
Sony: We won't drop PS3 price this Xmas

Despite one analyst calling for an immediate PlayStation price cut, Sony is refusing to lower its price of the PS3 any further this year.

Even though Microsoft's Xbox 360 is enjoying a surge in sales following price cuts last month and fears of global economic meltdown are already tightening purse strings ahead of this festive season, Sony is pinning its hopes on the strength of its software line-up to see it through.

"We aren't making any price moves this holiday season," SCEA's director of corporate communications, Patrick Seybold, stated today. "We have the best line up of any PlayStation generation going into this holiday and consumers will be very receptive to it," he added

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Yi-Long5770d ago

... but I think Microsoft has made a great move by the current price-drop. Many people have now went out and got themselfs a 360. I picked one up for 200 euro last week. Now Microsof is also coming out with BUNDLES, so there will again be people making the jump for 360.

PS3 is a good product, and it has and will have great games... but for people with kids who just wanna buy them a good gamesconsole with lots of great games on it, at the moment, they will go for the 360. It's less than half the price of a PS3, and comes with games.

The PS3 maybe isnt dropping their price, and I can understand why... but they do need to release a 'better deal', like a very good-quality bundle, or free online content/games, or a couple of BluRays, or SOMETHING.

Personally, I WILL pick up a PS3 before this Xmas. It's a good machine and it has good games. No doubt about that.

The point is that for the average Joe and Jane and their kids, the 360 is already a very very good and affordable deal, which many of them will go for, and I doubt many of them will buy BOTH consoles this fall/winter.

Sony has to do SOMETHING, if they wanna keep up.

shadowghost7525770d ago

There already are doing something to keep up, it is called Little Big Planet. A kid will want LBP over any 360 title this holiday

Nineball21125770d ago

You make some very good points... Bubbles for you.

I agree with what you posted.

The PS3 IS a great system but considering what the global economy is like at the moment, I'm not sure that fact alone or the great line up of games is going to overcome the issue with it's current price point.

I totally think that the PS3 is worth it's price, but like you said, your average Joe and Jane Doe will go for price first and consider the other factors secondly.

I think the state of the economy right now is going to favor Xbox this Christmas... And I'm a PS3 fan!

We'll see if Sony's plan works or if they'll have to lower the price on their system like MS has.

Mr_Bun5770d ago (Edited 5770d ago )

I think that Sony must have more than LBP (which is amazing) up their sleeve if they are this confident..."increasing multimedia features for the hardware"...not exactly sure what that means but apparently they aren't concerned over the increase in 360 sales.

Yi-Long5770d ago

I agree LBP IS a greatlooking and very promising title, and it will BE a systemseller. Ofcourse. However, will it make people who are looking to buy a console for a wide variety of games, really pick the twice as expensive PS3 over the 360 for it!?
I dont think that for families right now, buying 2 consoles is an option... and that for many families, a 360 will already be 'good enough'. Especially because most of the mainstream people dont really know (yet?) about LBP.

Ofcourse, for many 'gamers' like you and me, LBP is a HUGE title, and it will sell systems. Mainstream however...!? Maybe not yet, or maybe once the hype through word-to-mouth starts rolling. But by that time, they might already have bought themselfs a 360.

TheTwelve5770d ago

"We'll allow Microsoft to have their little party until Christmas. We fully realize that we will remain very competitive throughout this holiday season, because their pricecut is really no big deal, and that in 2009, it's completely game over. Have a nice day."


RealityCheck5770d ago

I agree with you, the PS3 is a great deal for people looking at everything like games and Blu-ray movies, but for parents\relatives looking to buy a console as gift, they will go with the cheaper good-enough 360.

Sony here is being a little stubborn and a little arrogant. I would expect based on this that the PS3 will remain in 3rd place for at least another year, will loose more exclusives, and the press will remind all of us of that every single week.

TheTwelve5770d ago

Nah. I'm not believing a thing until I see some numbers. That's the truth of the matter. Sony will do what is needed when needed and thus far, the numbers don't show urgency for Sony to do a thing.

And as somebody stated below, the Xbox 360 will still be around the same price as a PS3 if you actually want to play it to the system's potential.


Nineball21125770d ago

would be to offer a Little Big Planet console/gaming package.

They wouldn't be lowering the price of the PS3, but getting that game included with a console would be a big seller, I think.

morganfell5770d ago

You have a different definition of keeping up than Sony and I will take their definition. First of all you sound like you American centric about this matter. The PS3 is outselling the 360 worldwide. How is this not keeping up with Microsoft?

Second, no one but Sony knows when they reach the point where they are happy with the cost returns.

TheTwelve5770d ago

Exactly Morgan...these people act as if they have more insider information on the industry than Sony. What, you really think Sony isn't doing a price-cut due to PRIDE? This isn't highschool, people. This is grownups.


Yi-Long5770d ago

... I'm from Holland, which is in Europe, so I doubt I'm americancentric ;)

2nd of all, the more people own a 360 and are happy with it, the more developers will target their games at THAT audience for the coming years. That's pretty important, dont you think? Just thinka couple of steps into the future, and it just means that PS3 cant afford to really get behind too far.

360 is now also appealing to the mainstream consumers who last gen had a PS2, or perhaps an Xbox, and this gen first went for the Wii and are now left without any good games to play, so are looking for a new affordable next-gen machine. 360 IS that machine right now.

I dont doubt PS3 will also once again bring in a huge audience, but if they wont have a very good offer, it wont be this holiday-season. I predict next fall we will see the PS3 really getting popular with the mainstream audience, due to pricedrops for blueray, lots of games, and a lower price for the system itself.

But like I said, they do need to keep up or else the 360 will get more and more exclusives and developers will have the 360 as their main system, and just port everything over to the PS3, which isnt good news for Sony, or it's gamers.

juuken5770d ago

Define exclusives.

The 360 getting more and more exclusives? So...I assume that 1st party studios aren't making exclusives for the PS3?

You can argue that the parent would go for the 360 because of the cheap price, however there are still people out there who want better value for their money.

