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Boycotting Lootbox Games: Put Up or Shut Up

EA is no stranger to facing boycotts from consumers, with the latest PR disaster being a prime example. But does the gaming giant have anything to fear? Or will the gaming community fall back after a couple weeks of enjoying the outrage?

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Community2403d ago
uth112403d ago

They will fall back.

There was just as much outrage over the last Battlefront

fenome2403d ago

Unfortunately that's true, and they'll just try to cool the flames with PR spin and BS while they wait to see if it actually impacted sales, and even if it does actually impact sales they'll probably make so much money of the crap we're all bitching about that it won't matter to them anyways...

It would be nice if gamers actually stood up to this and it did mess with sales though, they only way they'll listen is if you mess with their money. That's all that matters to them, hard numbers.

The thing that bugs me the most is I wonder how many people are "up in arms" here tapping their keyboards while their pre-order is still in place :\

Jinger2403d ago (Edited 2403d ago )

The thing is the people on this site, the gaming enthusiasts, the "hardcore" gamer, are a pretty small percentage of their market.That's why you will see outrage for these things, but not much will change.

You can say "well look at all the downvotes that reddit comment got" Yeah well for one even if it gets a million downvotes, not all of those people are even planning on buying it or they are just jumping on the "Largest downvoted comment in reddit history" hype train. The sad reality is the people who are going to boycott are a damn drop in a bucket compared to the casual market who are the people who will buy MT's anyway.

AspiringProGenji2403d ago (Edited 2403d ago )

“That's why you will see outrage for these things, but not much will change.“

Then why are they fixing progression and discounting key heroes in this game? It is all thanks to the outrage that they aren’t getting away with their greedy practices. Regardless of how much this will still sell, this controversy will teach companies a lesson and not treat us all like we are all stupid. Gamers shouldn’t bend over and accept anythig like this easily. It doesn’t do this industry any favor

The uneducated and conformist consumer may let them get away, but the hardcore, educated consumers have spoken, and that won’t fall on deaf ears. Besides, EA should know better what happens when the hardcore says NO! Remember Crysis 3 and Dead Space 3?

DillyDilly2403d ago

This wont impact sales but it will impact the game after people beat the story mode & the servers will be empty

arkard2403d ago

Gamers are standing up. Including petitions to declare lootboxes as gambling, contacting news stations to run stories and much more. There is much more out lash at this then there ever was at BF1.

fenome2403d ago


Yes, they lowered the cost of heroes/villains, which would be a positive step, but they also lowered the rewards from completing the campaign by around the same ratio. They just switched some numbers around to calm people down, it didn't really change anything.

And the whole adding cool downs "so people don't exploit" offline modes is just a load of crap when it's okay to exploit cards you pay cash for.

I'm sorry, but this company is just scummy and taking advantage of one of my favorite hobbies and I hate it. They've got so many talented devs and good IPS under them too, it would be amazing to see what kind of games they could really make if EA just backed off a little and really let them shine.


You're right, this one is definitely raising a lot of eyebrows. It's good to see people actually get behind something. Anxious to see how this all plays out.

ZeroX98762403d ago

to be completely honest, I've put at least 30$ in Rocket league on PS4 to open some loot crates. Had some good draws and I don't really regret investing in it. This is the only game I've ever bought micro transactions though.

Only aesthetic unlocks, that's what micro-transactions should be for, so no gameplay impact.

I almost bought some microtransactions on the battlefield series (3&4). Got the game on Playstation to play it with some other friends on console, but I didn't have any unlocks since I was playing on PC before. It was damn hard to beat anyone with an aircraft, because they had tons of upgrades and you had none. EXCEPT if you paid like 12.99 and you would get the aircraft unlocks in one go. This for me is the wrong way to do it and looking at those Battlefront 2 articles, it seems it's exactly like this.

morganfell2403d ago (Edited 2403d ago )

Both the PS4 and X1 Editions are still in the top 20 at Amazon. Does that mean anything? Possibly, possibly not. Amazon claims their numbers are updated hourly but frankly this is misleading. I contacted them when I noticed items that were completely sold out - listed as Unavailable We Will Notify You When The Item Is In Stock and yet these items remained for days in the top 5. It does say though that the games at least peaked at their current positions though thus far for the month neither edition can break the top 20 on Amazon. Both versions also remain in the top 10 at Best Buy.

rainslacker2403d ago


Lets assume that the reddit downvotes somehow equate to boycotts. Not all of them will, but others in other forums might, but lets just keep it at 1/2 million for ease of making my point, since you often fail to comprehend anything.

