
10 Halloween-Themed Games that Probably Won’t Give You Nightmares

HPP: "Join us as we take a look at 10 games to play to help you get into the Halloween spirit that are almost guaranteed to not give you nightmares!"

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derkasan2410d ago

I really enjoyed playing through Don't Starve.


Rating Each of the Vita's Localization Studios

VGChartz's Adam Cartwright: "What I aim to examine in this article is the output of each of the major localization companies, in terms of what they released, what they chose not to release (including when they localized titles for other platforms but skipped the Vita version), as well as some brief commentary on the quality of their translations, before providing an overall rating on their support (outstanding -> amazing – > good -> solid -> poor).

A large part of the reason I love Vita so much is thanks to its brilliant selection of Japanese games and that’s really what I want to celebrate here, but also lament some of the missed opportunities we had along the way."

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Top 20 PS Vita Games (20-11)

Alex S. from Link-Cable writes: "Well, it’s been a wild ride but it’s finally time to say goodbye. The PS Vita was released in early 2012 and, while it was beloved by many never really ended up finding its footing in the wider video game hardware market, moving a total of 16.1 million systems in its life. That being said, the little handheld that could deliver some pretty amazing gaming experiences, with everything from small indie games to massive AAA titles seeing representation on the platform. So as a sort of final goodbye to the system we’ve decided to look back at the life of the PS Vita and give our picks for the best games that ever came to the platform."

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2035d ago Replies(1)
O-D-C2034d ago

Happy I got my Vita late in its life - there's so much to play on it now.


Mary Skelter: Nightmares review - ChristCenteredGamer

Everyone is being held against their will in a strange living organism called the 'jail.' This existence is punctuated by nearly daily torture regiments where they are abused physically to within an inch of their life (but rarely killed), inflicted pain such that they scream and wail or, oddly enough, asked to lick the walls for hours on end. This seemingly endless abuse is done to satisfy the carnal desires of the jail - which seems to both enjoy and gain power from the suffering of its occupants. Marchens are the creatures that are native to the jail, and humans are their victims.

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BootHammer2060d ago

Sounds like a pretty crazy game, nice score.