TheTwelve5770d ago

Yi-Long: When the 360 is able to consistently outsell the PS3, worldwide, besides just fresh off of a pricecut, then you'll see Sony do what they need to "keep up" as you suggest. I don't know why you think you know more about this than they do...lol.


Nathaniel_Drake5770d ago

Yeah I have to agree with Morganfell and TheTwelve, Sony is not dropping the price of the PS3 because well they don't have to, they have two other consoles on the market a last gen console and a handheld, which I don't know of the release date but is getting a hardware update. Microsoft in its gaming division is more pressured to drop the price because that's all they really have in their gaming division that defines them, Xbox 360.

Everyone always says software sells hardware and a lot of people were complaining about the PS3 not having the software in its first year to do that well folks here it is the software has cometh and what a line up. And like it or not but some unit sales this holiday season are going to come from blu-ray sales from Iron Man to that well known movie "The Dark Knight".

Now I don't know how the consumer will take this holiday season with the economy here the way it is, but we should all know that consumer buying is always a finicky appetite and doesn't always go with logic, ask Pachter about that.

Casual and hardcore software are being sold this holiday season from all consoles, but there is no way of knowing which side it will go, but do you really think Sony's sales are going to drop to where they would have to drop the price of the PS3, I just can't see that happening

Yi-Long5770d ago

"Yi-Long: When the 360 is able to consistently outsell the PS3, worldwide, besides just fresh off of a pricecut, then you'll see Sony do what they need to "keep up" as you suggest. I don't know why you think you know more about this than they do...lol"

Right now, the PS3 is selling well. You're right.

However, let's look at who's buying the PS3. Gamers? Sure. But there are also ALOT of people buying the system mainly for the BluRay player.
When you look at all this from the perspective of GAME-developers, they KNOW a big amount of the people owning the PS3 arent necessarilly also 'gamers'. Right!?

PS3 is selling as a great mediacenter with a BR-player inside. Fantastic! Great value for money! Love the machine, love the system!

But will those people buy a JRPG!? Or will they buy Far Cry 2? Or will they buy Afrika?

So what I'm trying to say, is that although PS3 is selling very well, you cant REALLy compare the sellingnumbers between the 2 systems as an indication of how well they are doing, FOR THE GAMING INDUSTRY! Cause alot of people arent buying the PS3 for games, but mainly as a great and cheap BR player and mediacenter.
Nothing wrong with that, but it's important to realize that difference, from a developer standpoint, and from the standpoint from Sony.

Sony doesnt NEED to lower the prices cause the system is still selling great. However, not necessarilly to GAMERS, which could be a problem in the long run, when we're talking about games and exclusives etc.

TheTwelve5770d ago

Nice, but now you're getting into the unproven. As I said, the only thing Sony will listen to and the only thing developers will listen to are the numbers.

Oh, and you think the Wii is being bought by GAMERS? Certainly not. However look how many exclusives they've stolen from Sony for that same reason.

Also, MGS4 proved to all sides involved that people bought the PS3 to play games.


morganfell5770d ago (Edited 5770d ago )

You are out of step with that porting to PS3 idea. It is becoming the other way around. Over the past 4-5 months that has been the biggest shift in console development. Sales, for a variety of reason including media, have made the PS3 a force with which developers and publishers now must reckon.

On top of that there a handful of experimenters looking to do certain things that require permissions MS refuses to grant.

But the big move has been more and more companies picking the PS3 as the lead dev platform and then porting to the 360 so your assessment is backwards in that regard.

Saying you can't compare the selling numbers between the two systems is tantamount to living in a dream world. Since the PS3 launch it has been outselling the 360 worldwide and gaining on the 360. Based on the way sales have been heading the 360 lead is now likely down in the 3 mil range and that is pretty sad for an entire year head start. With a big chunk of that lead being the Arcade system with no HDD and god knows how many of those lead numbers are RROD systems then is there even a lead at all? After all, look at the sales of EA and who they sat provides the majority of their revenue.

Gaming is mainstream now so trying to differentiate between a homeowner that bought the PS3 for a Bluray player and a gamer is acting as if that homeowner won't also buy games. Frankly that concept is a bit passe.

EDIT: I don't care how many friends houses you have been to. If you don't actually own a PS3 then discussing it's capabilities as a gaming device is like trying to pass off hearsay evidence in court.

Let's be correct here. 90% of the time what the developer wants to do doesn't mean squat. It's what the publisher wants that matters. There are exceptions but those exceptions are few and far between. Decisions are tied to the purse strings.

Yi-Long5770d ago

"Nice, but now you're getting into the unproven. As I said, the only thing Sony will listen to and the only thing developers will listen to are the numbers.

Oh, and you think the Wii is being bought by GAMERS? Certainly not. However look how many exclusives they've stolen from Sony for that same reason.

Also, MGS4 proved to all sides involved that people bought the PS3 to play games."

Nothing 'unproven' about it. It's a FACT that many people have bought the PS3 mostly because of the BR-player. Just read the CNET website or magazines or whatever.

Now, if both systems have a userbase of 1000 (example, obviously), and for 1 system 100% bought it to play games on, and the other system was bought by 90% to play games on, and by 10% to watch movies or use it as a mediacenter, which system do you think will be more interesting to develop for, from a GAMEDEVELOPER's point of view, wanting to sell as much games as possible!?

That's what's the issue here.

Also, you didnt understand my when I said the MAINSTREAM was buying Wii's last year. Those are not the 'gamers' like you and me (ofcourse, many 'gamers also bought a Wii, but it mostly sold to people with families as toy for the livingroom as opposed to selling to 'traditional gamers').

So now that the Wii has them nothing more to offer, and the mainstream does want an affordable console to enjoy games on... the next logical option would the the 360. Right!? Or do you think those people will now spend 400 euro on a PS3 instead? Some will, ofcourse... but most of them will see the cheap 360 as the best option.

