
Wolfenstein 2: the biggest jump yet from PS4 Pro to Xbox One X?

Overall, the sense is that Xbox One X offers up a big win over the Pro in terms of image quality and delivers a beautiful 4K gaming experience, but the core gameplay remains much the same, and those performance issues can be intrusive.

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2396d ago Replies(7)
Gazondaily2396d ago

"That's essentially how the majority of the game unfolds. Up close, Xbox One X really does look all the better for its flexibility, and it's remarkable how often it does hold 4K, while Pro locks to 1440p"

Nice one. X delivering the goods!

"it's also interesting to note that Machine Games has pushed a couple of quality settings up over the Pro version. A comparison with PC - running on a GTX 1080 Ti at maximum settings and 4K - is telling when stacked up against Xbox One X too. "

Time to get that silly idea out of people's heads that this is the equivalent of 900p vs 1080p.

"Overall, the sense is that Xbox One X offers up a big win over the Pro in terms of image quality and delivers a beautiful 4K gaming experience, "

Well played for the BEAST

2396d ago Replies(16)
Father__Merrin2396d ago

no it isnt. both the ps4 and xbox one arived at the same time same price minus kinect, one mostly did 1080 one had to drop to 900, you are acting as if 1440p looks poor against 4k whilst 900p compared to 1080 certainly did. even now xbox one owners have sub par experiance whilst ps4 is mainly a solid experiance at 1080. cant wait to see how the x1 gets recieved especially after xmas period

2396d ago
2396d ago
zb1ftw7772396d ago

It's so poor that ps4 fanboys knocked 720p cod but couldn't tell the difference when the screenshots got mixed up.

No come back from that one friend. It happened.

mandingo2395d ago

Yea 1440p does look poor compared to 4K. Ohhhh too bad ohhhh

LastCenturyRob2395d ago

900pcompared to 1080p did NOT look bad. Whilst there were some difference it was not night and day. Also you are forgetting that even though many games ran at a higher res on PS4 a lot of those same games had slightly better or more stable frame rates on the X1.

UKRsoldja2395d ago (Edited 2395d ago )

That's hilarious. You think 900p looked poor on a 1080p display, which is 40% less than native, yet you don't think that 1440p looks bad, despite being over 200% less resolution of a 4k display....

2395d ago
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TankCrossing2396d ago

So much for 40% more powerful than the Pro. Teraflops are just one facet of the spec. Real world performance seems to place it at more like 100% more powerful.

Twice the power of the nearest competitor? I think that's more than most people anticipated, and suddenly the price point seems quite fair.

thehitman13982396d ago

Smh, 😐. There is so much wrong with your comment I don't even know where to start.

So I have come to the conclusion that you clearly are paid to promote. Good day troll, good day

TankCrossing2396d ago

It was a pretty short comment to have that much wrong, so I've come to the conclusion that you are either extremely lazy, or have no point to argue at all.

Kyizen2395d ago

Wow you are not very smart are you...

TankCrossing2395d ago

Mmm yes you raise an interesting point. However, even taking that into consideration I don't think it really changes anything.

Good chat though.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2395d ago
Obscure_Observer2396d ago

One console should not have all this power! Good job Xbox Team!

gangsta_red2396d ago

From the video, I wouldn't really know the differences without being told but on the Pro side I did notice some crushed blacks.

All in all this game looks really good on these mid gen upgrades and I heard it's a blast to play. Will have to get my Gamefly in order.

ziggurcat2395d ago

No, gangsta, the blacks aren’t crushed.

gangsta_red2395d ago

Yes, ziggurcat, they are.

ziggurcat2395d ago

No, they aren’t, gangsta. Please cite specific time signatures from the video that demonstrates any crushed blacks.

gangsta_red2395d ago (Edited 2395d ago )

Look your damn self in the video provided above and judge for yourself, the comparison is right there.

ziggurcat2395d ago (Edited 2395d ago )

I have looked, gangsta, and the black levels for both versions of the game shown in the video provided are identical. So, please... enlighten me on where these blacks on the PS4 Pro footage are allegedly "crushed."

gangsta_red2395d ago

I have looked too and ive seen them so if you can't then it's obvious that either your blind or ignoring them. So what exactly is the point of providing you time stamps when you have admitted you can't see them?

Clearly we'll just go back and forth with you always denying what's there. you're beyond a waste of time.

ziggurcat2395d ago

If you’ve looked, and you’ve seen them, then it should be very easy for you to point out the specific instances since the video is right there for you to be able to to that, gangsta.

The fact is that the black levels are identical on both versions, and they are not “crushed” in either version displayed above.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 2395d ago
MattE2396d ago

Very true.. + frame rate holds up quite well.. just think what the next wave of games will do next year on X with more DEV time. Quality console

ossyc2396d ago (Edited 2396d ago )

The beast......wtf are you talking about?

