titles named. This Konami turn-based series is known for its massive character rosters, underdog stories where a newly form army challenges and triumphs against an established, opposing force and overarching storylines and concepts. It might be a little daunting, attempting to determine how to get into such a series. Well, [Michibiku is] here to help [readers] get into Suikoden!

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PhoenixUp2507d ago

That it's on PSN so you don't have to pay high prices on eBay to play it

gangsta_red2507d ago

It's a game that should have been brought back for today's consoles.

Fullmetalevolust2507d ago

It is one of the best JRPG's released in Ps1/Ps2 era and needs a revival or an HD collection. Super cheap when it's on sale, can play it on ps3, psvita. It has an amazing story and great gameplay.

gamejediben2507d ago

The greatest 2D RPG series on the PS1. While Suikoden II has the best overall story, I'd put Suikoden V as second best in the series. Also for the love of all that is good and holy, skip Suikoden IV. Its almost unplayable. I'd rank the series as follows:

Suikoden II > Suikoden V > Suikoden > Suikoden III > Suikoden Tactics > Suikoden Tierkreis > eating a steaming pile of dog shit > Suikoden IV

Gaming4Life19812507d ago

Luca Blight was lord on suikoden 2 and that is all that matters!

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The Cosmic Concerto: Suikoden Tierkries Soundtrack Review

A review of the GameStop preorder bonus soundtrack and artbook to Suikoden Tierkreis.


Suikoden Revival Movement: Operation Blinking Mirror

Miss Suikoden? Wondering where Suikoden VI is? The Suikoden Revival Movement has a plan to get Konami's attention.

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Lucreto3966d ago

I am watching TGS. I have a feeling something Suikoden related will be announced.

The movement has make some headway. Konami Uk recognised Suikoden Day.

3-4-53966d ago


Just getting into the Suikoden Series so I would love more Suikoden games.

3966d ago
KingofGambling3966d ago

Come on, Konami.
Bring back the Suikoden series.

Foxgod3966d ago

Only if its not another lame game like the psp one.
The DS one was OK, but also lacked a lot of features that a real Suikoden needs.

AzureskyZ3965d ago

i didnt like the ds one either-- at least when compared to the other installments

XboxFun3966d ago

We need a true Suikoden game on the next gen consoles!

I would love to play a HD installment on the Xbox One!

bangoskank3966d ago

Creating 108 characters along with villains and other supporting characters in a huge land of various nations will be no easy feat to develop on next gen consoles. I'd be happy if we at least got a true sequel on the Vita. And why would it be on xboxone? The numbered Suikoden games were PS exclusive except for the 1st which was ported to the Saturn and only released in Japan.

XboxFun3966d ago

"will be no easy feat to develop on next gen consoles.

If they can make living, breathing worlds like GTA and WatchDogs (etc., etc.)then something like Suikoden should be no problem.

Why wouldn't it be on Xbox One? A number of Sony only jrpg's have already made it's home on Xbox. Konami has made all multiplatform games, why would this be any different.

wishingW3L3966d ago (Edited 3966d ago )

they could make like an indie game with some decent graphics like this guy is doing... Alone! edit: well, since I can't post links because it says that it looks like spam then just look for "Soul Saga" on Youtube.

High production values are not needed in Suikoden, all they need is the art-style to be charming enough to draw the attention of people.

MoveTheGlow3966d ago

"If they can make living, breathing worlds like GTA and WatchDogs (etc., etc.)then something like Suikoden should be no problem."

Look, I loved Suiko 1 through 5, and there's absolutely no way that a Konami Suikoden team could be equated with Rockstar or Ubisoft. Those companies see a huge amount of customers for their two games you just mentioned, so massive projects with huge teams were invested in, hoping that the giant amounts of money thrown at the projects will generate a profit. There is nowhere near that type of audience for Suikoden, and therefore nowhere near that amount of money.

I'd love to see an HD two-dimensional sequel to Suikoden 2. None of this next-gen polygon pushing, just oodles of content with a distinctively Suikoden aesthetic and awesome music. Heck, throw the kind of money a Disgaea game gets at that, and you'll most likely wind up with a fine title, far better than the corner-cutting you'd have to see with a "next gen" triple-a game.

AzureskyZ3966d ago (Edited 3966d ago )

@ Xbox not saying that it wont happen but more than likely it wont happen-- unlike some of konamis team suikoden is team is not only small but its budget is pretty small compared to other titles they produce-- its one of the few games that they produce one system at a time--- Xbox in marketing world is a financial suicide as xbox jrpg sales pale in comparison to likes of playstation or nintendo-- hate to say it but if you dig jrpgs maybe you looking at the wrong system-- xbox is catered to more shooters and action oriented games-- which appeals american and European audiences-- by no means does this mean xbox wont get jrpgs as it will but smaller and niche market jrpgs simply dont have a market in xbox world-- and no company is gonna risk releasing it when 360 failed in this market miserably.

--To point out a few Tales V, Star, Eternal Sym were titles that was released as 360 exclusive but moved to playstation because of lack of sales-- blue dragon series shifted to nintendo-- and we havent seen anything meaningful from mist walker for ms. Lost odyssey was good but mistwalker doesnt have any relations with sony so there was no port--- new tales are all on sony or ninty atm

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