500K sales X $30 in publisher revenue(average pull per copy sold) = 15 million dollars.

15 million dollars in initial game sales revenue. That's probably around 25-30% of the budget for this game.

Even if it's only half that, that's 7 million in revenue. That's 12-15% of the likely budget of this game.

No matter how you try to marginalize the impact the hardcore community has, that's a pretty significant sum of money. That's a lot of money to make up through $5-10 microtransactions, particularly when those microtransactions are purchased by less than 10% of the total user base.

Lets put it into more perspective. The last game sold about 13 million copies. Assuming this does that same, this means that at the high end, you'd have 1.3 million people buying MT. If we say the average purchase is $7.50, that's a grand total of another 9.75 million dollars. So, assuming the lower end, they made an additional 2.75 million dollars over what they could have done by just making a good game that people would be willing to buy.

But on the flip side, they're damaging their ability to make this game a long term GaaS, all because they want to milk customers and maximize revenues. To me though, the small gain here seems to not really be worth the grief and negative PR they are getting, which continuously puts EA in a position where more and more people are getting fed up with their practices.

Sure, overall, EA will still make out fine, they would have without putting in a single MT as well. But if you think EA doesn't care about that "small percentage" of gamers not buying their game, you'd be greatly mistaken. This isn't something where maybe a few thousand people stick to their guns and don't buy the game, but potentially hundreds of thousands. That is not an insignificant number, even if it's only a small portion of the total buyer base. There are plenty of games which would be successful or fail based on just a a couple hundred thousand sales. SW:BF isn't one of those games, but EA in no way just wants to lose that guaranteed revenue from the game sale itself. Why lose it over the potential sale? It's a dumb way to think, and EA is not dumb.

fenome2403d ago (Edited 2403d ago )


That's the perfect way to put it in perspective. There are plenty of titles EA can choose from to do this with their games. I'm hoping beyond hope that there will (eventually) be enough impact that they won't see it as worth it to lease the rights from Disney anymore and a better company (or companies) will be allowed to give us a proper Star Wars game (or games).

Still gutted about what could have been from Visceral if they were just allowed to create what they wanted to.

fiveby92402d ago

@Jinger I'm not so sure it's casuals who support MT's. I'd say if your willing to pay2win and keep spending money you are somewhat hardcore. It's clearly important to that consumer to win and not necessarily by earning it through gameplay but by any means necessary. A casual doesn't care if they lose so much. They move on to the next shiny penny. And a whale, well that's another whole league of stupidity. Casuals want to pay a fixed cost and ultimately move off the game in short order.

Alienating the core gamer market who want to play the game will cause the long-term playerbase to dwindle. Leaving few people for the Whales to play but each other.

So I don't feel the public outcry is falling on deaf ears. However, I am not so sure EA's recent decisions are solely due to public outcry. I think EA sees lots of cancellations gaining traction. I also think EA has some concern over the investigation by a pair of EU countries looking into gambling concerns. You know EA has lawyers there right now trying to nip that in the bud. The last thing EA needs is traction on that front. And lastly, I think they see potential traction on public outcry in social media over staying away from this game.

Would EA make money? Probably. But far less than they projected. EA is making moves but nobody really trusts them.

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2403d ago
Scatpants2403d ago

They lost me as a customer with the last Battlefront, at least as far as Battlefront games go. Such a ripoff and this new one seems to double down on the ripoff concept.

RommyReigns2403d ago

Two idiot members disagree-voting with your spot on comment. Battlefront 1 was an abhorrent rip off for being online only with barebones single player content, vastly casualised gameplay, that damn Han Solo blaster handed out to Deluxe players at launch, lack of heroes, on disc content held back on the season pass, no space battles (unless you get the season pass), I could go on and on. I am at least glad that Battlefront 2 is getting the shaft for the pay 2 win, EA yet again looking for ways to hide fallacies (and failing).

P.S - Overwatch got away with far worse in terms of content. And don't get me started on those lootboxes which started all this loot popularity/mainstream gaming nonsense we are now getting from loads of publishers, Thanks Blizzard, you sibling of Vivendi Activision for dooming us all!

prankster1012403d ago

EA are to the West what Nintendo are to the East.

Both hellbent on ripping off consumers with hidden sur-charges. EA do it through loot-boxes. Nintendo do it through shitty hardware.

You takes your pick and drink your poison.

Omnislashver362403d ago

I dislike Nintendo's hardware as much as the next guy, but to compare them with EA is a bit disingenuous.

danitanzo22403d ago

Through shitty hardware that's supposed to be cheaper than the competition so everyone can enjoy their games... so evil.

tehpees32403d ago

Did you seriously just compare the worst company in America to Nintendo?