And ofcourse MGS4 sold extremely well. Its one of the best games in history. Even I bought it, and I dont even have a PS3 yet (bought it cheap on holiday).

wallace10005770d ago

I agree that LBP will target a wide audience but if a little kid wants it for Christmas will an average family in a struggling economy spend the extra to get a PS3 over a Wii or 360?

morganfell5770d ago

Wallace, this is where MS has been fairly deceptive and Sony has done a poor job of not exposing all the associative costs of owning a 360 and then expecting to get a full gaming experience. Several of us have broken that issue down in the past with hard numbers.

When you examine the complete costs for the full experience, and face it - almost no one is buying an arcade in numbers and just sitting it at home and playing it with no HDD and a silver account. It may start out like that but for the most part it doesn't end up like that.

The Lazy One5770d ago (Edited 5770d ago )

Alright, so you tell me ONE (just one) thing that I will need to play games on my arcade system if I buy one of the new european arcade bundles.

Just one. That's all. Tell me a single thing that I will need not in the box to PLAY GAMES.

edit: at below. And you'd be wrong. you get a free month with every new 360, and neither game in any bundle requires xbox live to play 100% of the game, sooo... question remains.

edit 2: sure? why not? do I need xbox live to play every game? in fact, I'm fairly certain that you don't need it to play any game. Question stays. Name one thing not in the box that I need to play games.

Nineball21125770d ago (Edited 5770d ago )

Well, if you want to play 100% of the game you bought (which includes multiplayer on most games), you'll need to buy an Xbox Live Gold subscription.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think those come in the box.

Edit: at above... Sooo, technically, you would be correct for the games in the bundle, and for one month. But then what? You don't buy other games and you don't play online after one month? C'mon...

Ju5770d ago

@Yi-Long. Your arguing is mood. You say you are from Holland and you also repeatedly state that the PS3 is bought primarily as a BR player.

I don't know where you take this information from, except it is a year old argumentation and proven wrong so many times.

Especially in Europe, PS3 SW outsells 360 games constantly. The attach rate of games in the EU for the PS3 is higher then for the 360. It reached the install base for the 360 in almost half the time. I can hardly see, that these customers are primarily interested in BD movies - except they are that stupid and mix up a game with a movie.

Now, something else. I was really considering getting a 360. The price is really interesting. But then, I have a PS3 already and I did some calculations. BR was one of the factors I got another PS3, you are right. WiFi was the second argument. I have no wires upstairs in my bedroom. Well, and yes the bigger HDD was another reason, especially since I learned I can re-download content for both machine from PSN up to 5 times (local Wipeout tournament ?). BR alone would justify the purchase, the rest is really icing on the cake.

mikeslemonade5770d ago

Since Sony has been in the gaming industry they have never dropped price during the fall or spring. They are allowing Microsoft to be the guinea pig. When you know Sony has not dropped the price of the system in the fall or winter for 13 years are you really going to doubt Sony's judgement. They know there system will sell out so a price drop is pointless.

Yi-Long5770d ago

"@Yi-Long. Your arguing is mood. You say you are from Holland and you also repeatedly state that the PS3 is bought primarily as a BR player."

I never said that. Let alone repeatedly. I think you repeatedly misunderstood what I was saying.

I said MANY people have bought a PS3 mainly because of the BRplayer.

That does NOT mean that a majority of the PS3 owners bought the PS3 mainly for the BRplayer.

It means that 100% of the people who bought the 360, bought it for the games. Maybe 80-90% of the PS3 owners bought it for the games, and the remaining 10-20% (or more) bought it mainly as a great and cheap BR player.

That's exactly what I said, and I stick with that, as it's the truth, and you can look it up in magazines and websites like CNET or whatever. There are many people who are NOT gamers, but who HAVE bought a PS3. That's not negative towards PS3 or PS3 games, or PS3 owners. It's just a FACT.

Some people seem to be under the impression that I'm negative about the PS3. I'm not. It's a great machine, with great games, great specs, a great line-up, and it offers a great value for money. I've repeatedly said that.

HOWEVER, that doesnt mean that for the average Joe and Jane who are looking for a console this holiday-season, the PS3 will be their choice. Most of them will just go for the much cheaper 360. These people just want a console to play games with. 360 offers that much cheaper than Sony does.

And if Sony wants to keep up, they need to at least come up with a nice alternative. Doesnt HAVE to be a pricedrop, but at the very least a very good bundle would be adviseable.

Ju5770d ago

Sorry, I still disagree. The BR player only argument is simply outdated. And yes, you said, some people (and you quantify this with 10%+) bought it primarily as a BD player, arguing these people will buy less games. Make up your mind please. So, are these customers gamers or not? The BD player argument is outdated, since you can get cheaper players now for about $100 less. It is however still an argument to buy one, even for gamers.

I just underlined above, no matter how to turn it, games get sold on the PS3. Especially in Europe, where the install base is about on par, and you see PS3 SW outselling 360 SW (overall, and I'd say, in titles its about the same. GTA4 sold way more on PS3, but other titles sold more on 360).

As long as the 360 price cut does not lead to a significant run away success for MS, there's no reason for Sony to rush into anything. I doubt, within 6 month the numbers of installed machines will lead to extensive different perspective on the #SW sold.

6 month down the road is a different story. I expect Sony to drop the price - after they've introduced the 45nm and reduced costs even more. But what Sony can afford less is to loose money again this holiday season.

zethos565770d ago

You have a good point. Your average parent sees the cheaper console and buys it regardless of quality. People like that don't look up the exclusive games coming out in the next year or two.

Bubbles :).

DaTruth5770d ago

For those who do still have money, the HDTV's are gonna be on a Christmas fire sale and plenty of father's are gonna be looking to get a gift for the kids(the gift that gives back); A PS3 with LBP and Dark Knight will do the trick. I'll probably pick up another HDTV myself for the bedroom... Thinking a 50" 1080p whichever company has the best price to contrast ratio ah... ratio.

Blink_445770d ago

.."but for people with kids who just wanna buy them a good gamesconsole with lots of great games on it, at the moment, they will go for the 360. It's less than half the price of a PS3, and comes with games. "

Uhh im pretty sure kids will go for the Wii.