It's a £450.00 piece of junk lol

My 2TB SSD for my PC cost more than that, you guys are nuts!

Army_of_Darkness2396d ago

This is very impressive! The xboneX is definitely a beast. I'm actually happy for the owners of this new $500 console cause it really sounds like they are getting their monies worth. That's all groovy! I however am still happy with my pro and its semi-4k abilities because for me, anything over 1080p is one step better and sharper than the average, plus the performance improves as well :)

2395d ago
XStation4pio_Pro2396d ago (Edited 2396d ago )

A-FREAKING-MEN! i still can't get over how badass this machine is. every game i play on it just looks so much better. you notice it even more when you hop back on a different console. the differences are pretty striking. even on my One S F7 looks kinda simplified and aliased compared to my X. even the colors don't look at as good. my pro fares better comparatively than the one S but even it looks typically softer and less smooth in comparison.

Heavenly King2396d ago

The higher the resolutions, the less noticeable are the differences. So yeah it is basically the same as 900p vs 1080p.

Vectrexer2395d ago

Xbox One X The new Beast Master!

MagicBeanz2395d ago

Hey you conveniently forgot this quote, gee I wonder why.

"However, dynamic resolution scaling is in effect on both systems, with the Microsoft console more prone to deviating from its peak 4K output."

DanteVFenris6662395d ago (Edited 2395d ago )

I’m on the fence thay power doesn’t matter if your playing the same games. I game on all consoles but not Xbox because there is no reason to own one.

I even game on pc but for the good pc games like Starcraft, civilization, etc. Games that utilize the mouse and keyboard. Otherwise I prefer console. Xbox still hasn’t convinced me.

Aenea2395d ago

"play the game not the resolution"

-- Phil Spencer

Aenea2395d ago

"up close" your own quote says, sounds to me it's *just* like the 900/720p vs 1080p situation...

Kyizen2395d ago

Most gamers have a 1080p television and you think 1440p is poor??

+ Show (12) more repliesLast reply 2395d ago
PrinceOfAnger2396d ago

"2560x1440 is the peak output of the Pro, rising to a full-fat 3840x2160 on X, meaning a 2.25x increase in pixel-count that surprisingly remains in place in many areas of the game."

Impressive , I think doom will hit native 4k on X

2396d ago
Heavenly King2396d ago (Edited 2396d ago )

yeah, but the higher the resolutions, the less noticeable are the differences. On the living room both games will look almost the same because we dont play with 400% zoom.

M_Prime2395d ago (Edited 2395d ago )

You make a good point.. plus how the hell does everyone have 4K sets (with HDR) here? my 60" 1080P Sony is all I need, I don't want to pay $500 for a new console and another $1500-$2000 (at least) for another 60" TV.

my friend has a 4K TV and it looks slightly better but nowhere near the jump from 480 to 1080 was. Like not enough to buy a new TV. Also fun Fact, 1080P counts the lines from top to bottom on the screen for resolution.. 4K counts left to right, if you compared same to same it would be 1080 vs 2160, so it sounds like its 4x better by name but its 2x better at best and the human eye can only see so much resolution.

I remember when I used to care about all this stuff, now I have a family to think of, I'm just happy to get to play a few hours of games a week.

UKRsoldja2395d ago

M_Prime - Uh, what? 4k is 4 times the resolution of 1080... 3840x2160 VS 1920x1080. And you count top to bottom for both.

Aenea2395d ago

And most people either play on a regular Xbox One (or S) and/or don't own a capable 4k set. Also many people have a too small a TV for the distance they are playing at.

So most Xbox fans will still be playing the most inferior versions of multiplat games....

2395d ago
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Rude-ro2395d ago

Phil Spencer “But in the end I don’t want it to be about a number, because 1080p isn’t some mythical, perfect resolution. Frame rate to me is significantly more important to gameplay than resolution and the mix of those two which brings the right art style and freedom, whether it’s on PlayStation or our platform.”

Remember the ol goal post Xbox’s has to run with?
Good to see the second upgrade this gen finally reaches this gen +... you know, so it can... play the best third party versions? For a year or two... glad you all finally enjoy gaming 4 years into this gen.

Rude-ro2395d ago

It is a typo because of this website.
Continuously freezing and recovering.

FBNS2395d ago (Edited 2395d ago )

3840 x 2160 is not native 4k

4096 × 2160 is native 4k

Neither run at 4k 😘

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2395d ago
Shiken2396d ago

Cannot wait to play this on the Switch. Glad the game is doing well on all platforms.

zaherdab2395d ago

I think you will have to wait ...

Shiken2395d ago

Well yeah, it has already been confirmed for early 2018. It is a figure of speach stating that I am excited to play it but I want it for the Switch for portability.

However with DOOM, Xenoblade 2, Zelda DLC, and Mario I have plenty to keep me busy until it drops.

