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Xbox One X 6TFLOPS GPU And 12GB Memory Hasn’t Been A Factor For Us Since We Started On PC – Dev

4K and HDR support for Deep Rock Galactic on Xbox One X also confirmed.

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gameseveryday2527d ago
Xerneas2527d ago

The power of the X is real. Nov 7 will be the biggest day of the year.

dcbronco2527d ago

The power is real. And it's spectacular.

bluefox7552527d ago (Edited 2527d ago )

IKR? Much power! Zero Compromise!!
From the article: "The game is a first-person-shooter, so we all know 60fps is desirable, but not something we can promise in 4K. We’ll see,” he added.

2527d ago
Thatguy-3102527d ago


Shhhh.. Dont spoil their appetite. Wake me up when they start offering games with the same graphic fidelity that challenge the competitor's exclusives.

Bigpappy2527d ago (Edited 2527d ago )

@seniyah. LOL. The excitement is not about the game. Who cares about the game? The excitement is about the developers once again, and for the 100th time, heaping praises on the X's power.

Do you see them doing that for the Pro or the switch? ...... NO.

It's an Xbox 1 X thing. You don't like it, then stop following the articles about it and crying over and over and over like a child.

dcbronco2527d ago

Seniyah, I don't care about this game. But it's not like Sony fanboys don't list every ten copy selling piece of crap released when they talk about exclusives. Games that lose money that developers had hope for before launch. You people are selling false hope.

eleora2527d ago (Edited 2527d ago )


False hope eh... well you keep telling yourself that while PS4 keeps outselling Xbox three to one and selling four times as much software.

babadivad2527d ago

Not many got your Seinfeld joke.

hamburgerhill2527d ago

@that guy

The enhanced Gears footage begs to differ and those exclusives you talk highly of would look much better on X1X as well. The Pro just can't touch the X and the developers at MS are wizards which is why I'm sure that soon your fantasy of nobody can be as good as Sony developers will soon fade away.

blackblades2527d ago

Sorry but you guys sound so ridiculous. It's all fine for ya to be happy and excited and all, but keep talking about the power and all getting old and you guys sound so ridiculous. Can't wait for it to come out just for ya to shut up about it.

TankCrossing2527d ago

@Thatguy Come Christmas you'll have Gears 4 and Battlefront 2 on Xbox One X standing as the pinnacle of console graphics. Whether they're great games or not is another matter, but they're visually outstanding.

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OffRoadKing2527d ago

That's true the DLC for Horizon Zero Dawn comes out that day.

Sm00thNinja2527d ago

Hopefully my budget allows me to enjoy both!

demonicale2527d ago Show
WilliamSheridan2527d ago

I loved HZD, I'd prefer that the story was complete and not need DLC to finish it. I get it, they are trying to create a franchise, but I felt zero closure at the end.

That being said, I don't consider DLC to be news worthy.

2527d ago Replies(1)
SynKakarrot2527d ago

another xbox article hit by hate, leave playstation to playstation articles

Godmars2902527d ago

Another comment that equates "reasonable questions and/or critique" to "hatin'".

And as much as you may hate the question, if the hardware isn't going to get any special attention, just be the bridge between the prior Xbox and PC, then what's going to be so special about it?

jmetalhead778122527d ago

Hate is the only reason I can see for someone to come in and read an article on something they have no interest in, and comment on it. Hate could be the only thing that would cause someone to do something so stupid. That makes no sense to me... none. It has a weird obsession feel to it. Kinda creepy.

Godmars2902527d ago

General consumer awareness in the face of blind brand loyalty. Kinect was rushed to market and forcibly implemented before it was ready. The XB1 launch polices would have heavily restricted use of the console. If only pro arguments and positive comments were only ever heard in regards to those incidents they'd have either gone into effect. Like with paying for XBL, for the longest PS owners complained before they knew that if successful, if not complained about, Sony would put it on the PS. And when that happened the Xbox camp gloated as if subscriptions had never been a thing.

In this specific case Xbox fans are only going on and on about how powerful the XBX is while ignoring that the only games to likely use that power will be available elsewhere. Based on the just as unlikelihood that that power wont translate into sales much less specific games for the system, the same fanatical fans who have been circle jerking in articles like these go elsewhere, they're going to bitch and moan about their system not selling dismissing that people told them why it wouldn't sell well before.

OffRoadKing2526d ago

Yeah we'll all pretend its one sided if it makes you feel better.

Bismarn2527d ago

I move to ban gamingbolt. I'm tired of reading about loser indie devs pretending to have relevant and informed opinions about hardware.

ElementX2527d ago

While they do interview unknown developers, you have to give them credit for actually doing interviews. Many gaming sites just rehash news they get from other sources

Vames2527d ago (Edited 2527d ago )

A developer who has experience developing for a particular hardware is unable to give "relevant and informed opinions." Let me guess, you're able to do a better job?

It doesn't matter if you're a small or big developer. From the moment you have experience making games for PC and consoles, your opinion matters.

The attack on indie developers on this site is damning and stupid. The whole thing is based on console favoritism and feelings.

zerocarnage2527d ago

To true, it's the same bunch of fanboys all 60-140 of them doing the same boring and pathetic fanboy hating circles they have been going around in constantly.

rainslacker2526d ago (Edited 2526d ago )

The problem I have with some of these small developers is they don't utilize the tools available in the same way that bigger developers do. They don't have the manpower or the resources to do so. This makes their actual opinion on the hardware differences completely irrelevant, because they aren't spending that much time actually using the hardware available to them.

Them being a PC dev is actually not a good way to promote the Xbox if one understands how games are being made on PC. Even with the more recent DX and Vulkan implementations of more assembly, PC only devs typically do not spend as much time coding and optimizing the hardware they're now praising which is closed and requires more specific hardware optimizations to show off the power.