Yi-Long5770d ago (Edited 5770d ago )

What do you know about any sales for HDTV's, and from about which date can we expect them dropping in price!? Early november? Early december? I'm asking cause I'm at the verge of buying a 1080p plasma myself :) Thanks in advance.


No, those families bought a Wii last year. Now they're bored with it, and see the 360 as a good new alternative with a much better line-up and lots of great games already out.

morganfell5770d ago

DaTruth that is a very valid point. Two of my neighbors just bought replacement TVs because of the new standard that comes into effect in Feb of 2009. And guess what. When they did, both picked up PS3s to get the full measure of those HDTVs. I run a 52 XBR and there is nothing like it.

Since that guy was quoting cnet earlier:





Yi-Long, I get what you are saying man. I think Sony is doing something, but still, could go anyway.

I can see Sony not re-pricing PS3 this year as much as I can see they doing it (they wouldn't say if they are cutting the price like in one to two months away, people would just stop buying it and wait for the pricedrop).

The problem is, 360 IS on the so called magic price now. It don't have selled that much more for the magic price, but also we have to consider that no major game get launched 'till last numbers came up. 360 can and probably will make a major blow with Gears and this price.

Sony has the year advantage, I don't think MS can, on those 3 months alone, sell more 360s than Sony has sold PS3s. But, this don't mean they can't come on top of Xmas, which can potentially ruin PS3 momentum, and Sony would have to start all over again early 2009, at this pace, gaining ground just to loose a part of it on Xmas, Sony won't pass MS.

So, Sony better have an Ace on its sleeve, or they will have problems. I can see the line-up helping PS3 to hold momentum and been on par with 360 in US, even coming before 360 in EU and Japan, but I don't see Sony advertising enough to be so confident that their games can do it alone.

So, the way I see it, they'll star to ad the hell of Little Big Planet, Motorstorm, SOCOM, Resistance and the new bundle for the next months OR, when the new bundle hit, they put it up in the actual PS3 price and cut the price of the 80GB version in 50 or 100 USD.

wallace10005770d ago

I agree dude. I think the PS3 will always be a bit more expensive when compared to the 360 because it had more tech in it. That blu-ray drive costs more than the 360s dvd drive. So a higher price is ok because you get the bonus of a blu-ray drive for both games and movies. I think it is just going to be hard for families that are being affected by the economic slump so justify buying a "more expensive" system (i am referring to out of the box, bc when you add HDD and live you are getting on par). I could be wrong though, it has happened before :-P

+ Show (31) more repliesLast reply 5770d ago
wetowel5770d ago

Its not like they are gonna come out and tell you they are gonna drop the price of the ps3. If they did from now till the date the price drop comes into effect there will be no sales. The consumer will think why should I buy a ps3 now when I could just wait a few weeks and get it for cheaper. Not very smart from a business stand point.

Kleptic5770d ago

true...but my guess is they are right...numerous financial reports aimed at investors where what originally confirmed that the PS3's current price would remain throughout 2008...its when Sony reps are telling the media that they won't drop the price, and their predictions for shareholders show otherwise...that things don't add up...

either way...this confirms Sony losing the 2008 sales race to both MS and Nintendo in the US...and it will be close...again...world wide for the PS3 and 360...Sony built some great momentum earlier this year...but are squandering without question...

great lineup?...definitely...but Sony is overly optimistic about it...they are saying the software will sell the ps3's...but my guess is that the price point of the PS3 will hurt the sales of the software...basically opposite of what they are saying...

we'll see...wait till Sony gets ahold of Sept. NPD numbers...some last minute holiday season adjustments may be in order...

5770d ago Replies(6)
ceedubya95770d ago (Edited 5770d ago )

They are selling okay without a recent price drop up to this point, but who's to say that they won't be slaughtered by the end of the holiday season in sales? Maybe they will be okay. We really won't know until about the end of December or something.

If things take a turn for the worst for them, then we should expect a price drop by early next year.

Nineball21125770d ago

I used to think that too. But, the way things are going with the economy, there are going to be cutbacks this Christmas, I think.

Price is going to be a factor. I realize you really aren't comparing apples to apples between the lowest priced Xbox and a PS3 because of well-known reasons (ie. wi-fi, HDD, Blu-Ray player, etc.) but good ol' Mom and Dad probably won't realize that and even if they do, they might not care.


NipGrip5770d ago (Edited 5770d ago )

Yes, so let's do some math. The average person does *not* have their internet connection beside their TV. That means:

- XBOX 360 Arcade unit - $200
- Wireless adapter - $100

That's $300 right there. You get no Live Gold, No Harddrive, and No bluray player. The smartest, best investment to make is the PS3 $400 model with Bluray, wireless built in, and free online (no yearly or monthly fees). It's simply the smartest choice.

All of these people calling for a price drop.. Why don't you hitup MS for a price drop on their overly expensive peripherals and then we'll talk. Until then, you're just looking at the immediate upfront cost without taking long term costs into consideration. When you add the HD and the yearly Live fee to the Arcade unit, it's then *more* expensive than the PS3 and still without Bluray.

Price drops didn't help the GameCube against the PS2 and with a great lineup of true exclusives this holiday and into 2009, the PS3 will sell great at a $400 price point. May not outsell the 360, but for what Sony is trying to do and taking a minimal loss on each console sold, it will be just fine. Long term thinking. Not short term.

How many 360's are going to be returned after the holidays in January when parents realize the arcade unit can't be hooked up to the internet without a $100 adapter? Then little Johnny wants to play online right? Another $50 a year. $350.. Vs $400 for the PS3.. It's going to be more complicated than people are making it out to be. Upfront initial costs on the most basic model isn't able to measure up to even it's own Elite system in terms of the hardware. And people are just acting like the Arcade unit is a legitimate 360 console. It's so gimped, it's embarrassing!