I also have Uncharted 4, Dark Souls 3, and Metal Gear Solid 5 in my backlog. So yeah, I am good.

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PlayStation Plus Game Catalog for April: Kena, Doom Eternal, Riders Republic and more

Also added this month: The Evil Within, Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom, Paradise Killer, Dishonored: Definitive Edition.

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MaximusPrime_418d ago

Riders republic. Nice. I never bought it but played beta twice. Good fun openworld game.

BigBosss418d ago

I have 3 other mates who like playing multiplayer games. Is this something we will all enjoy together?

Astrokis418d ago

It’s a really fun game when there’s a lot of people on but the player base dropped a lot compared to launch. This should help increase the amount online drastically.

It’s definitely a - I want to chill with my friends type of game so definitely check it out! Also it’s a huge improvement over Steep

MaximusPrime_418d ago

Sounds good. Also, Horizon Forbidden West Burning Shores DLC coming a day after. I'll be more likely spending time on that DLC first. But will join when free.

closed_account418d ago (Edited 418d ago )

Riders Republic is a ton of fun and one of the best things Ubisoft has done in recent years IMO.

The music and acting are obnoxious, which I just turn down... but it's so much just freeriding mountain bikes or other stuff across the mountains. I haven't played w friends, but I imagine it would be a ton of fun in MP. Very underrated game!

SlothLordPootus418d ago

I kept getting caught up in other games so I never got around to buying Doom Eternal. If it's good I'll still buy it so i can keep it. The reboot was awesome, i think i played through it about 5 times, and platinumed it.

closed_account417d ago

Same here, I've had Doom Eternal on my wishlist for a long time. I'm definitely jumping in considering the free PS5 upgrade they released.

Storm23417d ago

It is a lot of fun. First FPS in a while that has really grabbed me. And I love FPS games. C’mon Killzone/Resistance series remasters/remakes/sequels…anyt hing.

DefenderOfDoom2417d ago

I agree , Sony has not produced a single player FPS campaign in about 8 years. I already played DOOM Eternal which was awesome.

FallenAngel1984418d ago

A whole lotta Bethesda titles in this lineup

Sackboy also got included as well despite already being as Essential title

crazyCoconuts418d ago

Regarding sackboy, you're right... That's confusing. At least wait until it's not in essential, as it's impossible to have extra without essential.

Welshy418d ago (Edited 418d ago )

Damned if you do and damned if you don't with that one I think. When a former monthly free game goes into the subscription catalog at a later date it also gets criticism, so may as well just add it straight away for people who don't claim it going forward I guess.

Profchaos417d ago

Hopefully the claim on the game counts as a essentials claim so when the game leaves the catalogue it doesn't leave the players library.

I found a similar situation frustrating I played fallout 76 when it was introduced as a premium game a month or so later it was a essentials game and I could not repurchase it so I'll lose the game when it leaves the Library

crazyCoconuts418d ago

Spiderman is in the titles leaving Extra in May. Guess 1st party titles aren't guaranteed to stay

Welshy418d ago

That's just the way of subscription services in general, titles come and go, but I'm sure it'll be back. Maybe it's a Quantum Break deal where it's just a license refresh?

It's one of the reasons I fear a subscription/digital only future. I don't want the platforms telling me what I can and can't play at any given time and waiting of tenterhooks for games I actually want to be available.

closed_account418d ago

Oh boy, that's making me want to jump back into Returnal! Not that I'd mind buying the game, love it.

EvertonFC418d ago

Great Month, own most of them but looking fwd to trying monstor boy, nice sto have EW in my collection now and some wolfeinstein.

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Top 10 Best Shooters On Switch

Despite lacking Call of Duty, the Nintendo Switch has many great shooters to replace it. Here are some of the best shooters on Switch.

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RavenWolfx600d ago

Anyone else have a small but noticeable delay in aiming on Borderlands 2? Anytime I move the aiming reticle, there is maybe a quarter of a second (250ms) delay before it moves. Happens in both Handheld and Docked.

jznrpg43d ago

I haven’t bought one shooter for Switch. It’s just to weak to play them good enough. I really don’t play my Switch at all anymore. Going to sell them and wait for Switch 2.


Best Wolfenstein Games - All the Wolfenstein Games Ranked

BLG writes, "There can be only one best Wolfenstein game. Since the franchise’s debut in 1981, the Wolfenstein series has graced our gaming platforms for over forty years. It’s hard to believe, but it’s true! In honor of that legacy, we’re going to list some of the best Wolfenstein games and the worst. That’s right: it’s the Wolfenstein games ranked."

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RaidenBlack666d ago

Scheiße! Nein.
Return to Castle Wolfenstein is the best in the series. After that:
New Order
New Colossus
Old Blood

Harryvok665d ago

I really wish they'd remake Return to Castle Wolfenstein from the ground up. Easily the best of them all.

660d ago