-Foxtrot2403d ago

I think Nintendo does it on the Amiibos not hardware.

Jinger2403d ago

Nintendo has one of the worst MT practices I have ever seen. Who locks content behind a damn toy that are 1. sometimes very hard to find and 2. really expensive.

TheFirstClassic2403d ago

My problem with nintendo is that their first party games take forever to drop in price, but that doesn't compare to EA's cancer.

OnionThief2403d ago

To be fair Nintendo is a very anti-consumeristic company. And this is coming from someone who had owned every iteration of Nintendo hardware aside from the WiiU and also still to this day collects Gamecube games.

In the past they were notorious for price fixing and store intimidation. They had a very anti-developer stance, especially the smaller ones... This is one of the main reasons developers moved en masse to Sega and Sony.

Modern day Nintendo is still quite anti-consumeristic. They're the only company not to offer a loss-leader for their hardware and their currently supported handheld still utilises region locking (though this has been removed on the Switch). In addition to not offering any hardware value to the consumer, they artificially extend the value of games and accessories by creating limited supply. Although this is not true for all latest releases, price often seems to be maintained much higher than other systems. This is true for digital releases and preowned releases too, Fire Emblem Awakening for the 3DS released in 2012 is still full retail price on the eshop and barely and cheaper used.
However to compare to another system, Little Big Planet 2 for the PS3 now sells on the digital store for a fraction of what it released for. With a used copy even cheaper.
Factor in that Nintendo digital sales are both extremely rare and often mediocre, Nintendo offers both the worst value for money from both a hardware and a software perspective.

Although getting better with this, Nintendo created significantly less amiibos that they were aware demand for. By making demand much greater than supply, fans are forced to check in with the Nintendo website several times a day if they even stand a chance of picking up a new amiibo they want. Some like the new Metroid amiibos locking actual game functionality behind them settling out within minutes of going on store.

Nintendo may not milk as much in terms of software by the likes of EA, but in comparison to Sony and Microsoft everything they create has been designed to milk you the consumer.
From one perspective, one can liken them to EA. Especially if you're old enough to remember how bad they used to be.

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Many-hat52403d ago

This is one issue gamers must win

nitus102403d ago

I agree but unfortunately, there will be people who will buy into the loot crates and others won't care. It will be interesting to see the status of this game after a few week but even if it flops I am quite sure EA will have made enough profit off the "whales" and "dolphins".

BTW. A "whale" is a term used to describe an addicted gambler while "dolphin" is a term used to describe a person who won't gamble as much but there are many more of them than "whales". Together they make up over 90% of gambling revenue.

Segata2403d ago

I don't own any games with loot boxes. I would never buy them even if I had a game with them. I'm hesitant to even spend 5 bucks even on actual DLC.

nitus102403d ago (Edited 2403d ago )

The same is true for me but people like us are not the target of games that have a gambling component.

Personally, I don't have a problem with DLC if it expands on the game in a good (extra missions, story, challenges, ... etc) way. I am tentatively okay with microtransactions if they are cosmetic only although these can be the "thin end of the wedge" which make way for more so-called "must have" features.

I am definitely against "Pay to Win" and just outright refuse to participate but like I said previously people like me are not the target of this and you only need a small number of people (whales and dolphins) to make the appropriate purchases for the publishers to make additional money.

Usperg2403d ago

I died at that picture - brilliant!

2403d ago
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Get Star Wars Battlefront 2 Free on Prime Gaming: Epic Battles Await

Get Star Wars Battlefront 2 Free on Prime Gaming: Dive into Epic Battles and Iconic Heroes!

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ActualWhiteMan2d ago

2005 Version...

How generous 😒


Star Wars Battlefront 3: Is There Still Hope For A New Game?

Is Star Wars Battlefront 3 coming? Well, the correct answer is yes, no and maybe. It’s been six years since the second instalment, and fans are still waiting for confirmation of another sequel.

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Community185d ago
anast184d ago

Game companies are not mature enough to handle this concept without turning it into a casino.

shadowknight203184d ago

The remakes of battlefront should have been more simular to the originals. CoD/battlefield reskinned as Star Wars was not the anwser.


Star Wars: Battlefront II - Celebrating 18 Years of Galactic Warfare

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Community226d ago
mastershredder228d ago

Remembering or celebrating? It's Halloween yo, that's what people are celebrating.

franwex226d ago

The first game was really fun. I remember being disappointed with this one when it first released.

I went back last month actually, and had more fun than when released-but I still think the first one is superior. Do like the soundtrack!