The Lazy One5770d ago

how do you know where the average person has their router? I'm guessing the average person wouldn't mind moving it and using wireless for their PC, as the average user uses their internet for surfing the internet, not for gaming or downloading.

Also, why does the average user automatically need internet on their 360? I may as well say the average user is going to need to buy a car in order to drive to the store and buy blu-rays. That's like $2500! The PS3 is obviously more expensive.

NipGrip5770d ago

Because I know my parents, I know plenty of friends, and other parents (your average gamer, right, not hardcore) do not have their internet connection sitting by their TV. It's by their computer in another room. They enjoy Wireless connections from their laptops, their Wii, and yes, their PS3. It's stupid the 360 is trying to milk $100 from gamers instead of putting it in there, honestly.

And the having a car to drive to the store stuff.. Just keep that, it's ignorant at best. At least be honest about things without bringing up crappy analogies. The baseline 360 is gimped, no two ways around it. Your average parent won't know this. The PS3 is a better long term investment given you get everything and then some for $400.

When you compare the Arcade unit to the PS3, you're only fooling yourselves and unsuspecting buyers. There is no comparison really. Buyer beware. The entry cost may be lower, but the long term costs will put it above the PS3 and you still won't have a Bluray player for that fancy new HDTV this Xmas.

Ju5770d ago

I didn't pay anything for my (2nd) PS3. Got 18 month, no interest. If I wanted I can go ahead and pay $200 right now. And say I'd do the same with a 360 and add the rest over time it'll still be more expensive (HDD, WiFi, and Live for 2 years == $100, and still no BD).

The Lazy One5770d ago

when you compare an arcade unit to a PS3 you're only fooling YOURSELF. Why would someone that wants to game online and download things want an arcade console? The arcade console is designed just to be a gaming machine, and it does everything it promises to.

You can't tack on all those add ons when there are bundles for a much cheaper price.

You don't need a $100 adapter, you need a $30 wireless access point, and I can think of 4 houses of at least 4 people each that have their wireless routers in the family room so everyone can get to it. Don't consider yourself everyone.

Ju5770d ago (Edited 5770d ago )

OK, then say, we'll take the Pro, add the $50 live and the $35 for the access point (haven't found anything cheaper). So, what's the point now? We got $300+50+35 = $385, same price and still no BD player (ah, OK, you saved $15, and still 20GB less).

I mean at some point you need to stick to your argument. What now? Are we discussing the significant lower price or not? Because $385 ain't it.

W/e. The point I tried to make, is. If you only got $200 you can get what you want. No matter how much it really costs. The Arcade lours people into a spending the remaining $200 later. Just to realize, possibly within a year, you'd rather trade in the Arcade and get a Pro because you'd need that damn HDD to download (and in future) install your games onto something. I bet right here, that within those 18 month, you spend way more the $400 bucks. Note it down, ask your friends in a year from now and tell how much they'd spend in this period.

The Lazy One5770d ago

At the old price and still haven't spent that much. They bought 1 extra controller (maybe 2 now), and they're perfectly happy with their system. They have spent the $275 + $50 for the extra controller. DONE.

$325 for a fully functional game system for a 4 person family last year with no extra money spent on anything but games.

Ju5770d ago (Edited 5770d ago )

Well, yes, I can see your point. It didn't work for me, though, the additional costs (these add on costs) where one of the factors. I was very tempted to get one, but I know for myself, that I'd have to get live for my boys (and me) at some point, and as soon as you do, a WiFi will be required, and I would have guesses a HDD also, simply you'll get "exposed" to all what could be downloaded. But, sure, I am not saying I am the norm, especially because I do have another console already, and wouldn't be able to switch the machine if, for example one is used by the kids. But, eventually, for me the minor cost benefit wasn't worth it. Also, it is easier to make my wife happy if she can watch BDs at night, too. So, at the end, there was simply no cost benefit at all (wouldn't have bought another separate BD player). And anything else then the Arcade would have rendered the whole argumentation pointless anyway. On the very same time, I am sure that a lot of people also look beyond the "just" gaming argument. Simply because "just gaming" is damn expensive. It is way easier to argue spending money with a broader field of use.

The Lazy One5770d ago

Too many PS3 supporters just like to use usually unnecessary add ons to support the concept that the 360 is actually just as expensive, and it doesn't help that many of them take, quite literally, the most expensive route (ex. if you have a laptop you don't even need a wireless access point to use wireless live on 360, and it's $40 for 13 months now, not $60 for 12). In your case it might work that way, but everyone is not the same. A lot of people just want to play games as cheaply as possible, and the 360 delivers on that point.

Ju5770d ago (Edited 5770d ago )

I don't think that I am the only one thinking that way. For me "just a game console" is just too expensive if I can't use it for anything else. If the price would be solely the reason, the 360 would always have sold way way more. But even the latest price cut boosted 360 sales just moderately (I'd say), while it did not harm PS3 sales at all.

DaTruth5770d ago

Don't forget to add the shipping costs for RRODx3(three being the average).

jerethdagryphon5770d ago

my routers 15 inches from my ps3 and i stil go wireless

a lot of parents ive talked to at work and stuff say they prefer wireless internet with ther consoles because of there kids

kids trip pull wires and knock off things even when there inside a cabanet ive seen guy come in with his 360 cracked case and say kids pulled it of when fighting over controller

wireless = safer for colsoles own health

+ Show (12) more repliesLast reply 5770d ago
nycredude5770d ago

I went to gamestop the other day and saw a dude buying a 360 arcade for $200. However after the clerk explained to him he needs another controller, wifi, xbox live account and a couple of other things he ended up spending like $450 anyway before he walked out.

The reason i bring this up is because I too thought about buying the arcade but it seems to me it is only way to sucker people into getting the 360 and then they bleed you with the other stuff when you realize later that you need it. Ps3 on the other hand gives you everything you need up front at a really reasonable price.

People who complain about the price don't make any sense. Let's say the Ps3 doesn't do anything but play Bluray movies, you would still have one of the best and cheapest Bluray playing available. Come on! Where is the common sense?

juuken5770d ago

That's crazy.