Their experience on PC doesn't directly relate to being able to take their opinion on the advantages of the hardware on the console itself, because they don't code their games for such things. They have a cursory outlook on what the extra power brings as I will now demonstrate.

When i read what this dev says, all I can see is that it was easy for them to port their game, because their game isn't that technically advance, and they could simply brute force their way into a better experience. While it's good it's easy on the dev, it's not exactly taking advantage of the hardware when they are not likely spending as much time on the hardware optimizations. Will it mean their game will look bad or perform worse on the X1X? not at all. but it doesn't mean that they are really taking advantage of the hardware, simply using the extra power to release what most would call a lazy port. It means that they aren't going to get the best results out of the hardware, because they are highly unlikely to be using the tools available, or spending resources on low level code to actually do so.

TheColbertinator2527d ago

So? Good to hear from these developers since they gain valuable experience developing on Pro and the X. Their talent is then scooped up when bigger development teams want people with their experience.

TankCrossing2527d ago

I agree that Gamingbolt should be banned, but I think you are being a bit harsh on the indie devs in question. Their interviews and opinions are not the problem, the problem is the way gamingbolt exploit them and fish for controversy.

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deadwiseman852527d ago

I guess people are never happy just to play great games regardless of which console you play on. In my opinion why would you care how powerful a console is if it's got very few good games to play. I suppose it make people feel better to have the most powerful console so they can brag about it because they are so insecure.

zerocarnage2527d ago

Yet the people who are constantly going on about exclusives since Scorpio announcement were doing just that, bragging about power ps4 had over Xbox one. Not any of you were talking the exclusives rubbish until Scorpio announcement yet you bunch of morons need to do a little digging and see the circles you ps4 fanboys and ms haters keep going around this gen.

In fact you set a new record this gen for being absoloute tits feeling the need to jump into every Xbox thread and throw stupid ridiculous comments about that don't half show how really a bunch of hypocrites your being.

The Xbox one has a massive library of games, your comment is flawed, do you know how many games have been released this gen??? Find out how many third party's alone there have been on consoles and then find out the total number of exclusives which is a small fraction of those third party's and most firsts don't even make it big like thirds anyway.

I don't know but I don't buy a console because of exclusives, the fact a console has a library of games that appeals to me is enough and there are plenty for me to not even think about exclusives at all, enough for me to just game on and get lost in.

asmith23062527d ago

"your comment is flawed" - I hate when people use pretentious language like this. Anyways, his comment was correct. The Xbox does have a massive library of games and exclusives, but it's exclusives are lacking in quality vs the competition. That's the issue here. If you don't see that you're daft.

So the OP is correct. Would you rather play less quality games albeit with slightly better graphics (to most peoples eyes) or better games with slightly worse graphics (to few peoples eyes). I'll leave that decision to you.

Gh05t2527d ago


"I hate when people use pretentious language like this."

then says "If you don't see that you're daft. "

Nailed it buddy. *Golf clap*

What if I dont find those "Better games" more fun? I would rather play the games I like and find fun and for me, the majority of those games are multiplats. I would rather play those in the best visuals possible for the budget I have, and with the friends I have. I cant even count how many games I buy on console solely because my friends dont have the resources to build a nice gaming PC but I have the resources to buy an Xbox One X so I will do that and we can still play together.

Not every scenario is Black/White like you seem to think. There are multiple variables that you seem to want to overlook.

deadwiseman852527d ago

I don't really care that you or other people are butt hurt. I don't care for fan boy's. I just like to play great games on any console. I don't hate microsoft or sony, they both ore not immune to criticism.

NatFanBoyRestricted2527d ago

Xbox had more exclusives first, true mid gen upgrade first.

deadwiseman852527d ago

So it's the console that matters, not how good the games are?

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Nintendo To Go In 'Different Direction' To Current AI Trends, Says Miyamoto

Music to our ears.

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Jin_Sakai18h ago

“There is a lot of talk about A.I., for example. When that happens, everyone starts to go in the same direction, but that is where Nintendo would rather go in a different direction."

Good on Nintendo for not chasing the next big thing.

Aussiesummer13h ago

Well nintendo has always been about innovation so I'm not surprised.

KyRo11h ago

Always? I feel the last time off the top of my head that they were innovative was the 3DS/Wii era. They are very successful at what they do but I wouldn't say they are as innovative as they used to be.

Venoxn4g11h ago

Well, in my opinion they have popularised hybrid console which is the Switch

KyRo10h ago(Edited 10h ago)

Your opinion is correct. There's no denying Nintendo's influence on the handheld market that's paved the way for the ROG, Steam Deck, MSI Claw etc but apart from the dock to get a small jump in power, it wasn't really revolutionary, even back when it launched. It was a more refined concept of the Wii U which again wasn't new or groundbreaking back then either.

Aussiesummer2h ago

What the switch wasn't innovative? Cmon.

badz14913h ago

LOL simply because they don't want to invest in it and stick to their outdated approach. See the next pokemon game on Switch 2 will look like something that should come out during the PS3 gen

Profchaos11h ago(Edited 11h ago)

So a custom art style vs GTA trilogy style mistakes through their games

I'll take the art style thanks

WolfSeed13h ago(Edited 13h ago)

Translation: We'll wait until it's cheaper.

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Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 Interview – Community Developers, Flight Planning Tools, and More

Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 is turning final, and one interesting element about it is that developers from the community were involved.

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Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 Interview - Career Mode, Photo Mode, & Walkarounds

Simulation Daily Interviews Asobo Studio COO David Dedeine about Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 and its new features.

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