The money he spent could have been towards a PS3 because it comes with everything attached. The Arcade is good for people who just want games, but what happens when they see their friends (their friends could have a 360 as well) with XBL, playing movies, among other things?

Sony should consider dropping the price but they're doing alright so far. I check Amazon once in a while and the PS3 is *still* selling.

wicked5770d ago (Edited 5770d ago )

May be he wanted to play Halo or GoW2 on live or if his mates had xboxs, a PS3 would be no good to him, so the cost does not come into it.

Yi-Long5770d ago

... I would never EVER buy an Arcade. It's just a rip-off cause you'll need so much extra stuff. However, many parents and people in the unknown, DO buy the thing. yeah that's stupid beyond belief, but I guess for Microsoft, it's working great(!)

Personally, I bought the Elite, as I already have the extra controllers, and I already have the games (won them in competitions, or bought them cheap, either online or in Hong Kong) plus a free year of live (came with Halo 3) etc, so for me, I only had to wait for a nice pricedrop for the Elite, and picked it up :)

But if I would have to buy everything 'new' now, the PS3 would seem like a very good deal. But again, that's something that 'we, in the know' know, but Joe and Jane Mainstream, they dont know.

It still sickens me to see what Microsoft is charging for some stuff, like the HDD's and the wireless LAN and memorycards and Live etc... :(

Sony however, isnt much better btw, when it comes to controllers: 60 euro for a DS3, whereas I bought 2 of them in Hong Kong, for 27 euro each(!)

Darkseider5770d ago

The example you give is the same example I have used time and time again. Yes the price of entry is $200 but after you throw in XBL, Wifi adapter and HD you are out $470. The $399 for the PS3 is at that point a bargain seeing that you can toss in a game and still come in lower. Unfortunately alot of people are saps and will fall for this and get suckered.

Blades085770d ago (Edited 5770d ago )

I think the clerk was trying to make some commission or something. The arcade comes with a wireless controller, you don't need wifi unless you don't have an ethernet port close by to use a RJ-45 cable, but to play games you do need xbox live for $40-50 a year. Now all this goes out the window if their are 2 people that will be playing at the same time (so you need 2 controllers) but then no console comes with 2 controllers standard and if he only has wifi then he will need to buy one, which is standard on the PS3 and Wii.

Also, Costco is selling a bluray stand alone player for $225 now and a Sony one is at $299. I believe Amazon is selling a Sony player for under $299. So the PS3 is not the cheapest player around anymore just for movies.

Edit: I mean to play multiplayer games online you need XBL for $40-50 a year. So if everything worked out right then the initial start cost is $350, if you don't game online it's $200. If you want to add everything in it will be about $450 with HD and wifi or more depending on what you want. I think the 60gb is the better value when it comes to 360's.

Nineball21125770d ago

that in the long run, you're paying the same amount of money to get the same gaming experience...

But, when funds are tight, people might be thinking that they'll get a gaming system NOW and then when more funds are available, they'll come back and buy the other accessories when they can...

Man, I gotta stop being so logical... I'm starting to be reasonable with my MS vs. Sony arguments. ;-)

ceedubya95770d ago

There is no excuse for that. Hopefully the extra controller, wifi, and those "other things" were really needed. Otherwise, that employee just seriously got over on them.

I only buy what I need. I don't have the wifi adaptor, and don't plan on getting it. Extra controller is a toss up, but if you needed another for someone else, you were going to pay for it anyway. If you're going to get all of that, why even bother getting an Arcade unite? Might as well get the Elite or Pro if you came to spend that much money. It completely defeats the purpose of getting the Arcade at that point in time. If I have 450 dollars to burn, I'm coming out with a 40 gig PS3 or a Pro 360.

Darkseider5770d ago

When you spend the money you still spend the money. In any case if you break down the cost of the Arcade + Wifi + HDD + XBL you are spending approx. 25% more for the end result. Not to mention IF, notice I said IF, you also want Blu-Ray movies that will be an additional $300 which would be approx. the cost of TWO PS3s. So to wrap it up, I still fail to see the issue with the price of a PS3.

NipGrip5770d ago

Once they can get the clueless into an Arcade unit, they will eventually (probably very quickly) make more money than the Elite costs on expensive add-ons alone.

It's Microsoft that needs a price drop. On their expensive hard drives and goofy wireless adapters. And make Live free.

Blades085770d ago (Edited 5770d ago )

What it really comes down is how you perceive value. Do you want everything a PS3 offers for $399 or do you want a 360 and what it offers for the 3 different price points. So I think a lot of the arguments are just opinions for that person on why you should buy or to justify a purchase. So it's a matter of what you value more that leads you to justify the cost. Once you pay it who cares just enjoy your system.

Yes, I think someone asked if gold membership comes with every 360, it comes with 1 month free when you type in the code- you can use that anytime.

Ju5770d ago

Just a small note. There's no 40GB PS3 any more. The 80GB costs $399 now.

And actually, that was another reason to get a second one. I can keep my 60Gig free of smaller DLC because I can use the bigger space for the try outs now. I was hesitating with the 40GB model way more.

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Microsoft once tried to nab LittleBigPlanet from Sony after a few drinks

It turns out that many moons ago, Microsoft once had its eye on the Sony published LittleBigPlanet series.

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XiNatsuDragnel78d ago

Microsoft had a good idea but fumbled it again.

Cacabunga77d ago (Edited 77d ago )

Project Spark idea was decent but they quickly gave up ..
LBP was wonderful

ApocalypseShadow78d ago

Microsoft in a nutshell. Always tried to poach Sony employees, games, 3rd party games and devices like the depth camera that was turned into Kinect but was running on PS2 before Xbox 360. Wouldn't be surprised they wanted LBP. Just like they worked behind the scenes pushing the MLB to bring Sony's baseball game to Xbox instead of making their own.

They didn't spend years trying to develop their own baseball game. They wanted Sony's game.

They're scum.

Zachmo18277d ago

Microsoft didn't force MLB on Xbox. MLB gave Sony 2 options either go multiplat or risk losing the license.

Rynxie76d ago

And why do you think MLB said that? I believe Ms approached MLB.

ApocalypseShadow76d ago (Edited 76d ago )

Totally ridiculous comment.

The only exclusivity Sony had was to their own creation of The Show. Microsoft could have paid the MLB for the license just like Sony did and made their own baseball game.

Microsoft instead, groomed MLB for years in trying to poach Sony's game and bring it to Xbox. They're worth 3 TRILLION dollars. You think that's not enough money to make their own baseball game? Don't be delusional.

Microsoft spun it like they always do and told the media that they had to trust Sony with their hardware. After they put Sony in that position of not having a choice. Either go multiplatform or stop making one of their successful games. That's a no win scenario.

And what did Microsoft do? They didn't try to sell the game to the Xbox community. They put it on game pass to hurt Sony. Pushing the idea of why buy games that are $70 when you can play them in their cheap service for $10. It was a dirty tactic.

You fell for the Kool aid drink Microsoft served you instead of spitting it out. Hope it tasted good because you were fooled by Phil and the gang.

76d ago
Hereandthere76d ago

Xbox executive Sara Bond has told Axios that Microsoft spent a number of years trying to get MLB The Show onto Xbox consoles. And when it finally succeeded in breaking off PlayStation’s long-held exclusivity, the company had to “trust” Sony with pre-release Xbox Series X/S consoles.

Bond revealed that MLB The Show “always came up” in conversations between Microsoft and the Major League Baseball organization. “We always said, ‘We love this game. It would be a huge opportunity to bring it to Xbox.'” she recalled. However, when Microsoft’s efforts materialized, it put the company in an awkward situation where it had to send in pre-release consoles to a rival company.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 76d ago
Notellin76d ago

"Microsoft instead, groomed MLB for years in trying to poach Sony's game and bring it to Xbox."

Take a nap, conspiracies are rotting your brain.

76d ago
Hereandthere76d ago

Xbox executive Sara Bond has told Axios that Microsoft spent a number of years trying to get MLB The Show onto Xbox consoles. And when it finally succeeded in breaking off PlayStation’s long-held exclusivity, the company had to “trust” Sony with pre-release Xbox Series X/S consoles.

ApocalypseShadow75d ago

Lying to yourself is unbecoming.

Article link tells you all you need to know in Sarah Bond's own words.

Hereandthere76d ago

They were too cheap/inept/lazy to develop their own mlb game, so they port begged for years and bribed the mlb to make the show multiplatform. Like i said many times, xbox brought nothing to the table their 24 years, ZERO.

ApocalypseShadow75d ago

At least you and others get it. Note drank the Kool aid and asked for seconds thinking it was refreshing.

Most don't even know how it all played out but it's there in black and white for all to see. Microsoft brought it up for years until the MLB forced Sony's hand. It was a win win for Microsoft. Kill one reason to buy a PlayStation or kill the game by dropping it in a cheap service to kill Sony's sales numbers on PlayStation.

OtterX77d ago

"However, Healey said Media Molecule wouldn't have felt right doing that, adding it would have been "morally corrupt"."

Major kudos to Media Molecule for being an upright studio with principles.

Cockney75d ago

They chose well, Sony gave them the backing to pursue their dreams with no restrictions even tho their games especially dreams have very niche appeal. Media molecule and Sony deserve respect for this in an age of risk averse publishing.

RNTody77d ago (Edited 77d ago )

Great, more stories like this please. Show the last of the zombies holding the line what we've been saying for years: Microsoft is anti competition, anti industry and has no interest in making games at all.

But hey, at least there's an Xbox Games Showcase to look forward to, right?

Inverno77d ago

Well considering SONY just killed the series, LBP would've been dead by now either way. Though MM probably wouldn't exist by now either, so I'm glad they stayed with SONY, hopefully they don't get shut down any time soon or ever honestly.

Inverno77d ago

They shut down the servers, that's millions of user created levels gone. That and dead are pretty much the same, it's also been years since 3 and they cancelled HUB soooo.

76d ago
fsfsxii76d ago

They shutdown the servers because no one was playing, no one in the community cared about the user created levels so why keep them up? Wtf you guys would never succeed in running a business.

Inverno76d ago

Yea dood no one was playing so they shut off the servers. Cause people with enough common sense can't just Google why they were actually shut of, right?

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Most Offensive Video Games That Would Never Cut It Today

Times are changing, and these games would have never been made in today's climate.

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thorstein130d ago (Edited 130d ago )

Every single time someone uses this phrase whether it's music, movies, books, comics, video games, etc it's always the same claim.

The ubiquitous "they" won't allow it to be made. And every decade these claims are made the claimant completely ignores all the "offensive" material that is published when the claim is made.

In ten years, you can write a new article about how you can't make games like Helldivers 2, Resident Evil VIII, Mortal Kombat I, Dragon's Dogma 2, Alan Wake 2 etc etc etc any more.

MrBaskerville129d ago

Yeah, people wouldn't be constantly outraged if there weren't games that people found enraging. The whole SBI discourse shit wouldn't be a thing if all games were inoffensive. A game like Starfield can make a guy froth at his mouth, so there will always be room for a list like this.

0hMyGandhi129d ago

Normally, I'd be inclined to agree with you, but there are massive caveats.
TV shows like Venture Bros, Ren and Stimpy, and Aqua Team wouldn't/couldn't be made today. Hell, Ren and Stimpy was a *children's* show, same thing with Rocko's Modern Life.

It's not for some arbitrary reason, either. It's branding and IP alignment. Companies are far more risk-averse than they were when I was kid in the 90's. Of course, you have companies coming out of the woodwork to hell spur on similar content, but remember: Cartoon Network and Nickelodeon and some incredibly provocative material.

And for movies? it's pretty obvious. American Pie/Wedding Crashers/Eurotrip among many other "raunch coms" have fallen out of style, and are absolutely outside what the modern day film industry is willing to stand by.
Ace Ventura 1 and 2, Dumb and Dumber, Freddy Got Fingered, Rat Race, Harold and Kumar, and Van Wilder follow suit.

Remember: I am not explicitly talking about films put onto streamers. I am talking wide-releases in actual theaters. Same thing goes for games: Carmageddon, Duke Nukem, Manhunt, Six Days In Fallujah (with their original concept), Hatred, and so on and so forth. Of course, I'd be inclined to mention most tactical shooters like Rainbow Six and Joint Ops as well, due to cultural sensitivity regarding *who* you are shooting and why.

And not all of it is bad (obviously). Tastes change, and perspectives change to fit the demographic.
I should add that I'm a lefty, living in L.A. Working in film.

thorstein129d ago

The Boys, Invincible, Jojo Rabbit, Deadpool, Gen V, Last of Us, Banshee... There are plenty of media being made today that people will claim "can't be made today".

Profchaos129d ago

Yeah but if you consider manhunt which was basically a snuff film could you seriously make that game with high than PS2 era graphics.

thorstein128d ago

The Outlast Trials just came out.

But the storyline of Manhunt was that you were executed. But then lived. And if you didn't do as you were told, you'd die. And the people you killed were not innocents.

It was all filmed by a psychopath.

As we speak GTA VI is being finished up for a release. You get to play a Bonnie and Clyde type of protagonist who run up against the law.

Bodycam looks so real.

People are making those games. Articles like this will always exist no matter how incorrect they are, no matter how many times they blame "them" for whatever it is "they" do to prevent "those" games from being made.

Number1TailzFan129d ago

The UK is the biggest junk country pandering to that nonsense as well, with laws against free speech and expression to match. It got so bad even Rowan Atkinson made a video on free speech about it.

Now the UK raises the age rating on harmless films like Mary Poppins, it's just a load of pansy weak ass nonsense.

MrDead129d ago (Edited 129d ago )

The right wing Tories have been in power in the UK for the 14 years you know the ones that are "anti-woke", blame them for your perceptions.

Killer2020UK129d ago (Edited 129d ago )

Are these snowflakes in the room with us now?

This is more faux outrage designed to get hits. The consequences are unfortunately creating hysteria amongst those willing to buy into it and blame "them" or "the left" or "liberals" meanwhile the left are kicking off about genocide, actual real world abhorrent acts. Nobody is campaigning to censor this shit.

Huey_My_D_Long129d ago

Not too mention the fact that some of these game are controversial for you know, underage porn and encouraging rape.

So either the guy just came in to comment snowflakes without reading anything, or he is calling people snowflakes for having a problem with said titles. Crazy how much brain rot someone can have.

banger88130d ago

Dead Island: "The early PC version of the zombie game swapped the playable character Purna’s Gender Wars skill with a prototype name, which shouldn’t be mentioned directly. The skill name made fun of both Purna as a character and feminists."

"Feminist Whore" lmao

gold_drake129d ago

ill add one more to the list.
drakengard 1.

its ridiculous tho, especially since they'd still be able to find their place in alot of places in the world. except america of course ha. and maybe Australia.

ppl are so sensitive these days. ha. but it is what it is.

Barlos129d ago (Edited 129d ago )

They're not offensive.

And we need another Fat Princess. Fantastic little game!

Some people just have no sense of humour if this sort of thing offends them. They need to lighten up and stop taking themselves so seriously.

Deeeeznuuuts129d ago

Would love a new fat princess game 🤟

CantThinkOfAUsername129d ago

Games literally about sexual assault, mass genocide, bombing civilians, and school shooting. None of which is satirical.

isarai129d ago

Actually it's about fat princesses

Huey_My_D_Long129d ago (Edited 129d ago )

Its crazy that people are fixated on Fat princess when clearly the list is going over controversies, and not all of them are equal. Like way worse examples but pretend the entire list is like that.

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The 7 Best Xbox 360 Games - Console Exclusives Win the Day

The Xbox 360 was a fantastic console in its day with some truly classic titles, but what are the seven best games for the console?

DrDoomer236d ago

I'm pretty used to these lists being bad, but this one is particularly s#ite.

raWfodog236d ago

I think Lost Odyssey and Blue Dragon should have been added to the list.

BrainSyphoned236d ago

I'll go with,
Lost Odyssey, Blue Dragon, Culdcept Saga, Shadow Complex, Ace Combat 6 with the flight stick,A Kingdom for Keflings, A World of Keflings.
Bonus Kinect Games: Happy Action Theater and Sesame Street.
*Skyrim was so bad on PS3 that it almost deserves to be #1*

Husker42c236d ago

I really loved Shadow Complex.

P_Bomb236d ago

Ah yes, Shadow Complex! Good indies back in the day. Summer of Arcade. I enjoyed Trials Evolution as well.

ChasterMies236d ago (Edited 236d ago )

Was this made by a.i.? No human being would put Shadowrun, Fable III, and Splinter Cell: Conviction into a list of the 7 best Xbox 360 games.

Abnor_Mal236d ago (Edited 236d ago )

Would love to play Ace Combat6 on PlayStation, but Xbox decided to buy exclusivity and keep it off a competing platform.

The only mainline game I never played except for one level at a friends place. Game sold less than any other in the series if I remember correctly.

darthv72235d ago

360 had Namco hitters AC6 and RR6... both quality titles. You should at least bust out the 360 for AC6 if you can score the flight stick. Its great.

Hofstaderman236d ago

When the current gen XBOX offering is so lacking people need to refer to games released two generations back....

Profchaos235d ago (Edited 235d ago )

It's a nostalgia peice same reason we get thousands of YouTube videos on sega genisis. Something people have fond memories for but the era is long gone.

It's xboxs golden year imo it was their genisis years the time where they stuck it to the market leaders Sony.

BehindTheRows235d ago

They stuck nothing. Sony screwed themselves giving Xbox an opening. They would have gotten the usual smack down if the PS3 had launched at $399 and was easier to develop for.

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